The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler

I'm tellin' ya, the LEFT are the Nazis of the hour. That can change, but maybe not? It IS true that there are quite a few on the Right who act like Nazis too, but overall, it's mainly the Left.
Thank you, Adaryn!

This seems to be the very same news agency article, except in english.

This is so sick. I would understand when they wanted to tell people where supermarket meat comes from and tell people about unnecessary pain and bad killing methods - and then let them decide themselves.

When I realized that there is no cheap meat without a huge pain bill on it, I changed my way of buying meat. For more than three years now I only eat grass fed meat, from animals who were outside and on a rich and vast meadow all year long, killed more than one year later than normally done - and I have seen the farms and the animals when alive.

I was surprised that it is not expensive at all. Of course you put work in it yourself and don't have it like in a butchers shop, nicely cut already and so on. But it is worth it. But what do I say, I am sure that here all agree.
I'm tellin' ya, the LEFT are the Nazis of the hour. That can change, but maybe not? It IS true that there are quite a few on the Right who act like Nazis too, but overall, it's mainly the Left.

Oh I believe you and I know!

Excuse my clumsy wording, but I meant to agree 100 %. In my hometown in some days there will be the AfD Parteitag (party convention), and good old Antifa has already launched an appal for car burners, demonstrants, people who make a lot of noise and everyone else opposing NAZIS to come in thousands! The city might be a mess afterwards.... Thing is, they all seem to think that THEIR destruction is justified, and not at all nazi-style behavior, justified because the OTHERS are so bad NAZIS. You can only fight them, that is it.

What I actually and originally did mean is, that I fear a new rise of real right nazis as answer to all this left fascism and telling-people-how-to-think stuff. But for now, I am 100 % with you.
Well, I'm already fairly hostile toward the left because I can no longer get my brand of cigarettes that I've been smoking for 44 years. And I'm pretty hostile about their "Global Warming" scam that covers up the real threat to humanity while really providing a cash cow for elites. And what about the vilification of meat eating and shoving vegetarianism down people's throats?

For me, it's also often the seemingly "unimportant" things that totally get me. Like the "alternative" wind energy scam that stuffs the pockets of dubious "green" types with tax payer's money and uglifies the whole country. These lefties can't help but destroy beauty based on lies and even demand brownie points for their virtue signaling! Or like seeing vegan sections on every menu in restaurants. Or hearing terms like "gender-normative" thrown around half-jokingly during business lunches. Or listening to a radio announcement of a jazz festival where they complain that there are "still" not enough female trumpet players! For Christ's sake!
With leftists (most do not realize they are) the expression "hell is paved with good intentions" is dramatically an understatement. The main problem I see in them is that they are incapable of following a "live and let live" mode of being. And in their pathological attempt to "change the world" or "save the planet" or whatever the mantra of the day, everything they touch is detroyed. For some time now I've been considering the similarities between these extremist leftists and islamist extremists. They give off the same aura, only professing different religions. They can't rest until the whole external world submits to the party line, even if they do not. I often joke that those who truely believe that CO2 emissions are dangerous should stop heating their houses in winter. Those who are for uncontrolled migrations should open their houses to strangers. They never do for it is for the others to submit to the dogma, not they.
Well, actually, the Left is way more fascist at present than the Right. That's why the Right types are so slow to get moving and active against it; they are still thinking that sanity might prevail. But there is no sanity on the Left at all anymore thanks to Postmodernism and I would submit that this was intentional to some extent. McCarthy was right: Hollywood and Academia were infested with Communists, it just wasn't the purely Russian kind. A whole generation of teachers were trained in this hot-house Marxist/Utopian atmosphere and they have been teaching the youngsters that are now reaching maturity, so the infection has spread.

You really need to catch up on some reading perhaps starting with "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt.
I don't know if you've already read it,but a book I'm going through is called ''The god that failed'' by Koestler,Fisher and Wright.It talks about communist history of Hollywood and how they abused and intimidated anyone that dared to disagree.They were straight up thugs.I haven't been able to do much reading in the last 3 or so weeks,so if someone has more time to run through it that'd be great.
I'm tellin' ya, the LEFT are the Nazis of the hour. That can change, but maybe not? It IS true that there are quite a few on the Right who act like Nazis too, but overall, it's mainly the Left.

I've also been thinking about what Cassies said when you asked them if anything can be done to stop the coming madness.They said ''No and neither would you want to''.Now I'll admit I'm biased as hell,the left just disgusts me now.But I was thinking that the ''snap back'' might not be necessarily a bad thing.If someone is trying to commit genocide against you or something to that effect,is fighting back immoral?Ofcourse not.In fact self defense is necessary in that case.I mean,if there was no snapback against the nazis they would have succeeded in taking over the world no?And a large part was played by the then Soviet Union which didn't have that much of a moral high ground (aside from self defense obviously),but faded in time anyway.If we're really looking at a replay that's something to keep in mind.
For some reason when I read about the mind boggling nonsense that comes out of the SJW types, the leftist liberal protagonists, and so on who propagate their lies with such intense vehemence, I'm reminded of similarities with the UFO contactee phenomenon. They are both phenomenon so as to hide the true reality that's behind it all. It's so bizarre. The leftist absurdities mirrors the bizarreness of the UFO contactee phenomenon who were told by their "space brothers" that they were here to "save the world", "balance the universe", and other absurd nonsense and the contactees actually believe it to be factually true.

In a similar way, some kind of reality shift has occurred in the minds of people and now the leftists are spewing their lies, hatred and warmongering like the warmonger republicans of yesterday (and today also) all in the name of "saving the world." It's a reality shift within the group mind but with the same absurdities.

In my view, based on my experience, when one sees a sudden vehemence being expressed by someone or group, then this intense energy working through them can very possibly be coming from a higher density as if a door opens and then suddenly closes, like there are 'holes' between the higher and lower densities that can, under certain conditions, open and close within the very fabric of reality itself and very high potential energies from another realm can discharge thru this curtain energizing certain situations where they get 'activated'.

I think that John Keel said something in one of his books that it's not so much that the contactees are liars but it's the UFO phenomon itself (and the absurdities connected with it) that is the great liar. The contactees are simply the believers.of the lie.
When ordinary people listen to these loud vehement believers, where they say things with such mind boggling certainty, then they can become followers of the vehement believers. I would say that the loud/crazy/violent 'kinetic' reactions from the left will illicit a equal and opposite reaction from the right leading to great internal strife and violent destruction but the trajectory of the fundamental line of force is still going in the direction as determined by these great deceivers. Mind programming complete.
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What an interesting thread! Thank you all for sharing your ideas!

Interestingly, I've been noticing a new movement appearing in my country. I think that since my country is small, these little things are easier to distinguish but I know it's been the case in other place too from what I read on the news. Basically, just this last month alone I came across two fresh nationalist-conservative groups. One seems to be quite benign and concerned mostly with sovereignty and moral development, in a reflective and respectful way. The other one seems to be a bit more fuelled by anger and resentment, they talk using emotional "logic" and tend to be a bit more radical in their propositions. It seems too that their leader has his seat in Congress, but I'm not sure. Now, this might not be a big deal, but I've never seen this kind of movement amongst the young here in my country, so it really surprises me as a result of the craziness we're seeing in the left nowadays, especially because the people in it are people that were previously left-leaning.

I mentioned elsewhere that my country is quite conservative, it's a country where people openly and massively reject LGBT ideology and what passes as "sexual education" for them. However, feminism has been having a lot of publicity and influence just recently and there has been a "which hunt" where they publicly framed highly educated leftist men who were called the "progressive machos" by them. Their idea was that the left should be purged of men who where still not compliant with their radical feminism. Pretty amazing indeed... but it also talks of how the left is actually destroying itself.

This "which hunt" was so heavily rejected by the average population after some periods of debate on social media that it vanished. But unfortunately feminism has had its impact on empathetic leftist men who became fearful of being accused and publicly humiliated. They have influenced the universities and, incredibly, women from opposite parties who hated each other now support each other under this feminist flag... of course, both leftists and right-wing women who want power benefit from imposing this agenda on a short term.

Now, they are trying to push two laws, one about gender parity in government positions (so that incompetent women are given a free pass to positions of power just because they're women, which is absurd), and one law that would legalise abortion. The debate on the abortion issue has been intense and it was a clear example of a conservative population reacting to a minority forcefully imposing their view on the majority. Insults and nonsense on both side covered up the few deep and intelligent opinions about the issue. And then it started: people calling for violence against those who were threatening something considered so sacred for them. A desperation to protect the morality that holds their life in place, I guess.

I was thinking today about how this intolerance has exacerbated BECAUSE the left is attempting to impose this view. Before now, people didn't really cared much about these issues, now they are disgusted by it, so they're actually achieving the opposite of what they would want. And since there are ideologically possessed individuals on both sides, one can only expect that a few can turn things into nastiness very fast. And people in the middle are being forced to "pick a side" or remain silent... or speak up with a high risk of being publicly harassed.

It's very sad to see it indeed. But I tend to understand now why people are so infuriated with these leftists, although I don't condone their violent reaction. The left cries loudly when someone reacts but they don't seem to notice at all how violent their imposition is to conservative traditional Catholic people who represent the majority in the country. This truly shakes them to the core...

This is consistent to with what Haidt says. Conservatives even understand the leftist arguments, yet they continue to be disgusted by it, the left doesn't understand these Conservatives... And they don't try either.

I think this is the kind of thing that could start happening in many different countries. Actually it's been happening already. This abortion issue, for example, has been in the news in many different LATAM countries the past month. And I suppose they are all dealing with similar social controversy, varying in degree according to each country's reality.

Talk about the hysteria being pumped up to unbelievable levels! Łobaczewski was right, again.
Yesterday we were talking about this non-sense of veganism. Since this is a new fashion, the fruits and vegetables are more expensive. And you will see also meat will be more expensive also! Also one woman I know was telling us that her niece was vegan and felt sick, was almost not eating, because she was following this non-sense with her friends at the school. I can see a lot of young that will be sick just to follow this veganism that is becoming very popular. A sort of new anorexia. Not good at all!

About the absurdity of the plastic new way of action. I went to the ecological store and I asked for a plastic bag to put what I just bought. They don't give you anymore plastic bags. Okeeeey. Then I said to the young cashier: so what you will do with all the plastic that are enveloping ALL YOUR PRODUCTS, natural and ecological products? because everyone of their products are in plastic bags, or boxes, etc. Also the gloves that they force you to put when you bough vegetables and fruits are in plastic! How pathetic and comic can be the situation.

How absurd is this road that they are taking, the saviors of this planet! But they seem incapable to see the absurdity, the contradiction in their way of doing.
How absurd is this road that they are taking, the saviors of this planet! But they seem incapable to see the absurdity, the contradiction in their way of doing.

On the topic of plastic bags: Plastic carrier bag is best according to new study

‘Forget the cloth carrier bag and the ‘biodegradable’ bio-plastics. Ordinary plastic carrier bags are the best choice for the environment.’ - says the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in their press release. Reason is that paper bags are rarely recycled or used as waste bags because they break easily.

The analysis shows that the paper bag should be used 43 times if its environmental impact should be less than a regular plastic bag, used only once. For cloth bags in conventional cotton the number is 7,100 and for organic cotton 20,000.

Ouch! But these greeny lefty types always push their nonsense down our throats before even thinking one second about it. :evil:
On the topic of plastic bags: Plastic carrier bag is best according to new study

Ouch! But these greeny lefty types always push their nonsense down our throats before even thinking one second about it. :evil:

That's a good example on how misguided their oversimplifying of issues is. These days there's a lot of talk about how plastics are bad for the oceans. Their idiotic solution? Ban plastic bags. By doing so, we the public will buy other bags to use for the trash (or throw stuff through the window lol). They didn't for a moment consider somthing as simple as not throwing plastics into the ocean! And that's beside the fact that all other products are made of plastic or worse.
There is a new law in Spain that will become ready maybe next month: if you want a plastic bag when you go in a store, for example in a store that is small, or in a store that sell meat, or fruits, or fish, you will have to pay for the bag, by law. I think some money of this goes to the government and evidently if a store gives you a plastic bag without charging you he can have a contravention. Amazing.

Concerning the Ocean and the pollution: the other day there was a twit from the Guardia Civil (Police) about people that smoke on the beach and leave cigarettes butches saying that these little butches are responsible for the terrible contamination of the ocean.
How absurd is this road that they are taking, the saviors of this planet! But they seem incapable to see the absurdity, the contradiction in their way of doing.
My reading of all this is that "they" know it is all absurd. It is just a "make believe" game of "We are Eco Conscious" for the coming up generations. This way they are made to think that the fight is on even though the issue with plastics has been know since the 1980's.

What is doubly comical is that People are made to pay for plastic bags at our supermarkets under the guise of making the environment better. But the Corperations continue to produce plastic containers which are not returnable because it would hit their bottom line. Make the People pay for it through garbage fees that rise because of the huge volumes generated through plastics.
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