Here is a new discussion between
Tino Chrupalla (AFD politician) and
Kayvan Soufi-Siavash (formerly known as "Ken Jebsen"), who is one of the most famous alternative people in Germany (with Iranian roots),
The father of Sahra Wagenknecht is according to the
Wiki, Iranian too. Her husband,
Oscar Lafontaine, btw 26 years her senior, wrote a book, I am quite sure Weidel has read:
In 2022, he published the book
Ami, it's time to go where he criticizes
NATO and American influence in German politics, arguing that Germany has become an American
vassal state. The book became a bestseller.
What Wagenknecht and Weidel have in common is that they are both educated. Although there are indications that BSW is used to divert the attention from AfD, there will be the risk that more will become aware of the underlying intentions and not go along with it. I even think that Weidel tries to bring this understanding forward, as when she said recently that Hitler came from the left, originally.
In this regard, I found an article which translated goes:
Helmut Markwort's diary
Allow me to make another comment about Hitler and Weidel's communism thesis
Here are two paragraphs:
Hitler had renamed the DAP party he had hijacked into the NSDAP. Advertised: National Socialist German Workers' Party. It wanted to be socialist and appeal to workers. Anyone who reads the party's chronicles will find many ideas about steering the party towards a better communism.
Hitler's fake diaries, which the 'Stern' published, are not a source for this, but another great Nazi kept an almost pedantic record.
Goebbels enemy images
Joseph Goebbels, the party's propaganda chief and fanatical whisperer to its leader, wrote down almost daily what had happened and what he thought and wanted. Of course his diaries, which exist in many volumes, are biased and partisan, but they provide evidence of his views.
In addition to his destructive hatred of Jews in Germany and around the world, there is a common thread running through his writings: the dream of a communist-socialist Germany followed by world domination. His enemy images are the capitalist market economy, Wall Street in New York and stock transactions.
There are hundreds of sources for this attitude of the NSDAP. This must be recorded for the sake of historical accuracy. But the terrible deformation of the party into a mass murder organization that has disregarded all rights, rules and laws is just as true.
What perhaps is missing in the debate is, if anything, no matter if it was said by someone from the left or the opposite has basis in reality.
For example, if someone came out to support the large banking cartels and the global control shenanigans of major investment funds, because they were afraid of being accused of agreeing with some of the points raised by Joseph Goebbles, or ideological Marxists, wouldn't that be a bit much?
And if more came out to analyze the plus and minus of what the opponent is saying, would that help Germans and many Europeans integrate their historical experience? Many facettes of a grey toned, but also in many places a colourful and highly complex history are discarded when only black and white are accepted. Or one could compare it to reproducing a painting, with the condition that only stick figures, drawn with a blunt and dull pencil are allowed. What might become of the following work from around 1813 by the German artist,
Peter von Cornelius (1783-1867), if that was attempted?