The Michael Teachings

Found this in volume 3 (Esoteric Cycle) of Mouravieff's books Gnosis. Excerpt below:

Taken from Gnosis vol.3 pp133 and 134:

Pre-adamic man does not reincarnate. Not having any individualized element in himself, (in the esoteric sense), he is born and dies but he does not incarnate, and consequently he cannot reincarnate. He can be hylic or psychic but not pneumatic, since he does not have the Breath of Life in him, which is manifested in adamic man through the medium of his real 'I', which can be realized or potential.

The individualization of pre-adamics is collective, and is directed in groups by certain spirits of the hierarchy of which we have spoken above. This does not, however, prevent preadamics from entering the evolutionary field that forms the films of adamics in great numbers, and as adamics suffer from a lack of discernment because of their corrupt state, this disturbs and sometimes slows their evolution.

As we have seen already, because of the Principle of Equilibrium, humanity on this earth is divided into two equal parts; adamics and pre-adamics. The equilibrium between them is automatically adjusted to follow fluctuations of the incarnations of adamic souls. However, if the adamic race, by casting its pearls to the swine, denies its divine nature to an inadmissible degree, this balance will be broken in favour of the tares.

In the parable of the talents, Jesus foresaw the possibility of such a degeneration-where the slave buried the one talent entrusted to him, and, on returning it to his master without having made it multiply, was told:

'Thou wicked and slothful servant ... and cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'​
Is there any need to emphasize the esoteric meaning of this terrible penalty?

We have seen that, when creation took place, the two humanities were placed under different authorities. Essentially created, with organic Life on Earth, in the note LA of the second cosmic octave, pre-adamics come under the Absolute III.

Essentially created in the note SI of the same octave, and receiving the breath of the Ψ, the mission of the adamics was to govern organic Life on behalf of the Absolute II, and under its direct authority. The fall necessitated a new beginning, and God provided for this through Purgatory, which is represented by the Staircase between the Two Thresholds.

From then on, like the Man of the VIth day, subject to the law of birth and death, adamic Man appeared on the Earth below the First Threshold. He has kept a dim consciousness of the real 'I' in spite of the almost complete obstruction of his channel of communication with the higher Centres which still exist in him, and this still gives him the possibility of a choice.

If he hears the Voice of the Master and resolutely steps onto the Staircase, and if he reaches the Fourth Step and resists the Trial by Fire, then, when he crosses the Second Threshold, he will be welcomed as a prodigal Son by the Absolute II himself.

If the adamics en masse abandon the combat that leads to Redemption, I and if this desertion goes beyond the tolerance allowed, the good seed could be progressively stifled by the tares, since for cosmic reasons the general potential of organic Life on Earth must be maintained in any circumstance.

The world would then go straight toward catastrophe, which this time would take the form of a Deluge of Fire. On the other hand, if the equilibrium, which is already jeopardized, were reestablished, then, with the integral and simultaneous incarnation of adamic souls, the Time of transition would end and humanity would enter the Era of the Holy Spirit.

Then would follow a thousand years consecrated to the perfecting of the two races, and after a second millennium, the reign of the Androgyne, the Last judgment would definitively separate the tares from the good seed. The latter, by integrally regaining the note SI of the second cosmic octave, and now inspired by the breath of the Ψ would then enter the bosom of the Lord to undertake a higher evolution and at last attain the Pleroma.

The tares of yesterday would cease to be tares. Promoted to the rank of good seed, they would begin the long evolutionary course that the adamics would have already covered. Then they in their turn would receive the higher centres of consciousness, which, given them in potential, would be the talents that they must make fruitful.

We must add that the adamics who had previously degenerated into pre-adamics would have the possibility of taking up their abandoned evolution again, while an equivalent number of the most able pre-adamics would receive the talents that were initially given to the former, and this would help them leap forward on the road of esoteric evolution. They may be compared with gifted, hardworking students who get a double promotion while the incapable and lazy ones do another year in the same class. But in this case, one can fail only once.

When we consider this leap forward, it would be useful to meditate upon the parable of the unjust Stewards, a clever man in the domain of the 'A' [materialistic] influences, who knew how to find a new point of application for his cleverness, with good timing.

However, apart from rare periods and rare exceptions, characterized by the direct intervention here below of higher forces coming from the Absolute II [Christ Consciousness], the faithful stewards of the Absolute III generally occupy an important position in the different groups and layers of human society.

It would, nevertheless, be impossible to give any precise indications that would enable adamics at the level of men 1 [kinesthetically biased], 2 [emotionally biased] and 3 [intellectually biased], to objectively recognize pre-adamics, because the latter are also men 1, 2 and 3, with the sole difference that they have no possibility of individual esoteric evolution.

Thus, as long as the higher centres in adamic man remain in a lethargic state, he will be without the psychic instrument by which he could objectively recognize his pre-adamic counterpart, so that society remains mixed.

Therefore it is only with the approach of the Era of the Holy Spirit, and the appearance of the New Man, that the progressive formation of a new elite in all groups of human society will end the chaotic state, from the esoteric point of view, in which humanity has found itself since the fall of Adam.

Meanwhile, the two races are totally mixed: not only nations, but even families can be, and generally are, composed of both human types. This state of things is the belated result of transgressing the Biblical prohibition against mixed marriages because of the beauty of the daughters of preadamics.

The dominant position of the pre-adamics that is a result of the esoteric failure of the adamics is now creating a critical situation of unprecedented gravity. The remainder of the Time of transition offers the last chance for humanity to reestablish the threatened equilibrium and so avoid a general cataclysm.

If we do not take this opportunity, the tradition of 'Solomon' will finally overcome the tradition of 'David' - that is, it will overcome the christian tradition in the planetary sense of this term.

Then, deflected from the Absolute II, and even going beyond the limits of what is necessary and useful in the mission of the Absolute III in the deification of the Personality, the false prophets and their followers, thinking that they are right, will hurl preadamic humanity - the children of this world - against the adamics - the children of light - and will provoke a final frightful and useless struggle.

If this should happen, and if then, the new adamic elite does not manage to quell the revolt against the Love of the Absolute II and, paradoxically, against the authority of the Absolute III, a resistance that would ensure victory, the balance will finally be broken, and humanity will be destroyed in the Deluge of Fire.

[end of excerpt]

Note from kenlee. The real battle going on these days might be between the adamic souls and the pre-adamic race because of the covert manipulations of a cabal of psychopaths and the lack of actions by the adamics to take the lead.
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Found this in volume 3 (Esoteric Cycle) of Mouravieff's books Gnosis. Excerpt below:

Taken from Gnosis vol.3 pp133 and 134:

Pre-adamic man does not reincarnate. Not having any individualized element in himself, (in the esoteric sense), he is born and dies but he does not incarnate, and consequently he cannot reincarnate. He can be hylic or psychic but not pneumatic, since he does not have the Breath of Life in him, which is manifested in adamic man through the medium of his real 'I', which can be realized or potential.

The individualization of pre-adamics is collective, and is directed in groups by certain spirits of the hierarchy of which we have spoken above. This does not, however, prevent preadamics from entering the evolutionary field that forms the films of adamics in great numbers, and as adamics suffer from a lack of discernment because of their corrupt state, this disturbs and sometimes slows their evolution.

As we have seen already, because of the Principle of Equilibrium, humanity on this earth is divided into two equal parts; adamics and pre-adamics. The equilibrium between them is automatically adjusted to follow fluctuations of the incarnations of adamic souls. However, if the adamic race, by casting its pearls to the swine, denies its divine nature to an inadmissible degree, this balance will be broken in favour of the tares.

In the parable of the talents, Jesus foresaw the possibility of such a degeneration-where the slave buried the one talent entrusted to him, and, on returning it to his master without having made it multiply, was told:

Is there any need to emphasize the esoteric meaning of this terrible penalty?

We have seen that, when creation took place, the two humanities were placed under different authorities. Essentially created, with organic Life on Earth, in the note LA of the second cosmic octave, pre-adamics come under the Absolute III.

Essentially created in the note SI of the same octave, and receiving the breath of the Ψ, the mission of the adamics was to govern organic Life on behalf of the Absolute II, and under its direct authority. The fall necessitated a new beginning, and God provided for this through Purgatory, which is represented by the Staircase between the Two Thresholds.

From then on, like the Man of the VIth day, subject to the law of birth and death, adamic Man appeared on the Earth below the First Threshold. He has kept a dim consciousness of the real 'I' in spite of the almost complete obstruction of his channel of communication with the higher Centres which still exist in him, and this still gives him the possibility of a choice.

If he hears the Voice of the Master and resolutely steps onto the Staircase, and if he reaches the Fourth Step and resists the Trial by Fire, then, when he crosses the Second Threshold, he will be welcomed as a prodigal Son by the Absolute II himself.

If the adamics en masse abandon the combat that leads to Redemption, I and if this desertion goes beyond the tolerance allowed, the good seed could be progressively stifled by the tares, since for cosmic reasons the general potential of organic Life on Earth must be maintained in any circumstance.

The world would then go straight toward catastrophe, which this time would take the form of a Deluge of Fire. On the other hand, if the equilibrium, which is already jeopardized, were reestablished, then, with the integral and simultaneous incarnation of adamic souls, the Time of transition would end and humanity would enter the Era of the Holy Spirit.

Then would follow a thousand years consecrated to the perfecting of the two races, and after a second millennium, the reign of the Androgyne, the Last judgment would definitively separate the tares from the good seed. The latter, by integrally regaining the note SI of the second cosmic octave, and now inspired by the breath of the Ψ would then enter the bosom of the Lord to undertake a higher evolution and at last attain the Pleroma.

The tares of yesterday would cease to be tares. Promoted to the rank of good seed, they would begin the long evolutionary course that the adamics would have already covered. Then they in their turn would receive the higher centres of consciousness, which, given them in potential, would be the talents that they must make fruitful.

We must add that the adamics who had previously degenerated into pre-adamics would have the possibility of taking up their abandoned evolution again, while an equivalent number of the most able pre-adamics would receive the talents that were initially given to the former, and this would help them leap forward on the road of esoteric evolution. They may be compared with gifted, hardworking students who get a double promotion while the incapable and lazy ones do another year in the same class. But in this case, one can fail only once.

When we consider this leap forward, it would be useful to meditate upon the parable of the unjust Stewards, a clever man in the domain of the 'A' [materialistic] influences, who knew how to find a new point of application for his cleverness, with good timing.

However, apart from rare periods and rare exceptions, characterized by the direct intervention here below of higher forces coming from the Absolute II [Christ Consciousness], the faithful stewards of the Absolute III generally occupy an important position in the different groups and layers of human society.

It would, nevertheless, be impossible to give any precise indications that would enable adamics at the level of men 1 [kinesthetically biased], 2 [emotionally biased] and 3 [intellectually biased], to objectively recognize pre-adamics, because the latter are also men 1, 2 and 3, with the sole difference that they have no possibility of individual esoteric evolution.

Thus, as long as the higher centres in adamic man remain in a lethargic state, he will be without the psychic instrument by which he could objectively recognize his pre-adamic counterpart, so that society remains mixed.

Therefore it is only with the approach of the Era of the Holy Spirit, and the appearance of the New Man, that the progressive formation of a new elite in all groups of human society will end the chaotic state, from the esoteric point of view, in which humanity has found itself since the fall of Adam.

Meanwhile, the two races are totally mixed: not only nations, but even families can be, and generally are, composed of both human types. This state of things is the belated result of transgressing the Biblical prohibition against mixed marriages because of the beauty of the daughters of preadamics.

The dominant position of the pre-adamics that is a result of the esoteric failure of the adamics is now creating a critical situation of unprecedented gravity. The remainder of the Time of transition offers the last chance for humanity to reestablish the threatened equilibrium and so avoid a general cataclysm.

If we do not take this opportunity, the tradition of 'Solomon' will finally overcome the tradition of 'David' - that is, it will overcome the christian tradition in the planetary sense of this term.

Then, deflected from the Absolute II, and even going beyond the limits of what is necessary and useful in the mission of the Absolute III in the deification of the Personality, the false prophets and their followers, thinking that they are right, will hurl preadamic humanity - the children of this world - against the adamics - the children of light - and will provoke a final frightful and useless struggle.

If this should happen, and if then, the new adamic elite does not manage to quell the revolt against the Love of the Absolute II and, paradoxically, against the authority of the Absolute III, a resistance that would ensure victory, the balance will finally be broken, and humanity will be destroyed in the Deluge of Fire.

[end of excerpt]

Note from kenlee. The real battle going on these days might be between the adamic souls and the pre-adamic race because of the covert manipulations of a cabal of psychopaths and the lack of actions by the adamics to take the lead.
Thank you kenlee for this post.
It puts my reasoning in a completely different light. Although it turns out I used to understand it but forgot.
Do you mean that all 3D beings have individualized souls?
All I meant is that if a 2D being is a 3D candidate then we are referring to growing awareness of its particular spirit.

I don't know if actual 3D awareness can be composed of bits of something else. Actually, I wonder, seriously, if it's not a bad idea to develop a forum glossary, updated as needed, to help us clarify terms.

Ra called earthly beings "mind/body/spirit complexes." Ra's concept is that of a single creator/all-encompassing intelligence that created everything out of itself: the logoi; sub-logoi; sub-sub-logoi, etc. and one of these logoi created the seven levels of spiritual progression (densities of awareness). As pertains to 3D earthly humanity, I don't think there was anything like an OP concept in The Ra Material, though it is a major feature of Cs material. Of course, there are just over 100 Ra sessions, so the whole body of information is comparatively slight.
Ra called earthly beings "mind/body/spirit complexes." Ra's concept is that of a single creator/all-encompassing intelligence that created everything out of itself: the logoi; sub-logoi; sub-sub-logoi, etc. and one of these logoi created the seven levels of spiritual progression (densities of awareness). As pertains to 3D earthly humanity, I don't think there was anything like an OP concept in The Ra Material, though it is a major feature of Cs material. Of course, there are just over 100 Ra sessions, so the whole body of information is comparatively slight.
Closest thing to OPs is when they describe undeveloped people who aren't aware enough to plan incarnations (incarnation is automatic and lessons are largely random), which is qualitatively different than more developed souls who actively plan these kinds of things and design lessons for maximum and specific growth.
Many years ago I requested a private reading from a Michael teacher/channeler as to life roles, over leaves and such for myself, my children (when very young) and my partner. Just wanted this for some better understanding of how to best deal with some challenging personality issues. Even if all a lot of nonsense, I found it incredibly helpful. It seemed very accurate as to our strengths and weaknesses. It especially helped me to be very accepting of them as they were, and get out of their way so they could blossom into their best paths.
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