The Situation In Germany

I follow Libs of TikTok on Twitter, and this post came up on my timeline a couple days ago. It is a video of German politician Martin Neumaier filming a video of him 𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 public toilets inside a railway station. He's an FDP candidate.

WARNING: The video itself is disgusting. Only posting the link here and not embedding the video clip itself.

I do not recommend watching it.

It is included it in this thread for informational purposes only, to demonstrate that radical woke leftism is a mental illness and its proponents belong in a insane asylum and should not be granted a position of "leadership" over anyone.

I follow Libs of TikTok on Twitter, and this post came up on my timeline a couple days ago. It is a video of German politician Martin Neumaier filming a video of him 𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 public toilets inside a railway station. He's an FDP candidate.

WARNING: The video itself is disgusting. Only posting the link here and not embedding the video clip itself.

I do not recommend watching it.

It is included it in this thread for informational purposes only, to demonstrate that radical woke leftism is a mental illness and its proponents belong in a insane asylum and should not be granted a position of "leadership" over anyone.

Yes, I had a misfortune to see a chunk of it, as when scrolling trough X, the videos automatically start.

And thatÂŽs not all! Also scrolling, there was another picture of him, smiling, naked - and covered in feces!!! đŸ€ź

The guy is a complete nutjob! What was the point of it all? The world to see another HIGHLY disturbed character?

People laugh at that grandpa video on the gas station, of him doing "stuff" with his right hand and with his left hand using a gas handle to... well.... What is the difference between the two of them!? None whatsoever!
Also had a misfortune to see part of that other particular video on X while scrolling. Best to find out how to disable the videos to automatically play....

Sodom and Gomorrah where ever you look!
My federal state is practically flooded. We've had constant and almost daily rainfall here since October 2023. We saw the sun on maybe 20 days in total. The meadows, fields and forest floors can no longer be walked on as the ground resembles a sponge. Strangely enough, I was totally aggressive on Thursday, had a terrible gut feeling and sensed that something was coming. Many people around me confirmed that they felt the same. Sometime towards the evening, I heard that heavy rain was forecast for the next day, which started on Friday morning. What I had perceived as heavy rain was downright ridiculous, what masses of water then came from the sky from 12.00 noon. A completely unnatural amount that only stopped at around 5.00 pm. Within two hours, the streams had overflowed throughout the state and the manhole covers in the main roads were flying up. Not a single village or town was unaffected. Everyone who lives a little higher up is lucky. There are isolated water ingresses, but these are no comparison to the disaster that has affected many in the valleys. We had water entering the stairwell via the chimney.

Pictures of friends and patients whose homes have been completely destroyed because they live right next to a stream reached me in a matter of minutes yesterday. There is no place that is not affected. In the neighboring village, a dam to a pond belonging to a coal-fired power plant burst yesterday evening. The power station was flooded. Many houses built on slopes are in danger because of landslides.
At lunchtime today, I'm helping a friend who has been evacuated. She has a canteen kitchen for party services in her house. Her street has suffered the worst damage in our state and her livelihood is at stake. I am very depressed and sad about all the fates and have the feeling that we have been experiencing a deluge in installments here for the last 8 months. đŸ˜Ș
My federal state is practically flooded. We've had constant and almost daily rainfall here since October 2023. We saw the sun on maybe 20 days in total. The meadows, fields and forest floors can no longer be walked on as the ground resembles a sponge. Strangely enough, I was totally aggressive on Thursday, had a terrible gut feeling and sensed that something was coming. Many people around me confirmed that they felt the same. Sometime towards the evening, I heard that heavy rain was forecast for the next day, which started on Friday morning. What I had perceived as heavy rain was downright ridiculous, what masses of water then came from the sky from 12.00 noon. A completely unnatural amount that only stopped at around 5.00 pm. Within two hours, the streams had overflowed throughout the state and the manhole covers in the main roads were flying up. Not a single village or town was unaffected. Everyone who lives a little higher up is lucky. There are isolated water ingresses, but these are no comparison to the disaster that has affected many in the valleys. We had water entering the stairwell via the chimney.

Pictures of friends and patients whose homes have been completely destroyed because they live right next to a stream reached me in a matter of minutes yesterday. There is no place that is not affected. In the neighboring village, a dam to a pond belonging to a coal-fired power plant burst yesterday evening. The power station was flooded. Many houses built on slopes are in danger because of landslides.
At lunchtime today, I'm helping a friend who has been evacuated. She has a canteen kitchen for party services in her house. Her street has suffered the worst damage in our state and her livelihood is at stake. I am very depressed and sad about all the fates and have the feeling that we have been experiencing a deluge in installments here for the last 8 months. đŸ˜Ș

Interesting that the mainstream radio in germany is reporting rather little about it and doesn’t seem to mention the scale. Maybe that’s on purpose?
It is included it in this thread for informational purposes only, to demonstrate that radical woke leftism is a mental illness and its proponents belong in a insane asylum and should not be granted a position of "leadership" over anyone.

Thank you for alerting us to this significant event. Since I don't do TikTok this news item nearly would have evaded me. The guy you have mentioned was just a candidate for a municipal election. He is a member of the libertarian middle class FDP party. His health situation is obviously pathetic.

I wonder if the connection between this poor man and 'radical woke leftism' was established by TikTok or was that your own conclusion?
Thank you for alerting us to this significant event. Since I don't do TikTok this news item nearly would have evaded me. The guy you have mentioned was just a candidate for a municipal election. He is a member of the libertarian middle class FDP party. His health situation is obviously pathetic.

I wonder if the connection between this poor man and 'radical woke leftism' was established by TikTok or was that your own conclusion?
Yes, you're right. Wiki categorizes the FDP party in Germany as libertarian and mostly "centre right". I mistakenly assumed this politician was part of the woke liberal cult because of his outrageous public behaviour.

That being said, I was discussing the incident with a friend from Germany who mentioned that while the FDP party is considered libertarian centre right in fiscal or economic terms, from a social issue perspective can be quite progressive and liberal in their values.

So, it looks like there might be some overlapping and mixing of ideologies going on there.
Christoph Hörstel with an interesting analysis of the flood disaster in Saarland/Rhineland Palatinate. More and more people here are of the opinion that the weather has been manipulated in our federal state for 8 months. Perhaps the deeper meaning lies in the fact that we are about 40km away from the American airbase in Ramstein. There are many reports that there has been an incredibly high volume of flights for about 2 years. Maybe we are not supposed to see what is happening above the gray veil of clouds. Area Ute for air refueling and a quadrant of Tra Lauter (Kaiserslautern) for training flights are located above our federal state.

Christoph Hörstel zu Saarland-Überschwemmungen: Hinter der Flut stehen die Eliten
The latest "scandal" in Germany:
These young Germans sang "Germany for the Germans, foreigners out" during a party on the island of Sylt.Now, the German media are fixated on this incident, state security is investigating them, and they have all lost their jobs.What kind of world do we live in where such harmless slogans are turned into a scandal while the real human rights violations during the Corona period are completely ignored and swept under the rug?

Indeed; it is trending on Twitter for days now, and itÂŽs the most important issue of the media while at the same time German parliament votes to decriminalize the possession of child pornography - and that is slipped unnoticed and mainly unreported!!!

The MDR posted a mild report in the last day as a critic to the law, pointing how "reported cases of child sexual abuse are increasing" (how convenient that they decided to change the law in the mist of increasing reports) and accounts of victims.

When you think it canÂŽt get any worse - it can, and apparently, it will go only more to the worse. Horrible and disgusting!
When you think it canÂŽt get any worse - it can, and apparently, it will go only more to the worse. Horrible and disgusting!
It reminds me of what the C's said in their latest session, that things will have to go much more downhill before enough people wake up.

The matter with this song is being handled just poorly. It smells like a psyop to me; maybe these young people were lured into this situation to now be displayed as scape goats to give the right-wing parties who are seen as serious competition to the established ones a down-vote in the current elections (the German state of Thuringia had its municipal elections yesterday, we and other states will have such elections in two weeks; and there will be the European election as well).

We also do have a serious problem with criminal migrants who often enough seem to be handled with velvet gloves rather than as they should by our legal system. This has been leading to more unsafety in the country as many of such criminal minds are thus given kinda free pass; and in part it seems to have served (along with the woke agenda to call anyone who dares to criticise as "racists", "nazis") as encouragement for more radical factions of Muslims to loudly demonstrate for the introduction of a caliphate in Germany lately (on like 27nd / 28th of April; and later in a milder form):

Dawn of the ‘caliphate’



TAKBÄȘR! More than 1,000 Muslim protesters took to the streets of Hamburg over the weekend to lament German society’s treatment of Muslims and call for establishment of a caliphate. “A caliphate is the solution,” read many of the signs held up by protesters.

Get your freak on: Germans, to put it mildly, were freaked out by the demo, which seemed to come out of nowhere. Though a recent study commissioned by the government found that many Germans harbor negative feelings towards Islam, Germany has generally had a peaceful coexistence with its Muslim population (with notable exceptions like the murderous rampage by a group of neo-Nazis in the early 2000s).

Radically immune: In contrast to neighboring France, where debates over the influence of Islam have stirred passions for years, Germany has avoided them for the most part. Germany has fewer Muslims than France — 6.5 percent of the total population, vs. 10 percent in France. More important, in contrast to France, Germany doesn’t have a history of colonizing Muslim countries, a legacy that has made the situation in France particularly fraught.

Who me? A radical group called Muslim Interaktiv organized the Hamburg event, which carried the title “Don’t obey the liars. ” In a speech to the crowd, Joe Adade Boateng, the leader the group, railed against “media and political campaigns in which Muslims are portrayed as dangerous actors trying to divide the society.”

Sleeping giant: In between chants of “Allahu Akbar,” another speaker warned Germans that “the sleeping giant would soon awaken,” at which point “the cards will be reshuffled” and those who didn’t support the Muslims “would be held accountable.”

Our favorite:
“Today the Muslims are the enemy, tomorrow it will be you!” How odd that anyone would get nervous!

The revolution will not be televised:
While the speeches and calls for a caliphate spread like wildfire on social media, Germany’s flagship nightly news program, the “Tageschau” on the ARD public TV channel, which is viewed by an average of 10 million Germans, drew criticism for initially ignoring the demonstration, airing coverage of the student protests in the U.S. instead.

Remigration: Somewhat shockingly, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser’s first instinct in response to the caliphate demo was the political equivalent of ‘send them back where they came from.’ Or, as she told German television, “I want to be absolutely clear: Anyone who calls for a caliphate in Germany has no home here and no future.”

Trouble with Faeser’s jingoistic remedy is that most of the protestors, and the people leading Muslim Interaktiv, are native-born Germans. While they may have roots in the Muslim world, they are as German as Faeser, ergo, there’s nowhere for her to ‘remigrate’ them.

Pot, meet kettle:
And wait, isn’t that exactly the kind of talk that Faeser and the rest of Germany’s political establishment was hyperventilating a few months ago after a report about a secret meeting of right wingers at a villa in Potsdam?

Speaking of fascists: The uproar over the Hamburg meeting couldn’t have come at a better time for the far-right AfD. Just as the party was battling allegations, as we outlined last week, that leading party officials were collaborating with Russia and/or China, Hamburg’s Islamists have delivered the AfD a perfect diversion right in its anti-Muslim wheelhouse. Our own James Angelos traveled to the eastern city of Magdeburg to take the pulse of the AfD ahead of the European election. Here’s his dispatch, which makes for depressing reading.

What say Olaf? “I think we need to look closely at what we can do concretely in terms of what the consequences should regarding the things that we saw there” in Hamburg. Ok then!

Hamburg cell: The chancellor knows a thing or two about Islamic extremism in Hamburg, his home city. In 2001, as a group of Hamburg-based Islamists around Mohammed Atta were preparing for 9/11, Scholz was the city’s interior minister.

That being said, there are many decent migrants and Muslims who are doing their best to assimilate to Germany and its culture.

Overall, regarding most of the more recent information in this thread this has become a literal boiling kettle (or it feels like such), and it seems the weather demonstrates it. We had a short but strong thunderstorm last Friday, with leashing thunders right above the middle of our city and "scary" rain (according to a co-worker of mine). When we did have lots of rain around Christmas one other co-worker of mine noticed a metallic smell while taking care of wet coats and umbrellas from visitors in the cloakroom of our opera house. That has happened on a evening when there was a sudden drop in temperature (from above zero below zero in a matter of about 30 minutes, with rain turning into wet snow).

@Nachtweide Hope you are managing over there! Have heard about the particular bad weather in your region of Germany.

"... and there would have been a resistance against the Buildings Energy Act, which very likely would have killed the climate protection procedures. The debate around the Buildings Energy Act - how do we heat (our houses) in the future - was, to be honest a test, of how far are the people ready for taking measures (and paying for these measures, my remark) when it comes to climate protection. And I went too far. It was obvious, that the counterpressure was there immediatly, and it would have been a counter pressure, which would have killed the climate protection project entirely..."

[this is my translation to english, it is very likely flawed, but I think non german speakers will get the gist of it.]

There is something entirely wrong about this speech (they were celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Grundgesetz there (the german Constitution), and technically even that is wrong, because most of the paragraphs in the Grundgesetz go back to the Paulskirchen Constitution 175 years ago) and nowhere in the Grundgesetz is written, that the Government can hold the people as a subject of tests, thereby objectifying the people living there. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GRUNDRECHTE, to give the people the power to say no to an invasive government, that acts like feudal lords....
"... and there would have been a resistance against the Buildings Energy Act, which very likely would have killed the climate protection procedures. The debate around the Buildings Energy Act - how do we heat (our houses) in the future - was, to be honest a test, of how far are the people ready for taking measures (and paying for these measures, my remark) when it comes to climate protection. And I went too far. It was obvious, that the counterpressure was there immediatly, and it would have been a counter pressure, which would have killed the climate protection project entirely..."
When I saw this statement from Habeck, I was filled with a cold rage. In my practice there were people in their 60s who were completely desperate because they could no longer get a loan from the bank to renovate their house. Sadism in the highest form is what I call this despicable behavior of this government. And it has once again confirmed my feeling that the government is simply testing the red lines of the population. It's all smoke and mirrors and the population believes every syllable that is written or spoken. What I find even more pathetic is the reaction of those who have a “higher education” and are protecting this testimony to the poverty of this “pseudo-government”.
Last edited:
Indeed; it is trending on Twitter for days now, and itÂŽs the most important issue of the media while at the same time German parliament votes to decriminalize the possession of child pornography - and that is slipped unnoticed and mainly unreported!!!

The MDR posted a mild report in the last day as a critic to the law, pointing how "reported cases of child sexual abuse are increasing" (how convenient that they decided to change the law in the mist of increasing reports) and accounts of victims.

When you think it canÂŽt get any worse - it can, and apparently, it will go only more to the worse. Horrible and disgusting!
The latest "scandal" in Germany:
The amount of material about the Sylt Sandal is astonishing, but there some can tell a story about where Germany is, and in which direction it is moving.

About the song:
The Wiki for the song, L'amour toujours describes the background for the use of the song at the event in Sylt:
As reported by several German media, since at least November 2023 the melody to "L'amour toujours" has been co-opted by right wing groups in Germany, as various videos of people joining in public chants replacing the song's original lyrics with a reprise of the anti immigration slogan, "AuslÀnder raus, AuslÀnder raus, Deutschland den Deutschen, AuslÀnder raus" (Foreigners out, foreigners out, Germany for Germans, foreigners out) surfaced online.[8][9][10] Members of the youth wing of right wing party Alternative for Germany were reportedly seen engaging in similar chants in several occasions,[11][12] while the party's TikTok account started posting clips featuring the song's melody as a background theme.[13][14]

In response to the reports, in March 2024 German record label ZYX, who held copyright for "L'amour toujours", filed a lawsuit against unknown figures, with the charges involving hate speech and copyright infringement.[14][15]

In May 2024, a retweeted video showing a group of people singing the aforementioned slogan over "L'amour toujours" during a party at a club on Sylt sparked widespread outrage;[12][13][14] the regional police of Schleswig-Holstein opened an investigation about the case,[12] while the clip's content was condemned by various political figures, including Chancellor Olaf Scholz,[14][16] Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser,[14] German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier,[17] Social Democratic Party member Sawsan Chebli,[12] and Minister of Social Affairs and Integration of Schleswig-Holstein Aminata Touré.[12][18]
Details about the person who filmed the video. His name was JĂŒri, apparently an Estonian name, but if that relates to the origin is not said.

The public response
One person wonders, see German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Tweet link). if there are no more important problems in Germany.
Quite clearly: such slogans are disgusting, they are unacceptable.
And there must be no mistake about that.
And that's why it's also right that all our activities are aimed at preventing exactly that this is a thing that is spreading.
See also this SOTT article: Von der Leyen proposes 'vaccines' for minds and a 'shield' for democracy
Seeing an image indicating that the police have been called in to curb the problem:

Double standards
One person claims in a Twitter clip that the meaning of the two statements, sung by the young people taken separately are used by the SPD and by Olaf Scholtz himself. The first appears on a current SPD EU parliament election poster and the other on the cover of Die Spiegel. See also this Tweet for the same story, where there is this image:
2024-05-29 143836.png
Another Tweet discusses the legalities. A lawyer says that to make a Nazi greeting is punishable, and if you say "Alles fĂŒr Deutschland" (all for Germany, as one of the AfD people Höcke, (could be Björn Höcke, (Federal State spokesman and parliamentary group leader of the AfD Thuringia)), then this is a slogan from the NAZI SA group, which he claims very few people today are aware of.

One Tweeter (has pictures) claims that there already last year was a similar case:
This Sylt thing is so transparent. It is of course (in addition to the general distraction and election campaign) against the rich. Why else is this being made such a big deal out of? Has everyone already forgotten that the “L’Amour Toujours village festival scandal” already happened last year? The state security agency has not yet investigated, there were no real names, no job losses, no tweets from the Chancellor to the Interior Minister, no concerts against the right-wing. A brief wave of indignation, then that was good. Leftists didn't completely freak out and did everything they could to ensure that the protagonist lost his existence. Why not?
Or what about the Green Party politician Jutta Boden? Drinking trip plus Hitler salute. Where was the media lynch mob?
The reactions now are so exaggerated because it is intended that way. Rich people should be hated. It's about fantasies of expropriation, unconditional basic income plus demonstrations of power.
If that doesn't backfire. The meme summer will be lit. You bet.
Regarding how the medias turned the event, the above poster has another Tweet that claims to show how German media is guided:
One can ask if the choice of giving an old story a new spin was an intended or an unintended psy-ops? We know that the left and the ruling parties for several years have tried to ostracize, cancel, and marginalize their opponents on the right. Much has been tried, so what if someone introduced the idea of framing the right by attaching a slogan to a popular dance song, like "L'amour toujours". One fine day, somebody who could fit the profile of a media storm enters into the trap, at a time that suits political motives, (upcoming elections) then you propagate it widely adding the direction you need.

A comment about Bild who published the story:
You open BILD and the first “headline” is the #Sylt topic.

BILD writes about a scandal that isn't a scandal.

Informing seems to be in fashion again?
The entire lives of these young people are published here. The images will also continue to be published unpixelated. (Suddenly this is possible)

The lives of these young people are being destroyed.

If only one were so motivated if they were caliphate demonstrators or (group) rapists/murderers. But the perpetrators ultimately have to fit into the worldview.

A national drama is being made out of this, even though not a single person was harmed. There was no rioting. Nothing at all! This should be mentioned again and again.
Regarding the unusual situation that the lives of these people are being destroyed in the public domain, the AfD now has a platform from which to point out that even very serious criminals are usually protected by pixilated photos. Example1, example2. Along similar lines from someone with a different dialect, (maybe Southern Germany?). At the same time, as someone posting a meme noted, a proverb has it: Punish one to teach a 100, ascribed to a Roman/Latin origin, or to Mao Tse Tung :
"In Latin, “Unum castigabis centum emendabis.” A similar prescription stating “Punish One, Teach a Hundred” is often attributed to Mao Zedong."
Though one gives credit to the Mafia, but if it is Mao, then the image is:
The news is that the prosecutor is working on three "Sylt-punks" (It was hard to find a single translation "Schnösel", but with this the idea is clear enough.)

This Tweet reads:

But the real scandal lies much deeper: the Rich Kids of Sylt are publicly branded and pilloried. Their entire future is being destroyed, they are being portrayed as the worst thing this Stasi country has to offer! Meanwhile, foreigners who murder, kidnap and rape children are pixelated and their identities are protected – if it becomes known at all that they are foreigners!

This vile agenda that is being pushed here should open everyone's eyes: this Stasi government has only one goal - to divide and destroy our country! The hypocrisy and double standards are intolerable. It is no longer about justice or security, but about the merciless enforcement of a dictatorial system.

If you don't conform to the system, then we'll beat you up! That is the clear message of this government. It is the end of freedom of speech. The end of the unprecedented democracy we once had.

It's weird what's going on here. These machinations can no longer be endured. They want to silence us, take away our freedom and destroy our values. And all this under the pretext of a supposed justice, which in reality is nothing more than pure oppression. Anyone who does not fit into the system will be mercilessly smashed.

Where is the outcry? Where is the outrage? It is time to rise up against this tyrannical government and fight for our rights and our freedom. Enough! Stop this injustice! Stop this hypocrisy! We will no longer let ourselves be silenced and fight for a real democracy in which freedom of expression and justice have a place again!
One person points out, that at the same of this scandal, politicians are thinking about legalizing Cannabis. Is the poster thinking the scandal is a distraction from what he claims is a more serious issue? In that case what about internal problems or external issues like Ukraine or Israel?

RT Germany wrote:
After Sylt scandal: Nationwide hunt for 'Döp, dödö, döp'
28 May 2024 20:47 pm
After the scandal over a video from Sylt, the police are now increasingly hunting down people who listen to the 'suspicious' techno hit 'L'amour toujours'. In Magdeburg, a similar incident is said to have occurred, the police confiscated the mobile phones of the suspects as 'possible means of crime'.
One wrote referring to the owner of the Pony Club on Sylt, though I'm quite sure judging from other posts that he is satirical:
We need many more reporters in these dark times! Having probably earned a lot of money from drunk young guests, Becker didn't hesitate for a moment to report them for their unbelievable singing.
[Picture from a news article that he had reported five people to the police.]

These articles are in German, (translated headings).
After 'Sylt scandal', now official 'Döp-dödö-döp' ban at several major events
After 'Sylt': Juso leader sounds like Strack-Zimmermann – action against party participants in order
Sylt song becomes a catchy tune: People with a migration background sing 'AuslÀnder raus'
28 May 2024 12:46 pm

'The treatment of the young people from Sylt is not correct,' says Azad Aydin in a video on X, which has been clicked well over half a million times. And he is not alone in this view. Many people with a migration background have spoken out in recent days. They criticize politics and the media for scandalizing a Sylt party at which xenophobic slogans were chanted.

But it didn't stop there. Numerous people with a migration background, or even 'foreigners', have apparently been infected by the Sylt party and sing along at every opportunity.
One comment said that some immigrants do not sing it in solidarity but to make fun of the German clown show and they actually mean to say, hey we are here and you guys can forget about throwing us out.

More political commentary surrounding the event
Here is a YouTube with some analysis.
The speaker comments on how this case comes up as we approach an EU election, where right-wing parties are expected to gain more power. He explains the situation with immigration in Germany and gives some statistics regarding the social situation of many immigrants.

He shows a poll result that promises the national conservative Alternativ fĂŒr Deutschland about 20 %. They could thus double their numbers in the EU parliament, and this is of concern to the left.

NIUS LIVE: “The left’s tactic of declaring everyone a Nazi is backfiring”
All of Germany is still discussing THE Sylt Nazi scandal. Drunk, young, rich people bawled to “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino: “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out.” But that's not all: more and more folk festivals and party organizers are removing the song from their playlists. The fear of imitators is too great!

But isn't the anticipatory obedience completely exaggerated? This was also discussed on NIUS LIVE on Tuesday morning. Political boss Ralf Schuler stated: “Basically, it is of course completely silly to want to ban a song where the audience has come up with offensive lyrics. If someone now puts Olaf Scholz's 'deportation on a grand scale' to 'Freude schöner Götter funken' and shouts that, then Beethoven will be banned? Of course it’s all a bit silly.”

“We’ll meet you wherever we can”
Schuler further analyzed at NIUS LIVE: “It actually shows how it is becoming increasingly difficult for the state to keep a social mood under control that is somehow getting out of hand.”

Finally, the political commentator summed up with regard to the Nazi scandal on Sylt and the state crisis that resulted: “It is actually the message: 'We will not take part in the entire society's embrace of your worldview and we will meet you where we can '. And suddenly the Hitler salute becomes a provocative pop culture gesture due to the inflationary attribution of the term 'Nazi'. This just shows that the left’s tactic of declaring everyone a Nazi simply backfires.”
A Tweet from Poland, or at least translated from Polish,
It has a video, two clips, but is the DJ scene from that event, possibly, but why was that recorded?!?
The now famous song Deutschland den Deutschen, AuslÀnder raus! (Germany for Germans, foreigners away!), sung by young Germans at a party on the island of Sylt, is conquering the German Internet and is at the forefront of trends. On the one hand, the song caused a 'Nazi scandal', and on the other, it provoked a discussion that Germans have had enough uncontrolled crowd of migrants in their country.

One person edited a video clip from the 2004 movie Downfall, even inserted a few frames showing an old map of Sylt, and had Hitler complain about the use of the song. The fact that Hitler is portrayed as being against the song, clearly indicates who the current Nazis are interpreted to be, and it is not the young adults.

A note on the song:
Here are the lyrics from the song that is now being prevented from being played at many events in Germany this year, due to the perceived risk of
[Verse 1]
I still believe in your eyes
I just don't care what you've done in your life
Baby, I'll always be here by your side
Don't leave me waiting too long, please come by
I, I still believe in your eyes
There is no choice, I belong to your life
Because I, I live to love you someday
You'll be my baby and we'll fly away

And I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you

You are
You are

[Verse 2]
Every day and every night
I always dream that you are by my side
Oh baby, every day and every night
Well, I said everything's gonna be alright

And I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
I'll fly with you
The song exists in two versions, the short fast-paced four-minute version subdues the lyrics,
Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours while the almost seven-minute longer version makes it prominent. The more common is the fast.

While writing the post two sessions came to mind:
Session 10 October 2015
(Data) People in the West are waking up to the fact that we have basically mass migration of people from Syria and the Middle East. We have 4 million people displaced, and 180,000 went to Germany. A section of that stayed in other countries. I read in the news that some people in the West think this is suspicious. Why do they all want to go to Germany? Were they informed in some way by the government, or is this truly a grassroots movement where they just wanted to go to Germany?

A: Partly desperation and partly engineered. Let us say that the very real and desperate plight of refugees has been cynically utilized by nefarious agents.

Q: (Perceval) So the engineered part is to destabilize or put pressure on European governments?

A: Yes and more than that: to insert agents that will act against the various governments in the future.

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the percentage of real refugees to agents?

A: 94

Q: (L) 94 percent?

A: Yes

Q: (L) 94 percent are real refugees, but the rest are agents that are being sent in with them. And so who are the nefarious agents that have cynically utilized this refugee crisis to plant agents within European countries?

A: USA and allies of consortium.

Q: (Perceval) So America and its Saudi friends...

(L) And the bankers...

(Perceval) So all this talk of ISIS in the refugees is kinda true?

(L) To a certain extent.

(Perceval) But ISIS is controlled, so you know what that means.

(L) But ISIS was created by the USA?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So... Next question?

(Alana) They're sending the refugees to Germany, is that to destabilize the central powers of Europe?

(Perceval) Yeah, Germany is the economic powerhouse.

A: Germany is a direct target in case you haven't noticed.

Q: (L) So they want to destabilize Germany and put a total puppet government in charge?

A: Close.
And Session 13 May 2017
(Pierre) First round they vote Le Pen, but then in the second round they often vote differently. But just to confirm, Macron got 48% in the second round?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, so it's that. People got scared. That's a documented thing. The first leaks from Macron's servers was those documents from a NATO/CIA-sponsored foundation in France that was pushing for a lot of migration and a lot of mosques and stuff. I was wondering if his main mission is to bring in migrants and stir things up to lead towards a civil war?

A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.

Q: (Joe) That's been the goal for a long time.

To sum up, there are indications that the campaign to ostracize and punish the young people, who were involved, is politically motivated, apart from making money for a few papers if they can be sure they will not have to pay fines for the invasion of privacy, though in the current political atmosphere that has be seen before it is believed.

The publicity and destruction of the careers of the people involved also serve as a means to intimidate others. In addition, some politicians are afraid of losing power to the AfD; there have been efforts before to discredit them, using various subterfuges, so why not try one more time and scare the young voters? Some people will completely agree with the interpretation given by the media and the government. For example, there have been lyrics set to the same melody, invented on the occasion that say "Nazis out" or something to the same effect, accepting it as a given, that the young people who were at the party and sang along were Nazis.

On the other hand, there is a backlash, as some perhaps unexpected groups sympathize with those people who are taken down. It also gives publicity to the AfD to highlight the discrepancy between what is done by the state in this case and what the same state typically ignores because it is not politically correct. The conflict between views can give rise to a discussion of the more serious issues facing German society.

Beyond those who gain and lose in the local arena, there are also outside forces, on more than one level(!), that could have an interest in further destabilizing the country, creating chaos and suffering by increasing tensions and splitting society. Some of these actors can then pick at the splitting trends and use them as a pretext to enforce more control.

The Cs said, as quoted above, "US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!" If that is still on the table, what might happen before that stage is a rather daunting prospect. Of course, it is not sure how this "scandal" will look in the rear mirror in just a few years, but a couple of observations are encouraging, though perhaps on a symbolic level. One is that the party took place during Pentecost, which is a positive Christian holiday, and the other is the lyrics of the song. Maybe more people will give that a second listen if they grow tired of being occupied by something that was not there originally.
When I saw this statement from Habeck, I was filled with a cold rage. In my practice there were people in their 60s who were completely desperate because they could no longer get a loan from the bank to renovate their house. Sadism in the highest form is what I call this despicable behavior of this government. And it has once again confirmed my feeling that the government is simply testing the red lines of the population. It's all smoke and mirrors and the population believes every syllable that is written or spoken. What I find even more pathetic is the reaction of those who have a “higher education” and are protecting this testimony to the poverty of this “pseudo-government”.
maybe he is a psychopath? He doesn't seem to have any empathy for people. I really have problems listening to him, because the falseness and tactics he uses to bring through "his" (it is not his, of course) agenda (Klimaplanwirtschaft) shows in his way of speaking. In german you say "verdruckst" which means obviously showing physical signs of not talking truthfully. Also his ductus of "easy language", just like you would expect from a children books author, I cannot bear this. Anyways, empathy is def a lack there.
The amount of material about the Sylt Sandal is astonishing, but there some can tell a story about where Germany is, and in which direction it is moving.

About the song:
The Wiki for the song, L'amour toujours describes the background for the use of the song at the event in Sylt:

Details about the person who filmed the video. His name was JĂŒri, apparently an Estonian name, but if that relates to the origin is not said.

The public response
One person wonders, see German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Tweet link). if there are no more important problems in Germany.

See also this SOTT article: Von der Leyen proposes 'vaccines' for minds and a 'shield' for democracy
Seeing an image indicating that the police have been called in to curb the problem:

Double standards
One person claims in a Twitter clip that the meaning of the two statements, sung by the young people taken separately are used by the SPD and by Olaf Scholtz himself. The first appears on a current SPD EU parliament election poster and the other on the cover of Die Spiegel. See also this Tweet for the same story, where there is this image:
View attachment 96490
Another Tweet discusses the legalities. A lawyer says that to make a Nazi greeting is punishable, and if you say "Alles fĂŒr Deutschland" (all for Germany, as one of the AfD people Höcke, (could be Björn Höcke, (Federal State spokesman and parliamentary group leader of the AfD Thuringia)), then this is a slogan from the NAZI SA group, which he claims very few people today are aware of.

One Tweeter (has pictures) claims that there already last year was a similar case:

Regarding how the medias turned the event, the above poster has another Tweet that claims to show how German media is guided:
View attachment 96491
One can ask if the choice of giving an old story a new spin was an intended or an unintended psy-ops? We know that the left and the ruling parties for several years have tried to ostracize, cancel, and marginalize their opponents on the right. Much has been tried, so what if someone introduced the idea of framing the right by attaching a slogan to a popular dance song, like "L'amour toujours". One fine day, somebody who could fit the profile of a media storm enters into the trap, at a time that suits political motives, (upcoming elections) then you propagate it widely adding the direction you need.

A comment about Bild who published the story:

Regarding the unusual situation that the lives of these people are being destroyed in the public domain, the AfD now has a platform from which to point out that even very serious criminals are usually protected by pixilated photos. Example1, example2. Along similar lines from someone with a different dialect, (maybe Southern Germany?). At the same time, as someone posting a meme noted, a proverb has it: Punish one to teach a 100, ascribed to a Roman/Latin origin, or to Mao Tse Tung :

Though one gives credit to the Mafia, but if it is Mao, then the image is:
View attachment 96495
The news is that the prosecutor is working on three "Sylt-punks" (It was hard to find a single translation "Schnösel", but with this the idea is clear enough.)

This Tweet reads:

One person points out, that at the same of this scandal, politicians are thinking about legalizing Cannabis. Is the poster thinking the scandal is a distraction from what he claims is a more serious issue? In that case what about internal problems or external issues like Ukraine or Israel?

RT Germany wrote:
After Sylt scandal: Nationwide hunt for 'Döp, dödö, döp'

One wrote referring to the owner of the Pony Club on Sylt, though I'm quite sure judging from other posts that he is satirical:

[Picture from a news article that he had reported five people to the police.]

These articles are in German, (translated headings).
After 'Sylt scandal', now official 'Döp-dödö-döp' ban at several major events
After 'Sylt': Juso leader sounds like Strack-Zimmermann – action against party participants in order
Sylt song becomes a catchy tune: People with a migration background sing 'AuslÀnder raus'

One comment said that some immigrants do not sing it in solidarity but to make fun of the German clown show and they actually mean to say, hey we are here and you guys can forget about throwing us out.

More political commentary surrounding the event
Here is a YouTube with some analysis.
The speaker comments on how this case comes up as we approach an EU election, where right-wing parties are expected to gain more power. He explains the situation with immigration in Germany and gives some statistics regarding the social situation of many immigrants.

He shows a poll result that promises the national conservative Alternativ fĂŒr Deutschland about 20 %. They could thus double their numbers in the EU parliament, and this is of concern to the left.

NIUS LIVE: “The left’s tactic of declaring everyone a Nazi is backfiring”

A Tweet from Poland, or at least translated from Polish,
It has a video, two clips, but is the DJ scene from that event, possibly, but why was that recorded?!?

One person edited a video clip from the 2004 movie Downfall, even inserted a few frames showing an old map of Sylt, and had Hitler complain about the use of the song. The fact that Hitler is portrayed as being against the song, clearly indicates who the current Nazis are interpreted to be, and it is not the young adults.

A note on the song:
Here are the lyrics from the song that is now being prevented from being played at many events in Germany this year, due to the perceived risk of

The song exists in two versions, the short fast-paced four-minute version subdues the lyrics,
Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours while the almost seven-minute longer version makes it prominent. The more common is the fast.

While writing the post two sessions came to mind:
Session 10 October 2015

And Session 13 May 2017

To sum up, there are indications that the campaign to ostracize and punish the young people, who were involved, is politically motivated, apart from making money for a few papers if they can be sure they will not have to pay fines for the invasion of privacy, though in the current political atmosphere that has be seen before it is believed.

The publicity and destruction of the careers of the people involved also serve as a means to intimidate others. In addition, some politicians are afraid of losing power to the AfD; there have been efforts before to discredit them, using various subterfuges, so why not try one more time and scare the young voters? Some people will completely agree with the interpretation given by the media and the government. For example, there have been lyrics set to the same melody, invented on the occasion that say "Nazis out" or something to the same effect, accepting it as a given, that the young people who were at the party and sang along were Nazis.

On the other hand, there is a backlash, as some perhaps unexpected groups sympathize with those people who are taken down. It also gives publicity to the AfD to highlight the discrepancy between what is done by the state in this case and what the same state typically ignores because it is not politically correct. The conflict between views can give rise to a discussion of the more serious issues facing German society.

Beyond those who gain and lose in the local arena, there are also outside forces, on more than one level(!), that could have an interest in further destabilizing the country, creating chaos and suffering by increasing tensions and splitting society. Some of these actors can then pick at the splitting trends and use them as a pretext to enforce more control.

The Cs said, as quoted above, "US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!" If that is still on the table, what might happen before that stage is a rather daunting prospect. Of course, it is not sure how this "scandal" will look in the rear mirror in just a few years, but a couple of observations are encouraging, though perhaps on a symbolic level. One is that the party took place during Pentecost, which is a positive Christian holiday, and the other is the lyrics of the song. Maybe more people will give that a second listen if they grow tired of being occupied by something that was not there originally.
I am already paranoid enough to think that the Sylt "incident" was staged, but let us leave that aside. The true question behind all the uproar after this vid of drunk rich snobs chanting something unpleasant: Why do we have a society that has so many tendencies from different sides of society that want a certain group out of society? "Nazis raus" (raus means out), "Ungeimpfte(unvaxxed) raus", "AuslÀnder (migrants) raus", and we heard it from the pro palestinian protestesters "Juden (Jews) raus". .... There is so much wrong with this whole thing. We once were proud to have a "Rechtsstaat" where you have the presumption of innocence until a court has ruled otherwise, even if you murdered someone and there is an eyewhitness. And then the fully naming the peeps of the party there, doxing, well, I did not know that those things are along our rules of law, in fact I remember they are not!

If I were the artist of the song, is now forbidden to be played, I would sue. Because it is like forbidding a pencil, because you can write ugly words with it. You can sing everything on every song. And the composer cannot control that, so he is not to be sancioned. Btw noone can forbid that, singing own lyrics to a song. and even if, how will you make sure, that peeps obey to this ridiculous law-thing (it is not even proper law).
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