The New History of Mankind: Who Are we? What are we? How did we get here?

From "The Origins of the World's Mythologies" by Witzel:

As further examples, we may compare the modern Gilyak
and,221 especially, the well-attested bear sacrifice of the Ainu, the iyomante festival,222 as well as bear hunting (kebokai by the matagi hunters). This is performed by the Japanese-speaking but Ainu-related population of northern Honshu in Tsugaru Prefecture.223 The rituals have many reminiscences with other old Eurasian types of rituals that will be indicated here in passing.224
そして221特に、アイヌのよく知られた熊のいけにえ、イヨマンテ祭り222、そして熊狩り(マタギハンターによるケボカイ)。 これは日本語を話すが、本州北部の津軽県に住むアイヌ関連の人々によって行われている.223 この儀式には、ここで紹介する他の古いユーラシアのタイプの儀式と多くの思い出がある.224

In sum, the recent Ainu and Tsugaru rituals point back to a time when the bear cult covered much of northern Eurasia. Many remnants of this tradition can be found in ancient and medieval European texts and customs, including perhaps the name of the Greek goddess Artemis or the Celtic Dea Artio of Bern in Switzerland (where a bear’s den is still kept in the center of town).229 Bearbaiting continued in England until 1835, and “dancing” bears are still seen in Turkey and India.230
要するに、最近のアイヌと津軽の儀式は、クマの崇拝がユーラシア北部の大部分を覆っていた時代にさかのぼります。 この伝統の多くの名残は、古代および中世のヨーロッパの文書や慣習に見られ、おそらくギリシャの女神アルテミスの名前や、スイスのベルンのケルトのアルティオ神父 (クマの巣穴が今も町の中心に置かれている場所) などがあります。 229 イングランドでは 1835 年までベアベイトが続き、「踊る」クマは今でもトルコとインドで見られます.230

Oh, Dr. Gaby, you were the first to mention Tsugaru! I'll study the whole thread!
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“Tsugaru-soto-san-gun-shi ( Journal of the Three Counties Outside East Tsugaru)", which I am currently researching, describes the unknown history of the North region of Tohoku Japan, especially the present-day Aomori (Tsugaru) prefecture, Iwate and Akita prefectures, as far back as the Ice Age (!). But several books have been published accusing this book of being a apocryphal book. So, in turn, I doubt it is not. Because it is written in ancient Japanese language, I am sure that it would take a lifetime just to read it, and it would be impossible to translate it into English, but I would like to report on any descriptions related to this thread. For the time being, it is stated that the ancient Japanese worshipped this "Arahabaki" as a god. It might be alien or 4DSTS.
僕が今、調査中の『東日流外三郡誌(Tsugaru-soto-san-gun-shi, Journal of the Three Counties Outside East Tsugaru)』は、氷河期まで遡って(!)、日本の東北地方、特に現在の青森県(津軽)のほか岩手県、秋田県を含む北東北の知られざる歴史について述べているのですが、偽書だと非難する本が何冊も出されていて、かえって、偽書じゃないのでは?と疑ってしまいます。なにぶん日本の古語で書かれているので、日本語で読みこなすだけで一生かかってしまい、英訳紹介は到底無理でしょうが、このスレと関係ある記述があればご報告したいと思います。さしあたり一点、古代の日本人は、この「荒吐(Arahabaki)」を神と崇めていたと述べられています。宇宙人ないし4DSTSかも知れないですね。

Is it more likely to be minion gray type than 4DSTS reptilian type?

Q: (L) OK,
these are the servants from Zeta Reticuli One...
this is another version of the one.
I would also assume that these are the servants at the Dulce base? (Figure)


A: No.

Q: (L) What are these guys?

A: Floaters.

Q: (L) OK,
these are floaters.

(T) Floaters? As in how floaters?

(L) I would say it was like somebody in a job...

(TK) Trouble shooters, they go from place to place...

Fyi, the images that may have been originally posted in the session above can be seen here:
Fyi, the images that may have been originally posted in the session above can be seen here:

Thanks for the reference Underground Bases - Information from The Cassiopaeans - 01 (had to add the https://)

Is it more likely to be minion gray type than 4DSTS reptilian type?

That seems to be a good possibility to me. When we see these sometimes primitive-looking carvings, cave wall art, and rock pictographs they often resemble what has been described as the "Grays". And there are even more varieties that the Cs mention.

The origin of the "Greys" as described by the Cs is interesting I think.

Session 14 July 1996:
Q: (L) Okay, Ark asks about this: "In 1979, Project Phoenix, with the assistance of the Grays, was successful in producing a mind amplifier." Is this true?

A: Nope!

Q: (L) Okay! That was pretty precise! Next: "Is it possible that, under drug influence, psychics, or those with mental capabilities above the norm, can be hooked up to some type of machine and are enabled thereby to create some type of physical form?"

A: Possible. Now review: The "Greys" are cyber-genetic probes of the "Lizard" beings, so just exactly who is doing the assisting? And who is behind the Lizard types?? Could it be your ancestors, perhaps!?!

Q: (L) It says here [reads text]: "The fire within man that is characterized as passion is the secret that can be utilized. The secret to all things is passion. With passion all things are possible. The amplification experiments of the Phoenix Project have been explained as having amplified brain waves. In fact, it amplified the passion of the subject. It was that 'inner will' of the subject that was amplified, that inner spirit within all of us is that driving force is manifested as electrical energy. Master that force and you cannot be controlled, the universe is yours. Master the inner spirit and you shall master the physical." Comments please.

A: First things first: Who is doing the assisting? And how is the assisting being done?!!!!!!???

Q: (L) Well, they say that the Grays are assisting the Consortium, this is the Hopi material... Who is doing the assisting? Hmmmm... give me a clue... I think that the Nordic aliens are controlling the Lizards, who created the Grays, which are probes of the Lizards, and are purportedly assisting the Consortium...

A: Assisting? Or maybe influencing?!? And if so, how so?!? And, is not this the whole point? Are you not ultimately influenced always?!? In EVERYTHING you do? We have stated thus numerous times... So, please let us not get off the track, okay?

Q: (L) In other words, as long as we are in the pigsty, we are in the pigsty, and until we get OUT of it, we are IN it?

A: Until you reach that point on the learning cycle.

Q: (MM) What is this chemical they use with these psychics, per se, is it the 'akashic chemical?'

A: That information you refer to is false in its entirety!

Q: (L) So, does that mean that the whole thing is false?

A: "Passion" does not set one "free," quite the opposite!

Q: (L) But what if your passion is for knowledge?

A: That is not passion, it is soul questing.

Q: (L) What is it that gives some people this drive, this steamroller effect that they are determined to get to the absolute bottom of everything and strip away every lie until there is nothing left but the naked truth? What is the source of this desire?

A: Wrong concept. It is simply that one is at that point on the learning cycle. At that point, no drive is needed.

Q: (L) So, you more or less are there because some critical mass has been reached that 'jumps' you to the point where seeking truth is simply who you are? It defines the parameters of your being.

(MM) Are these learning cycles similar to the layers... all over the earth, remember the red dust all over the earth?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it more like a 360 degree circle, and each person is at a different point on the circle, and the whole thing cycles, and you never change relative to the people behind and in front of you, and the only real thing you can do to help anyone is to move the circle by moving yourself, thereby pushing the one ahead of you up, and pulling the one behind you into your previous place? And where you are on the cycle determines what you do?

A: It is a single cycle, yes. There is only one learning cycle, and where you are upon it, determines your EXPERIENCES, and vice versa.

[Notice that they did not negate my concept above that the only way to move was to help the person ahead of you and behind you.]

Q: (L) Is there ever any point where lines connect from one point on the cycle so that you can 'jump' from one point to another? Like a wormhole in space or something?

A: Refer to facts 1 and 2 and 3.

Q: (L) So, no short cuts?

A: Now, refer to 3,4 and 5.

Q: (L) So, certain events and circumstances could help a person to make 'leaps?'

A: No "leap," acceleration.

They do talk about prototypes of different types.

Session 4 November 1994:
Q: (L) And could you tell us what the Lizzies look like?

A: Upright alligators with some humanoid features in face.

Q: (L) I heard one theory that the Lizzies originally evolved on planet earth, is this true?

A: No. Neither did you.

Q: (L) Do you mean us in the sense of the early human prototypes?

A: All prototypes.

Q: (L) When these prototypes were evolved on another planet, did they have souls at that time?

A: Were added.

Q: (L) What souls occupied those prototypes on that other planet?

A: Same.

Q: (L) So, the legend of the Fall of Lucifer as the origin of the souls incarnating into physical life was an event that actually took place on this other planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do the Lizzies have more than one heart?

A: No.

Q: (L) Do they have more than one brain?

A: No.

Q: (L) This fellow, E__ P__, who claims that he was abducted, and taken by the aliens and altered in physical ways, was any of this true?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was he abducted, in fact?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was done to him?

A: Same routine as other abductees.

Q: (L) Does E__ P__ know that he is deceiving other people?

A: Yes. He is a fraud. Misguided by delusions.

End of Session

The Grays were described as type 3 with "Many variations" while the Type 1 Nordics and Type 2 Reptilians have 3 variations.
Session 9 August 1997:
Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these hypothetical aliens?

A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys. Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and 2.

Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'

A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."

Q: And that's the only good guys?

A: That's all you need.

Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you need to ask questions!

A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice. Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not nice," to say the least!!!

Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought to get in touch with some of these good guys...

A: When the "time" is right.
In the past on this forum, if you put a direct link with http://, Anart or someone else will appear and it will be cut.
It was like that many years ago, and back then we put an underscore _ to deactivate the web link. Now it is different, and we use active links. I suppose if you thought a particular website is dangerous, then you wouldn't want to use an active link.
Ms Aya,
I found a video of the last “matagi” in Akita prefecture, Japan performing “kebokai”.
Would you like to make subtitle in English of this footage together, via Zoom even if it is only the part that deserves it?
Hi Takashi-san,

I would be happy to help you on the translation but it is pretty long. It might be be helpful to write a summary of the video and your thoughts instead if the purpose is to share the contents of the video in this thread. Or would you like to translate the footage of the video for your personal project at the same time? Maybe I have missed something? Either way, I need to watch the video first. ^^
Hi Takashi-san,

I would be happy to help you on the translation but it is pretty long. It might be be helpful to write a summary of the video and your thoughts instead if the purpose is to share the contents of the video in this thread. Or would you like to translate the footage of the video for your personal project at the same time? Maybe I have missed something? Either way, I need to watch the video first. ^^

Thank you for your reply.
Please watch the video first. I will make a draft, so please proofread it to make sure it is ok as English.
Let's do the exchange here.
That's so sad! I had the chance to correspond with her a bit - where she told me she was working on getting Plato Prehistorian back in print. She was very kind and gracious, sending a copy of her YA novel because she thought I would like it. I hope she is happy on the other side.
My apologies if this is old news, but it looks like the book has been republished last October, 2022.

Alistair Coombs has written an appendix for this new edition.
This new edition of Mary Settegast’s ground-breaking synthesis of classical and archaeological scholarship features an appendix by Alistair Coombs on the recent excavations at Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey, which have upended the conventional view of the rise of civilization.

Thank you for your reply.
Please watch the video first. I will make a draft, so please proofread it to make sure it is ok as English.
Let's do the exchange here.

Also, since you may be in the Canadian community now, here is a professional Japanese translation of the part of Laura's comment on "Plato Prehistorian".

Nov 10, 2019

A couple ideas come to mind from the following extract:

As told in the Persian Bundahisn, Gayomart and the bull lived in a state of divine bliss until the evil principle broke into the world, causing the death of the pair .
When the bull died, its marrow flowed forth to create all the nourishing and healing plants;
its semen was borne to the moon for purification and thence to the creation of all species of animals.
From Gayomart' s body came the metals ( originally perhaps the mineral kingdom as a whole);
from his own seed, purified in the sun, sprang the ten species of men.
From "Plato The Prehistorian" by Settegast:
先史学者プラトン 紀元前一万年―五千年の神話と考古学 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2018/4/8
メアリー・セットガスト (著), 山本貴光 (翻訳), 吉川浩満 (翻訳)、171ページ

1) Evil "broke into the world" = STS takeover 309 KYA.

2) Semen of bull borne to the moon for purification and creation of all species of animals = use of genetic information in different combinations by 4D engineers to create different species as we have speculated in the "Darwin's Black Box" thread.

3) Semen of primal man purified in the sun used to create 10 species of men
= genetic material of primate types used by 4D engineers to create different races of men as Cs said happened, more or less, i.e. that different human "types" were engineered in Orion labs.

4) The use of the Moon as the place where the "purification" takes place is reminiscent of Gurdjieff's idea of "food for the moon."

So it seems to me that these very ancient myths may preserve some ideas of what "really happened" and, of course, the death of primal man and the primal bull could represent an early cataclysm where most of life on earth was destroyed.
For those who have gone through the book about Prehistoric Earth that I've mentioned elsewhere, you will notice that each "era" is more or less ended by a "Great Dying", following which all the types and species of plant and animal life is dramatically changed and expanded.
So this might be the idea that is preserved in these myths: that extinction events are used by 4D engineers to "make all things new" as in a whole new experimental phase.

In short, there really could be some ancient scientific knowledge buried in there including an awareness of hyperdimensional realities, 4D engineers, genetic manipulation by same, and the resulting designing of new life forms.
Hi Takashi-san,

I would be happy to help you on the translation but it is pretty long. It might be be helpful to write a summary of the video and your thoughts instead if the purpose is to share the contents of the video in this thread. Or would you like to translate the footage of the video for your personal project at the same time? Maybe I have missed something? Either way, I need to watch the video first. ^^


Please proofread the transcript below:

What is “Kebokai”?

From the TV program "The World of Matagi in Ou Cordillera" broadcast by NHK (Nihon Housou Kyoukai = Japan Broadcasting Corporation) on June 7, 1987.

”Matagi” are people who make their living only by hunting. There were 4 matagis in this town at this point. This is “Animachi (阿仁町, あにまち)”, a town in northern Akita prefecture (which was merged with other towns in March 2005, and this name is no longer used).




It is a ceremony to return the spirit of harvested bear to the mountain gods.

Matagis pray in gratitude to the mountain gods for the blessings and to the bears for food.

A long time ago, bears were a valuable source of protein for people in mountain villages.

A simple belief in this mountain god has remained unchanged for hundreds of years among Matagis.

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