The Politics of Climate Change: Green New Deal And Other Madness

Seems to be, more or less, nothing more than net zero carbon window dressing for the masses, at taxpayer expense.

The answer borders on cynicism, is just plain and simple rush to do business between them at the expenses of the citizens.

Here the authorities are making bike lanes, streets and avenues congested with vehicles, they take away a lane to be exclusively for bicycles, I pass by there almost daily, no more than 2 people on bicycles in 3 years; several motorcycles, supposedely prohibited. Ah! but yes, the propaganda of the more if you dare C02, as well as the propaganda of the city of how it takes care of us, it sees for the good of us, taking the photo for the media, emphasizing again and again that they work for us. It is very well known that, every contract/bid with the government is plagued with pre-bidding and budget inflation (something happens, we did not considered, whatever, the city will pay more for it), they are just doing business.

So, from above answer, I will not be surprised if, in a short time, the company won't sweat at all, since they only had security on the small buses, it will be in a clause that will not be taken into account by any of the parties, they will continue to increase or create taxes to correct that detail. Because they will buy the big buses, those that do not have any warranty at all.
Anyone following MSN on climate change of the AGW kind, sees a tightly knitted narrative that does not budge much. Yes, frustrating, especially knowing so many who have tried only to get canceled.

In Canada, this is especially so, with the MSN all but Ottawa-aligned, albeit with the odd 'Opinion' piece that comes out that is often weak in details and quickly refuted in the next headline that comes along. However, since Oct 7th, it has been hard to follow even some half decent alternative media sites that were happily moving along before, until they flipped and fell all over Israel and would not move an inch - that is an aside.

So, a Guest Opinion piece in the Winnipeg Sun comes along with this headline:

MADSEN: FLOP28 – climate proposals would devastate economy

The Sun is not exactly main stream, yet not far off. So, jumped in for a read and was not overly disappointed with what the author cites as a "Climate Crisis jamboree" in Dubai.

Worth the read, keeping in mind that all this climate business is part of a very long running climate cult distraction (anything but a return to ice ages). More or less, it has been promoted as a climate window dressing display piece for the masses, amplified in a political, academic and media echo chamber, complete with nifty EV's, solar panels, windmills (zero sun or wind not withstanding), yes and plenty of guilt, along with many devotees of the cancel cultural psychosis to help carry the tune. In the end, it is a large piece indeed in the main show, all an integral part of their 'master controlled' Reset fiat digital currency.

Politicians, academics, celebrities, self-appointed activists, protesters, and green energy industry lobbyists recently gathered in Dubai at their annual Climate Crisis jamboree (COP28).

Their central belief, from their computer models, is that human-generated global warming will lead to a rise in average global temperatures of two degrees Celsius, ‘2 C’ or even more frighteningly, as much as 3 C to 4 C by 2100. They claim this will cause widespread health, environmental, and economic devastation.

From this hypothesis comes their solution: drastic reductions in so-called greenhouse gas emissions, principally carbon dioxide, ‘CO2’, and rapidly so. To their minds, this would require widespread adoption of their preferred solutions – ending fossil fuels in favour of wind and solar power; pervasive and intensive electrification of the world economy, including the mandated adoption of electric vehicles, ‘EVs’, and batteries, everywhere.

They insist that slashing CO2 levels will not only benefit the world, but also the economy — as these new industries would provide jobs and other benefits.

The hard reality is that CO2, is a life-giving gas that is crucial for photosynthesis and thus the flourishing of all life on Earth. It is a trace gasmaking up only .04% of our atmosphere. Most CO2 comes from natural sources like forest fires, volcanoes and ocean evaporation – not your SUV or natural gas furnace.

The human portion of this tiny amount is the equivalent of 6 pennies in a jar of 10,000. Very awkwardly, CO2 levels in the atmosphere are uncorrelated with temperatures. It may look so in government computer models, but remember those catastrophically wrong COVID-19 models that gave us devastating lockdowns and exploding debt and inflation?

Even if we assume that CO2 is “pollution that is warming the planet” their wild proposals’ math doesn’t work out.

Professor Richard Tol of the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, wrote in a special issue of Climate Economics a sobering assessment of the “bad deal” climate crusaders are trying to sell to the world, including Canada. He estimates their proposed climate policies’ costs to be 3.8 to 5.6% of GDP in 2100 compared to benefits of 2.8% to 3.2% of GDP – or excess costs of $900 billion to $1.98 trillion in today’s $90 trillion world economy.

The prohibitively large subsidies required fail the cost-benefit test. To summarize: Tol suggests that the whole Green Transition enterprise would lose money in vast amounts. His view is not even the worst assessment of such radical disruptive policies.

Another expert who engages the “CO2 is pollution” bubble and has done the math is Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus think tank and a Hoover Institution Senior Fellow.

He assesses MIT researchers’ studies of the costs of attaining Net Zero (no net GHG emissions) by 2050, in the same journal, Climate Economics, and observes that these Paris policies would cost 8% to 18% of annual GDP by 2050 and 11% to 13% annually by 2100.

Averaged across the century, these promises would create benefits worth $4.5 trillion (in 2023 dollars) annually: “dramatically smaller than the $27 trillion annual cost that Paris promises would incur, as derived from averaging the three cost estimates from the two Climate Change Economics papers through 2100.”

To remove any doubt, these forecast costs would exceed total global annual capital investment of all kinds, and would crowd out everything else, impoverishing all humanity. Expensive, destructive “solutions,” for a dubious, unproven catastrophe.

The Dubai COP28 flopped as all others have.

We need to stop the madness.


Vehicles make their way amid heavy traffic conditions during snowfall in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province on Feb 6, 2024. — AFP

Long charging lines, snow stymie EV drivers in China New Year​

Long waits at highway charging stations, rapid battery depletion in freezing snow and limits on electric vehicles on car ferries because of safety fears have combined to make the Lunar New Year holiday a frustrating experience for China’s growing number of EV drivers.

For Dai Junqi, the 600 kilometer (373 mile) trip from Shenzhen to her hometown in her Model Y Tesla turned into a 13-hour saga. The combination of high-speed freeway driving with the air-con on meant she could only get about 75% of the car’s designed 420 kilometer range per charge, necessitating two recharging stops.

But with Chinese making a record number of trips during the weeklong holiday, and pure battery and plug-in hybrids now accounting for one in three new car sales, charging stations were overwhelmed.

“There were too many electric cars from all brands waiting,” Dai said, adding she was forced to line up for almost three hours, before taking another two hours to charge her car with another 80 kilometers of range.

After posting about her experience on social media, other Tesla owners told Dai to plan her return trip utilising the carmaker’s fast-charging stations. While they saved time charging, roads jammed by hordes of returning holidaymakers turned the journey into a 20-hour odyssey.

In central Hubei province, some drivers were forced to push their EVs for miles after heavy snow and freezing rain closed roads, and their batteries – which lose charge faster in cold weather – ran out of juice.
According to local media reports, some even resorted to building fires on the road to keep warm because they were concerned using the car’s heater would deplete the battery even faster.

On the tropical island of Hainan – one of China’s most popular tourist spots – the local government restricted the number of EVs and plug-in hybrids on car ferries because of fears of fire or explosions, stranding thousands of cars.

While auto brands including Lynk & Co and Avatar have offered to help owners ship their cars, it could take weeks before the vehicles are returned.

China’s new-energy vehicle sales got off to a sluggish start this year, hampered by weak consumer sentiment and a slow economic recovery. China’s Passenger Car Association has forecast NEV sales will rise 25% this year, marking a slowdown from 36% growth in 2023 and 96% in 2022.

However, it wasn’t all headaches for EV drivers during the annual holiday migration. Assisted driving systems, widely installed in electric vehicles, helped relieve some drivers from the tedium of traffic jams. Dai, the Tesla Model Y owner, said she relied on the car’s autopilot system for 90% of her trip.

“I was much more relaxed as I didn’t need to press the accelerator all the time or closely watch the traffic conditions,” she said. Despite the range anxiety for long distance travel, Dai still enjoyed driving her Tesla. “I wish Tesla could have a hybrid version, but I know it’s not their choice.” – Bloomberg
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Anyone following MSN on climate change of the AGW kind, sees a tightly knitted narrative that does not budge much. Yes, frustrating, especially knowing so many who have tried only to get canceled.

In Canada, this is especially so, with the MSN all but Ottawa-aligned, albeit with the odd 'Opinion' piece that comes out that is often weak in details and quickly refuted in the next headline that comes along. However, since Oct 7th, it has been hard to follow even some half decent alternative media sites that were happily moving along before, until they flipped and fell all over Israel and would not move an inch - that is an aside.

So, a Guest Opinion piece in the Winnipeg Sun comes along with this headline:

MADSEN: FLOP28 – climate proposals would devastate economy

The Sun is not exactly main stream, yet not far off. So, jumped in for a read and was not overly disappointed with what the author cites as a "Climate Crisis jamboree" in Dubai.

Worth the read, keeping in mind that all this climate business is part of a very long running climate cult distraction (anything but a return to ice ages). More or less, it has been promoted as a climate window dressing display piece for the masses, amplified in a political, academic and media echo chamber, complete with nifty EV's, solar panels, windmills (zero sun or wind not withstanding), yes and plenty of guilt, along with many devotees of the cancel cultural psychosis to help carry the tune. In the end, it is a large piece indeed in the main show, all an integral part of their 'master controlled' Reset fiat digital currency.
yes, the co2 craze is utter madness and stupidity. co2 is necessary to life and the co2 absorption capability is already SATURATED, so that adding co2 is strictly irrelevant. and this saturation has existed since ever.
The next mad plans: Large-scale geoengineering projects to alter Earth’s climate, once dubbed a “conspiracy theory,” are now expanding globally right out in the open –

Concepts like "dumping chemicals in the ocean" and "injecting reflective particles in the sky" are making headlines in prominent media outlets that once denied the existence of such things. Because of the alleged "climate crisis," deranged scientists are coming up with bizarre ideas like blocking out the sun with poison, which they claim will protect Earth from melting.

Just the other day, the Wall Street Journal reported on some of these newfangled projects, claiming that they stand to "reduce greenhouse gas emissions" at a much faster rate than existing technologies.

Link to that wall street Journal report:

In order to stop "scary" things like heat waves, thunderstorms and floods, the climate industry is rushing to change the way clouds work and alter the pH levels of the ocean, among other large-scale planetary endeavors.

They still want everyone to stop eating meat and drive electric vehicles (EVs), of course, but those interventions are simply not enough to reach the "carbon-free economy" that they want to see take full shape by the year 2030.

One of the newest projects going on right now involves blasting a brine mixture into the sky to create larger, brighter clouds to reflect sunlight back into space. This project is taking place at Southern Cross University in Australia with funding from the government, other universities and various conservation organizations.

Across the world in Israel, a startup called Stardust Solutions is spending $15 million in private funding to blast reflective particles into the sky at high altitudes to try to reduce solar radiation. In the "next few months," tests using the proprietary chemical blend will move from an indoor testing facility to the actual outdoors.

In the United States at Martha's Vineyard, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is planning to dump thousands of gallons of sodium hydroxide dyed with chemical colorings into the ocean to create a so-called "carbon sink" to draw carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere and into the water.

Then there was the infamous "Make Sunsets" geoengineering effort in California that eventually made its way down to Mexico, prompting widespread criticism and outrage because of the sulfur and other harmful chemicals that were released into the atmosphere.

The climate cult is finally starting to admit that its efforts to reduce carbon are not working, so this is why they are shifting to more extreme measures like trying to block out the sun and recreate atmospheric gas concentrations and ratios to "fix" whatever they think is wrong with the climate.

Over at the United Nations (UN), there is also growing talk that the age of "global warming" has actually ended, and now the world is shifting into a period of "global cooling."
Yet another case of an electric vehicle malfunctioning - luckily not injuring or killing anyone… An electric jaguar accelerated to 90mph and could not be stopped until it ran down the battery:

A driver told of how he was trapped behind the wheel of his electric car when it sped up to 90mph and would not respond to him pressing the brakes.
He tried to overtake another car when it “literally just started speeding up, going towards the high 90s” and would not let him press the brakes.

The dashboard showed there was a battery malfunction, he told the MailOnline.

Mr Owen called 999 and police sent at least eight cars to essentially escort the support worker down the motorway.

He was told to use the fast lane to follow police, who formed a convoy in front, behind and alongside his car.

Officers also closed off two of the four lanes to try and make sure Mr Owen and everyone else on the road would be safe.
At one point, they tried to help slow Mr Owen down by allowing him to hit the back of a police car.

Mr Owen said: “It was just scary I was just hitting the back of this police officer. I was hitting them at about 90mphs.
Reminds me of the movie, Speed...

You would think this would be pretty terrifying, but apparently not terrifying enough as this happened to him before in the same car:

He says that, on December 23, “it happened exactly the same” but with the car speeding up to about 120mph.

This time, Mr Owen managed to get the car into neutral and was able to stop it with the help of police cars in the front and back of him.

He said: “The car then got recovered to Jaguar Land Rover in Bolton and within 24 hours I got a phone call saying they looked over the car and the car is fine and I should pick it up.

“I just know I'll never be getting into this car again. I just wish that I would have got help with it the first time I had the problems, and I didn't just get given back the car.”

I reckon that might have been my reaction the first time, but maybe he's learned something this time round…
At first, they told us that the Great Barrier Reef was going to disappear because of global warming... Since it's not disappearing, they regularly issue warnings about cyclical bleaching events, which get a lot of media coverage. The reality, however, is quite different. The Australian Environment Foundation (AEF), has published a new report entitled "State of the Great Barrier Reef 2024".AEF President Peter Ridd said the report shows that the reef is in excellent condition with record quantities of coral. "Despite all the catastrophism caused by warm-water bleaching events over the last decade, the species most susceptible to bleaching (plate and staghorn corals) have exploded in numbers. Unfortunately, the impact of bleaching is regularly exaggerated by the media and some scientific organizations." "The impact of agricultural pollution on the reef is negligible and the 3,000 individual reefs have excellent corals. No other Australian ecosystem has shown so little change in modern times," said Ridd.
Aerial footage shows thousands of solar panels in Texas destroyed by hailstorm on March 15

Images captured by Fox affiliate FOX26 Houston KRIV show extensive damage to Fighting Jays Solar in Fort Bend County, Texas.
© FOX26 Houston KRIVImages captured by Fox affiliate FOX26 Houston KRIV show extensive damage to Fighting Jays Solar in Fort Bend County, Texas.

Thousands of panels on a solar farm southwest of Houston, Texas, were damaged by a powerful hailstorm on March 15.

Aerial footage showed rows of cracked photovoltaic cells at the Fighting Jays Solar Farm near Needville in Fort Bend County, local news channel KTRK reported on Saturday. Baseball-sized hail stones were observed falling in the area overnight, as per the Houston Chronicle.

The solar project, which began producing power for Texas's energy grid in 2022, generates 350 megawatts across 3,300 acres of land and is expected to power 62,000 homes.

It is one of many renewable energy installations across the state which has championed clean energy projects in recent
years while benefiting the most from federal tax credits and incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Solar panels are built to be fairly durable to the elements and can continue to produce energy if damaged. Research by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory suggests hail-cracked panels have less than four percent energy loss. However, the Department of Energy notes that baseball-sized hail can have enough kinetic energy to fully break the glass on solar panels.

A spokesperson for Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), one of two companies behind the solar farm, confirmed to Newsweek that the hailstorm had damaged some of the solar panels on the site.

"We are currently assessing the extent of the impact of the storm on the generation of the project, while the plant continues to safely operate at a reduced capacity," they added.

Newsweek also approached AP Solar Holdings, the other company involved in the project, via email for comment on Tuesday.

Residents expressed concerns that the damaged panels could leach chemicals into the surrounding environment.

One resident, Nick Kaminski, said that he was worried about chemicals potentially leaking into the groundwater, which his house uses as its water supply.

"I have a family—two children and a wife," he told Fox 13. "My neighbors have kids and a lot of other residents in the area who are on well water are concerned that the chemicals are now leaking into our water tables."

Mikes Fugua, another resident, told the channel that he was concerned that the chemicals could have carcinogenic effects.

While solar panels can contain toxic substances such as cadmium telluride and copper indium gallium diselenide, in solar cells they are found in solid form in a thin film that usually only becomes an environmental concern when disposing of them.

The CIP spokesperson said that "the silicon-based panels contain no cadmium telluride and we have identified no risk to the local community or the environment."

Experts have said that solar panels have several protective layers to avoid any substances being exposed through damage. County officials told local news outlets that hazardous materials crews had so far found no contamination in the area.
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I watched Climate: The Movie posted above by Z...

A great overview and breakdown of the facts - without getting too 'sciencey'.
Surprisingly engaging, humorous.
Simple diagrams / explanations.
Some wonderful nostalgic footage.
Lots of variety, no long boring complicated lectures.
Very easy to understand and absorb the information.

I felt optimistic after watching this, it wasn't draining emotionally, too heavy or full of doom and gloom, instead it points out much of the ridiculousness of the whole climate scam and offers some refreshing humour. (Reminded me of the C's: 'enjoy the show!').

The doco helps the viewer to appreciate not only the ridiculousness and scope of the hoodwinking that has been going on, but also it gives some insight in terms of what those in the scientific community (who are willing to speak out), have had to endure / sacrifice.

On the whole, there is a sense of levity (light frequency) conveyed through the music, the narrator, the visual imagery. I enjoyed the way this doco keeps the viewer engaged, partly because of the pace it moves at, but also there is a brightness experienced, an optimism because of the truth that is being offered and how easily it is felt. It seems to me that STO energies are definitely behind the inspiration for this film.

I have to say, from what I have been seeing for some time, is very clear that many people are waking up from the 'Green Dream', the Agenda is failing miserably. I believe more popcorn is needed 🍿:rotfl:

Will definitely be sharing with others - thanks Z! 🤗
BBC reporter told off by the president of Guyana about climate change!

I love this. We need more no nonsense type of leaders who actually care about what is going on and helping their country and people to ensure their country is viable in every aspects. What a send off! Congrats Mr President. You've got my vote! :thup:
Whitney Webb posted this article, which looks to be very bad news for all of Latin America if it goes through. Unfortunately it looks like it's 'open veins of Latin America' all over again, but this time with a green new deal 'nature conservation and carbon reduction' cover story, which is based on turning all of nature into a tradable asset, mass surveillance and behaviour control, and the erosion of national sovereignty. The end goal looks like turning all of LatAm into something like a Southern version of the EU, an unelected bureaucracy that helps impose these green techno-feudal globalist policies.

Whitney Webb posted this article, which looks to be very bad news for all of Latin America if it goes through.

And here is what Whitney described as the "key" to this GREEN+:

Key to the program are the services provided by GREEN+ founding member Satellogic, an Argentina-founded company closely aligned with Peter Thiel’s Palantir and Elon Musk’s SpaceX that specializes in sub-meter resolution satellite surveillance. Satellogic, a contractor to the US government and whose founders were also previously contactors for the US’ DHS, NSA and DARPA, will provide surveillance data of the entire world’s “protected areas” to GREEN+’s governing coalition, composed of the NGOs CC35, the Global Footprint Network, The Energy Coalition and other “respected stakeholders.”

Sounds like global space lockdown is on the horizon (surveillance and much damage can result), yet have to wonder how realistic is it the long run i.e., geomagnetic storms are a thing?

Then there is this type of satellite which may be more wide spread:

Sept 2002

Q: (L) I am curious about this object that was seen in orbit around the Earth by an amateur astronomer. As soon as he announced it, it suddenly was explained away as an old rocket booster that was orbiting the Sun, and it has now been recaptured and is in orbit around earth. Yeah, right. Since 1969 it's been orbiting the Sun. Is this an old, cast off rocket booster?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is it?

A: High level scanner of sectors.

Q: (L) Like a radar? A satellite?

A: Similar, but more advanced.

Q: (L) Who does it belong to?

A: High level consortium.

Q: (L) Human or alien?

A: Both.
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