anart said:seekr said:Here we see, "that weird ZONE thing happening". Perhaps this is, as Castanneda/don Juan says, "moving the assemblage point". Then we see, "WITHOUT THINKING (clarity), I pulled out a harmonica.... and I started playing a loud and silly tune." Now this would seem, to me, to be "B" influences "that which arise from outside ordinary life, from an esoteric center". As I don't know of any other animal which sings or plays music when threatened, I don't think instinct would be the proper terminology. Music is an abstract creation. The individual notes may be concrete but arranging them into a tune is abstract. So this would not seem to be instinct as we understand it.
Or, it could have been, and likely was, a program - a 'nervous fidget' if you will. Much like beginning to mindlessly hum a tune when nervous or 'whistling past the graveyard'. I see no reason to think it was an influence from an 'esoteric center'. What is an 'esoteric center', by the way? I'm not stating that it absolutely was not something 'higher' - I'm just saying that 'whistling past the graveyard' is a mechanical reaction - much like this likely was as well.
I was thinking of when Carlos and don Jaun were confronted by the jaguar in the wilderness. I don't quite remember the details of the story but I remember him "shifting the assemblage point" to obtain a different clarity that allowed him to escape harm. I can't say either way if it was or wasn't something higher as I did not experience it myself and even then it would take careful evualtion/reflection to decide. An esoteric center as I understand it is the higher intellectual and emotional centers. I think that information coming from the higher intellectual center would that which one could not have known from "normal" means. But even that doesn't quite explain it properly as there seem to be false channels also. As always, the devil is in the details.
I would have to say that being nervous/scared of a graveyard would be a program in itself as there is no "real" threat simply by it being a depository of bodies. Which would differ from encountering a wild animal/predator in the open.
seekr said:We will always have some responsibility in life but only in those situations that we have knowledge and ability. As I cannot see anyone having absolutely NO knowledge or ANY ability in ANY situation whatsoever. Not everyone would be expected to have medical knowledge or auto mechanics knowledge or physical strength to help someone in need of those capabilities. So our responsibility would be in situations that we DO have what it takes to help.
anart said:It appears that you are confusing every day 'responsibility' - like being at your job on time and doing it (which is wholly mechanical) and esoteric Response-ability - which is only possible when one is Real - after having removed programs and mechanical behavior.
I wasn't referring to one's occupation when I listed the knowledge examples. I should have elaborated a little more. One may have first aid training but not necessarily be a medic. You don't have to be a mechanic to be able to stop and change a flat tire for a stranded motorist that may be unable to do so themselves. Or you may be physically capable of something that another in need of is not. Such as helping your neighbor remove fallen trees after a storm. Or you may have no knowledge of gardening but that doesn't mean that you could not lend your physical capabilities to help an elderly neighbor, that has always planted a garden in the past but is unable to because of a recent ailment. In such a case you may have no idea how to plant a garden but with the gardening neighbor's knowledge and your strong back, you could do the labor of tilling and planting the garden at your neighbor's direction. Your neighbor may then be able to maintain it during the growing season with minimal physical strength. Then come harvest time you may lend your physical strength to labor intensive work at the direction of the gardener. Or you may be the elderly gardener and unable to plant one yourself but you could teach your young neighbors the knowledge you have if they wished to learn.
I agree that we must remove programs so that we can give simply for the reason of giving(STO) and not because it makes us feel needed or important(STS). The "savior" or "knight in shining armor" are definitely programs that we must recognize and dispose of if we are to ever give for the right reasons. The same goes for giving to get in return.
seekr said:It is important to distinguish between instinct and intuition. Instinct would be programs or automatic REactions, A influences, subjectivity. Intuition would be clarity, B influences, objective action.
anart said:I don't think that this is necessarily the case, though it could be. Not everything that is perceived as 'intuition' is anything other than old emotional programs running. Also, intuition can be quite subjective - that does not mean that it cannot be objective - but again, the devil is in the details, so making such a categorical statement as you have made here - as if it is fact - is a bit 'off target'.
seekr said:This world is set in such a way as to keep us in a constant state of reaction with no time to think and take action.
anart said:The vast majority of humanity cannot think at all.
I so naively overlooked this point. I just assumed that if one is even asking the question of one's ability to think and actively pursuing the Work, that they had some ability to think.
seekr said:We are bombarded by constant obstacles that try to force us to be consumed with worrying about survival, "how to pay the light bill", "do I buy groceries or heating oil" ect. Also "divide and conquer" tactics, such as race, sexual preference, religious differences, so that we may not see the real predator. Then emotions such as guilt, insecurity and anger, when we react to these triggers we simply cause more reactions in others and thus a constant state of chaos. We must step back and distance ourselves from the emotional triggers to be able to see these issues for what they really are, and with objectivity, then take action.
anart said:And how are you to know that what you consider yourself to be doing (stepping back and distancing yourself) is actually what you are doing? If you asked the vast majority of people who do not think whether they think or not, they would tell you, 'yes, of course I think!'
Objectivity is not something one can just slip on easily, like a jacket in the afternoon - it is extremely difficult for human beings to even approach an objective understanding of anything - by design. I'm only stating this to make it clear that what you describe as something that should just 'be done' - just decide to think and do it - does not work that way.
We cannot See ourselves - and until one is no longer controlled by mechanical behavior, it cannot be done at all. I don't think you're way off target, I just think that you're making statements as if they are fact, when the devil is very much in the details and the big picture is more complicated than that. fwiw.
Yes. I didn't intend to over simplify the Work and perhaps failed to even clarify that what I was referring to was in context to the Work. We can not do anything objectively 'til will have cleaned the machine of programs and through ever vigilant efforts to awaken and then to remain awake and objective. I was more referring the questions that were asked of my last post (12 posts back)
I thought Pepperfritz had done a wonderful job on stressing the details and aspects of the beginning the Work and and how to begin to clean the machine to obtain objectivity. So I didn't go into detail on that part of it, as I thought it had been covered.
(I'm not sure what I did wrong to make this entire post appear in blue?)
Laura: You had one too many "quote" codes. I found and removed it.