The "Mandela Effect"- Has my Bible changed? Or do I just have a bad memory like most people?

I can't comment on the "cultural" references in the video because I watched Star Wars when I was around 8 or 10 in French and on a black and white television. The only thing I remember though is the liberation of Mandela from Jail because it was such a big event when it happened that it was even talked about in school.
Ok, I can sleep a little better tonight. These things get me a bit riled up and OCD, but let me explain why I think it may be a lot of "You Are Not so Smart" and general memory distortions. I just looked at the Family Guy creator post that Jeep mentioned. I was a fan of the show from the early days, but haven't watched it on a regular basis since 2009 (it's quite crude).

My initial thought was, "Ok his name is Seth MacFarland." But I didn't really spell it out in my head and wished I had. I concluded on the spelling after I saw his name. And I thought people would be arguing whether it was Mc or Mac. But when I looked up his name it's Seth MacFarlane, no "d". The real argument is over Mc vs Mac. So I was wrong in what I even thought it should be. Therefore, a simple memory distortion.

PS: Ok wait, I just looked up the Lord's prayer one, and this one has got me stumped. I was raised Protestant, but I've attended a few Catholic masses and remember reciting the Lord's Prayer a few times. And it was recited in the KJV with "thy" and "art". I recited it enough that I would say that Matthew 6:12 was, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us." Nothing about debts or debtors. I'm looking at the NSRV, NIV, KJV, and NKJV at the biblegateway site and they all say debts/debtors.

But in KJV the next verses 14 and 15 mention trespassers. But I thought you stop at verse 13 where it ends with "Amen." said:
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

I also remember verse 10 it being on earth, as it is in heaven. But here it is online as in earth: said:
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

I guess it could be something that Catholics changed about the prayer? Or maybe an update to the KJV? My grandma is Catholic, so maybe I'll ask her to recite it as she knows it.

C'mon former Catholics, you have to know this one! Sometimes I kind of fear that these things are a fear that I'm on the wrong timeline. Like I've made too many bad decisions and it's some sort of punishment. But then that's probably a bit of fallout from my religious upbringing itself.

Like I said, these worry me and I hope this isn't my, "There's a disinformation program out there for everyone." Could these small changes simply be 4D STS trolling us? :P In any event, these things, if in fact timeline changes, are not as bad as it could be (permanent abduction, becoming a window faller, stuck in a time loop, Philadelphia experiment like stuff, etc.)

I only have a NKJV bible and not a KJV, but both Matthew 6 and Luke 11 have debts/debtors. My Family Guy DVDs are behind some other ones and I don't really care about looking at them. What I do know is that all in all, we are here and have reality to work with. And we can make changes in that reality with little butterfly wing flaps. But first we must make changes within ourselves. And this is a great place to do that!
Re the JFK limousine 4 or 6 - remember the 'magic bullet'?

Hello Gov. Connally! What's that - "... after I realized I had been hit, and then I said "My God, they are going to kill us all!" "


More on the magic bullet:


I also remember Mandela was not only released from prison, but went on to become the president of South Africa. I can't imagine how it could be thought he died in prison.

Re the bible - my impression was that the language of the bible was purposely updated to make it more easily understood by younger people - post baby boomers. My recollection of the Lord's Prayer: ON earth / and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (my bible was stored w/ books that becamed mildewed and had to be disposed so can't look it up - I also used to have a penny that was pressed w/ the Lord's prayer on it, but it's also long gone). It was quite disconcerting when I realized the traditional words were being replaced w/ a modern version. It was like taking a cherished favorite poem and changing out the words - same overall meaning but the beauty of the words was lost. Same for the new version of Jesus' birth - Charles Schultz's Charlie Brown Christmas is the classic and the best - recited by Linus! I abhor the revised version - yuk! Crazy now that I know who the real JC was!

I dunno - all these memory distortions - toxic side effects of chemtrails :P (joke!) - or maybe just long-term effects of fluoride/mercury/aluminum/vaccinations/gmos/glyphosate - too much TV - too many lies - Matrix overload!!! Maybe Killary isn't the only one short-circuiting!
I guess if anyone wants to make a claim that reality has changed they needed to be an expert in their field before the reality changed. Something like a geography teacher who knew the various dimensions of countries and could compare them with the new reality. Our brain (system 1) is just too lazy to pick up on all the details.

In the case of JFK I always thought there were 4 people in the limo but never investigated the incident. Looking at the fairly high quality picture above it's still difficult to make out 6 people with with so much going on, let alone in a grainy image. Our attention also has a limited focus so if all of our attention is on JFK our brains will make up the rest of the picture, taking the easiest path possible. A car has four seats, and therefore four passengers. This forms our memory.

I've found the process of looking at these incidents quite helpful in holding a mirror to myself and I'm realizing just how much of reality I miss!
Windmill knight said:
Beau said:
I agree with all that. These examples seem to be less about the Mandela effect and more about the way people remember things and like you said, the way people fill in the blanks with regards to memory or don't notice/remember details like the scarecrow having a gun. I did watch Star Wars religiously as a kid and never once noticed a silver leg, but others have told me that he did indeed have that, so the simplest explanation is that I just never paid close enough attention.

Yeah. Take the "Luke, I am your father" example. The original says "No" instead of "Luke", because it is in reply to Luke saying something like "I know enough, you killed my father!", so replying "no" makes sense. But when quoting the phrase afterwards, there is no point in contextualizing it within a dialogue, so it's natural to come up with a memorable, close enough phrase. One that makes it clear that it's about Star Wars, by including the word "Luke". Basically, the brain fills the blanks for convenience in a (semi) automatic way.

Remember the man in the gorilla suit walking among the basketball players. I know people who swear the gorilla was NOT there when they watched it the first time, even when the same tape was rewinded immediately to prove to them that it was. Likewise, we never noticed C3PO had a silver leg because nothing in the movies hints to it being of any significance and under bright light gold and silver are easily confused.

I watched some of the video with examples of how geography has supposedly changed, and I think that most of the examples can be explained by the distortions in maps as opposed to actual globes. Countries look bigger, smaller or misplaced, etc.

Thinking about Mandela, if people hear the suggestion that he died in jail, it sort of 'makes sense' considering all we know about him, so the brain just accepts it. But in reality, he didn't. I remember him getting out of jail, but when I first read that he could have died in jail instead, I doubted if he had - cause it's plausible.

'Sex and the City', I always remember it being like that, but it's easy to see how people can remember it as "in". It sounds similar and it actually makes more logical sense. It's more natural to think that "sex happens in the city", than "sex" and "city" being two items that can be listed together like, say, apples and oranges.

I don't discount the possibility of real shifts of timelines, but I don't think we've come across a convincing example yet.

Having looked searched a little more today, and having read the additional replies in this thread, I agree -- thanks for the summary of the points above, Windmill knight. Another example that hasn't been mentioned yet was the Ford logo -- I didn't remember it having the little curlycue that was pointed out in the video, but I found an example in a parking lot today, and I think it's easy to overlook that particular detail in the context of the larger image. I guess something similar happened in my recollection of the JFK limo, since I never really focused on that detail when studying his assassination (although if it was a 6-seater, I assume this means that the limo museum exhibits shown in the video are just inaccurate?).

So most of these examples, while perhaps not evidence for a timeline shift, are pretty interesting in terms of how things become distorted through cultural transmission and/or how we fill in gaps in our memories. The 'Mandela Effect' also has a built-in safety feature, if you want to call it that, where it can never be disproven to everyone's satisfaction, since any tangible (non-memory) proof of an alternate timeline would, by definition, be wiped out in a true edit/merger as described in the video. The only evidence that would be available would be direct comparison of two different sets of recollections, but would there be a way to demonstrate that both accounts had been accurate and valid?

Anyway, there are two examples that still seem odd to me, but for different reasons. The first, also mentioned by a few people above, is the Moonraker one. Like I said, I never saw it, so I don't actually have a personal memory, but from what I gather the scene logically hinges on Dolly having braces to make sense, so I'm not sure what to make of that.

The other is the "lion and lamb" example. I agree that most people, including pastors, don't have an accurate idea of what's in the Bible. However, at least some pastors will incorporate reading directly from the Bible into their sermons, so it's odd (not unbelievable, just odd) that there wouldn't be more self-correction done in this context. But perhaps some pastors do read it, and their congregations hear it, accurately, but nevertheless reconstruct it in their memories after-the-fact to fall in line with the more well-known meme.
Beorn said:
I guess if anyone wants to make a claim that reality has changed they needed to be an expert in their field before the reality changed. Something like a geography teacher who knew the various dimensions of countries and could compare them with the new reality. Our brain (system 1) is just too lazy to pick up on all the details.

In the case of JFK I always thought there were 4 people in the limo but never investigated the incident. Looking at the fairly high quality picture above it's still difficult to make out 6 people with with so much going on, let alone in a grainy image. Our attention also has a limited focus so if all of our attention is on JFK our brains will make up the rest of the picture, taking the easiest path possible. A car has four seats, and therefore four passengers. This forms our memory.

I've found the process of looking at these incidents quite helpful in holding a mirror to myself and I'm realizing just how much of reality I miss!

Me too I though there were just 4 people in the car. How interesting to see what tricks our memory play with us, how we just see what we want to see, how fragile is the memory. That makes me thing about witness in a specific situation: they are not reliable at all. ;D

I asked my husband how many people where in the car of the JFK assassination and he remembers 6. Two people in front of the JFK couple.

Here we can see clearly that there are 6 people.

So what is disturbing in this is that even if we have seen this scene hundred of times our memory is false because we believed what we wanted to see. Strange and very disturbing.
Have just watched the previously referenced Red Pill video up to 52 min which is covering the Bible differences. Funny re the Lord's prayer that the narrator is saying ON earth when the onscreen image is showing the text written as IN earth (48:28) and again at 49:03 - however, towards the end of that segment when the closeup of the circled versions of the Lord's prayer are onscreen, the one on the left of the final three shown has both ON and trespasses written (50:29). That version also has the added sentence For thine is the kindgdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. My penny Lord's prayer didn't have that last sentence (wouldn't fit probably) and I'm not sure when exactly I realized that it wasn't always included when the prayer was recited. Seems like the sung version of the prayer did include it, but then again, how reliable is my memory really? Sure wish I still had my bible from my youth to compare w/ these assertions. Have to say that the debts/debtors doesn't seem right to me at all and yet I know I've heard it said that way many times. Interestingly enough, when reciting aloud in a group, I'll be saying trespasses while others are saying debts - and I always have to pause to tell if the last line is going to be recited or if it just ends w/ deliver us from evil. Since my church going has been intermittent throughout my life w/ some periods of a lot of attendance and other periods of no or little attendance, the fact that this prayer has not been consistent isn't something I can say radically changed at a certain time or year. Again, I thought the changes were part of an updating of the language.

In regards to the other oddities, what came to mind was the children's game Telephone in which a line of children is formed and a child at one end is given a whispered phrase that is passed on to the next child, also in whisper, until the end of the line when the last child speaks the phrase out loud. Inevitably, the phrase has changed from the original, usually quite remarkably! Maybe something similar is what's occuring for a lot of the word associations such as Sex IN the city as opposed to Sex AND the city, etc. The Jaws/Dolly braces thing certainly seems quite different especially w/ the commercial takeoff of the movie scene w/ Jaws & the female service person definitely having braces - the whole point! That one is definitely hard to explain - why DOESN'T Dolly have braces?!

It's telling that the narrator failed to mention Gov. Connally specifically or his exclaiming,"God, they are going to kill us all!" I guess that would have annihilated her implication that Jackie offed JFK. That whole spiel was really absurd. Not surprising that the footage she showed of a 4-person limo wasn't an accurate depiction of the actual limo - if you're trying to sell a false narrative, why provide any more factual info than absolutely necessary! She failed to mention the bullethole thru the windshield either - that would also trash the Jackie did it scenario. And then there's Gerald Ford's admission decades later that he fudged the location of the bullethole on JFK's back in the Warren Report. Again, had to sell the lone gunman plot w/ just 3 bullets - all coming from the TSBD. Too bad countless witnesses heard more than 3 shots - not to mention the grassy knoll - the curb bullet - the pristine bullet on the stretcher - the arrested three 'tramps' (and their future false identification/link to Watergate) - etc. etc. Yes, conspiracies abound and all of them are incredibly convoluted mazes of lies perpetrated by psychopaths!

No wonder our brains are melting down - we've been inundated w/ lies our whole lives - gaslighted to the max!
While I've been putting my response together, I missed some of the additional discussion, but here's my 2 cents:
Beau said:
Perhaps a lot these instances are people remembering things how they should be and not as they are, although that doesn't explain why so many people remember Mandela dying in the 80's. But the Scarecrow with a gun? And the lion vs. wolf? I think there is some validity to the idea of timeline changes here.
I've watched that movie every year of my childhood and I have never seen that gun pictured. Seems like the tin man had an ax because he was a wood chopper, but there’s no rationale for the lion having the gun, and if he did, then his fearfulness would’ve made less sense. (I wonder if the original book indicates he had a gun)?

Shijing said:
There's definitely something very odd about this. For most of the material that was presented in the video, I fall into the 'Timeline B' group, where I remember the 'original' material that's no longer there. As I watched the video, I paused from time to time to search either Google or YouTube depending on what was being discussed, and it was pretty unnerving to see the changes as compared to what I remember.

... I also clearly remember "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood", "If you build it, they will come" (that's actually quoted a couple of times on the forum), "Mirror, mirror on the wall" (from the Disney movie -- I never read the original version), "Life is like a box of chocolates", and "Sex in the City"
Same here without any doubt the way I remember all 4 of these. It'd be interesting to know hoq Tom Hanks remembers the Forrest Gump quote. It would be easy to believe any one of these might be a case of "misremembering", but the odds of doing that with all 4 seems very improbable.
Shijing said:
...The JFK section was bizarre -- the six-seater limo looks totally wrong to me. Does anyone else have the same reaction?
So then, with your 4-seater limo memory, where were Gov. John Connally and his wife riding in the motorcade?
From the moment the JFK assassination happened, I was very captivated by the whole thing, which happened when I was in 5th grade. In fact, I still have all the newspapers and magazines I kept from that week. I definitely remember a 6-seater limousine--with Texas Governor John Connally and his wife riding in the middle seats, where the Governor fell victim to the "magic" bullet that, supposedly traveled through JFK's neck to injure him in his wrist and thigh. So regarding this issue, in contrast to all the other issues, it seems I am not subject to the Mandela effect, in that the historical data for the present timeline we're in confirms they rode in a 6-seater (text and photo: _
Shijing said:
The map section was the muddiest for me -- the one instance where I clearly don't have an 'original' memory is in the case of the large landmass to the west of Australia, which I don't have even a glimmer of. When I brought up a world map, Papua New Guinea did look closer to Australia than I remember, but it's difficult to be certain whether my mind is playing tricks in that case of not. Greenland also looks odd to me, but I can't say for sure if it's because of a size difference or not, or whether in this case it's just the power of suggestion.
I have always had a fascinating with maps. (As a child, all my parents had to do to occupy me during along road trip was hand me a map!) So to learn now that Australia’s located only a few miles from Papua New Guinea is one of the most surprising Mandela effects for me. I always considered/remembered Australia as being quite isolated away from other land masses and much closer to Antarctica. In fact, when that Malaysian flight vanished and I heard the Australians were taking on a major role in the search, my first thought was that seemed odd since Australia was so far away.
Shijing said:
The Isaiah 11:6 is just downright creepy -- I'm sure I remember 'lion' instead of 'wolf', and there are plenty of auxiliary examples to back that up, but when you do a search on it, all that comes up is the 'wolf' version (with the exception of Google Images). There are several links which say the verse is misquoted, but if that's the case I don't know why I'd never heard the 'wolf' version before now.
As a child, I went to church and Sunday school every week. In my 20's (the 1970’s) I read the Bible daily and the entire Bible several times, and memorized many verses including the entire book of Ephesians. Even today, I still have great recall of the content, theological issues, etc. All that said, I distinctly remember Isaiah 11:6 because the way it was illustrated in my Sunday school book made quite an impression: it showed a child sitting beside a hole with a snake coming out it (Isaiah 11:8)—next to a lion laying down with a lamb.

The most striking change in the Bible is Luke 19:27. According to some, it used to say "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and shew them before me." Now it says "But those my enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring here, and slay them before me"! I admit I don’t recall what it used to say, but I’m certain if the current version had been in my Bible in the late '70's, I would've not only noticed, but have asked a lot of questions about such a violent streak in an otherwise pacifist Jesus.
Shijing said:
Anyway, I'd love to hear a mundane explanation for these examples -- I don't presently have one. Entertaining the possibility of a timeline splice, a lot of these cases give the impression that it was a rather sloppy one.
In light of what Marciniak and the C's have said (copied below), here’s an interesting comment posted on a Mandela Effect site ( _
retro-chronal magic ):
Manifest reality is a hard place to operate in, there's lots of people keeping things as they are, so if you want to effect large scale change on the planet, the best place to do it is a long time ago. The changes then filter through to now without people really noticing. Only operatives who have constructed, or connected with, their hyperspatial consciousnesses can pull these tricks.

The Gaian Ordinal Device, (the Global Artifical Intelligence Apparatus) is part of the focus of the retro-chronal activity. Simply put, we are attempting to create god better this time, using the lessons learned from this cycle to better educate it in its early years, before the quantum processing systems come on line and it can expand its consciousness outside of time. Again.

The only thing that survives changes in the past are memories. And most people don't trust theirs - indeed, we are trained not to.

Bringers Of The Dawn (pages 97-101) by Barbara Marciniak:

...Just as there is a movie industry on this planet, there are those in space who have a holographic industry. They make holographic inserts-dramas that look just like they are real and insert them through portals into your reality. Since these space beings have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, and humanity's frequencies have been controlled, it is quite easy to hoodwink human beings.

Holographic inserts have been used on Earth to manipulate and control consciousness and to change the story of information to one of disinformation--one of a limited amount of knowledge.

You have been trained since you were a child to rely on your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and sense of touch to interpret experience. Now you are going to need to rely on other forms of sensing to determine experience. One of the forms you have discounted is feeling...your knowing, intuitive, psychic self has been jammed by frequency control on this planet so that none of you have been able to find it. If you found your own knowledge and your own way of intuiting, you could not be controlled.

How do you know what is controlled and what is not controlled? Part of your experience here is to learn that--to get into a little hot water and to know when to jump out. In the deepest core of your being, there is an integrity you can discover and begin to operate with.

You will recognize holographic inserts by feeling. They won't feel right...your (DNA) codings and filaments will not feel good if you are exposed to holographic inserts because they are used to control you...They are used to ride your emotions to a certain point so others can feed off them...

...humanity is in for a drastic awakening as far as what is really real. The boundaries of reality are quite profound...when you leave a planetary sphere and go into space, once you traverse certain belts of consciousness you must find the proper portal to come back onto the planet in the precise time period or corridor of time that you are looking for.,25709.msg305899.html#msg305899

Q: (L) What is a reality merge?
A: What does it sound like?

Q: (T) Merging of realities from one universe into another? A creating of a new reality which is then merged with the old to create a new universe. (L) Maybe it means the realities of different people merge to create a sort of "mutual universe?" Like the idea "you create your own reality?"
A: Terry is closer, Laura is playing "left field."

Q: (L) Well, I also want to know why you refer to a technological device that supposedly transports someone from one density to another, as a 'Trans Dimensional Remolecularizer?'
A: In order to reconstruct 3rd density into 4th density physical, other dimensions must be utilized in the process. Remember, we are talking about exact duplicates which are merged.

Q: (L) But, a little while ago you said there was a single dimension and many universes, and now you are saying utilizing another dimension, so the terminology is getting to be a little bit confusing... (T) It is like a program loading onto a computer. Some programs just load straight in. Others need to create a space on the hard drive to put files that they need to LOAD the program, but are not PART of the program, and when it is finished loading, it erases all the "loading instructions." The hard drive is still the hard drive, but for a time, the program used a sector of the hard drive, and created a temporary dimension, let's say. (L) Is this what we are looking at here?
A: Close. And remember, we said "true" dimension!

Q: (L) So, it is like one hard drive, many programs, loading instructions for new programs that are then erased, etc. If there is one "true dimension," and infinite universes within it, does one particular universe exist, of and by itself, at any given time, until it is merged into a new one, or is there within this one true dimension, multiple universes as real as ours is, to which we could go, and could be there alongside ours, so to speak?
A: Yes to the latter.

Q: (L) And, can infinite numbers of "dimensions" exist within each level of density, even if temporary?
A: Yes. If you want to go back and change "history," either for individuals or for universal perception, you must first create an alternate universe to do it. Your 4th density STS "friends" have been doing this a lot.

Q: (L) If you, being a general term, create an alternate universe, does the former one continue to exist, or does the former one merge into the new one?
A: Both.

Q: (L) If the former one continues to exist, does it exist and evolve on its own, disassociated with the second one, or this offshoot?
A: Clarify.

Q: (T) The universe you are in: you are going along and say, "I think I will create a new Universe." You do it, and move to it, and you bring your universe with you. That is the merging of realities. But, when you move to the new universe, you are no longer in the original one which continues along on its own. The pattern of the old universe, you bring into the new one, and when you become part of the new universe you have just created, you are no longer part of the old one you just left. It just goes along with everybody else there. (L) Is this correct?
A: Sort of... remember, one can create all ranges of types of alternate possibilities.

Q: (L) So you could create a new universe with a new "past," even?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, in that way, both actually occur and you can change the whole thing?
A: When merged, the former never existed.

Q: (T) Not for the person creating the new universe, but the former will continue for everybody else.
A: Close.

Q: (L) So, for the person creating a new universe, the former never existed, but the other beings who are satisfied with that old universe, and "go" with it, are still continuing along as though...
A: Your 3rd density mind restrictions limit the scope of your comprehension in this area.

Q: (L) If you decide you don't like your present universe, and you work like crazy to learn how to create a new one, and you do it, do you, essentially, forget that you did this? And why you did this? And forget the other universe?
A: If you wish.

Q: (L) So you can or you can't... (T) Going by what you just said: "an unhappy universe," is that because your perceiving the universe you are in as being unhappy because that is the way you are and where you are at, in terms of learning, and by creating a new universe, you are simply wishing to change the way the universe is around you, and really its not the universe that has a problem, but you...
A: Off track.

Q: (L) So, the universe you are in, is what it is, and you are in it for some reason... (T) You're in it to learn lessons... just to change the universe because you don't want to learn the lessons you've chosen to learn... (L) Or, you have learned them and thereby CAN change the universe... (T) When you learn, you just move on automatically, you don't have to change the universe. The universe will change for you.
A: Deja vu comes to you compliments of 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Is deja vu a result of some sensation of the universe having changed?
A: Or... some sensation of reality bridging.

Q: (T) As you move into the new one, you have leftovers?
A: No.

Q: (L) That still doesn't help me to understand deja vu as a "sensation of reality bridging." Is deja vu because something comes into our reality from another?
A: One possibility..

Q: (T) Didn't we talk about this? That it is a bleedthrough from other dimensions... that when we think we have been someplace before, it is because in another dimension we have...
A: Yes.

Q: (L) If you are now in a particular universe that has been created and merged by 4th density STS, and there is still the old universe existing, and you feel a connection, or a bridging, because some alternate self is in that alternate universe, living through some experience... or a similar thing?
A: No limits of possibilities.

Q: (L) Well, within a particular, selected one of the universes, can you go back in time, within that universe, change the past, and have it change everything forward, still within that selected universe, like a domino effect?
A: In such a case, yes.

Q: (L) In our particular universe, what is the primary mode? Are we constantly shifting and merging universe to universe, or is our past being changed and reacting like the domino effect... at least in the past few years... (T) But, we wouldn't know if the past has been changed because we wouldn't see it...
A: Measurements are inadequate.

Q: (L) How does that relate to my question? Which is happening? Is our singular universe being changed as in a domino effect, or is it continuously being merged with a new one and another and another... (T) What you are asking for is a measurement. (L) Is it that any and all possibilities and will and do take place?
A: Closer.
JGeropoulas said:
Shijing said:
...The JFK section was bizarre -- the six-seater limo looks totally wrong to me. Does anyone else have the same reaction?
So then, with your 4-seater limo memory, where were Gov. John Connally and his wife riding in the motorcade?

I have to admit that I didn't know they were even there. I've seen the limo several times in the JFK footage, but I never really paid attention to it, so it's pretty easy for me in retrospect to accept the fact that I expected it to look a certain way and the real footage clashes with the erroneous image of it that was in my mind. I believe there are several people on the forum who have studied the JFK assassination in quite a bit of detail (certainly more than I have), so when there was such a limited response to my question about the limo, it was easy to guess that most people did remember the six-seater as being authentic and come to the conclusion that the fault was with my own memory.

I'm having a more difficult time with C3PO's silver leg ;) even though Anthony Daniels says himself it was always there:

On Monday's red carpet for the world premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Los Angeles, actor Anthony Daniels said the different-colored limb on the otherwise-gold protocol droid was overlooked by many fans.

Daniels recalled, "Even the stills photographer, John Jay, came up to me one day and said, 'Why are you wearing a silver leg today.' Now, he was the stills photographer, and he hadn't noticed."

Actually, the leg caused some problems for filming.

"It would reflect the gold leg, and it would reflect in the desert, so it acted more of like a mirror," said Daniels.
Also, if a timeline HAD indeed changed for some reason, wouldn't that mean that every memory that anyone has of events from that moment on would also automatically change and be basically "updated" or propagated to the present ?

I'm not saying I think timeline changes can't happen, but that having a memory of something that turns out false or skewed is much more a product of how people think, how their brains work and how culture can distort perception and memory and not indicative (in my mind) of a memory somehow surviving an entire timeline shift.
JEEP said:
I actually brought up the whole Sex IN the city vs Sex AND the city in another past transcript thread and whether 'splitting realities' might be involved.

If you listen to one of the actors saying the name of the show, it isn't really discernible if she is saying sex and the city or sex in the city. Try saying it yourself. Both "in" and "and" sound almost identical unless you speak slowly and enunciate very clearly.
ankhepiphan said:
Sorry but the right click is not working - cant cut and paste.

How about the JFK assasination? Do you remember 4 people in the car, or 6 people

Search Mandella effect jfk

Anyone who knows anything about the JFK assassination knows that JFK and Jackie were in the back, Governor Connolly (who was also shot) and his wife were in front of them and then there had to be drivers in front of them. A major aspect of the assassination debate, with the "magic bullet" etc., that hit Connolly in the wrist, requires that Connolly be in front of JFK. Are we to presume then that he was driving? Of course not, the SS was driving.

ankhepiphan, this is pure solipsism, pure subjectivity. Just because something does not jive with your, or many others peoples', recollection of an event does NOT mean that what you remember is the accurate. People get things wrong, miss details, hear and see something that is not what was said or there, ALL THE TIME. Have you never heard of cognitive bias and blind spots and people projecting onto a situation, people seeing what they EXPECT to see? Have you not read on this forum the work modern cognitive psychology? It seems not, since your participation is rather low.

Even the often-referenced allegorical story about the "man in the blue hat" - where someone has been primed when young to fear a man in a blue hat and then later in life they will see any man in a blue hat as threatening - applies here. When asked, most people will say that the man in the blue hat was a nice guy, the 'primed' one will say he was threatening. Should we include such examples in this"Mandela effect" business?

Over the years there have been so many references in popular culture to these historical events that some level of distortion of the events is to be expected. The point is to focus on and try and discover what is objectively true, not indulge yourself and your own musings and "dreams" and then try to claim they are objective. Remember the Cs quote:

"Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
Shijing said:
I have to admit that I didn't know they were even there. I've seen the limo several times in the JFK footage, but I never really paid attention to it, so it's pretty easy for me in retrospect to accept the fact that I expected it to look a certain way and the real footage clashes with the erroneous image of it that was in my mind. I believe there are several people on the forum who have studied the JFK assassination in quite a bit of detail (certainly more than I have), so when there was such a limited response to my question about the limo, it was easy to guess that most people did remember the six-seater as being authentic and come to the conclusion that the fault was with my own memory.

Yep. And ask yourself, how many cars that you've seen in your life have 3 rows of seats? Would you expectation of a car not be that it has 2 rows of seats, like the vast majority of cars? There IS an important point here, but it's not about "timelines", it's about just how much we project onto our environment and how little of what is ACTUALLY happening, of what ACTUALLY IS, we miss.
Tigersoap said:
Although I do consider alternative timelines, in those cases, I think it has more to do with a lot of people remembering something wrong (or consciously chosing to mess up people's recollection) and infecting other's people memories.

Taken into account how our memories are falible and can be hijacked, distorted or changed, I suppose that if an enough mass of people are convinced of remembering a specific event, or movie scene, or the line of a book differently than the reality then it starts to take a life on it's own, in total disregard from the actual facts.

Which leads to interesting questions about influencing reality and how to alter the perception of an event if enough people are convinced of a particular outcome (past/present & future I suppose).
It happens every day though, look at how the mainstream media skews the perception of what happens in order to solidify the beliefs of the masses.

From the above video I know two examples :

At around 15 min

In moonraker, Dolly does not have braces although "everyone" seems to recall that she had. Fact is, she never did.
Weirdly enough, I had the same feeling that she had braces but not because I remembered it but because the general consensus seemed to go that way. As if it was influencing my memory from afar.

In this case, I wouldn't even go that far, i.e. saying that reality is changed in such a way by minds, or that minds influence each other in this way. The simplest explanation is that most human brains are constructed similarly and will reach similar conclusions for identical inputs. That's why magic tricks are convincing for the majority of people. In the specific Moonraker movie case: While everyone was watching this movie more or less totally dissociated (including me), the impressive smile of the metal teeth of Jaws could easily be 'transferred' over to the smile of Dolly. I too thought that Dolly had braces. Remember that our 'lower' or 'older' brains do not expend a lot of energy and work fast at the cost of accuracy. That just confirms what books like Strangers to Ourselves, Thinking Fast and Slow, You Are Not So Smart, The Polyvagal Theory have to say about our different brain layers.
Following up what Joe said, let's say just for fun that 100% of these "changes" are actually valid. What difference does it make?

In the past, there have been "reality shift" events like this where two people - or two groups of people - remember two different pasts. As I mentioned in another post (somewhere!), during one event I actually remembered both sets of events.

Thing is, that was related to a specific series of rather traumatic events that had great significance for everyone here. It wasn't the reality changes that were important; it was what was actually occurring in real life, on the ground, in realtime, and it was affecting almost all of us negatively. The shifts were not the point. The shifts were simply a marker, a clue that something was amiss.

Cataloging these potential shifts or changes simply for the sake of it therefore doesn't really mean anything. Okay, C-3PO had a silver leg. In and of itself, what difference does that make?

Many of us have long theorized that reality is far more complicated than we think, and that there is much more beyond our 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time. Continuing along this theoretical line, one might also then theorize that if there are higher-dimensional denizens, they might screw with us. In that case, it would be highly likely that many such "shifts" have happened over the millenia. Thus, that shouldn't be terribly surprising.

But again, without linking those shifts to actual events back here in the real world, what's the point? They don't mean anything to us here and now on Planet Earth in 2016 as we sit on the potential brink of WWIII.

There's a lot going on, and we need to pay attention to it. Sure, it's kind of hard to focus on "objective reality" when it seems that reality might be more fluid than we thought, but actually that's one of the primary reasons to focus on it: because by staying abreast of what is going on NOW, we are in a better position to navigate what is happening and what is yet to come.

On the other hand, we could zone out and focus more strictly on the "woo-woo" parts like reality shifts. In that case, we risk missing the forest for the trees.

The other day, I saw there is some new movie coming out with John Goodman in it. I was totally sure that John Goodman had died! Well, that's curious, no? But who knows... maybe my brain is just confusing him with somebody else. So, what to do? I mentioned it. It was recorded in my brain, filed away, and life went on. So far, there is no significance that I can see even for me personally, so it just gets filed away.

Finally, imagine what could happen if even weirder stuff starts happening... Imagine that 3d starts becoming more like 4d. We could spend all our waking hours just totally fascinated and obsessed by all the "weird stuff" going on.

In that case, how long do you think we would last? The ship that is not manned, steered, and maintained generally ends up smashed to pieces on the rocks.
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