The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Réchauffement climatique : Les plus fortes chutes de neige depuis 145 ans d'observation : « Des chutes de neige sans précédent se poursuivent à Moscou. Le record quotidien de toute l'histoire des observations dans la capitale a déjà été battu - le 3 décembre n'a jamais été aussi enneigé. Dans le même temps, la vengeance s'est poursuivie toute la nuit. Le vent s'est levé et une alerte météorologique de niveau trois a été déclarée dans la ville. Il y a de la glace et des congères sur les routes, et de nombreux accidents sont signalés. Plus de 70 vols ont été annulés dans les aéroports. Dans les prochains jours, le cyclone Oliver quittera la région de la capitale et sera remplacé par une forte vague de froid. Les températures commenceront à baisser et atteindront moins 19 degrés d’ici vendredi.
Global warming: The heaviest snowfall in 145 years of observation: “Unprecedented snowfall continues in Moscow. The daily record in the entire history of observations in the capital has already been broken - December 3 has never been so snowy. At the same time, the revenge continued all night. The wind picked up and a level three weather alert was declared in the city. There is ice and snowdrifts on the roads, and many accidents are reported. More than 70 flights have been canceled at airports. In the coming days, Cyclone Oliver will leave the capital region and be replaced by a strong cold snap. Temperatures will start to drop and reach minus 19 degrees by Friday.
I love the plane trying to take off but old man winter came early and pinched its tail, but of course it not "that" funny. There was so much snow that collected on the ass end of the plane that it tip it backwards. (still funny)

After the tweets, I posted a zerohedge article that has more videos and commentary on Europe's plunge into the cold while the grand Poobahs are all talking about "warming".


Glacial Heat

Swathes of Siberia freeze in temperatures below -58 Celsius ❄️

Arctic weather enfolded swathes of Russia on Tuesday, with temperatures in the wilds of Siberia falling to minus 58 degrees Celsius (minus 72 degrees Fahrenheit).

Yakutsk, one of the world's coldest cities which lies some 5,000 km (3,100 miles) east of Moscow, was covered in freezing clouds and fog, drone footage showed.
"I specially came here to Yakutsk to experience such weather - so I am lucky as in December you don't usually get it," said Danila, whose beard, hat and scarf were caked in ice.
"I am actually not that cold as I prepared properly," he said. "If I had not got the right clothes, I would be frozen in minutes."
He said that the extreme temperatures made his coat much stiffer, while his phone lost charge within minutes. Two pairs of gloves were essential, as well as layers of clothes.

Temperatures in parts of the Sakha Republic, a vast region a little smaller than India that is located in the northeastern part of Siberia, went below minus 55 overnight. In Oymyakon, a settlement in Sakha, the temperature was minus 58 C on Tuesday. Weather forecasters said that would feel like minus 63 C given the humidity and wind.

At the market in Yakutsk, fish were sold deep frozen, packed in dozens of boxes at the market. No freezer was needed. The saleswomen were muffled in large fur hats.
"It is cold," said one resident, Pyotr. "You need to just have the right quality clothes and then everything will be okay. The main thing is to keep moving so your blood circulates."

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Réchauffement climatique : Là où en Russie il fait le plus froid - des gelées de près de 60 degrés sont arrivées à Oymyakon : « Le matin, la température la plus basse de Yakoutie y a été enregistrée - moins 56 degrés. Le pôle du froid mondial a une fois de plus confirmé son statut. Dans plus de dix localités, la température est tombée en dessous de moins 50°.
Global warming: Where in Russia it is the coldest - frosts of almost 60 degrees came to Oymyakon: “In the morning the lowest temperature in Yakutia was recorded there - minus 56 degrees. The global cold pole has once again confirmed its status. In more than ten localities, the temperature fell below minus 50°.
A top polar scientist interviewed by the Russian Academy of Sciences says we need to prepare for serious global cooling, to begin by 2030-2035. Cites studies of Lake Baikal and historic climate epochs.

If you want to read the rest the link is right here: Opinion & Reviews - Wall Street Journal

Amusing enough, when i googled the author's name i got this:

And then wikipedia:

and then i found this:

Personally i think climate change is definately a measurable and evident phenomena. In my 23 years on earth i've definately noticed the weather acting strange in the last 5 or so. Where i live, in the northeast US, it's been expressed as milder winters, with hot days popping up in oct/nov march/april intersperced with cold snaps in the same period. So we'll have a hot week and then a cold week, and the temp diff can be up to 30 degrees. This didn't happen when i was younger, we used to have a slow transition from one season to the next, none of this bouncing back and forth business. Throw in tsunami causing earthquakes (or just increased incidence of earthquakes in general) and nasty hurricanes/tornado's and i think one has a pretty strong argument that the climate is changing and it's most likely man-made.

I'm not a weather expert, just a kid with a gut feeling and an open mind.
Climate is certainly changing. It's rarely static. What is considered natural Earth Changes and what is deemed outside of that scope is the biggest topic for discussion. One that you will not hear in an university, MSM article or from the Gov. Pure fearporn regarding a trace gas that is critical to all life on Earth

❄️Ottawa records longest consecutive snowfall on record ❄️

It hasn't stopped snowing in Ottawa for over two days.
Ottawa Weather Records(opens in a new tab) says the city recorded its 59th hour of snow at 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning, making it the longest consecutive snowfall in Ottawa's history.

Conditions were partly cloudy at 9 a.m., breaking the snow record by one hour, according to Ottawa Weather Records. Environment Canada(opens in a new tab) meteorologist Geoff Coulson confirmed the snow began around 9:40 p.m. on Sunday evening and stopped at 8:23 a.m. on Wednesday morning, with a total snowfall time of 58 hours and 53 minutes.
The last record was set in 1959 when flakes fell for 58 hours between Dec. 28 and Dec. 31 of that year.

Longest continuous snowstorm ever recorded in #Ottawa. After 59 consecutive hours of snowfall, the weather was "Partly Cloudy" today at 9am. We broke the all-time record by 1 hour.#OttNews #OttWeather #ONWx
— Ottawa Weather Records🌤 (@YOW_Weather)
December 6, 2023

A cold and snowy Thursday is in the forecast for the city of Ottawa, but relief is on the way this weekend from the bone-chilling temperatures.

Recently, I was thinking about the significance of the title of this thread "The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!"
The archaic/poetic form (cometh) makes me think of "comet" as in.... comets bringing on the Ice Age! ☄️❄️
We often hear how comets smash into big celestial objects, not the other way around. Comets "come" to you!
Apparently, comets are also called "dirty snowballs" due to their composition (rocks and ice!).
Hmm... many, many "buried" meanings! 🤔
Celle-ci mérite d'être partagée par tous ! Uniquement pour démontrer qu'ils ne savent RIEN, et que le CO2 est une vaste SUPERCHERIE qui ne leur sert qu'à nous contrôler et à empocher des milliards.
Il n'y aucun consensus sur le réchauffement climatique comme ils adorent vous le faire croire.
La tendance pour de nombreux scientifiques honnêtes est hélas pour nous, que nous nous dirigeons vers un nouvel petit âge glaciaire comme celui du Moyen-Age.
Le cycle du Soleil après avoir été à son plus haut, se dirige vers son plus bas. Et il n'a que faire du taux de CO2 dans l'atmosphère qui ne représente que 0,04% de celle-ci ! Ils manipulent, ils mentent, ils truquent.
This one deserves to be shared by everyone! Only to demonstrate that they know NOTHING, and that CO2 is a vast TRICK which only serves them to control us and pocket billions.There is no consensus on global warming as they love to make you believe.The trend for many honest scientists is, unfortunately for us, that we are heading towards a new Little Ice Age like that of the Middle Ages.The cycle of the Sun after being at its highest, is heading towards its lowest. And he doesn't care about the CO2 level in the atmosphere which only represents 0.04% of it! They manipulate, they lie, they fake.
Alors comment manipulent-ils à propos du consensus scientifique sur le réchauffement lié à l'augmentation des 0,04% de CO2 présent dans l'atmosphère ?
Tout simplement en utilisant les MÊMES MÉTHODES que pour les traitements sur le Covid. Ils trichent, comme l'étude publiée sur le Lancet ayant arrêté le traitement sur l'HCQ, rétractée en 4 jours, mais les auteurs jamais poursuivis. Ou en ne publiant pas les études qui démontrent l'inverse.
Tout est expliqué dans cet article très bien fait, que vous pouvez traduire en français.
N'oubliez jamais ce qui est arrivé aux médecins qui ont traités le petit covid, ils ont perdu leur job, ils sont au chômage ! La même chose arrive à un scientifique qui publie une étude démontrant que le CO2 humain n'a rien à voir avec le réchauffement climatique.
So how do they manipulate the scientific consensus on warming linked to the increase in 0.04% CO2 present in the atmosphere?Quite simply by using the SAME METHODS as for Covid treatments. They cheat, like the study published in the Lancet having stopped treatment on HCQ, retracted in 4 days, but the authors never prosecuted. Or by not publishing studies that show the opposite.Everything is explained in this very well-written article, which you can translate into French.Never forget what happened to the doctors who treated the little covid, they lost their jobs, they are unemployed! The same thing happens to a scientist who publishes a study showing that human CO2 has nothing to do with global warming.
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La Mongie start of hostilities this evening 50cm expected tonight @hugo2po

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Heavy snowfall in #Uttarakhand , India.In recent hours, snowfall has increased in the region and temperatures are very low, forcing access roads to several communities to be closed.

Polar Heat


Several regions of Guatemala, especially in the western zone, experienced the lowest minimum temperatures in the last four years for the month of December. Vehicles skid on the Interamerican highway, despite the fact that the police removed the ice.

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The sharp drop in temperatures, which have even reached values below 0°C in the western regions of the country, has caused Guatemalans to experience a colder period during this season.
What is the explanation behind this sudden change that marked the cold sensation?
The answer lies in a series of meteorological factors and a high pressure system that, combined, have triggered this climatic phenomenon.
Everything starts at the North Pole, explains Jorge Chinchilla, forecaster of the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh). A mass of cold air that detached from its icy environment begins to be transported by a high pressure system to regions further south, following a downward trajectory that first crosses other countries such as the United States and Mexico until it reaches Guatemala.
Chinchilla explains that both this cold air mass and the characteristics of the high pressure system combined, are fundamental to understand the reasons why the cold sensation has persisted in these days. Specifically, the expert highlights the high speed of wind gusts and the absence of humidity. He added that these systems are characterized because the air they transport descends from higher altitudes towards the earth's surface.
This high pressure system caused the air to descend, reduced humidity and also dispersed the clouds, resulting in a dry and cold environment. But it also introduced the polar air mass into the atmosphere, creating conditions conducive to the formation of meteorological frosts due to sub-zero temperatures.

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Fresh blanket of snow forecast in half a dozen states
Published Dec 23, 2023 6:17 AM HST | Updated Dec 23, 2023 10:29 AM HST Video
A blossoming storm in the central U.S. is set to deliver some wintry weather in the coming days. For some, the snow will fall just in time for Christmas. But, AccuWeather forecasters warn that some locations may instead have the snow disrupting holiday travel in the final week of December.

The same storm that produced heavy, flooding rain across Southern California in recent days will collide with some cold, Canadian air, to bring a fresh helping of snow to the central U.S. this weekend into early next week.

"This storm will come just in time to bring a White Christmas for some in the Rockies and Plains," AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Tyler Roys said of the storm's timing.


While snow lovers may enjoy the picturesque landscapes come Christmas morning, the timing of the snow is not ideal for travel across the region through Christmas Day.

Snow first began in Utah, Idaho, and western Wyoming on Saturday morning, with snow showers expected to fill in across the region through the weekend. The steadier snow across Nebraska and the Dakotas is set to begin early Sunday morning and continue through Sunday night.

In total, widespread snow amounts of 1-3 inches are expected from western New Mexico and the higher terrain of central Utah to North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota through the weekend. However, snow totals of over 1 foot are possible in the mountains of Colorado.

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Snow amounts in the Denver area could vary greatly depending on the location. Northeast of the city may only see 1-2 inches, while southwest of downtown could see 6 or more inches. As such, among the airports in the region that can be impacted by the storm, Denver International will be the most susceptible to flight delays and cancellations.

"Travel along portions of Interstate 70, as well as Interstate 25 through the Palmer Divide, could be difficult for a time this weekend," Roys warned for motorists hitting the road the weekend before Christmas.

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On Christmas Day, snow will be winding down in the Rockies. However, the storm is set to strengthen in the Midwest, bringing another swath of snow from Monday into Tuesday.

"While the snow in this zone will come too late for it to be a White Christmas technically, it could certainly add to the wintry feel through midweek for any holiday activities," Roys explained.

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Once again, the storm will produce widespread snow amounts of 1-3 inches, this time from northern Kansas to central Minnesota. The steadiest and heaviest snow is likely just to the west of the Interstate 29 corridor in Nebraska and South Dakota, where the AccuWeather Local StormMax™ of 18 inches is most likely.

Gusty winds, especially as the storm strengthens Christmas Day and Christmas night, may also contribute to difficult travel. In this zone, several inches of snow could fall in just a few hours; combined with the gusting winds, there could be reduced visibility and whiteout conditions. A quick burst of snow could also make roadways slippery.

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In the final days of December and 2023, the Rockies may see another swipe of snow, but most of the Plains look dry and chilly going into New Year's weekend.

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Are you dreaming of a #Noël white this year? Contrary to popular belief, #neige during these holidays is not as common as one might think. For example, in Strasbourg, there have only been 12 white Christmases since 1936, the last dating back to 2010.

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A man looks on a greenhous that was destroyed
© Yonhap
A man looks on a greenhouse that was destroyed by a snowstorm in Gunsan, North Jeolla Province, Friday.

As winter tightens its grip across the globe, South Korea has found itself in the throes of its most intense cold wave of the season. On December 22, 2023, the nation was plunged into a deep freeze, with temperatures plummeting to perilous lows and snow blanketing the landscape in a scene as disruptive as it was picturesque. The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) recorded some of the season's harshest conditions, with mercury levels dropping below minus 20 degrees Celsius in areas of Gangwon Province and the nation's capital, Seoul, witnessing a chilling minus 14.7 degrees Celsius.

In an extraordinary turn of events, the frigid weather forced Jeju International Airport to suspend runway operations for over seven hours, leaving thousands of travelers in limbo as 286 flights were canceled. The heavy snowfall, which reached more than 30 centimeters on Jeju Island and up to 60 centimeters in western coastal regions, created an almost standstill condition, affecting daily life and mobility significantly.

The toll of the cold snap was not limited to air travel alone. Over 200 incidents of frozen and broken water meters, collapsed livestock sheds and greenhouses, and disruptions to passenger ship operations and national park access were reported. On the ground, the snow and ice precipitated a slew of traffic accidents, stranded vehicles, and injuries due to falls, casting a long shadow over public safety and transportation.
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