The New Revolt T-Shirt Shop on SOTT

guess what the response of authoritarian followers here in germany would be:

"he is obviously a anti-Semite/jew hater".

If you criticise Israeli actions and war crimes you are automatically put into this box.
so maybe a text on the backside of the Shirt would be good something like this:

"Race, skin color or ancestry is not the problem. The problem is that we are Ruled by Psychopaths !"
"Race, skin color or ancestry is indifferent. The problem is Psychopaths in positions of Power !"


or more to the point that nobody can blame you are a Nazi:

"I'm not a anti-Semite, Nazi or Jew hater! Race, skin color or ancestry is indifferent. The problem is Psychopaths in positions of Power !"
Pashalis said:
well imagine I would wear this shirt in germany !

I had a similar thought as Mr. Premise, especially in Germany you would be a walking target imo.
nicklebleu said:
Is Australia going to be in the country list soon too?

Nick, one way or another, we will ship to Australia starting next monday. The details are still to be revealed and we will announce it here, on FB and through the site.

@Pashalis, well that is a bold statement! A walking target indeed, and also the site could be a target if we run a design like that IMHO.
I agree this design could heat up things in a not so good way.

The Israeli connection to 9 11 is most likely the truth but
certain truths are maybe just to delicate to convey even when it is explicitly stated that you are not a anti-Semit.

maybe this is one of those situation where you have to keep in mind the higher good ?
Pashalis said:
I agree this design could heat up things in a not so good way.

The Israeli connection to 9 11 is most likely the truth but
certain truths are maybe just to delicate to convey even when it is explicitly stated that you are not a anti-Semit.

maybe this is one of those situation where you have to keep in mind the higher good ?

IMO we have to be cautious, considering the buyers safety/wellbeing and Revolt itself :ninja:, - strategic enclosure? -. Also, right now we are only 2 guys working directly on this project and it would be very inconvenient to waste any amount of energy and time in possible zionist wackos attacks or something along that lines... But maybe we can come up with something more "symbolic" that sparks curiosity to investigate on the right track.

On a different topic, we were discussing the idea that if any member comes up with a good Tee design, we could give a percentage of the profit for each Tee sold with that design. What do you think?
i agree, something silly is much more effective than something outright obvious... moreover, if people read it on the street you don't want them to simply jump at your tee message, how about something like....

"3 buildings 2 planes...yeaaaah right!"
"nineeleven - no laws of physics allowed..."

or something along the lines, something very subtle..

We are happy to inform you that we are now shipping to over 60 countries (yes, including Australia and New Zealand). Please refer to this post:

The process will be a little different from what you are used to, but it definitely is worth it!
Pashalis said:
I played a little bit to show you what I mean roughly:


I would try this shirt if it comes out.
These T-shirts are great! I'm thinking of ordering "Fight the power" (suits his mood) or "Zombies.." for my little brother and "Ideas are bulletproof!" for myself! Just one question: What are the sizes like? He's a little bit chubby 14 year old and I'm medium height and slim. I was thinking medium for us both but just wanted to check with you guys! :)
echo, I recommend getting XL for your brother. (I'm skinny and the L just manages to fit me.) I don't know about the female sizes though.
Hey guys, you can check all sizes here

both for men and women :)
Thanks Muxel but he is not so tall, I think Large will be fine!

Navigator said:
Hey guys, you can check all sizes here

both for men and women :)

Perfect, thanks! This is what I was looking for but didn't find.
I would also agree that the sizes run small (by American standards). I wish I had ordered a large!
Random idea, but I'd love to own a T-shirt that simply read: "Transient Passenger" (Two lines, one word each line)

Not sure how popular it would be though. :)

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