Today Wednesday the day before Elon Musk will be having a live discussion on X with Alice Weidel, the chancellor candidate for the German opposition ('far-right') AfD party let's take a look at an interview
The American Conservative had with her only two days ago.
Ms. Weidel, thank you for agreeing to talk to The American Conservative. In a recent Bloomberg interview, you mentioned that you’re a libertarian in your position on taxation and the war in Ukraine. And yet you’re considered far-right in Germany for your immigration stance and your position on the EU. To clarify, for the public, are you in favor of staying within the EU or leaving the EU, as it is increasingly unreformable?
I have to thank you for the opportunity to talk to you about these things. To be clear: neither I nor my party are right-wing extremists. You must know that in Germany this accusation is a battle cry of the left, which dominates the public discourse. The left doesn’t even think it’s necessary to provide evidence for this accusation. No matter what, in their eyes anything that doesn’t want to be like them is “right-wing extremist.”
Regarding your question about leaving the EU: It’s really a simple calculation. Germany does not need the EU to survive; however, the reverse is very much the case. Nevertheless, the EU behaves as if it is exactly the opposite. They act as if we Germans have to put our vital interests aside in order not to endanger the “European project.” This is a grotesque distortion. Either the EU learns to take our national interests into account, or it will be gone.
The decision is therefore entirely up to the EU in determining how Germany will behave. However, one thing is certain: The EU must thoroughly abandon the credo of the past that a strong Germany means a weak Europe, and therefore Germans should not develop an awareness of their national interests for the good of everyone. The fact is that it’s historical nonsense. We are and will remain the heart of Europe forever. The day this heart stops beating, Europe will die.
Your co-leader Tino Chrupalla recently said that Germany is being forced to do America’s bidding and that NATO isn’t an alliance in Europe’s interest. In reality though, we have seen, on one hand, that most Americans are unwilling to further involve the U.S. or to fund the war in Ukraine, and on the other, that most Europeans, from the Baltics to Poland to Britain and France, as well as the EU superstructure, want more support for Ukraine. How do you address this contradiction?
Things are a bit complex, so please excuse me if I digress a bit. The United States is undoubtedly a unique global superpower that has spread its vast influence worldwide. This is what we usually call an empire. However, it is a strange empire: an empire that rules the world from Monday to Wednesday but doesn't want to do so again from Thursday to Sunday. This is the eternal battle between expansionists and isolationists that has probably been raging since the independence of the U.S.
That makes it a bit difficult for other nations, especially for us Germans. On the one hand, the American leadership complains, for example, about Germany’s energy policy, which—in geopolitical views, this is self-explanatory—wants to come to an agreement with Russia. What kind of wild anger did the construction of Nord Stream ignite on the American side? How dare we. We all still have the images in our minds of President Joe Biden publicly humiliating Chancellor Olaf Scholz in an unspeakable way over Nord Stream.
Well, then Nord Stream was eliminated in an act of war. The current German federal government’s fear of not pointing the finger at the attacker under any circumstances says it all. Is this what the U.S. wants? Germany as a colony? A colony that doesn’t have the right to decide about its own energy policy? A nation that does not have the right to follow its own path, wherever it may lead? The U.S. can do all this as the shining winner of history. But then they have to want it too, they have to say it too, so that we can adapt to it.
Because we Germans are a defeated people. “Anything that has lost its independence has at the same time lost the ability to intervene in the flow of time and to freely determine its content,” describes the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Such people “from now on no longer have any time of their own, but count their years according to the events and periods of foreign nations and empires.” We Germans have lived in this situation for a long time, definitely to the advantage of the U.S. But we as individuals also benefited from it, I won’t deny that.
Being a slave also has advantages. It is the noblest right of a servant not to take part in his master’s battles, but to enjoy peace. But the U.S. leadership doesn’t like that either. The many wars of the last 30 years, in Europe, in the Middle East, we were expected to participate in all of them at the request of the U.S. But why should we? We no longer have to fight wars, we already said goodbye to history. Due to that, we have disfigured our military beyond recognition.
But now, when we have reached the point of absolute nullity, our political leaders have discovered enthusiasm for war. Belligerence has become a state-mandated madness not seen since the end of the last world war. Opposition-leading CDU is currently outdoing the ruling parties in who can make the loudest, most vulgar war cry. All this despite complete military incompetence. What we see here are, really and truly, the wild sexual fantasies of impotent people. We will end this grotesque charade as quickly as possible.
We will coordinate with the U.S. on this. But for that, the U.S. has to know what world they want to live in. Because if it has to be an empire, then you need to fight for it yourself, sacrifice your blood and goods. Don’t expect the unfree to take over this fight for you. This is impossible. There will be no such thing. A slave who fights will invariably demand freedom as a reward. But freedom also means that people will go their own way and seek their own happiness. If they don’t, they are slaves. And slaves don’t fight. Don’t accuse them of that.
Therefore, when President Donald Trump demands that Germany must take responsibility for its own security in the future, he should also be clear about the full consequences. That we will listen kindly to his concerns about Nord Stream and our energy supply, but that we will make our own decisions and he must accept them, whether he likes them or not...

Read on if you will at
The American Conservative 'Slaves Don't Fight': AfD's Weidel Speaks Exclusively On Germany's Future'