The Kybalion - Hermetic Philosophy



I have carried from my youth (some 35 or so years ago), one book, which I was inspired to look at again after doing some study in Gnosis and In Search for the Miraculous. I haven't picked the book up for years!

The subject matter that had drawn my interest was the law of 3 and the law of 7. The book which was brought to my attention shortly thereafter was "The Kybalion - a Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece." It was written by an identity titled The Three Initiates. The book was published by the Yogi Publication Society, Masonic Temple, Chicago, Ill. Copyright 1912 and copyright 1940.

Because of my realisation of the value of this possibly very rare book, I am currently making a .pdf copy for posterity and putting the original carefully away in storage. I have no idea if there are many other copies out there, or if it was re-published by another house - Perhaps one who reads this excerpt may shed more light.

No matter, I shall digitise the book as an act of urgency with the grace of the Universal Mind.

Here is chapter 2, Titled The Seven Hermetic Principles. If the forum is interested I should love to post the whole book, but that may breach copyright. In any case, I think that the chapter called The Mental Universe should definitely be posted here with the Moderators permission.

Enjoy chapter 2.




"The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open." ­The Kybolion.

The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:


These Seven Principles will be discussed and explained as we proceed with these les­sons. A short explanation of each, how­ever, may as well be given at this point.

“The Universe is Mental.” The Kybalion

This Principle embodies the truth that "All is Mind." It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of "The Material Universe"; the "Phenomena of Life"; Matter"; 'En­ergy"; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is UNKNOWABLE and UNDE­FINABLE, but which may be considered and thought of as AN UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. It also explains that all the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of THE ALL, in which Mind we "live and move and have our being." This Princi­ple, by establishing the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the va­ried mental and psychic phenomena that occupy such a large portion of the public attention, and which, without such explana­tion, are non-understandable and defy scientific treatment. An understanding of this great Hermetic Principle of Mental­ism enables the individual to readily grasp the laws of the Mental Universe, and to apply the same to his well-being and ad­vancement. The Hermetic Student is en­abled to apply intelligently the great Men­tal Laws, instead of using them in a hap­hazard manner. With the Master-Key in his possession, the student may unlock the many doors of the mental and psychic temple of knowledge, and enter the same freely and intelligently. This Principle explains the true nature of "Energy," "Power," and "Matter," and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind. One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: "He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery." And these words are as true to-day as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple.

"As above, so below; as below, so above.” The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Her­metic axiom ran in these words: "As above, so below; as below, so above." And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secret of Nature. There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe - ­it is a Universal Law. The ancient Her­metists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by which man was able to pry inside the obsta­cles which hid from view the Unknown. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. Just as knowl­edge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observa­tory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason in­telligently from the Known to the Unknown. Studying the monad, he understands the archangel.

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vi­brates. "-The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion"; "everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to ver­ify. And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient Egypt. This Princi­ple explains that the differences between different manifestations of Matter, En­ergy, Mind, and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration. From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest form of Matter, all is in vibra­tion - the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of inten­sity and rapidity that it is practically at rest - just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest. Between these poles, there are mil­lions upon millions of varying degrees of vibration. From corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule, to worlds and uni­verses, everything is in vibratory motion. This is also true on the planes of energy and force (which are but varying degrees of vibration); and also on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibra­tions); and even on to the spiritual planes. An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Hermetic students to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The Masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in vari­ous ways. "He who understands the Prin­ciple of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of power," says one of the old writers.

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; every­thing has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. "-The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is dual"; "everything has two poles"; "everything has its pair of opposites," all of which were old Hermetic axioms. It explains the old paradoxes, that have perplexed so many, which have been stated as follows: "Thesis and anti­thesis are identical in nature, but different in degree"; "opposites are the same, dif­fering only in degree"; "the pairs of op­posites may be reconciled"; "extremes meet"; "everything is and isn't, at the same time"; "all truths are but half ­truths"; "every truth is half-false"; “there are two sides to everything," etc., etc., etc. It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite aspects, and that "opposites" are really only the two extremes of the same thing, with many varying degrees between them. To illus­trate: Heat and Cold, although "opposites," are really the same thing, the dif­ferences consisting merely of degrees of the same thing. Look at your thermome­ter and see if you can discover where "heat" terminates and "cold" begins! There is no such thing as "absolute heat" or "absolute cold" - the two terms "heat" and "cold" simply indicate varying de­grees of the same thing, and that "same thing" which manifests as "heat" and "cold" is merely a form, variety, and rate of Vibration. So "heat" and "cold" are simply the "two poles" of that which we call "Heat"- and the phenomena attend­ant thereupon are manifestations of the Principle of Polarity. The same Principle manifests in the case of "Light and Dark­ness," which are the same thing, the dif­ference consisting of varying degrees be­tween the two poles of the phenomena. Where does "darkness" leave off, and "light" begin? What is the difference be­tween "Large and Small"? Between "Hard and Soft"? Between "Black and White'"? Between "Sharp and Dull"? Between "Noise and Quiet"? Between "High and Low"? Between "Positive and Negative"? The Principle of Polar­ity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle can supersede it. The same Prin­ciple operates on the Mental Plane. Let us take a radical and extreme example - ­that of "Love and Hate," two mental states apparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degrees of Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms "Like or Dislike," which shade into each other so gradually that some­times we are at a loss to know whether we "like" or "dislike" or "neither." And all are simply degrees of the same thing, as you will see if you will but think a moment. And, more than this (and considered of more importance by the Hermetists), it is possible to change the vibrations of Hate to the vibrations of Love, in one's own mind, and in the minds of others. Many of you, who read these lines, have had personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from Love to Hate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. And you will therefore realize the possi­bility of this being accomplished by the use of the Will, by means of the Hermetic formulas. "Good and Evil" are but the poles of the same thing, and the Hermetist understands the art of transmuting Evil into Good, by means of an application of the Principle of Polarity. In short, the "Art of Polarization" becomes a phase of "Mental Alchemy" known and practiced by the ancient and modern Hermetic Mas­ters. An understanding of the Principle will enable one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art.

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. "-The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a meas­ured motion, to and fro; a flow and in­flow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide; be­tween the two poles which exist in accord­ance with the Principle of Polarity de­scribed a moment ago. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the Universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, and matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man (and it is with this latter that the Hermetists find the understanding of the Principle most important). The Hermetists have grasped this Principle, finding its universal applica­tion, and have also discovered certain means to overcome its effects in themselves by the use of the appropriate formulas and methods. They apply the Mental Law of Neutralization. They cannot annul the Principle, or cause it to cease its operation, but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree depending upon the Mastery of the Prin­ciple. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods, consist the Art of the Hermetists. The Master of Hermetics po­larizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest, and then neutralizes the Rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole. All individuals who have attained any de­gree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will, and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impos­sible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. This Principle and that of Polarity have been closely studied by the Hermetists, and the methods of counter­acting, neutralizing, and USING them form an important part of the Hermetic Mental Alchemy.

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. "­The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the fact that there is a Cause for every Effect; an Effect from every Cause. It explains that: "Everything Happens according to Law'"; that nothing ever" merely happens"; that there is no such thing as Chance; that while there are various planes of Cause and Effect, the higher dominating the lower planes, still nothing ever entirely escapes the Law. The Hermetists under­stand the art and methods of rising above the ordinary plane of Cause and Effect, to a certain degree, and by mentally rising to a higher plane they become Causers in­stead of Effects. The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; heredity; suggestion; and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the Chessboard of Life. But the Masters, rising to the plane above, dominate their moods, char­acters, qualities, and powers, as well as the environment surrounding them, and be­come Movers instead of pawns. They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment. They USE the Principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the Causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane. In this statement there is con­densed a wealth of Hermetic knowledge, ­let him read who can.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Mascu­line and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” -The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in every­thing - the Masculine and Feminine Prin­ciples ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes. On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the Principle is ever the same. No creation, physical, mental or spiritual, is possible without this Principle. An un­derstanding of its laws will throw light on many a subject that has perplexed the minds of men. The Principle of Gender works ever in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. Everything, and every person, contains the two Ele­ments or Principles, or this great Prin­ciple, within it, him or her. Every Male thing has the Female Element also; every Female contains also the Male Principle. If you would understand the philosophy of Mental and Spiritual Creation, Generation, and Regeneration, you must understand and study this Hermetic Principle. It con­tains the solution of many mysteries of Life. We caution you that this Principle has no reference to the many base, pernicious and degrading lustful theories, teachings and practices, which are taught under fanciful titles, and which are a prostitution of the great natural principle of Gender. Such base revivals of the an­cient infamous forms of Phallicism tend to ruin mind, body and soul, and the Hermetic Philosophy has ever sounded the warning note against these degraded teachings which tend toward lust, licentiousness, and perversion of Nature's principles. To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base.
End quote
Very interesting little book. I'd like to have a gander at it. Is the pdf very big?
FWIW, there is already pdf version on the internet: _

edit: Sorry, I ran ahead of myself :-[
The link that I posted was the first one that came out from google search. When looking more carefully through the rest of the links there is this one that appears as official one _ and from there you can download the pdf version of the book _
This version has 115 pages and it looks like the entire book, while the version from first link has only 58.
Sorry again.
Just want to note in passing that I picked this up at a book store about a year ago, and found it pretty interesting, although the details are hazy for me and I'd like to review it again. The final link that msasa gave above does indeed lead to the complete version.
Some background on wikipedia: _

And its probable authors: _

and probable influence: _
msasa said:
FWIW, there is already pdf version on the internet: _

edit: Sorry, I ran ahead of myself :-[
The link that I posted was the first one that came out from google search. When looking more carefully through the rest of the links there is this one that appears as official one _ and from there you can download the pdf version of the book _
This version has 115 pages and it looks like the entire book, while the version from first link has only 58.
Sorry again.

Thank you msasa, I have downloaded the book from your link which will now save me from some unnecessary work, although now I should compare the book in my possession with the published .pdf version as my book has 223 pages.

I find my version to be very informative in light of the laws of 3 and 7. The Kybalion needs to be read with Mouravieff's Gnosis and the teachings of Gurdjieff for a meaningful understanding. The Kybalion does not stand alone, it is a fragment of the original teachings osit. Perhaps that is why the deeper implications of its teachings were lost on me.

Thanks for shedding more light. :grad:
jacksun said:
msasa said:
FWIW, there is already pdf version on the internet: _

edit: Sorry, I ran ahead of myself :-[
The link that I posted was the first one that came out from google search. When looking more carefully through the rest of the links there is this one that appears as official one _ and from there you can download the pdf version of the book _
This version has 115 pages and it looks like the entire book, while the version from first link has only 58.
Sorry again.

Thank you msasa, I have downloaded the book from your link which will now save me from some unnecessary work, although now I should compare the book in my possession with the published .pdf version as my book has 223 pages.

I have that book in French and the number of pages is 147.

I bought it in 1981. I think I will put it on my reading list.
Gandalf said:
I have that book in French and the number of pages is 147.

I bought it in 1981. I think I will put it on my reading list.

My version is 139 pages -- I think it probably just depends on the way it was formatted and published.

FWIW, also in the same series (Penguin: Tarcher Cornerstone Editions) is a book titled The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharoahs by Timothy Frake and Peter Gandy (authors of The Jesus Mysteries) -- it's in the same vein as The Kybalion. I haven't had time to really look at the material again yet, so I want everyone to know I am not necessarily endorsing either work in terms of their veracity. Maybe we'll eventually be able to have some group discussion though.
Shijing said:
Gandalf said:
I have that book in French and the number of pages is 147.

I bought it in 1981. I think I will put it on my reading list.

My version is 139 pages -- I think it probably just depends on the way it was formatted and published.

FWIW, also in the same series (Penguin: Tarcher Cornerstone Editions) is a book titled The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharoahs by Timothy Frake and Peter Gandy (authors of The Jesus Mysteries) -- it's in the same vein as The Kybalion. I haven't had time to really look at the material again yet, so I want everyone to know I am not necessarily endorsing either work in terms of their veracity. Maybe we'll eventually be able to have some group discussion though.

I have printed off the .pdf version from and it is the same book I have in complete content. Shijing may be correct, the number of pages does depend on the formatting. May I suggest that people do read the chapter titled The Mental Universe, in consideration of the Prayer for the Soul.

Wow! :cool2:

Edit: Here is the first page of The Mental Universe..

Nah. It wont copy over from the pdf. I'll scan it in if requested but it is just as easy to download the pdf for yourself - Cheers
Without having read the whole book but only the text quoted by Jacksun, I would venture some comments. If my reading instrument is in error, I am sure that it will be corrected by the network. So thanks in advance.
Intellectually, the principles seem sound. I have encountered the same principles in a scattered form in Hinduism and Taoism. This makes sense since these are fundamental principles and a mature esoteric tradition worth its salt is likely to include them in its teachings. How the principles are understood and applied seem more important to me and in this regard, some parts of the text tripped a few alarms within me. Some of it is explicit, but I was also bothered by what it did not say- like no mention of helping others accompany the many ways in which the student can help himself through the understanding and applications of the principles. The overall feel I got is STS - this refers to the motivation of the authors rather than the principles themselves.

An understanding of this Principle, with the appropriate formulas, enables Hermetic students to control their own mental vibrations as well as those of others. The Masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in vari­ous ways. "He who understands the Prin­ciple of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of power," says one of the old writers.
Controlling vibrations of others, conquering natural phenomena, grasping the scepter of power - seems quite STS - osit.

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; every­thing has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. "-The Kybalion.
Have difficulty understanding the bolded text. Somewhat similar to post -modernist relativism - osit.

The Principle of Polar­ity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle can supersede it. The same Prin­ciple operates on the Mental Plane. Let us take a radical and extreme example - ­that of "Love and Hate," two mental states apparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degrees of Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms "Like or Dislike," which shade into each other so gradually that some­times we are at a loss to know whether we "like" or "dislike" or "neither." And all are simply degrees of the same thing, as you will see if you will but think a moment. And, more than this (and considered of more importance by the Hermetists), it is possible to change the vibrations of Hate to the vibrations of Love, in one's own mind, and in the minds of others. Many of you, who read these lines, have had personal experiences of the involuntary rapid transition from Love to Hate, and the reverse, in your own case and that of others. And you will therefore realize the possi­bility of this being accomplished by the use of the Will, by means of the Hermetic formulas. "Good and Evil" are but the poles of the same thing, and the Hermetist understands the art of transmuting Evil into Good, by means of an application of the Principle of Polarity.
The bolded text again rang a bell. Overall, the statements ring true - the principle of transmutation of base emotions into higher ones. But the feel I got from "the degrees of love and degrees of hate and the middle point which is the grey area" is that it approaches the issue from a strictly unilevel perspective without any mention of multilevelness. According to Dabrowski, hate and love are interchangable at the first or primary level of integration. Love at the level of secondary level of integration is not interchangable and this is the result of the transmutation or alchemy. And at that level, would there be a desire to change hate to love in the minds of others for a person of STO orientation?

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates. "-The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a meas­ured motion, to and fro; a flow and in­flow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide; be­tween the two poles which exist in accord­ance with the Principle of Polarity de­scribed a moment ago. There is always an action and a reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking. This is in the affairs of the Universe, suns, worlds, men, animals, mind, energy, and matter. This law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man (and it is with this latter that the Hermetists find the understanding of the Principle most important). The Hermetists have grasped this Principle, finding its universal applica­tion, and have also discovered certain means to overcome its effects in themselves by the use of the appropriate formulas and methods. They apply the Mental Law of Neutralization. They cannot annul the Principle, or cause it to cease its operation, but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree depending upon the Mastery of the Prin­ciple. They have learned how to USE it, instead of being USED BY it. In this and similar methods, consist the Art of the Hermetists. The Master of Hermetics po­larizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest, and then neutralizes the Rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole. All individuals who have attained any de­gree of Self-Mastery do this to a certain degree, more or less unconsciously, but the Master does this consciously, and by the use of his Will, and attains a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness almost impos­sible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum. This Principle and that of Polarity have been closely studied by the Hermetists, and the methods of counter­acting, neutralizing, and USING them form an important part of the Hermetic Mental Alchemy.
Using the natural flow of life - Taoists talk about this one quite a bit. But without further qualification, this seems like taking the path of least resistance - no struggle - go with the flow. Maybe this is true at the level of an alchemist but for students striving towards the STO path on 3D planet earth, this does not seem to ring true - osit. But I may have wrongly interpreted the sense of the text and done some projection here.
"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. "­The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the fact that there is a Cause for every Effect; an Effect from every Cause. It explains that: "Everything Happens according to Law'"; that nothing ever" merely happens"; that there is no such thing as Chance; that while there are various planes of Cause and Effect, the higher dominating the lower planes, still nothing ever entirely escapes the Law. The Hermetists under­stand the art and methods of rising above the ordinary plane of Cause and Effect, to a certain degree, and by mentally rising to a higher plane they become Causers in­stead of Effects. The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; heredity; suggestion; and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the Chessboard of Life. But the Masters, rising to the plane above, dominate their moods, char­acters, qualities, and powers, as well as the environment surrounding them, and be­come Movers instead of pawns. They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment. They USE the Principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the Causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane. In this statement there is con­densed a wealth of Hermetic knowledge, ­let him read who can.
Here the STS orientation seems quite obvious - osit.

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Mascu­line and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” -The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in every­thing - the Masculine and Feminine Prin­ciples ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes. On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the Principle is ever the same. No creation, physical, mental or spiritual, is possible without this Principle. An un­derstanding of its laws will throw light on many a subject that has perplexed the minds of men. The Principle of Gender works ever in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. Everything, and every person, contains the two Ele­ments or Principles, or this great Prin­ciple, within it, him or her. Every Male thing has the Female Element also; every Female contains also the Male Principle. If you would understand the philosophy of Mental and Spiritual Creation, Generation, and Regeneration, you must understand and study this Hermetic Principle. It con­tains the solution of many mysteries of Life. We caution you that this Principle has no reference to the many base, pernicious and degrading lustful theories, teachings and practices, which are taught under fanciful titles, and which are a prostitution of the great natural principle of Gender. Such base revivals of the an­cient infamous forms of Phallicism tend to ruin mind, body and soul, and the Hermetic Philosophy has ever sounded the warning note against these degraded teachings which tend toward lust, licentiousness, and perversion of Nature's principles. To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base.
It is difficult to say something concrete without knowing what the "many base, pernicious,degrading, lustful, licentious, perverse" teachings are but the tone seems a little strong. In that overall context, the last statement would seem to have an air of superiority - osit.

Corrections to my reading instrument are highly appreciated.
obyvatel said:
Without having read the whole book but only the text quoted by Jacksun, I would venture some comments. If my reading instrument is in error, I am sure that it will be corrected by the network. So thanks in advance.
Intellectually, the principles seem sound. I have encountered the same principles in a scattered form in Hinduism and Taoism. This makes sense since these are fundamental principles and a mature esoteric tradition worth its salt is likely to include them in its teachings. How the principles are understood and applied seem more important to me and in this regard, some parts of the text tripped a few alarms within me. Some of it is explicit, but I was also bothered by what it did not say- like no mention of helping others accompany the many ways in which the student can help himself through the understanding and applications of the principles. The overall feel I got is STS - this refers to the motivation of the authors rather than the principles themselves.

Thank you for your great input all, and especially obyvatel, you have done much work. Yes, as in all things of this world there is an STS aspect to this hermetic work. How could it be otherwise? But here we can filter information through an STO filter. :) so lets filter some more to broaden our knowledge of the law of 3 and the law of 7. Lesson IV.
Edit - Sorry, actually it is lesson V.

"The Universe is Mental - held in the Mind of THE ALL." - The Kybalion.

THE ALL is SPIRIT! But what is Spirit? This question cannot be answered, for the reason that its definition is practically that of THE ALL, which cannot be explained or defined. Spirit is simply a name that men give to the highest conception of Infinite Living Mind - it means "the Real Essence" - it means Living Mind, as much superior to Life and Mind as we know them, as the latter are superior to mechanical Energy and Matter. Spirit transcends our understanding, and we use the term merely that we may think or speak of THE ALL. For the purposes of thought and understanding, we are justified in thinking of Spirit as Infinite Living Mind, at the same time acknowledging that we cannot fully understand it. We must either do this or stop thinking of the matter at all.

Let us now proceed to a consideration of the nature of the Universe, as a whole and in its parts. What is the Universe? We have seen that there can be nothing outside of THE ALL. Then is the Universe THE ALL? No, this cannot be, because the Universe seems to be made up of MANY, and is constantly changing, and in other ways it does not measure up to the ideas that we are compelled to accept regarding THE ALL, as stated in our last lesson. Then if the Universe be not THE ALL, then it must be Nothing such is the inevitable conclusion of the mind at first thought. But this will not satisfy the question, for we are sensible of the existence of the Universe. Then if the Universe is neither THE ALL, nor Nothing, what can it be? Let us examine this question.

If the Universe exists at all, or seems to exist, it must proceed in some way from THE ALL - it must be a creation of THE ALL. But as something can never come from nothing, from what could THE ALL have created it? Some philosophers have answered this question by saying that THE ALL created the Universe from ITSELF - that is, from the being and substance of THE ALL. But this will not do, for THE ALL cannot be subtracted from, nor divided, as we have seen, and then again if this be so, would not each particle in the Universe be aware of its being THE ALL - THE ALL could not lose its knowledge of itself, nor actually BECOME an atom, or blind force, or lowly living thing. Some men, indeed, realizing that THE ALL is indeed ALL, and also recognizing that they, the men, existed, have jumped to the conclusion that they and THE ALL were identical, and they have filled the air with shouts of "I AM GOD," to the amusement of the multitude and the sorrow of sages. The claim of the corpuscle that: "I am Man!" would be modest in comparison.

But, what indeed is the Universe, if it be not THE ALL, not yet created by THE ALL having separated itself into fragments? What else can it be - of what else can it be made? This is the great question. Let us examine it carefully. We find here that the "Principle of Correspondence" (see Lesson VIII) comes to our aid here. The old Hermetic axiom, "As above so below," may be pressed into service at this point. Let us endeavor to get a glimpse of the workings on higher planes by examining those on our own. The Principle of Correspondence must apply to this as well as to other problems.

Let us see! On his own plane of being, how does Man create? Well, first, he may create by making something out of outside materials. But this will not do, for there are no materials outside of THE ALL with which it may create. Well, then, secondly, Man pro-creates or reproduces his kind by the process of begetting, which is self-multiplication accomplished by transferring a portion of his substance to his offspring. But this will not do, because THE ALL cannot transfer or subtract a portion of itself, nor can it reproduce or multiply itself - in the first place there would be a taking away, and in the second case a multiplication or addition to THE ALL, both thoughts being an absurdity. Is there no third way in which MAN creates? Yes, there is - he CREATES MENTALLY! And in so doing he uses no outside materials, nor does he reproduce himself, and yet his Spirit pervades the Mental Creation.

Following the Principle of Correspondence, we are justified in considering that THE ALL creates the Universe MENTALLY, in a manner akin to the process whereby Man creates Mental Images. And, here is where the report of Reason tallies precisely with the report of the Illumined, as shown by their teachings and writings. Such are the teachings of the Wise Men. Such was the Teaching of Hermes.

THE ALL can create in no other way except mentally, without either using material (and there is none to use), or else reproducing itself (which is also impossible). There is no escape from this conclusion of the Reason, which, as we have said, agrees with the highest teachings of the Illumined. Just as you, student, may create a Universe of your own in your mentality, so does THE ALL create Universes in its own Mentality. But your Universe is the mental creation of a Finite Mind, whereas that of THE ALL is the creation of an Infinite. The two are similar in kind, but infinitely different in degree. We shall examine more closely into the process of creation and manifestation, as we proceed. But this is the point to fix in your minds at this stage: THE UNIVERSE, AND ALL IT CONTAINS, IS A MENTAL CREATION OF THE ALL. Verily, indeed, ALL IS MIND!

"THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which exist for aeons of Time-and yet, to THE ALL, the creation, development, decline and death of a million universes is as the time of the twinkling of an eye." - The Kybalion.

"The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes." - The Kybalion.

The Principle of Gender (see Lesson XIII) is manifested on all planes of life, material, mental and spiritual. But, as we have said before, "Gender" does not mean "Sex" - sex is merely a material manifestation of gender. "Gender" means "relating to generation or creation." And wherever anything is generated or created, on any plane, the Principle of Gender must be manifested. And this is true even in the creation of Universes.

Now do not jump to the conclusion that we are teaching that there is a male and female God, or Creator. That idea is merely a distortion of the ancient teachings on the subject. The true teaching is that THE ALL, in itself, is above Gender, as it is above every other Law, including those of Time and Space. It is the Law, from which the Laws proceed, and it is not subject to them. But when THE ALL manifests on the plane of generation or Creation, then it acts according to Law and Principle, for it is moving on a lower plane of Being. And consequently it manifests the Principle of Gender, in its Masculine and Feminine aspects, on the Mental Plane, of course.

This idea may seem startling to some of you who hear it for the first time, but you have all really passively accepted it in your everyday conceptions. You speak of the Fatherhood of God, and the Motherhood of Nature - of God, the Divine Father, and Nature the Universal Mother - and have thus instinctively acknowledged the Principle of Gender in the Universe. Is this not so?

But, the Hermetic teaching does not imply a real duality - THE ALL is ONE - the Two Aspects are merely aspects of manifestation. The teaching is that The Masculine Principle manifested by THE ALL stands, in a way, apart from the actual mental creation of the Universe. It projects its Will toward the Feminine Principle (which may be called "Nature") whereupon the latter begins the actual work of the evolution of the Universe, from simple "centres of activity" on to man, and then on and on still higher, all according to well-established and firmly enforced Laws of Nature. If you prefer the old figures of thought, you may think of the Masculine Principle as GOD, the Father, and of the Feminine Principle as NATURE, the Universal Mother, from whose womb) all things have been born. This is more than a mere poetic figure of speech - it is an idea of the actual process of the creation of the Universe. But always remember, that THE ALL is but One, and that in its Infinite Mind the Universe is generated, created and exists.

It may help you to get the proper idea, if you will apply the Law of Correspondence to yourself, and your own mind. You know that the part of You which you call "I," in a sense, stands apart and witnesses the creation of Mental Images in your own mind. The part of your mind in which the mental generation is accomplished may be called the "Me" in distinction from the "I" which stands apart and witnesses and examines the thoughts, ideas and images of the "Me." "As above, so below," remember, and the phenomena of one plane may be employed to solve the riddles of higher or lower planes.

Is it any wonder that You, the child, feel that instinctive reverence for THE ALL, which feeling we call "religion" that respect, and reverence for THE FATHER MIND? Is it any wonder that, when you consider the works and wonders of Nature, you are overcome with a mighty feeling which has its roots away down in your inmost being? It is the MOTHER MIND that you are pressing close up to, like a babe to the breast.

Do not make the mistake of supposing that the little world you see around you - the Earth, which is a mere grain of dust in the Universe - is the Universe itself. There are millions upon millions of such worlds, and greater. And there are millions of millions of such Universes in existence within the Infinite Mind of THE ALL. And even in our own little solar system there are regions and planes of life far higher than ours, and beings compared to which we earth-bound mortals are as the slimy life-forms that dwell on the ocean's bed when compared to Man. There are beings with powers and attributes higher than Man has ever dreamed of the gods' possessing. And yet these beings were once as you, and still lower - and you will be even as they, and still higher, in time, for such is the Destiny of Man as reported by the Illumined.

And Death is not real, even in the Relative sense - it is but Birth to a new life - and You shall go on, and on, and on, to higher and still higher planes of life, for aeons upon aeons of time. The Universe is your home, and you shall explore its farthest recesses before the end of Time. You are dwelling in the Infinite Mind of THE ALL, and your possibilities and opportunities are infinite, both in time and Space. And at the end of the Grand Cycle of Aeons, when THE ALL shall draw back into itself all of its creations - you will go gladly, for you will then be able to know the Whole Truth of being At One with THE ALL. Such is the report of the Illumined - those who have advanced well along The Path.
And, in the meantime, rest calm and serene - you are safe and protected by the Infinite Power of the FATHER-MOTHER MIND.

"Within the Father-Mother Mind, Mortal children are at home." - The Kybalion.

"There is not one who is Fatherless, nor Motherless in the Universe." - The Kybalion.

With reference to the gender aspect of the "Universal Mind" above, may I refer you to Mouravieff's Gnosis, book two, pages 94,95, where he dwells on the feminine aspect across the lateral octaves of the Ray of Creation.

Thanks Obyvatel. I was hoping that everyone would read about those ostensibly behind this work before delving into it with too much enthusiasm. Red flags are all over those people. Right now, I don't have that much time available (have a session to get published with background that must be put together) so I can neither read nor give much input. I'm trusting ya'll to do a good critique.
Hi Jackson, All. FWIW, while reading the following sections of your quote from The Mental Universe excerpt, these excerpts from the C's sessions came to mind. If my reading instruments is not off, I think that these excerpts from these sessions seem to suggest a different notion for the mind and the All then the excerpt you provided Jackson. What you guys think? Oh, and for the sake of clarity, I hope against hope, I've bolded the sections that came to my mind while reading your excerpt. Please see what you think.

"The Universe is Mental - held in the Mind of THE ALL." - The Kybalion.

Let us see! On his own plane of being, how does Man create? Well, first, he may create by making something out of outside materials. But this will not do, for there are no materials outside of THE ALL with which it may create. Well, then, secondly, Man pro-creates or reproduces his kind by the process of begetting, which is self-multiplication accomplished by transferring a portion of his substance to his offspring. But this will not do, because THE ALL cannot transfer or subtract a portion of itself, nor can it reproduce or multiply itself - in the first place there would be a taking away, and in the second case a multiplication or addition to THE ALL, both thoughts being an absurdity.
February26 said:
[...](R) I have only one question left on that
and that is whether the detectors are consciousness interface
points, is that where consciousness is interfacing with reality?
A: Frequency awareness boundaries.
Q: (L) What are frequency awareness boundaries made of?
Whose awareness? (R) But it makes sense. (L) Yeah, but
whose awareness is it a boundary of? (R) I guess ours. (A)
Who is 'ours'? Whose awareness? Universal? (R) General, for
any awareness I suppose.
A: 7th density nature/divisions.
Q: (A) Okay, so there is this general -what Gurdjieff calls
worlds - he had a very good description. (R) Okay so my
question would be if consciousness, for example us three in
this room, are we interacting with reality through 7th density
which uses these frequency awareness boundaries? Right so
it's kind of a middle step. I'm not sure how to phrase it.
A: 7th density interacts with divisions through you.
Q: (R) Ah! So it is not us interacting with reality through 7th
density it's the other way around. 7th density is interacting
with the concept of divisions through us. (A) That is how it
works. (L) We're it. (R) We are the interface[...]

June 15 said:
Q: (L) Okay. So, we are onto something with the Sufi
teachings. But, we don't need to get off the track. I guess that
they did with the Koran what some other mystics have done
with the Bible. It is clear that there is something under the
surface of it, but it is corrupted and twisted. And, I was
convinced by seeing this underlying pattern that it was
possible to penetrate the veil, and that gave me the impetus to
push for a breakthrough.
A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of
quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.
Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since
no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a
property of matter. Is that correct?
A: And....
Q: (L) And hmmmm....
A: And antimatter!
Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter
"antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to
A: Binder.
Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of
A: And...
Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?
A: Not the issue.
Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, F****?
A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal
through unstable gravity waves!!!
Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?
A: Pathway to.
Q: (L) Okay.
A: Doorway to.
Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do
unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?
A: Throughout.
Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?
A: That is just the point, there is none.
Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?
A: Wrong...
Q: (L) There is no emanation point?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of
matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!
Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access
other densities?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.
Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and
disperse gravity waves? Is this what spirals do?
A: On the way to.
Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity
A: When you wrote "Noah" where did you place gravity?
Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the
consumption of electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a
continuous flow of electrical energy...
A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all
Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption...
and I was thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort
of consciousness, and that gravity was evidence that a planet
that had it, had life...
A: We have told you before that planets and stars are
windows. And where does it go?
Q: (L) The windows?
A: The gravity.
Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or
densities. I mean, you have my head going in so many
different directions that I feel like I have popcorn in there.
A: Good!
Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window.
Even our planet must be a window!
A: You have it too!!
Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that
keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in
a bowl of soup.
A: Gravity is all there is.
Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is light?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear
A: Gravity is "God."
Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy
expression generated by gravity?
Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis
call it: the Source.
A: Please name something that is not gravity.
Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not
gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?
A: A mere thought.
Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?
A: Yes, there is.
Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated
by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates
Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in
his airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?
A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin
in order to manipulate gravity.
Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it ever possible for the individual to do the choosing,
or is it gravity that IS him that chose?
A: The gravity that was inside him was all the gravity in

Q: (L) Well, I thought the Sufis were tough! (F) Well, it's
probably because of your studies that this door opened. (L)
Good grief! What have I done! Alright. I am confused.
A: No you are not.
Q: (L) Then, just put it this way: I am befuddled and
A: Befuddling is fun!
Q: (L) Well, I guess that if any of this is going to be of
particular significance to us, then we will certainly find out the
details as we go along.
A: How many times do we have to tell you?!?!
Q: (L) Learning is fun! Right!
A: The entire sum total of all existence exists within each of
you, and vice versa.

Q: (L) Then what is the explanation for the "many-ness" that
we perceive?
A: Perception of 3rd density.
Q: (L) So, the entire universe is inside me... okay, that's... I
understand. Oddly enough, I do. The problem is accessing it,
stripping away the veils.
A: That is the fun part.
Q: (L) So, the fellow who built the Coral Castle was able to
access this. Consistently or only intermittently?
A: Partially.
Q: (L) According to what I understand, at the speed of light,
there is no mass, no time, and no gravity. How can this be?
A: No mass, no time, but yes, gravity.
Q: (L) A photon has gravity?
A: Gravity supercedes light speed.
Q: (L) Gravity waves are faster than light?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What would make a gravity wave unstable?
A: Utilization.
Q: (L) I feel like I am missing a really big point here...
A: You are, but you can only find it at your own pace.

Is there no third way in which MAN creates? Yes, there is - he CREATES MENTALLY! And in so doing he uses no outside materials, nor does he reproduce himself, and yet his Spirit pervades the Mental Creation.

THE ALL can create in no other way except mentally, without either using material (and there is none to use), or else reproducing itself (which is also impossible). There is no escape from this conclusion of the Reason, which, as we have said, agrees with the highest teachings of the Illumined. Just as you, student, may create a Universe of your own in your mentality, so does THE ALL create Universes in its own Mentality. But your Universe is the mental creation of a Finite Mind, whereas that of THE ALL is the creation of an Infinite. The two are similar in kind, but infinitely different in degree. We shall examine more closely into the process of creation and manifestation, as we proceed. But this is the point to fix in your minds at this stage: THE UNIVERSE, AND ALL IT CONTAINS, IS A MENTAL CREATION OF THE ALL. Verily, indeed, ALL IS MIND!

November 24 said:
Q: (L) Can it get worse?
A: It can always get worse.
Q: (L) So we just have to stay on our toes at all times?
A: Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered
many attempts at distraction away from truth. Now follow
some proclamations: Pause. All there is is lessons. This is one
infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist.
Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each
individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now,
contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can
create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and
all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all
there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and
dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within
which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is
"fun" to see how much you can access.

Q: (L) It's fun for who to see how much we can access?
A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of
your mind is?
Q: (L) Where?
A: We asked you.
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit.
A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between
your own mind and everything else?

Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately
A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits,
they are precisely the same thing.

Just to add another thought to the above that just came to me, I think it is the STS oriented mind that wishes to put a limit to the Mind because it is fearful of the limitless nature of the Mind and hence wishes to confine it to what "it", the ego's mind, is comfortable with. Perhaps this is why Kybalion thinks that the human consciousness is a "Finite Mind" because deep down he fears the unknown due to identifying with the ego's mind? At least this is what I thought of when I read the following:

Just as you, student, may create a Universe of your own in your mentality, so does THE ALL create Universes in its own Mentality. But your Universe is the mental creation of a Finite Mind, whereas that of THE ALL is the creation of an Infinite. The two are similar in kind, but infinitely different in degree.

The above quote is true, I think, if we are specifically talking about the limits of the biological mind, that is the brain in comparison to the spiritual Mind of the All, but why doesn't Kybalion make the distinction here between the biological mind of the ego and the spiritual Mind of the All that interacts through us, its interfaces, who are interfaces that have the potential to access the infinite Mind of the Prime Creator/"THE ALL" through gaining and applying Knowledge in order to rise in Awareness.

Just a few more thoughts. Anyways, I am way past my bed time so off to bed, and fast!
I read the Kybalion some time ago.

obyvatel said:
The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; heredity; suggestion; and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the Chessboard of Life. But the Masters, rising to the plane above, dominate their moods, char¬acters, qualities, and powers, as well as the environment surrounding them, and be¬come Movers instead of pawns. They help to PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment. They USE the Principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the Causation of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane. In this statement there is con¬densed a wealth of Hermetic knowledge, ¬let him read who can.
Here the STS orientation seems quite obvious - osit.

I completely agree with you obyvatel, there is also the next:
Kybalion said:

941016 said:
Q: (L) Who was Hermes Trismegistus?
A: Traitor to court of Pharaoh Rana.
Q: (L) Who is Pharaoh Rana?
A: Egyptian leader of spiritual covenant.
Q: (L) In what way was Hermes a traitor?
A: Broke covenant of spiritual unity of all peoples in area now known as Middle East.
Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?
A: Himself; was power hungry.

Kybalion said:
The Hermetic Teachings concerning the process of the Mental Creation of the Universe,are that at the beginning of the Creative Cycle, THE ALL, in its aspect of “Being,” projects itsWill toward its aspect of “Becoming,” and the process of creation begins. It is taught that the process consists of the lowering of Vibration until a very low degree of vibratory energy isreached, at which point the grossest possible form of Matter is manifested. This process is called the stage of Involution, in which THE ALL becomes “involved,” or “wrapped up,” in its creation. This process is believed by the Hermetists to have a Correspondence to the mental process of an artist, writer, or inventor, who becomes so wrapped up in his mental creation as to almost forget his own existence and who, for the time being, almost “lives in his creation”. If instead of “wrapped” we use the word “rapt,” perhaps we will give a better idea of what is meant. This Involuntary stage of Creation is sometimes called the “Outpouring” of the Divine Energy, just as the Evolutionary state is called the “Indrawing.” The extreme pole of the Creative process is considered to be the furthest removed from THE ALL, while the beginning of the Evolutionary stage is regarded as the beginning of the return swing of thependulum of Rhythm–a “coming home” idea being held in all of the Hermetic Teachings

This is a very strong indicative of higher STS polarization, they are twisting and perverting the main differences between the two types of orientation.
Goodness they are relating creativity to the lowest form of being!

950610 said:
A: The difference is an STO orientation tends to expand one's state of being, STS tends to contract one's state of being.
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