The New History of Mankind: Who Are we? What are we? How did we get here?

As further examples, we may compare the modern Gilyak and,221 especially, the well-attested bear sacrifice of the Ainu, the iyomante festival,222 as well as bear hunting (kebokai by the matagi hunters).


We found a video in which kebokai appears, and Aya and I translated the narration.

What is “Kebokai”?

・From the TV program "The World of Matagi in Ou Cordillera" broadcast by NHK (Nihon Housou Kyoukai = Japan Broadcasting Corporation) on June 7, 1987.

・”Matagi” are people who make their living only by hunting. There were 4 matagis in this town at this point. This is “Animachi (阿仁町, あにまち)”, a town in northern Akita prefecture (which was merged with other towns in March 2005, and this name is no longer used).



It is a ceremony to return the spirit of harvested bear to the mountain gods.
Matagis pray in gratitude to the mountain gods for the blessings and to the bears for food.
A long time ago, bears were a valuable source of protein for people in mountain villages.
A simple belief in this mountain god has remained unchanged for hundreds of years among Matagis.
From SHOTW pt.1 p.222

Coming at the problem from another direction,we discover that about ten thousand years ago,a group of people lived in the northern part of Japanwho were ethnically distinct from the rest of the Japanese population.They were named “Ainu”,meaning human being or male in their own language.

This word is remarkably similar to the words “Manu” and “Anu”, which we will encounter more than once.

The Ainu were generally assumed to be descendants of an ancient people referred to as Emishi in the famous Japanese chronicles called “Kojiki” and “Nihon-syoki”.

Today, the term Ainuis used to denote the indigenous people of Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island, as a single, integrated population who are the descendants of the Ainu of ten thousand years ago.

The traditional Ainu lifestyle was hunting, fishing and gathering.

Ainu religious beliefs center around the existence of another world of spirit essences subject to the same forces that control the visible world.

The people worship animal Gods, especially the bear, with ritual, song and dance.

Even the Ainu language is unusual in its Asian environment.

Although they possessed no system of writing, they created a rich oral tradition of stories and poems expressed in formal prose and verse.

We, of course, immediately think of the Bear cults of Europe, and the bear skulls found in the caves of France dating back in the tens of thousands of years.

The Ainu are a morphological problem. The characteristics that differentiate them from Asians are their hairiness and their hair “form”. The explanation is that there is a strong admixture of Caucasoid genetics in the Ainu.

Some experts consider them to be related to the Australian aborigines, and others think that they represent an independent grouping altogether.



This reminds me of the Paranthas.



Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a strange icon appeared on the island long before the conquest, long before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The natives were the big, blond types. They said that they knew this icon was divine because following its appearance, there were processions of angels, or divine beings, up and down the beach where it appeared, lights, smells, chanting and singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?

A: Teleportation.

Q: Who teleported it there?

A: The "Celts."

Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?

A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans.

Q: Now, you said before that Atlanteans were not Celts, is that correct?

A: No.

Q: The Atlanteans were Celts?

A: "Celts, Druids," etc... are merely latter day designations.

Q: Let's back up here. You said that the Celts came from Kantek. They were transported by the Lizzies... brought here, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When the Lizzies did this, how many Celts were physically brought here?

A: Hundreds of millions.

Q: How long, in our terms, did it take to bring these Celts to this planet? Or, is this ongoing?

A: Well, in the sense that you measure it, let us say about a week.

Q: Did they transport them in ships, that is some sort of structure. That is, did they load them up, move them into 4th density, reemerge here in 3rd density, or something like that?

A: Close.

Q: And they unloaded them in the area of the Caucasus, is that correct?

A: And regions surrounding.

Q: And, that was what, 79 to 80 thousand years ago?

A: Over 80,000.

Q: As I understand it, Atlantis was already quite a developed civilization at that time, is that correct?

A: Yes,
but regions change with waves of immigration, or conquest... witness your own lands.

Q: You also said once
that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?
that there was a nuclear war in India

A: The Paranthas.

Q: Now, wait a minute! Who are the Paranthas?! Do we have a new player here?
ちょっと待って!誰よ、パランタ人って?! 新しいプレーヤーの登場なの?

A: Not new.

Q: Do we know them by another name?

A: Choose.

Q: The Atlanteans? Were the Celts of India at war with the Atlanteans in the Atlantic?

A: Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period as you would measure it.

Q: The 3 races were the Celts... and who were the second and third?

A: Or Kantekkians.

Q: Are the Kantekkians different from the Celts?

A: Only in the sense of long term racial and genetic blending.

Q: So, Atlantis had the Kantekkians and who else?

A: Race you would call "Native Americans," and a third, no longer existing race, somewhat resembling Australian or Guinean aborigines, only lighter in complexion.

Q: Was this third group destroyed by the other two?

A: One of the 3 cataclysms.

Q: Paranthas. Who were the Paranthas?

A: Nation of race mentioned above.

Q: So, the Paranthas were the antecedents of the Abos of Australia?

A: Yes,
and compare to now existing peoples of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Guinea for similarities, bearing in mind genetic mixing and dilution.

Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?

A: Descendants of Parantha, as per "Divine guidance."

Q: That explains a LOT. I was just thinking about it the other day. If these people in India are related to the Celts, as philologists would have us believe due to language roots, there is no way I can understand this because they are simply NOTHING like them in any way. … Okay,

So bizarrely different!

I think that you said that this nuclear war happened something like 50,000 years ago. We have taken care of a couple of points; we have 3 races on Atlantis, Celts all over the place... did the Celts conquer the Atlanteans?

A: No.

Q: Did they just move in and hang out?

A: They took over the Northern section.

Q: At the same time, there were Celts in the Caucasus, along the Baltic, in Ireland, England and Europe...

A: Ireland, England, etc. was later.

Q: But there were in the Norse lands, as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, they were along the Baltic, and they were in the Caucasus?

A: Some above mentioned areas were ice covered.

Q: When the philologists track the language roots, they arrive at the Kurgan region, north and west of the Caucasus. Is that where the Celts went when Atlantis was destroyed?

A: Close.

Q: Were the Celts the tall blonds known as the 'Sons of Anak,' who ruled over the Sumerians as described by Sitchen?

A: "Celts" are what remains of the original prototype.

Q: Okay.
Kantekkians. When did...

A: Gravity differences account for the height difference

Q: When did the Kantekkians, or Celts or whatever arrive on the Canary Islands?

A: 12,000 years ago.

Q: Did they arrive there from Atlantis directly?

A: Close.

Q: Where from?

A: Confused by trauma.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Guess.

Q: Did they come from underground?

A: Some.

Q: Were they part of the underground race?

A: No Laura.
What "trauma" do you think we are referring to??

Q: The comet cluster? The Flood of Noah?

A: Close enough.

“Tsugaru-soto-sangun-shi” describes how the Korpokkur (Asobe) and the Ainu (Tsuboke) came to Japan. This Korpokkur may be a survivor of the Paranthas.
Who ruled the Americas before Columbus? For years we’ve been taught that the Americas were sparsely populated by primitive peoples who lived in such harmony with nature that they were nearly invisible. Then Europeans came with their guns, destroying both nature, Native Americans, and Native American culture. New evidence from a surprising source shows this stereotype to be wrong. The source? Mainstream archaeology. (with Ken Ham and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson)

One interesting thing he says is that Neanderthals were survivors of ancient cataclysms.
Who ruled the Americas before Columbus? For years we’ve been taught that the Americas were sparsely populated by primitive peoples who lived in such harmony with nature that they were nearly invisible. Then Europeans came with their guns, destroying both nature, Native Americans, and Native American culture. New evidence from a surprising source shows this stereotype to be wrong. The source? Mainstream archaeology. (with Ken Ham and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson)

One interesting thing he says is that Neanderthals were survivors of ancient cataclysms.
Now, hey, I'm in an environment where I can't watch the video, but it's also true that the book is a lie.

One interesting thing he says is that Neanderthals were survivors of ancient cataclysms.
Here's part two, FWIW:

He explains complex genetic studies in simple terms, so people can understand the significance of all these mainstream studies. For me, the most interesting concept is that flat lines in the genetic family tree are the smoking guy of massive die-offs of people. It's not like the world's population have been growing steadily. It's just that at specific points there was a massive die-off and this shows as a flattened line in the global genetic family tree. He illustrates that the Amerindians were dying massively for already 200 years prior to Columbus arrival in the late 1400s. Prior to that, Amerindians were steadily growing after 500 AD. He gives the example of encountering survivors in a concentration camp in Germany in WWII and thinking that they're primitive people. Actually, it's more like they're only survivors. Studies show that the Ecuadorian rain forest is relatively new. Before Columbus arrival, it was all cultivated land for maize.

He's trying to extrapolate this smoking gun to understand the world's history:

I got his book to see if there are more clues that can be surmised:

One interesting thing he says is that Neanderthals were survivors of ancient cataclysms.

Watched part 10 and 11. It was interesting how Jeanson develops the family tree (note - with a creationist backdrop) while referencing the flatline and how that graphs out. That part was well done. He has it that that the genetics (Native Americans) originated - or were replaced by DBA signature groups from the south, and my mind was on that land bridge in the north. Had forgotten what the C's had said that the Native American's were transferred from the north, it was not a walkabout migration over the bridge 15,000 years ago as per current thinking:

Q: (L) What is the source of the Native American Indians?

A: Asia.

Q: (L) Across the Bering Strait?

A: No. Rescued. Transferred.

Q: (L) By whom?

A: Grays.

Q: (L) What were they rescued out of?

A: Cataclysm.

The timing was "7200 years ago" also said by the C's. Of course, Jeanson could not possibly factor in the "Recued. Transferred" part, although his DNA sampling seems not to touch on Asia as understood, or it does and he can't make that connection for unknown reasons - or two groups separated came together and interbreed, with the latter washed out the generational DNA signal. He does sort of get close on the connected ladder of the DNA tree to the Eskimos, if remembered, yet they are on opposite sides from the connected south people on the DNA tree.

Will check out Jeanson's other videos as what he says is interesting and may add to what was missed.

Have a question related to million year-old dated comet strikes that could be moved 'way up' in time. Has this ever been been mentioned by the C's (i.e., such and such is more recent)? Searched and did not find a reference and may have not found it. Have an impact candidate for this that has not been well surveyed, not mentioned in the forum - some drilling has provided a date, yet wonder if this date is in fact correct. It is just a working hypothesis presently that might explain the rescue and some other details, it may come to not, too.
Who ruled the Americas before Columbus?
From here , abstract :

‘Mind-Blowing’ Lost City With a Cosmic Link Discovered in the Amazon​

A sprawling society with pyramids, moats, and “forest islands” thrived from 500 to 1400 A.D. in the Bolivian Amazon.

The ruins of a vast ancient civilization that has remained hidden under the densely forested landscape of the Bolivian Amazon for centuries has now been mapped out in unprecedented detail by lasers shot from a helicopter, reports a new study.
The immense settlements stretch across some 80 square miles of the Llanos de Mojos region of Bolivia and include pyramids, causeways, canals, ramparts, elevated “forest islands,” and buildings arranged in ways that hint at cosmological worldview. The structures were built by the Casarabe culture, an Indigenous population that flourished from 500 to 1400 A.D. and came to inhabit some 1,700 square miles of the Amazon rainforest. The find is “mind blowing,” according to one member of the research team.

While field expeditions and Indigenous knowledge have previously shed light on this region’s lost settlements, a remote-sensing technique called Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) has now exposed the enormous extent and tantalizing complexity of this civilization.

I just started reading this thread but only wanted to put this link out there for people interested in Plato, Prehistorian, as the asking price is way lower than the 70€+ I see people quoting here. It is 3 years ago those posts were made so maybe things have changed, thought I would share anyway:

The timing was "7200 years ago" also said by the C's.
Indeed, and it seems so too according to the latest @Pierre's book: Cometary Encounters. For those cataclysms involved for this period of time, one could read page 139 the Chapter "The 7,200 BP (5,200 BC) Event" in the Part III: "Volcanoes, Erathquakes and the 3,600-Year Comet Cycle". Excerpt:

Despite a scarcity of archeological sites for this period of time, one can find the marks left by the 7,200 BP event on human activity. One of those sites is Çatalhöyük, Turkey, which was founded ca. 9,500 BP and flourished for 23 centuries until its abandonment ca. 7,200 BP.

Figure 118: © NiglayNik
Covered excavation site at Çatalhöyük​

While Çatalhöyük is the most notable, several other Neolithic sites were abandoned or destroyed around the same time.

In Hacilar, Turkey, a Neolithic fortified village was built on top of a mound. The location was in close proximity to an active geological fault468and was destroyed ca. 7,200.

The Halaf culture started ca. 8,000 BP and developed for eight centuries on a vast territory comprising southeastern Turkey, Syria and northern Iraq. The Halaf culture ended ca. 7,200 BP when many Halafians settlements were abandoned. This is also the case, for example, of the Yarim Tepe site in Iraq, which collapsed ca. 7,200 BP after about one millennium of occupation.

Figure 119: © StevanB
Excavation of Yarim Tepe​

The collapse of Neolithic sites ca. 7,200 BP was not limited to the Middle East, however. The site of Ban Rai, Vietnam, is a large rock shelter that was used by humans from 10,600 BP until its abandonment in 7,200 BP after 34 centuries of activity.

The Chertovy Vorota Cave in Russia – occupied by humans for 22 centuries – was also abandoned at this time. Similarly, in China, the culture of Xinglongwa is the first sedentary culture in Asia. It flourished for ten centuries before ending ca. 7,200 BP.
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