The Michael Teachings

I believe that just as a second-density being can become a candidate for third-density in their interaction with us, so too can an organic portal develop the energetic foundation for an individualized soul to connect to, since the " terrain" has been properly converted.
There may be a flaw in that analogy, as I see it, because moving from 2D to 3D implies pre-existence of an individualized soul. If all souls are already created, how would an OP "get" one. It's also possible that we are confusing ourselves with terminology, or don't have the proper grasp on the terminology we're using? I suggest that because it may be possible for an OP to become souled in some way.

I read Messages from Michael back in the 1990s, along with many other New Age tomes, but that one, I remember distinctly, made very little to no impression on me, FWIW.
Was just thinking the same. If all souls were already created, and no more are created, it's interesting to consider the idea of the 'pool' from which OPs are said to originate and return (in the sense of their essence). We might think that means that there is no progression available for OPs (they just cycle back and forth from the 'pool'), but maybe progression is possible in the sense that an OP from this 'pool', can attach itself to a more individuated soul group and thereby progress (so to speak).
This is very interesting point. If we stretch this idea further would it mean that OPs basically have no chance of "getting souled"? Not now, not in the future? No matter how much effort they spent the progress wouldn`t be coming?
And if there are no new souls generated, is there a concept of "new and old" souls?
Another possibility is that we experience time in lower densities, but the highest levels are timeless. Just because something appears to emerge in a lower density, where it didn't exist before (say, the first life forms, and every subsequent life form), doesn't mean that the higher "self" of which it is a part didn't "already" exist in a higher realm. From our perspective, it might be difficult to distinguish a "created soul" from a "future potential soul".

From the perspective of organisms in time (animals, OPs, non-OPs), it would be like growing into ever more developed souls, but those souls always exist as nonphysical "attractors" or "teloi", which may also exist at various levels of individuality. So you have very amorphous group souls, more specific groups souls, and more individual souls, all eternally existing as potentials and attractors suited to organisms at various levels of development.
There may be a flaw in that analogy, as I see it, because moving from 2D to 3D implies pre-existence of an individualized soul
It seems that the organic portals have a soul similar to that of the 2d animal kingdom, in this case, it would be a programming of collective operation, which would configure the human collective.

I think the C's called it a bridge or link between 2D and 3D.

When the individual soul that has split into multiple connections or lifetimes has the compatibility to connect with a body, it does so.

The point, I believe, is that we must not lose sight, that our individuality is a learning spark, which will eventually return to the bonfire to which it belongs, enriching it a little more.
1D and 2D creatures have a hive mind soul for each member of their pack/group usually with an alpha/queen in charge while 3 D or 4 D being with soul only have 2 split higher and lower self/ego. 6D or higher being in state of unity or one consciousness. Basically animals are matrix being run by the planet ley line/cakras. Only at a later stage of 2 D they learn individualism by becoming our pets. Human love and affections (cruelty if evil) help increase their vibrations. Remember your energy field and the pet collide creating a higher frequency for pets than if they are in the wild. Technically all the soul has been created, just some are in slumber once they have enough love/ frequency they are awakening an individualized soul. OP think like the matrix if they happen to marry a loving soul human then the OP will learn to have a mind of their own thus triggering formation of individual soul awakening. Each lesson require certain love experience level/frequency to understand otherwise it is only senseless suffering. The wave is electromagnetic love frequency that surround everything in creation. Think about yourself as a radio/ tv. You receive all the the wavelength from the ether thus focusing on certain level get you a certain experience. Example, FM 101.5 get pop music, FM104 gets you jazz, etc. The higher your frequency the more complex info you get:

High /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Low /-\_/-\_/-\_/-\

You have a range of frequency, if you receive a negative emotion just like in Pixar Monster, inc movie your lower than average frequency due to monster under the bed create a frequency match/ connection to lower realm being allowing them to leech on you (piggybacking creation energy as low/ evil being have poor connection to ether). Same with ghost, etc, if your frequency is high dark realm will never have attachment frequency match, thus knowledge protect. You may even get a inspiration/ channeling connection to higher self/being. Idea and attitude is energy that you manifest into reality. Everything is here and now it is only a matter of which direction your attention focus. If you know how things work, you don't need technology/machine portal but it will still need a lot of training and meditation to get there. Spiritual is really hard to understand using your mind, intellectual understanding/reading about love and emotionally in love is totally different experience.
PS: Soul being with different polarity are technically different species, thus angel/sto don't marry demon/sts they can't have baby without technological help/ artificial insemination/cloning and chips. That is one of the reason perfectly healthy couple can't have a baby, severe frequency mismatch.
I remember reading some of the Michael teachings years ago but it was not "mathematical" enough for me. Far too many words with nothing much being said. Years ago I repaired and calibrated precision instruments and I grew to appreciate precision. This also applies to 'teachings'. Even Castaneda spoke with precision, imo, even though much of what he said was kinda 'out there'.

I often viewed the soul as a formless dimension-less point of pure Will that comes from the highest level of creation that decends into the material world to begin its journey thru the world of form to develope consciousnes and awareness. In its journey it grows in awareness and knowledge as it ascends 'upwards' towards its point of origin from whence it came but now with consciousness and awareness and the "mastering" of the material world of form. It proceeds upward thru the three dimensions of space(and 4th?).

First it proceeds thru plant-1st dimension or linear consciousnes. Then animal-2nd dimensional consciousness and then human-3rd dimensional consciousness and then possibly the 4th dimensional consciousness on its return trip to its origin point. So it may be that the four dimensional manifold are really all material, and in actual terms (and not just mathematical abstractions) the dimensions can possibly be viewed as really extensions of matter.

Beyond the 4th dimension or 'extension' the soul proceeds thru the non-material formless realms (5th, 6th, (and then 7th?) having now fully cognized and mastered the world of form with greater knowledge, awareness, and experience.

It may be that there are two aspects to the soul. The form and formless aspects. The formless aspect is real but does not exist in actuality and the form aspect exists in potential but is not yet real. Only when they are brought or married together that one might say that the soul is REAL both actually and potentially. So it might be that when we say that the soul "grows" it really means the lower centers, that is, the lower mind organizing itself so as to recieve the higher mind mediated by that point of awareness (the Will) that came from the highest levels of creation.

It may be that the soul can be defined as the mind/information organized, both in its higher and lower aspects by an act of the Will.

Just some thoughts here and I'm not sure if I explained this right.
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First it proceeds thru plant-1st dimension . Then animal-2nd dimension and then human-3rd dimension and then possibly the 4th dimension on its return trip to its origin point. So it may be that the four dimensional manifold are really all material, and in actual terms (and not just mathematical abstractions) the higher dimensions can possibly be viewed as really extensions of matter.
As the C’s kept reminding, it’s “Density’s” that denote the levels of being, not dimensions.
I really appreciate this quote from Rumi:
As the C’s kept reminding, it’s “Density’s” that denote the levels of being, not dimensions.
Right. Dimensions are not densities. I edited my above post with the term dimensional consciousness meaning that, for example, plants have a linear conscousness (sensation) which might equate with movement in the first dimension. Animal consciousness (perception) might equate with movement in 2 dimensions and human consciousness (conceptualzation) might equate with movement in 3 directions or dimensions. Intuition might correspond to movement or awareness in the 4th direction.

Dimension and density might relate to each other in some way via the nature of consciousness but I still don't know.
I remember reading some of the Michael teachings years ago but it was not "mathematical" enough for me. Far to many words with nothing much being said. Years ago I repaired and calibrated precision instruments and I grew to appreciate precision. This also applies to 'teachings'. Even Castaneda spoke with precision, imo, even though much of what he said was kinda 'out there'.

I often viewed the soul as a formless dimension-less point of pure Will that comes from the highest level of creation that decends into the material world to begin its journey thru the world of form to develope consciousnes and awareness. In its journey it grows in awareness and knowledge as it ascends 'upwards' towards its point of origin from whence it came but now with consciousness and awareness and the "mastering" of the material world of form. It proceeds upward thru the three dimensions of space(and 4th?).

First it proceeds thru plant-1st dimension . Then animal-2nd dimension and then human-3rd dimension and then possibly the 4th dimension on its return trip to its origin point. So it may be that the four dimensional manifold are really all material, and in actual terms (and not just mathematical abstractions) the higher dimensions can possibly be viewed as really extensions of matter.

Beyond the 4th dimension or 'extension' the soul proceeds thru the non-material formless realms (5th, 6th, (and then 7th?) having now fully cognized and mastered the world of form with greater knowledge, awareness, and experience.

It may be that there are two aspects to the soul. The form and formless aspects. The formless aspect is real but does not exist in actuality and the form aspect exists in potential but is not yet real. Only when they are brought or married together that one might say that the soul is REAL both actually and potentially. So it might be that when we say that the soul "grows" it really means the lower centers, that is, the lower mind organizing itself so as to recieve the higher mind mediated by that point of awareness (the Will) that came from the highest levels of creation.

It may be that the soul can be defined as the mind/information organized, both in its higher and lower aspects by an act of the Will.

Just some thoughts here and I'm not sure if I explained this right.

I think it makes sense to me. So we can view a soul as non-physical and/or non-temporal. So, without tangible form, our souls require space and time to be expressed. So instead of seeing a soul as a fixed “being”, it can be thought of as the will that acts on objects. This makes the concept of existing in potential more understandable - without taking action, the will is just a potential or even non-existent entity. If the soul's actions are beneficial to all, then these actions it takes in space and time, in terms of gaining knowledge or developing, could be the difference between a potential soul having no substance (OP) and having substance (soulful).
If all there is is lessons and, the souls progress to higher densities because of their awareness, could it be possible that the souls of densities 1 and 2 (and 3D ops) are "soul pools" because they have not become aware enough nor learned the lessons that would enable them to get out of the soul pool and become individuated enough that they start to understand that they are individual souls and what that entails and move up into 3rd density and recycle to 5D to contemplate what else they need to learn and re-incarnate back into 3D to continue to learn and gain more awareness?
I feel that the idea (I think from Gurdjieff) that the evolution of consciousness takes place automatically from minerals to animals (using our reality as an example) according to a general law may have some relevance here. On the other hand, if consciousness reaches human form, then for further evolution towards the source the general law is no longer sufficient and the will and free choice of 3D beings is needed.
What might the OP be missing here?

Translated with (free version)
Even though OPs may not have "higher" connections/bodies, they are nonetheless part of Creation, and, if we assume there is only one law governing Creation, namely free will, then the following figure may capture the general idea that there is one enclosing structure (the One) containing all souls that is subdivided into infinitely many parts/souls. Each soul contains the entire "image" of Creation in itself, as there is always a path, no matter how long, leading to the One. The smallest circles represent "inanimate" matter, which enables larger circles to learn their lessons. Larger circles then progressively merge with even larger circles and ultimately join with the One, where there is no distinction between material and ethereal existence. Free will also allows souls to "digress" and split up into multiple parts (soul smashing). These "smashed" souls start the cycle all over again and become the "pencils" and "papers" of those who seek to learn.

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