The Situation In Germany

Is this what Tobias Himpenmacher has in mind?

Scum villages in Amsterdam

Liberal Amsterdam plans to create 'scum villages'

The Dutch city has a reputation for its liberal policies, but now it has announced a scheme to house antisocial tenants in converted shipping containers. (...)

Bartho Boer, a spokesman for the mayor, denies that the plans are illiberal. "We want to defend the liberal values of Amsterdam," he says. "We want everyone to be who he and she is – whether they are gay and lesbian or stand up to violence and are then victims of harassment. We as a society want to defend them." (...)

The temporary dwellings will be heavily policed, but antisocial tenants will also have access to doctors, social workers and parole officers.

Surely Himpenmacher who is a person of color will have experienced some racial slurs throughout his life.
Do his fantasies represent some form of payback?

In the 2013 state elections his predecessor won a mere 2.9% of votes in his constituency.
Why would millions of Germans he considers to be "Neo-Nazis" (because they are opposed to left wing, globalist policies) need language courses, education, integration courses and "centralized accomodation"?

Ha, Ursus Minor, no! I am pretty sure he meant the language and integration courses for the migrants, and for getting rid of critics the concentration camps for neonazis. That is how i read it - otherwise it doesnt make any sense... not that this would be a criterion for a lefty.

Try to stay neutral too and avoid political topics with your friends, also when it is hard when you know it is not true what they are saying.

Gawan, this is an advice (a good one) which is in the same amount right as difficult to implement. As I said, friends are gone, I was very surprised how quickly these peeps cut year long bands. I am avoided now, so to say. NOW some people told me that some of my former friends say it is impossible to talk with me, because I am able to outtalk people. Which is true, I could do that. One friend once told me not to be so "socratic" - and now I am not sure whether he meant that I will get myself in hot water or that my rethoric skills are quite good... But I never did in political discussions. Thing is that I read a lot, studied history, learned several professions and have quite a capacity of remembering. And I am very precise with language (my native language) in speaking and in listening, and I think THAT is the problem with me. They fear their own ignorance and me pointing this out to them - again: I never did that, I mean verbally telling them that they dont have the nescessary knowledge to talk about this or that. But that was something to become clear at one or another point; this said point was also end of discussion in all cases. Sooo ... I should have had your advice much earlier, but thank you.

I don't know, I always thought it has to be possible to have different opinions AND be friends. Doesn't seem so anymore.
Is this what Tobias Himpenmacher has in mind?

Scum villages in Amsterdam

Liberal Amsterdam plans to create 'scum villages'

Surely Himpenmacher who is a person of color will have experienced some racial slurs throughout his life.
Do his fantasies represent some form of payback?

In the 2013 state elections his predecessor won a mere 2.9% of votes in his constituency.

Wow! I didn't come across this yet. This is from december 2012, do i get this right?

A quote from the article:
"But Boer insists that the administration has learned from past mistakes and is not planning to house the antisocial together.

It would be more accurate to call them "scum houses" than scum villages, says Boer, "because we don't want to put more than one of these families in the same area". After up to six months in these houses, scattered around the city, the tenants will be found permanent homes. The city government anticipates moving around 10 families a year into this programme, which starts in 2013."

So it doesn't seem to be the same thing. Himpenmacher is talking about a centralized accommodation of neonazis (dt. zentralisierte Unterbringung für Neonazis), which doesn't sound like living in one of some containers scattered around the city.
Berlin: International Women's Day - a public holiday

Berlin's city parliament has declared IWD a public holiday. The capital is the only German state that recognizes the day as a public holiday. While it was a national holiday in the USSR since 1917, workers in former East Germany never had a day off on the 8th of March.

1954 The Year Of The Great Initiative For Peace, Unity And Prosperity

In addition to Women's Day, Berlin's parliament decided to establish May 8, 2020 (Victory Day in Europe) as a one-off holiday to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the surrender of Hitler's Germany and the end of World War II in Europe.

So there's much more virtue signaling to come.

While most of the German media were transmitting the usual boring stories on that subject,
FOCUS magazine was treating its readers to a rather bizarre interview with a German feminist/teacher/book author:

FOCUS: "No Children, For The Environment's Sake (German only)

This is an excerpt from her answers in the interview - read and weep... :shock:

Verena Brunschweiger (38)
is a book author and considers herself as being extremely concerned about the environment.

She is a secondary-school teacher, she refrains from using airplanes and – nine times out of ten – is leaving her car at home. She is a vegetarian and determined not to have children.

Children, as she claims in her new book Kinderfrei statt kinderlos (Childfree instead of childless), are the worst that could happen to the environment.

She is demanding that every woman who refrains from having a child due to environmental concerns should receive 50.000 Euros when reaching age fifty.

[Brunschweiger:] When I was thirty I started reading a lot about environmental problems and I stumbled upon a study by scientists who found out that we might prevent the production of 58.6 tons of CO2 if only one additional child would not be born. 58.6 tons - just imagine that! My reaction was: No, I don't want that.[..]

I have personally experienced being discriminated against for being childless. For ten years of being a teacher I had to commute through entire Bavaria because schools were preferring teachers who had children. It is only now that I have found a school of my own choice.[..]

Most parents have children for rather egoistical reasons: They do not want to bear the costs and demand that those who voluntarily or unvoluntarily have no children should support their standard of living.
It is not about children it is about getting more money.[..]

A woman (intending to have a child) is placing herself into great danger that could harm her body and her psyche and influence the rest of her life negatively. Moreover it could strip her off money, time and energy.

Last, but not least: She would be following male dominated views and demands for her body and its functions and thus behave submissively. She would be persuaded that she is acting on her own will and is doing it for herself. Perfect. Brainwashing successfully completed. ☑

:rolleyes: I'm actually relieved that this narcissistic person has decided for herself against having children.

The mere thought of people like her teaching kids in school makes me feel unwell.
She may not be the only one believing in the CO2 scam, but all of her greed for money, jealousy, feeling of entitlement and projecting her own character traits on others is pretty disgusting...

Makes you wonder whether she will be calculating with her students just how many tons of CO2 could have been eliminated if they all weren't there?

I think FOCUS magazine were a bit cheeky to release this interview right on International Women's Day... ;-)
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Berlin's city parliament has declared IWD a public holiday. The capital is the only German state that recognizes the day as a public holiday. While it was a national holiday in the USSR since 1917, workers in former East Germany never had a day off on the 8th of March.

This also produces lots of (justified) resentment in other parts of Germany because Berlin doesn't contribute much to the GDP and is pretty much on "welfare" from the other states. And yet, they keep partying on, have all the ridiculous chaos with the new airport and so on. And now they just stop working for one day to virtue-signal! Resentment isn't a good thing, but I find myself thinking "just stop the money flow and let this sh*thole dry out - along with their tax-funded GenderSJW NGOs, inititiatives and postmodern strongholds!" :evil:
yeah, weird. yesterday (int. womens day) i spotted a lot of "end patriarchy now!" and "feminism - do it!" papers sticking on buildings. the whole appearance seemed to be odd, like outdated. I do not know what they want. What patriarchy? We have a female chancelor for over 13 years here in Germany, and apart from that I do not like her politics at all and I think she is a traitor to the people and a law breacher (her unconstitutional ruling), one has to admit that Merkel is proof of absent patriarchy. Or more precise: Merkel is the proof that the program works with male and female leadership.
This also produces lots of (justified) resentment in other parts of Germany because Berlin doesn't contribute much to the GDP and is pretty much on "welfare" from the other states. And yet, they keep partying on, have all the ridiculous chaos with the new airport and so on. And now they just stop working for one day to virtue-signal! Resentment isn't a good thing, but I find myself thinking "just stop the money flow and let this sh*thole dry out - along with their tax-funded GenderSJW NGOs, inititiatives and postmodern strongholds!" :evil:

In actual fact there are four catholic public holidays that are not in place in Berlin and two days of carnival craziness!
Add to that the fact that although Berlin is situated in a traditionally protestant area, even Reformation Day (which commemorates Martin Luther and religious Reformation in Europe) is not a public holiday in Berlin while in all surrounding states it is. So much for partying in Berlin... :rolleyes:

Agreed, Berlin is very much on welfare due to the German fiscal equalization scheme, which makes GDP-rich states pay for deplorable states. The city thus annually receives 3.6 billion Euros (only to see its roads, bridges and schools crumble).
On the other hand Bavaria is handing out 5.4 billions a year to others (grudgingly giving all to those who ask) but has been a welfare recipient for 37 years itself (1950-87). No doubt that some of that money was applied to lure SIEMENS corporation from Berlin to Munich (while West-Berlin was encircled by the Soviet Army and under economic and political duress).

Remind me again: How does karma work? :whistle:
Oversimplified, I think some forces don't want Germany to be the center of Europe.
In actual fact there are four catholic public holidays that are not in place in Berlin and two days of carnival craziness!
Add to that the fact that although Berlin is situated in a traditionally protestant area, even Reformation Day (which commemorates Martin Luther and religious Reformation in Europe) is not a public holiday in Berlin while in all surrounding states it is. So much for partying in Berlin... :rolleyes:

Yes I know, but they still don't deserve more holidays LOL. At least they could have chosen a catholic one instead of a postmodern one for God's sake! (Sorry, I used to live and work in Berlin, and I'm just being a bit ranty... I guess this story is just another sign of the times.)
Angela Merkel declares death of German multiculturalism

"The Chancellor's remarks, which claimed multiculturalism had 'failed utterly', interpreted as a shift rightwards from previous views.
Merkel faces pressure to take a tougher line on immigration, particularly on so-called "Integrationsverweigerer" or those immigrants who show a lack of willingness to adapt to the majority culture, by, for example, refusing to attend German language classes.
Germany should get tougher on those who refuse to integrate before opening itself up to further immigration."

Please don't hold your breath: This is an excerpt from an article by The Guardian dating back to October 17, 2010.

On the same day The Guardian published a second article on that subject:

"Speaking to a meeting of young members of her Christian Democratic Union party, Merkel said the idea of people from different cultural backgrounds living happily "side by side" did not work.

She said the onus was on immigrants to do more to integrate into German society.

"This [multicultural] approach has failed, utterly failed," Merkel told the meeting in Potsdam yesterday.
Her remarks will stir a debate about immigration in a country which is home to around 4 million Muslims.

Last week, Horst Seehofer, the premier of Bavaria and a member of the Christian Social Union – part of Merkel's ruling coalition – called for a halt to Turkish and Arabic immigration."

While all of the statements above may just have been for public consumption to placate voters of the governing coalition, I'm absolutely stunned to what degree the political landscape has been transformed right under the German people's noses within a couple of years...

The language Merkel was using at the time seems to be right out of the textbook of the much loathed and bedeviled AfD* party of today. (*Alternative for Germany)
yes, Ursus Minor, Merkel is known to provide a contradicting quote fr every quote you have of her.

The really disturbing thing in Germany (and a lot of other countries around the world) is the speeed censorship gains, while she is only uttering whitewash jadajada. The press is roaming the realm of "enemy image porn" so to say and Antifa gets special rules concerning police search (the police can't do it any more with antifa members). And most disturbing is the amount of ppl who want Germany erased from all maps.

And by ppl I mean first the germans i know wanting that. One of them hates Germany so much now that he thinks it is perfectly right that "the state" financed him for five years (he was a local politician in the "Bezirkstag").
The really disturbing thing in Germany (and a lot of other countries around the world) is the speed censorship gains(..) And most disturbing is the amount of ppl who want Germany erased from all maps.
And by ppl I mean first the germans i know wanting that. One of them hates Germany so much now that he thinks it is perfectly right that "the state" financed him for five years (he was a local politician in the "Bezirkstag").

Censorship is indeed gaining speed. Merkels remarks from 2010 could not be published in Germany today, neither by journalists or in newspaper online forums. Ordinary folks discussing subjects like these would feel they have to look over their shoulders and lower their voices.
Censorship is returning, not as abrupt and robust as in 1933 (or the early 1950s in stalinist East Germany) but it is coming ever so slowly and slyly into our lives. And that doesn't even include self-censorship...

I think there is a significant percentage of leftists in Germany who hate their country because they hate themselves.
Socialism, Internationalism, EUropeanism, One-Worldism promises them the hope of relief from their German identity.

The West German education system has been producing young people who are subconsciously groaning under the historical German guilt shtick. East Germans by the way, who were educated and socialized before 1989 do not seem to be affected that much. They were told by the communists that they are free from historical guilt since all evil (Nazism, capitalism, imperialism) was concentrated in West Germany.


Members of some "autonomous" or "creative" left-wing grouping are producing their banner which reads

Most of these people shown above are probably living on welfare or holding down measly paid government-subsidized part-time jobs (no reproach intended).

Other banners often displayed read: "DEUTSCHLAND VERRECKE" (Germany should perish!) :-O

If Germany perishes (with its welfare system and subsidies) these characters would probably be the first to perish too.

They would surely not be able to play out their entitlement syndrome ("Germany owes us!") in other countries or post-civilizational Germany...
Merkel was shaking uncontrollably and quite extremely during her meeting with the new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Berlin while the german national anthem was playing:


Doesn't look good to me. In the press conference afterwards she was asked about it and said something to the effect that she has drunk water now and that everything is alright:

"Well, I've drunken at least three glasses of water since then. Obviously that was what was missing. And in that respect, I'm very well."
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