The "Mandela Effect"- Has my Bible changed? Or do I just have a bad memory like most people?

I have dejavu at certain time intervals (such as once a month). It's been a familiar feeling for a long time. I never liked the feeling.
It's like a momentary emptiness. When I experience dejavu, I pray immediately. I get the feeling I have to protect myself. I guess sometimes I'm successful. I usually have a problem after I have déjà vu. It's like a game about one's sensims.
Me or someone I love is definitely creating a crisis. This is usually about material or spiritual issues that can affect you greatly. It's almost like your patience is being measured.

The C's have said that deja vu comes courtesy of 4D STS. So what you're writing may be indicative of that - a sense of deja vu, then problems.

When you say you guess you're sometimes successful in protecting yourself with prayer, can you be more specific about that? What does a successful prayer, or successful protection look like? How do you judge it, and how do you know? I bring up the question of judgment, knowing (and thus, Knowledge) because although the C's have spoken about prayer protecting, they have emphasized much more strongly that Knowledge Protects.
The C's have said that deja vu comes courtesy of 4D STS. So what you're writing may be indicative of that - a sense of deja vu, then problems.

When you say you guess you're sometimes successful in protecting yourself with prayer, can you be more specific about that? What does a successful prayer, or successful protection look like? How do you judge it, and how do you know? I bring up the question of judgment, knowing (and thus, Knowledge) because although the C's have spoken about prayer protecting, they have emphasized much more strongly that Knowledge Protects.
Ignorant prayer will have a different effect. I'm talking about being aware. Of course, knowledge is key, there should be no doubt.
Even my prayer is about my awareness.

It is a little difficult to answer the question, but I will try. I am not sure if this is about everyone, I am talking about my own determinations. Experiencing dejavu causes a person's mental balance to deteriorate. The person may not notice this. You have trouble controlling emotions and thoughts. Here it is very important to know oneself. You must know your limits and be objective.

You feel like the whole world is against you or on the contrary, you want to be individualized and withdrawn.

After a while, a time begins when you have to deal with your reactions.

This is the hardest part. You engage in reactionary conversations with people you love, your social life and business life. There may be an important problem with your life.

The decisions you make and the words you say are important. It is necessary to stay calm and act wisely as much as possible. However, it is a very difficult task to show the spiritual maturity to achieve this.
After posting in Glitch in the matrix, @Palinurus pointed out to me this thread which seems to correspond better to my weird experience. I will add a few thoughts to my original post as in reading this thread I realized more could be said on the matter.

Back in 2009 I got an mp3 player in order to listen to some music while going to school and back every morning and evening. I had put many albums at the beginning but didn't update the playlist that much over the years. After listening to the same limited tracklist for 3 years, I basically new all the songs like the back of my hand.

After graduating highschool I gradually stopped listening to my mp3 player, up until 2017. At that time I wanted to listen again to my old tracklist, partly because I loved those songs, partly out of nostalgia. And at that moment the weirdest thing happened, in one album a song was completely different from what I remembered ! :-O The name was the same, the audio file was the same since 2009, yet the song itself was different. On top of that I couldn't (still can't actually) listen to it in its entirety as it gave me a creepy feeling/repelled me.

Now, I think I can rule out the creation of a false memory as I didn't share this story nor listen to this song with anyone else. I didn't revisited the memory of the song in the meantime, hence the distortions should have been minor. It wasn't a public event or a meme that could have been misinterpreted/misremembered by others and myself. Before listening to this song in 2017 I had in mind a rough recollection/expectation of what was to come and the memory faded away as the new version was played (just like the memory of a dream right after waking up). The most striking thing is that the pattern recognition ability of my brain failed completely. Even a face seen once or a song heard once always produced a sense of familiarity so far and here, nothing (besides being creeped out).

I haven't read any of the recommended books about cognition so I'm most probably overlooking a critical thinking error here. I just wanted to put it out there as it could serve as another case study of how our mind can trick us. Beyond the fact that what's happened baffles me, I won't obsess over it since I've been proven time and time again that I can't trust my thinking process and my memory for squat (though it is here the most extreme case I've encountered yet).

Experiencing dejavu causes a person's mental balance to deteriorate. The person may not notice this. You have trouble controlling emotions and thoughts. Here it is very important to know oneself. You must know your limits and be objective.

I agree. At times I can have many dejavu in a day and I must say it is enough to rupture the flow of the normally perceived reality. If on top of that one's prone to dissociation, it can lead to much worse consequences. It is not a good sign when one starts to doubt all their perceptions, as if "reality" could shift at any moment like quicksands.
@Recto I'm glad you mentioned that song subject. There are some interesting situations about sound. I think songs are used by negative forces as frequency encoders.

One day I was walking after work. I was fine and there was no problem. I wanted to listen to a song and I searched for it on spotify. But just before I played the song, I thought of another song. Suddenly! I gave up and listened to the song that came to my mind later. Of course, the song is the same song, there is no difference in the sound. But it was very interesting what song made me feel. At that moment I felt that things were not going well. I started to feel extremely bad about myself. Painful feelings and pessimism filled me. It was very artificial feeling but I had a hard time controlling it. By the way, the song wasn't even an emotional track. I can't forget this incident. I was afraid of listening to songs for a long time...
I think songs are used by negative forces as frequency encoders.
Of Course, they are ..

often found as Conspiracy, current standart (instrument) tones, set on A4 - 440 hz result in several "decimal" frequencies of the other tones, which can be seen as sound distortions, that produces certain annoyances.

when tunning A4 at 432 Hz, music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music.

Research says that music tuned from 432 Hz is easier to listen to, brighter, clearer, and contains more inherent dynamic range, which resonates more better with 8 Hz (Schumann Resonance), the documented fundamental electromagnetic “beat” of Earth. It just feels better.

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 432, 864 .... (harmonics)

BTW, all music we heard is somewhat distorced, unless you "personally" change the tones to experience "more harmony", as to say.
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 432, 864 .... (harmonics)

I went back to "register" the most harmonic "round" numbers/frequencies, to clarify my previous post

The list of numbers / frequencies in this chart form the Pythagorean Tunning

music tunned by "round" tones, sounds more better.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G are musical tones

BTW, all music we heard is somewhat distorced, unless you "personally" change the tones to experience "more harmony", as to say.

This "redacting" process of the brain may explain why we progressively like or "fall in love" with songs we listen to often, on the radio for instance (or more broadly some perceptions, memories or ideas). Our mind progressively tailored it to our liking and it can definitely become some kind of drug/tool to escape a harsh reality if we're not careful.

The same way our mind "fills in the gaps" and distorts our memories and perception of current event. This thread is a great compilation of those distortions. We tend to accommodate our understanding of what we perceive to our current state of mind and preconceived notions on the matter. For me it happened as recently as yesterday when I answered this post which I completely misread/misunderstood. Sure tiredness and English being a foreign language can play a role, however discarding the brain "redacting" process would be a serious mistake.

Fortunately, the more feedback we get from those mistakes, the better the ways our mind can play tricks on us can be understood. In my example, I discarded the whole post's context in favor of specific sentences that "resonated" with me at that time (for whatever reason), and ran with it. A classic trick, yet it is clear I haven't payed enough attention to it so far in my day to day life. Same thing can be said about selective memory or obsessive behavior about a piece of media (e.g. playing the same song/album for hours on end).

You can check those threads out as they discuss the topic of music frequencies you brought up :
432Hz vs 440Hz
music sound and resonance
Fortunately, the more feedback we get from those mistakes, the better the ways our mind can play tricks on us can be understood.

Some times ago, while researching and thinking about Time Properties in a sense of How It Works, I got a "piece of inspiration" that Memories can be related with things needed to be remembered and fixed.

please, is not so easy to talk about that "phenomenas", and please, I'm not intended to be absolutely right, but think can help to build a kind of bridge to cross the river of time and memories, as a metaphor.

As the piece of inspiration was not specific, only for reference I started to split memories as "good, neutral and bad", to see that neutral memories we tend to forget. For example, there are facts that we participate in and that we only remember because others remind us, but this not change anything about us, neither about our memories.

This can means that (1) "our memories" on that fact was neutral, (2) we did a good job on that event without exaggeration, (3) we simple was balanced on that Time and so to speak, we don't make any ethical mistakes and don't need to remember It anymore.

But otherwise, if there was any exaggeration or lack of balance, whether in the good or the bad sense, these "unbalanced" memories tend to be more prominent, perhaps as a way of prioritizing them so that they can be remembered and eventually corrected, if needed.

I can be wrong, but somehow if that kind of clarification is valid, it can even explain the Mandela Effect (phenomenon), where you remember a fact, but when you have the opportunity to check It, you find another one, somewhat different from what was recorded in your personal Memories.

food for thought
Some times ago, while researching and thinking about Time Properties in a sense of How It Works, I got a "piece of inspiration" that Memories can be related with things needed to be remembered and fixed.

please, is not so easy to talk about that "phenomenas", and please, I'm not intended to be absolutely right, but think can help to build a kind of bridge to cross the river of time and memories, as a metaphor.

As the piece of inspiration was not specific, only for reference I started to split memories as "good, neutral and bad", to see that neutral memories we tend to forget. For example, there are facts that we participate in and that we only remember because others remind us, but this not change anything about us, neither about our memories.

This can means that (1) "our memories" on that fact was neutral, (2) we did a good job on that event without exaggeration, (3) we simple was balanced on that Time and so to speak, we don't make any ethical mistakes and don't need to remember It anymore.

But otherwise, if there was any exaggeration or lack of balance, whether in the good or the bad sense, these "unbalanced" memories tend to be more prominent, perhaps as a way of prioritizing them so that they can be remembered and eventually corrected, if needed.

I can be wrong, but somehow if that kind of clarification is valid, it can even explain the Mandela Effect (phenomenon), where you remember a fact, but when you have the opportunity to check It, you find another one, somewhat different from what was recorded in your personal Memories.

food for thought

Except a memory is not fixed in time, we may forget it or leave it as it is (defining it as neutral and keeping it neutral if I understood you correctly) for a time then get reminded of it by someone. We then open the door to external as well as internal influences that may shape the way we reinterpret or worse rerecord this memory, which was initially closer to what happened. Maybe because we thought it was innocuous enough, or because we were in balance mentally/emotionally/physically at that time thus perceiving/thinking more clearly.

Let's take for example the Berenstain vs Berenstein Bears case, I don't think the majority of people gave too much thought about it before it became "the topic of the day". Depending on what message led them to revisit those memories (e.g. "I swear I remember the Berenstain Bears being spelled that way. Someone must have altered the past !" compared to "How do you spell the Berenstain Bears? I'm not sure now that I think about it."), the damages on the "intact" view of the past were already done. It is similar, in my mind, to asking a leading question (or set of questions) during an hypnosis session (e.g. "Was the shoe red ?" instead of "What was the color of the shoe ?"). Our memory is so brittle that if we're not careful we can revisit our whole life with "colored glasses" and literally erase/redact important events and lessons. Especially when those memories are the only source of truth (e.g. our thoughts, perceptions when alone, inner emotional states, etc).

Then there is the issue of mass hysteria and conformity but it has already been addressed.

IMO, no memory is "out of touch" from this phenomenon but I agree, categories (or a taxonomy) could be determined to sort out and help figuring out how the Mandela Effect materialize on a large scale or an individual basis. We could identify as well truly "unexplained" phenomena that way, just like it has been done in UFO research which is/was largely based on eye witness testimonies. It would be an interesting work to undertake.

Food for thoughts indeed :-)
I went back to "register" the most harmonic "round" numbers/frequencies, to clarify my previous post

The list of numbers / frequencies in this chart form the Pythagorean Tunning

music tunned by "round" tones, sounds more better.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G are musical tones

Does this mean each note has different optimal frequency. is C is 256 H, E is 324 Hz.?
I went back to "register" the most harmonic "round" numbers/frequencies, to clarify my previous post

The list of numbers / frequencies in this chart form the Pythagorean Tunning

music tunned by "round" tones, sounds more better.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G are musical tones

Hello Border Dog,
That's an interesting scale: The 'normal' scale, of A=440Hz can be divided into thirteen (semitone) notes, in which the thirteenth note (the first note of the next higher octave) is exactly double the frequency of the first note. Each note is equally separated by a factor of the 'twelfth root of two', which I am too stupid to be able to represent in text, but a guitar fretboard represents it nicely. I n the case of the guitar the thickest open string is an E, followed up the fretboard by F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, Eb, then the thirteenth tone is E again at double the frequency of the open string.
It's the same on a keyboard of 88 notes, the black notes are represented by the 'flats' or notes with a b after them. Wikipedia explains it better than me:
Except a memory is not fixed in time, we may forget it or leave it as it is (defining it as neutral and keeping it neutral if I understood you correctly) for a time then get reminded of it by someone. We then open the door to external as well as internal influences that may shape the way we reinterpret or worse rerecord this memory, which was initially closer to what happened. Maybe because we thought it was innocuous enough, or because we were in balance mentally/emotionally/physically at that time thus perceiving/thinking more clearly.

Let's take for example the Berenstain vs Berenstein Bears case, I don't think the majority of people gave too much thought about it before it became "the topic of the day". Depending on what message led them to revisit those memories (e.g. "I swear I remember the Berenstain Bears being spelled that way. Someone must have altered the past !" compared to "How do you spell the Berenstain Bears? I'm not sure now that I think about it."), the damages on the "intact" view of the past were already done. It is similar, in my mind, to asking a leading question (or set of questions) during an hypnosis session (e.g. "Was the shoe red ?" instead of "What was the color of the shoe ?"). Our memory is so brittle that if we're not careful we can revisit our whole life with "colored glasses" and literally erase/redact important events and lessons. Especially when those memories are the only source of truth (e.g. our thoughts, perceptions when alone, inner emotional states, etc).

Then there is the issue of mass hysteria and conformity but it has already been addressed.

IMO, no memory is "out of touch" from this phenomenon but I agree, categories (or a taxonomy) could be determined to sort out and help figuring out how the Mandela Effect materialize on a large scale or an individual basis. We could identify as well truly "unexplained" phenomena that way, just like it has been done in UFO research which is/was largely based on eye witness testimonies. It would be an interesting work to undertake.

Food for thoughts indeed :-)
Hello, I remember the TV series "Sex In The City" as does my wife. Nowadays, in our current timeline, you will find it has changed to "Sex AND the City". I found this disconcerting until I read about merging timelines. Funny how the Universe(s) operate..
I think most of the supposed instances of the Mandela effect is simply misremembering things or never paying much attention to something and “putting in the blanks“ with what we assumed it should be.

For what it's worth, I remember it as “Sex and the City“, even though it would certainly make more sense to have “in“ in the title.

The only instance where I am quite sure that something changed is the girl with the braces in the “Moonraker“ movie, who now “never had braces“ in that movie. But even that could be a case where people expected to see braces in that one particular scene, even if it wasn't there.
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