The Protocols of the Pathocrats


I have been coming to this site for some months now on a daily basis and I have immensely enjoyed the work you have done here.The one thing that has kept me here day after day is the fact that you stress all the time to not just take your work as fact,but to do the research for ourselves.Up to this date I haven't really had anything in the way of argument or debate on any subject that has come up.
Then the podcast of about the manipulation of the media came up along with a little article Laura wrote about Protocol #12 of the Elders of Zion.Up until then I had never even heard of such documents and was quite shocked to listen to what Laura was reading so I read the article to confirm what she was saying.I was immediately interested in the rest of the protocols.So I looked it up on the internet and read.I have always been a big fan of great horror novels by the likes of Stephen King,Clive Barker etc. , but NOTHING I have read was as astonishing as what was laid before my eyes when I read POLEZ (protocols of the learned elders of zion).
But anyway,what I came here for today was to discuss a couple lines that Laura wrote in the little preface to the podcast.She says:

As we researched the subject of media,we came across the POLEZ.
As everyone knows,this is a vicious Anti-Semitic hoax.We do not think for a minute that this represents Judaism or ordinary Jewish people.

Well,I for one, am not racist.I believe that the problems we face today are of a HUMAN nature and are not race or culture specific.So I did a little research on my own and came up with a few things to possibly counter what Laura had said.Here is what I found:

The word "Protocol" signifies a precis gummed on to the front of a document, a draft of a document, minutes of proceedings. In this instance, "Protocol" means minutes of the proceedings of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. These Protocols give the substance of addresses delivered to the innermost circle of the Rulers of Zion. They reveal the converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation developed through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to date. Parts and summaries of the plan have been published from time to time during the centuries as the secrets of the Elders have leaked out. The claim of the Jews that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself an admission of their genuineness, for they NEVER ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corresponding to the THREATS which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence between prophecy and fulfillment is too glaring to be set aside or obscured. This the Jews well know and therefore evade.


In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain received the following reply from the Grand Sanhedrin (elders of Zion) to his plea for advice on how to deal with their threatened expulsion under Spanish Law; it illustrates well how the same ancient agenda was still being adhered to by the elect at this time: "Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great a pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and the Rabbis is the following:

1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian's lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.

(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople"
(Julio-Inigrez de Medrano - "La Silva Curiosa" 1608 my emphasis)

Now,I know what you're gonna say. "Just look at the site you are quoting from"

My questions to you are: With what is going on these days with Mossad and how Israel goes about handling their affairs,why is it hard to believe that MAYBE this(the protocols) was actually the work of the Jewish people?Just because they are Jewish by no means exempts them from the possibilty of sociopathic behaviors.
2.With books like the Torah and the book of Deuteronomy(possibly the bloodiest,most racially motivated,hate-mongering works known to man),how can any argument refuting the origins of the documents stand up?
3. Why does the phrase "Anit-Semite" strike such a chord in our hearts and minds,that when something evil or conspiratorial in nature ends up pointing in the Jewish direction,we avoid it like the plague?I think I can answer that one. Because that is what they have set this world up for.
No! Not poor little Israel! How can you say such things???Go ahead, slap that label on my forhead.
4.If it wasn't ,ipso facto, the Jews that concocted said protocols then who?
Just as I was taught by you ,the $64,000 question is ....Who stands to benifit from pointing the responsibilty of the writings towards the Jews?
I apologize for my hastiness on #3.My emotions got the best of me.
If you have any other websites or literature that would be helpful in this investigation of mine please do not hesitate to fill me in.I understand that the passages I found are on a Christian website therfore rendering it extremely biased.
I would also like to point out that I, by no means,wish to cast any aversion on ANY religion ,race or creed.I only have but the deepest sympathies towards anyone who has entrenched their entire lives on any organized religion whatsoever.Thank you for your time.

In regards to the Protocols piece

Danny said:
My questions to you are: With what is going on these days with Mossad and how Israel goes about handling their affairs,why is it hard to believe that MAYBE this(the protocols) was actually the work of the Jewish people?Just because they are Jewish by no means exempts them from the possibilty of sociopathic behaviors.
It is currently illegal to say many things, including to suggest that the Protocols might be genuinely Jewish documents. But, more than that, in The Wave, volume iv, I discuss genetic studies and the history of the Turkic Khazars who are the ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews. I quote a genetic study by Oppenheim, after which I make the following comment:

Another important point from Oppenheim’s work is that the Arabs are descendents of an ancient population of the country and that a large proportion of them were Jews who converted to Islam. In other words, the Palestinians are closer in kinship to the original “Jews” that inhabited “Israel” than the current day Jews that are primarily of Ashkenazi stock. In short, if one is to take seriously (as the Zionists declare we must) that Israel was given to the Jews by God, then the Jews that it was given to are the ancestors of the Palestinians. That, of course, raises all kinds of interesting problems, not the least of which is the genocide of the real, ancient line of Jews being completed by Ashkenazi Jews.
In other words, the Protocols have nothing to do with this ancient Jewish population ... you can figure out the rest. I'm just glad that our page prompted you to look for yourself. We hope that others do as well.
In regards to the Protocols piece

Personally, I think attributing the Protocols to the "Jews", is a bit like attributing Mein Kampf to the "Germans". Maybe you can stretch it and say it was written by "Jews", but that still seems like laying the heinous product of a few upon the shoulders the many. But let us assume Zionist Jews did write the work, which is highly probable. So what?

The Protocols are obviously someone's holy bible, right on the same shelf as Machiavelli's "The Prince", which was written by the Italians by the way. Seriously, it represented the strategy and tactics of Italian nobility, but the work is timeless among psychopaths. So are the Protocols.

My point is, right or wrong, identifying the Jews as the people out of which sprang the Protocols, the Old Testament and whatever else is unsavory serves no practical purpose, unless you want to imply that removing the "Jews" will remove the "problem". I am not trying to be self-righteous or pro-semitic, and you have expressed that you believe the problem is a human one and not a racial one.

I would just like to point out that it is tempting when faced with all this insanity to localize the problem in a specific direction, at least so as to give a name to the evil. Personally, I believe the Protocols, The Prince, Mein Kampf, and even many portions of our esteemed religious literature are part of the Perennial Philosphy of Evil that spans many cultures and time periods.

I am not denying the prevalent Zionist (as opposed to Jewish) role in that Perennial Anti-Wisdom, but only seek to point out that the world elite extends far beyond just Zionists, and is most likely not just restricted to those of European descent either, (although they may be the strongest faction currently). Otherwise, the world would be far more fundamentally polarized and in a different manner than it is now. The world elite, IMO, are that: the capstones of the food chain pyramids of every culture and every national direction, either allied with each other or in some form of rivalry.

You usually, do not get to the top of the food chain in this world by being a nice person. And even if you should be born into a high position and happen to have a heart there are bound to be competitors in your immediate circle ready to mow you down as either a weakling or dangerous to the predatory status quo.

I am also a fan of horror fiction, and there is an old novel by the science fiction author O. Williamson (I hope I got the name right) called: "Darker than You Think"; and that is precisely the state of affairs today. Lift the lowest slab at the deepest cellar of fear, and a still deeper dark cavern will be revealed. It is no wonder it is so tempting to prefer to "box" the problem or part of the problem, even if we really do not intend to do so.

I really dream that in some far future people can remember these times, and sanely converse about that "place no one dared enter until it was ALMOST too late". I do not profess to know the whole truth, but I do know most people haven't suspected the half of it. Be that as it may, the Protocols are a guidbook of sorts, and it seems a popularly applied one (although not officially). To understand it, I believe, is to get a glimpse into the mind of evil, which is useful.

As far as identifying who is "responsible" for such a work, I don't know how useful that would be. I would rather prefer to focus on who is actually reading and applying it. It is far more than any one people or religious group that's for sure.
In regards to the Protocols piece

EsoQuest said:
My point is, right or wrong, identifying the Jews as the people out of which sprang the Protocols, the Old Testament and whatever else is unsavory serves no practical purpose, unless you want to imply that removing the "Jews" will remove the "problem". I am not trying to be self-righteous or pro-semitic, and you have expressed that you believe the problem is a human one and not a racial one.

I would just like to point out that it is tempting when faced with all this insanity to localize the problem in a specific direction, at least so as to give a name to the evil. Personally, I believe the Protocols, The Prince, Mein Kampf, and even many portions of our esteemed religious literature are part of the Perennial Philosphy of Evil that spans many cultures and time periods.
Thank you for great clarity of thinking and hitting the nail on the head. This is why we decided to "rename" the document "The Protocols of the Pathocrats."

I just uploaded a portion of Lobaczewski's "Ponerology" on our
Ponerology Blog:
The Genesis of Evil on a Macrosocial Scale which includes the following:

We already know that every society contains a certain percentage of people carrying psychological deviations caused by various inherited or acquired factors which produce anomalies in perception, thought, and character. Many such people attempt to impart meaning to their deviant lives by means of social hyperactivity. They create their own myths and ideologies of overcompensation and have the tendency to egotistically insinuate to others their own deviant perceptions and the resulting goals and ideas.

When a few generations’ worth of “good-time” insouciance results in societal deficit regarding psychological skill and moral criticism, this paves the way for pathological plotters, snake-charmers, and even more primitive impostors to act and merge into the processes of the origination of evil. They are essential factors in its synthesis. I shall attempt to persuade my readers that the participation of pathological factors, so underrated by the social sciences, is a common phenomenon in the processes of the origin of evil.
I think we can observe that somebody is reading the Protocols and using it as a sort of "Psychopath's Bible".
In regards to the Protocols piece

Well slap me in the face and call me silly because you have enlightened me. I almost forgot exactly what it is the people here (I think ) at SOTT are trying to convey.I will not put words into anyone's mouths is not WHO actually is concocting such evil schemes such as you eloquently noted but the simple fact that they were done. period.
What has transpired here through this discussion has brought me to another chilling observation.That it is oh so very simple to confuse the minds and distract them so as which one leads down dead-end paths of discussion and debate.Keep them amused in their trivial arguments! Thank you for reminding me about the focusing of the mind.
I bet the PTB are having a lil chuckle at the watercooler right now at me.
In regards to the Protocols piece

P.S. I would also like to add the following comment i made on a blog in myspace about this issue and then I will lay this to rest:

It is my opinion that we must first and foremost RE-re-educate ourselves to ACT and NOT react.Time and again we have been told to think and rule with our minds not our hearts because emotions only fuel the fire of confusion and hatred.These are not mere words to regurgitate when the time neccesitates, but words to live by!Words to teach our young and imbue in them the skills desperately needed to be able to detect when something isn't right or when somene else is trying to manipulate them into submission.Last but DEFINITELY not the least, we should all read these transcripts in their entirety again and again until we know not only what to look for ,but also to be able to use these tactics AGAINST them.There are always hints and loopholes that can be found in anything we read if only we wish to inspect them closely enough.If something as efficient and cunning as these protocols can be created by a mere couple hundred old guys in a big room,then what would become of the minds of hundreds of thousands, even millions, of people all working towards one common goal.I will probably be laughed at for this "utopian" concept,but it is surely better than just sitting on this godamned fence and watching it all go to shit!
In regards to the Protocols piece

***** Thank you for great clarity of thinking and hitting the nail on the head. This is why we decided to "rename" the document "The Protocols of the Pathocrats."

I just uploaded a portion of Lobaczewski's "Ponerology" on our
Ponerology Blog: *****

Laura, thank you a thousand times for posting Dr. Lobaczewski's work. I'm finding psychopaths under every rock and around every corner since reading his work. In fact, I've even begun to suspect that I may have psychopathic tendencies as well (ouch!). Nevertheless, I must continue on the path that has been set for me, whatever the outcome. For this reason, I publicly declare that I believe that goodness is better than badness, that love is better than hate, the light is better than darkness. I also declare that all contracts, agreements, and protocols established by others in my name and without my specific consent are null and void. All agencies, possessions and outside influences upon my person, soul and eternal being are also revoked.

I hope that these declarations will serve their intended purpose, which is to re-establish the rights and freedoms of free spirits that yearn to create and to teach once again.

Thank you

In regards to the Protocols piece

Your site and work is really great and important. I feel it is the only place that corroborates my own thoughts and conclusions (Then again - aren't we all looking for just that?).

Anyway: I always thought that the POLEZ where just labeled 'zionist' for disinformation purposes and your genetic root research makes a case in point. This "they are fake" argument never gelled for me as you need and 'Original' first to make a 'Fake'.

Once and for all one has to wrap once head around the fact that; yes, it is a racial conflict, but; no, not between human races such as Semites, Aryans, Arabs, Blacks, whatever - but between HUMANS and REPTILES - and their gene-manipulated slaves, the PATHOCRATS.

I always thought that there are no such thinks as bad nations like Germans=Nazis or Brtitish=Arogant Snobbish Elitists or Americans=Greedy Ignorant Oppressors.

It is always the power-hungry top of the nation/race-specific pyramid that fucks it up for all of the rest. And it is always them who have no moral conflict to make cosy arrangements with the top of the pyramid of the nation/race one is suppose to hate (i.e. Operation Paperclip: the leading Nazi-Murderers find new identities and carriers in the USA or Bush/Rumsfeld and the bin Ladens/Hussains!) Same-o, same-o.

But only now through the Signs pages I fully understand the common denominator: Pathocrats!!!

However, that we HUMANS are having a 'four to one' advantage is kind of an up-beat revelation, is it not?!

Now in terms of the problem of the media - I agree with your assessment one hundred percent: After all I am a German propaganda trained media specialist. I chose this profession for the specific purpose so I be eventually able to contribute to its change.

I shared this anecdote before but it really fits the current discussion:
One of my professors who thought 'communication-theory' was often attacked by new students (in the spirit of Vance Packard) that he would teach us evil things: How to seduce the masses to sell them useless things that they don't need.

His response was:

Would the knife be the subject matter of our teaching we would discuss how it has to be made, how to sharpen the blade, how to design the handle - how to make it a perfect tool.

We would not discuss whether you take it and ram it in the back of your neighbor, steal his business and rape his wife or whether you use it to cut an apple to feed a starving child. That's up to you. However to do either, you have to know how it works first. And that is what I teach here.
...and that is what the SOTT team teaches here! If you don't understand what you are up against your chance is exactly zero! And only through that understanding you are able to act rather than react!

Having said that, I would love to share my own ideas how to accomplish that 'change in media' (or better accomplish at least 'considerable impact') with the SOTT team some day soon - but on a more confidential platform.
In regards to the Protocols piece

Fifth Way said:
Having said that, I would love to share my own ideas how to accomplish that 'change in media' (or better accomplish at least 'considerable impact') with the SOTT team some day soon - but on a more confidential platform.
The sott email is at the bottom of the sott page.
In regards to the Protocols piece

I have seen on TV a show by Ammy Goodman. It's a daily rendition of the news as not seen on CNN, Fox, or MSNBC. I get them all. I always thought her casts were coragious, but I guess I have to watch again and see what spin there is huh? I get it through LINK TV on my satellite service. As I am writing, they are showing a documentary called: Weapons of Mass Deception" the role of the media in the Iraq war. I would be curious if any friends watch her show...
In regards to the Protocols piece

Danny said:
Time and again we have been told to think and rule with our minds not our hearts because emotions only fuel the fire of confusion and hatred.
Indeed, "human emotions are the root of all evil"? And who told us this? Why, "Society" did, of course. Yet we note that the war and death that is currently encircling the world is the work of people who are essentially devoid of normal human emotion. How can that be? Surely if we accept that 'emotions only fuel the fire of confusion and hatred', then the architects of the hatred that is currently being displayed in Iraq and Palestine must be being overrun with emotion? Yet the reality is that these people are cold, calculating killers, they think only, they do not feel, and they urge us all to do the same. All the better to make us like them.

In regards to the Protocols piece

Yes they are indeed devoid of emotions.So they go to the next best place for them.Us.They don't need it. All they have to do is throw enough lies one way and bam! WE are the ones running rampant in the hate and suffering and despair.
The thing that separates the normal people from tha pathocrats is they can hate you with a smile on their face.
Protocols of the Pathocrats

In reading through the Protocols of the Pathocrats today, I found the following in Protocol 9. Remember, these were written over one hundred years ago. All I have changed is the reference to normal people to bring it line with our research on pathocracy.

Protocols of the Pathocrats said:
13. You may say that the NORMAL PEOPLE will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail—the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.
Protocols of the Pathocrats

And then this:

Protocols of the Pathocrats said:
Independently of this, we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president, as chief of the whole army of the country, must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.
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