The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

I have a question. C mentioned 1000 yrs of transition, is that the length of the mini ice age? That is quite long most people will either died or migrate to tropic. Not enough land for agriculture or city building (you still need to save space for nature/forest to sustain civ). Not to mentioned lack of rain (Cooler weather in general), increased salinity in the ocean, due to water pilling up as snow. Basically low on everything needed to sustain civilization, natural resources, food, space or infrastructure.

If I am not mistaken, the 1000-year period is meant to start with transition to 4D and will be the time when souls are supposed to refine their affinity either towards 4D STS or STO. Once you get to 4D, the ice age won't be so much of an issue as you can surely imagine because our dependence on material, 3D stuff will be greatly reduced, possibly entirely eliminated. The hard part is to make it from 3D alive. It's good to have some means (stock, tools, knowledge, skills) to survive the changing times but what we really need is to keep our knowledge & awareness growing, networking with other soulmates, fine tuning of our body machine and thus raising FRV in order to have a chance of making it to the new world of 4D reality. When you focus purely on surviving ice age in 3D and you get 'lucky enough' to survive then you are doomed. Whoever remains on the 3D planet after whatever wicked things come our way, will not be really overjoyed. It will be a dead timeline branch, OSIT.
The Greenlandic ice sheet 2019-2020
The amount of melt for the season September 2019 to September 2020 on the Greenlandic ice sheet is becoming clear. Here are some screen pictures taken from the Twitter account of The blue areas mark increase and the red areas a decrease. I don't know exactly what the reason is that on the west coast they report increases near the coast while further inland there has been very much melt. Anyway, Greenland did not disappear this season either, even though they published a study saying that the ice in Greenland melts much quicker than expected. I will get to that, but for now:
The Tweet is in English, but the images are with Danish text. I hope you get the picture regardless of the language.
If one takes the difference between where they say we are now, and where we were at the beginning of the melting season in June, the ruler when used by Polar Portal says it is slightly more:
The above study refers to a study published in Nature.

While the melt this year was not extraordinary, as if just in time, DMI wrote yesterday:
The rapidly melting from Greenland and Antarctica means that ice is now the main cause of rising world oceans. New research from the National Center for Climate Research and the University of Leeds puts the figure at: 1.8 cm since the 1990s, solely due to melting.

Greenland and Antarctica are losing ice at surprising speed.

Since water level rises began to be measured in the 1990s, the melting from Antarctica has yielded 7.2 mm in water level rises, while Greenland has contributed 10.6 mm. This must be combined with the thermal expansion of the sea when the temperature rises, and the latest measurements show that the world's oceans are now rising by 4 mm per year.

"We knew very well that the melting of ice would accelerate, but it is going somewhat faster than we expected. Reality almost overtakes the climate models we have used so far to calculate melting, ”says Ruth Mottram, climate researcher at the National Center for Climate Research at DMI.

The results have just been published in the acclaimed journal Nature Climate Change.

IPCC's highest scenario

The study compares observations of the retreat of glaciers with calculations of melting from climate models for Antarctica and Greenland.

Here you can see that the meltdown follows the highest scenario in the IPCC's latest major climate report, even though CO2 emissions are slightly below that scenario (Read the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report). [...]

The link to the mentioned journal is Nature Climate Change which has a focus on Climate Change. On the latest issue there was this image:
With headline and studies like this, we know what to expect, although looking at the words above, I wondered if not some of the COVID19 measures have had just these effects, "compelling the movement of ... populations across the planet. And it impacts international trade and risk of hunger." How is that for coincidence?
Before drifting further into the political science of climate change, or is it the science of political climate change, I will tie up this post in a few words: "The ice sheet in Greenland 🇬🇱 is still there, ❄☃ :-) The melt this year began at the average time, and the amount of melt was average."
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Before drifting further into the political science of climate change, or is it the science of political climate change, I will tie up this post in a few words: "The ice sheet in Greenland 🇬🇱 is still there, ❄☃ :-) The melt this year began at the average time, and the amount of melt was average."

Here's a short video that summarizes their info on the ice sheet melting in Greenland and Antarctica.

And just today I saw this news (in Russian) that apparently a glacier that is located in the Polar Urals area has completely melted.

Obviously such news are further fueling the GW narative.
From Electroverse:

Their press releases surely won't admit it, but NOAA's PREDICTED SUNSPOT NUMBER AND RADIO FLUX data appears to show a 'full-blown' Grand Solar Minimum running from the late-2020s to at least the 2040s.

NOAA (who's solar forecasts generally come out higher than NASA's) say it won't be until mid-2025 before we see the peak of the next Solar Cycle (25), with the maximum topping out at 114.6 sunspots:

NOAA solar cycle 25

NOAA predicts Solar Cycle 25 will max out at 114.6 sunspots in July, 2025 (note this is far higher than NASA’s official prediction of around 30 to 40 sunspots).

NOAA's forecast then begins to plot the descent into the minimum of Cycle 25 from mid-2025 to 2031-or-thereabouts; and while all this paints Solar Cycle 25 as another historically weak cycle (one similar to 24 and which will continue the cooling trend), it isn't the story here.

Minimum of Solar Cycle 25 should arrive around 2031.

Minimum of Solar Cycle 25 should arrive around 2031.

The story is that NOAA aren't seeing the expected ramp-up into Cycle 26. When the sunspot number should be climbing back up, the agency's data (linked here) reveals sunspots remain low, and actually continuing dropping:

2031 to 2033 sunspots

2033 to 2034 sunspots

NOAA is predicting all-but ZERO sunspots throughout the 2030s:

early 2030s sunspots

late 2030s sunspots

There is no ramp-up into Solar Cycle 26.

into solar cycle 26


solar cycle 26

Nor are there any signs of the start of Solar Cycle 27: the data only runs through the year 2040, but within those final twelve months a SPOTLESS sun persists:

Sunspots late 2040

NOAA is predicting a 'full-blown' Grand Solar Minimum (GSM).

GSM's have the potential to hold sunspots at ZERO for multiple decades. The most famous example is the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) which brought plummeting temperatures, crop loss, famine, and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people ACROSS the planet.

Unfortunately, history repeats — climate is cyclic, never linear. But unlike during the Maunder Minimum, there's a twist this time around; we modern humans have another cosmological factor to contend with: Earth's magnetosphere -a key line of defense against incoming Cosmic Rays- is waning at an increasing rate as north and south magnetic poles continue their wander.

The field is expected to be considerably weaker by 2040, and, as with previous magnetic excursions/reversals, these events can lead to an uptick in volcanic/seismic activity, solar outbursts, and even the onset of ice ages.

These two independent factors occurring simultaneously --a Grand Solar Minimum AND a Pole Shift- are throwing us something of a curve-ball. Each factor alone results in a dramatic waning of earth's magnetosphere, the upshot of which is more Cosmic Rays entering our atmosphere nucleating clouds, sending volcanoes a'poppin', cooling the planet, and affecting biology.

Modern civilization is entering unprecedented times.


For those out there who feel that "something is coming" -- well, perhaps a Grand Solar Minimum is that something. We humans are programmed to recognize cycles -them having been ingrained within us during our evolution- and the activity of the cosmos runs like a clock.

400 years of Sunspot Observations

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING; in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.

And as well as NOAA, NASA also appears to agree, if you read between the lines, with their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) seeing it as "the weakest of the past 200 years," with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

NASA prediction of Solar Cycle 25

Prepare for the COLDlearn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.
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Other scientific papers from last month relating to Grand Solar Minimum include:
All this utter nonsense about the flu-like covid 1984 and the real threats to humanity are already apparent: Grand Solar Minimum (with related Earth Changes and food shortages) and incoming space rocks / weather. :whistle:
Some interesting information: The black line in the graph below shows the Antarctic sea ice extent of 2020 so far. The Belgian dr. who keeps a close eye on such developments writes: "Sea ice on Antarctica is still growing with the same speed and magnitude as the 20-year reference average. There is however more ice than the last 3 years." He makes a joke at the end saying that this will probably be all over the news.

In this tweet he shows a graph by the Danish Antarctic Research Institute which shows an increase of 400 gigatons of ice sheet in Greenland since Sept 2019.

Perhaps also interesting is that in one of his tweets he links to a paper (Kalisa et al. 2020) by climate scientists in China, UK, Nigeria and Rwanda that shows no increase in droughts in East Africa.

Another: He often points out that the temperature in cities is a bit higher than temperature measured in the countryside. In the graph below you see the difference in the surface temperature between land and ocean. He writes: "Climate alarm followers are worrying about an increase of temperature of 1.5 degrees Celsius since measuring began in 1850. Most of the warming however can be attributed to concrete and asphalt in the area of the measuring stations. The surface of Earth is 70% water, therefore there is practically no warming."

There was heavy snowfall in the Altai village.


On Thursday, September 10, a snowstorm struck the Altai village of Tashanta, located in Kosh-Agach district.

The first snow that covered the streets and houses melted a few hours later. Altai publicists report that they saw snow in other parts of the republic, though not in such numbers.

The village of Tashanta is located in a mountainous area at an altitude of 2 thousand meters above sea level. Locals regularly observe sharp changes in the weather - snowfalls in late spring and early autumn are rare here, but not unique.

I have a feeling that Trump is in the know about an upcoming ice age. Take a look at his remarks recently with the California National Guard starting at around 5:18:

President Trump Delivers Remarks at Ceremony Recognizing the California National Guard

He says "It'll start getting cooler, you just watch". He also says "science doesn't know actually" in response to a statement saying that he should listen to the science behind the "official" climate change viewpoint. A few people are heard chuckling after hearing trump say this stuff and the guy on the far right is seen smiling after too!

How current and future policies are influenced by this would be interesting to witness if we are to have Trump in the white house again, which is likely.
I have a feeling that Trump is in the know about an upcoming ice age

Yeah, I was just commenting on Trump's remarks. It's just another thing that Trump gets right, he sees through a lot of BS. His reply to the guy who said science doesn't agree with him, "Well, I don't think science knows, actually", is hilarious and shows how Trump is not scared to confront the BS and won't back down. And he's right!
Meteorologists have run out of names for cyclones (storms and hurricanes) in the Atlantic.

News (in Russian) - Второй раз за всю историю наблюдений закончились имена для циклонов

Southeast of Cape Verde, the 21st storm of the season formed, which was given the last name on the list - "Wilfred".
Storms are now given names based on the letters of the Greek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc.). The 22nd and 23rd cyclones have already received the names "Alpha" (in Portugal) and "Beta" (in the Gulf of Mexico).
This happens only for the second time in history, the first was in 2005, when 6 letters of the Greek alphabet were used.
WMO uses 6 lists of male and female names, which are in alphabetical order. If a storm brings severe destruction, then its name is no longer used. Name lists include 21 letters, not 26, since it is difficult to choose 6 names for 6 lists that start with the Latin letters Q, U, X, Y and Z. Names meet certain conditions - they are recognizable, there is also a balance between English, Spanish and French names.
At the same time, the name by the letter of the Greek alphabet is not excluded from the list in the event of especially destructive consequences, since they are not used often enough.

P.S. Thus, in this 2020 we ALREADY have 23 cyclones and before the 2005 "record" (Hurricane Katrina was this year), there are very few cyclones of 27.
Wikipedia gives graphs according to which the peak of cyclones occurs in September-October. The most unpleasant months are yet to come.

2005 (Katrina): 2005 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia

2017: 2017 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia

2018: 2018 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia

2019: 2019 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia

2020 (as of September 20): 2020 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia
The British edition of the Financial Times recently published positive reviews for two books that contradict part of the global warming narrative. Such a stance is unusual for the MSM who have been supporting the Global Warming agenda for decades.

Now, the question is why did the FT publish these two positive reviews? Is it just to maintain a veneer of balance, while 99% of the published articles are pro-warming and 1% disagree with this narrative? Is it because, as suggested by the article below, FT realizes that a pro-warming editorial line hurts its readership numbers? Is it the beginning of a change of the MSM narrative concerning the climate? Is it because those two books don't really address the core issues of the warming narrative - from the review below, one book deals with the polar bears population numbers and the other one dismisses any apocalyptic outcome?

It's difficult to say at this point. I guess future will tell.

British FT Positive Review for Two Climate Skeptic Books

September 18, 2020


Financial Times Logo
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
The British Financial Times, like most British mainstream media, normally takes a radical green pro climate action stance. So it is a pleasant change to see the FT arguing against accepting every wild climate claim at face value.
Are cooler heads needed on climate change?
Two controversial authors take aim at the scare stories — and puncture a few myths on the way.

There was a time not long ago when one of the visual metaphors of choice for our planet’s sombre future was a sad looking polar bear standing on a fast-diminishing ice floe. As carbon emissions belched into the atmosphere, rising temperatures were devouring the bears’ icy habitat and threatening their starvation.

Yet there was something wrong with this picture. There was no real evidence that polar bear numbers were collapsing. According to estimates compiled by the Polar Bear Specialist Group, part of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, bear numbers have actually been going up — from roughly 15,000 in 1970 to about 26,500 today.
It’s a fallacy explored by Bjorn Lomborg in his book, False Alarm. The main threat to polar bears was not changing climate, he claims, but (now curbed) wild hunting. “If we want to protect [polar bears], rather than dramatically reducing carbon dioxide emissions to try to tweak temperatures over many decades with a clearly uncertain impact . . . our first step should be to stop shooting them,” he writes.
Lomborg’s is one of two books that set out to challenge what one might call “climate miserabilism”. The other is Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger, an American environmentalist turned pro-nuclear campaigner. They explore the way in which climate policy is increasingly shaped by emotive, alarmist and sometimes misleading messages.

Many will take issue with some of the detailed arguments. Is the Paris agreement really as expensive as Lomborg says? Are extreme weather events really the phantoms that both authors claim?
But these books provide a corrective to many of the green assumptions that dominate the media. And if they make the world a little more questioning of the next polar bear story, that is no bad thing.
The books covered by the FT review are False Alarm by Bjorn Lomborg and Apocalypse Never by Michael Shellenberger.
I don’t want to get too excited. Even The Guardian occasionally publishes stories which contradict their usual green narratives. But just maybe FT is starting to notice that some of their audience is getting fed up with reading a constant stream of tired green negativity, day after day.
About 15cm of snow fell in Kyrgyzstan.


On the night of September 18, snow fell in Talas region of Kyrgyzstan, said district governor Zamir Sydykov.

Local authorities and farmers estimate the area under snow-covered crops.

Pastoralists managed to drive cattle out of pastures. However, the harvest remained untilled. In rural municipalities, damage is assessed.

Snow cover reached 10-15 cm in some places. There were traffic jams.




Source:About 15cm of snow fell in Kyrgyzstan.
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