The Situation In Germany

Cosmos said:
For all living in Germany: I just found out that our "great" government has passed a law a while ago that allows them to AUTOMATICALLY create a "Elektronische Patientenakte" (ePA) WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT unless you enter an objection at your personal statutory health insurance. It has already started, and the chances are good that they have already created an ePA for you. I just tried to start the process to say no to it and hope I can still do it.
Hopefully your objection will be accepted!
Just a little outlook across the border: Austria is "ahead" of Germany ( :rolleyes: ) and has already implemented both ELGA (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte) and E-Impfpass (E-Vax passport, yup a passport) connected to each other. To both you cannot object anymore. All of this must be accessed with ID Austria, the overall umbrella for everything legal in this green, green country.
Hopefully your objection will be accepted!
Just a little outlook across the border: Austria is "ahead" of Germany ( :rolleyes: ) and has already implemented both ELGA (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte) and E-Impfpass (E-Vax passport, yup a passport) connected to each other. To both you cannot object anymore. All of this must be accessed with ID Austria, the overall umbrella for everything legal in this green, green country.

What a sorry state of affairs in Austria too.
For all living in Germany: I just found out that our "great" government has passed a law a while ago that allows them to AUTOMATICALLY create a "Elektronische Patientenakte" (ePA) WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT unless you enter an objection at your personal statutory health insurance. It has already started, and the chances are good that they have already created an ePA for you. I just tried to start the process to say no to it and hope I can still do it.

Among other things:

- Everything you will do health wise will be saved online into one big external data bank. Your personal data will be accessible to third parties as well, including companies and internationally.

In short, in case of another "Plandamic" it will get much more difficult to fly under the radar and/or not being forced to take "the good medicine". There are probably a host of more "great advantages" of this sort with ePA.
objecting is very easy, we got our confirmations of objecting the electronic patient file merely 2 days after entering it online. If you object after 15th of january, make sure that the patient file (which will be automatically created on 15th) is emptied (request a note about this) before you object to it.
For all living in Germany: I just found out that our "great" government has passed a law a while ago that allows them to AUTOMATICALLY create a "Elektronische Patientenakte" (ePA) WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT unless you enter an objection at your personal statutory health insurance. It has already started, and the chances are good that they have already created an ePA for you. I just tried to start the process to say no to it and hope I can still do it.
As you objected before the 15th of January, your objection will still be valid. Also, for now they're only doing a test run in a few German regions for a month, so it seems many people can place an objection still.
I likely will take the leap of faith in February and vote for BSW/Wagenknecht. My first vote in a very long time. Let’s face it, navigating the deepstate in Germany is at least as difficult as in America.

In terms of AFD I can‘t get over the fact how they partly behaved even worse than the mainstream parties, before, during and after covid. On the other hand Wagenknecht was basically the only german politician with something to say that strongly pushed back against that insanity while it happened. She is still vocal about what happened there. And all the other things she proposes/claims sound very good/decent as well. So I take the leap of faith.

Scratch that. I can no longer sugarcoat and whitewash the continuous (and often significant) red flags Wagenknecht and the BSW are producing on a continuous basis. On the other hand, I haven’t really credited and praised the rather serious guts of the AFD and many politicians in that party, including the leader Alice Weidel, that have proven to stand up for the right things and not bending their positions against enormous pressures of the quite literal fascist and violent German mainstream. Consistently, for years now. I also have to admit that I sort of ignored and didn’t really follow what the AFD is saying and doing in great detail over the years, even though I knew that they often made sense and voiced many important things consistently over the years. And that includes points such as Putin making rather concrete statements about the AFD and how they are treated.

So now I’m starting to read the election campaign of the AFD for the upcoming election in a month, and so far I’m pretty impressed with what they claim they want to do:

And for the first time, I have just watched longer portions of what politicians in the AFD have to say, and especially Weidel herself. Here is what Alice had to say a couple of days ago in Hamburg, where loud and violent protestors and thugs were surroundingthe building and city, encouraged and sanctioned by the mainstream:

I can't disagree with anything she is saying and have to praise her guts, and I took a special notice how she emphasized the horrors of what happened during Covid in clear words at the end and promised to investigate it and even trail those responsible. So the only thing left where I have some reservations with the AFD is their stands on Israel/Palestine, but hope they will come at least a bit around there. Also interesting is that Alice likes to read a lot, takes cold showers in the morning and avoids the many political/high society meetups politicians in Berlin like to go to "in their free time" where they do "small talk" and such. Instead, she likes to focus on her job as a politician.

So I will vote for the AFD and hope as many Germans as possible will do so as well. It might be our last chance.
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[..] red flags Wagenknecht and the BSW are producing on a continuous basis.

Wagenknecht followers may be disappointed that her people were throwing themselves into anti-AfD coalitions in Brandenburg and Thuringia practically aligning themselves with the system's 'firewall' against the AfD.

Many East Germans might have expected BSW/AfD coalitions or at least some cooperation.

Right wingers had been warning all along that Wagenknecht might constitute a distraction created by the establishment to keep the AfD from power. Now that the AfD gets open support from America (which Sarah might not have anticipated) her movement may lose momentum as it appears to be just another middle-of-the-road left-wing party.

Alexander Mercouris recently likened the BSW to the German social democrats of old.

I was perplexed when Wagenknecht recently called Putin a 'war criminal' on ZDF television. I think she's blown it.

So the only thing left where I have some reservations with the AFD is their stands on Israel/Palestine

This is definitely not surprising when the AfD are aligning themselves with Trump who obviously relies heavily on the support of the Zionist factions. BTW supporting Israel is an official doctrine of post-war Germany.

So I will vote for the AFD and hope as many Germans as possible will do so as well. It might be our last chance.

A good result for the AfD (probably around 25%) will no doubt send a strong signal.

Our 'last chance' (if you're disregarding 'The Wave') will come when the system crumbles and even the obstinate parts of the population are forced to wake up. Then the official media system will have run out of money and mind control will end.
By the way, while scanning through the election program of the AFD I noticed that they are explicitly mentioning the factual change that is taking place on the globe, namely, that a multipolar world is shaping and that Germany should change with it and or also move into that direction.
Here is a new discussion between Tino Chrupalla (AFD politician) and Kayvan Soufi-Siavash (formerly known as "Ken Jebsen"), who is one of the most famous alternative people in Germany (with Iranian roots), who, not long ago, also announced that he will vote for the AFD:

Haven't watched it myself yet, but it should be interesting. Wonder if Ken brings up the Israel/Palestine issue, of which he was very vocal about for many years (and still is)? Probably not though.
Here is a new discussion between Tino Chrupalla (AFD politician) and Kayvan Soufi-Siavash (formerly known as "Ken Jebsen"), who is one of the most famous alternative people in Germany (with Iranian roots), who, not long ago, also announced that he will vote for the AFD:

Haven't watched it myself yet, but it should be interesting. Wonder if Ken brings up the Israel/Palestine issue, of which he was very vocal about for many years (and still is)? Probably not though.
it is a great mistake to censor the afd, as it defends the real concerns of the germans and addresses these.
the other partys ignore the german concerns by ideology and deserve to loose.
the greens have concerns, but are forbidden to be educated that CO2 is not the cause of their concern = the parties in power work to keep voters ignorant. by hiding real facts, they are CRIMINAL.
this is worse than anything the afd could promote.
Here is a new discussion between Tino Chrupalla (AFD politician) and Kayvan Soufi-Siavash (formerly known as "Ken Jebsen"), who is one of the most famous alternative people in Germany (with Iranian roots), who, not long ago, also announced that he will vote for the AFD:

Haven't watched it myself yet, but it should be interesting. Wonder if Ken brings up the Israel/Palestine issue, of which he was very vocal about for many years (and still is)? Probably not though.

Have watched it now and Ken brought up the Israel/Palestine issue quite clearly while the AFD politician made also rather clear and sensible but reserved statements about it. Ken also mentions that a coalition between the AFD (Weidel) and BSW (Wagenknecht) might be one of the major things the mainstream wants to prevent at all costs. Could very well be true. Unfortunately though there are little to no signs that BSW would even slightly consider that, quite the opposite in fact.
Unfortunately though there are little to no signs that BSW would even slightly consider that, quite the opposite in fact.
In the Weidel-Wagenknecht debate a few months back this question actually came up. According to Wagenknecht it is basically only the far right part of the AfD led by Höcke that is preventing a coalition between the two. And notably, Weidel herself was in favor of removing Höcke from the party several years ago.
Here is a new discussion between Tino Chrupalla (AFD politician) and Kayvan Soufi-Siavash (formerly known as "Ken Jebsen"), who is one of the most famous alternative people in Germany (with Iranian roots),
The father of Sahra Wagenknecht is according to the Wiki, Iranian too. Her husband, Oscar Lafontaine, btw 26 years her senior, wrote a book, I am quite sure Weidel has read:
In 2022, he published the book Ami, it's time to go where he criticizes NATO and American influence in German politics, arguing that Germany has become an American vassal state. The book became a bestseller.

What Wagenknecht and Weidel have in common is that they are both educated. Although there are indications that BSW is used to divert the attention from AfD, there will be the risk that more will become aware of the underlying intentions and not go along with it. I even think that Weidel tries to bring this understanding forward, as when she said recently that Hitler came from the left, originally.

In this regard, I found an article which translated goes:
Helmut Markwort's diary
Allow me to make another comment about Hitler and Weidel's communism thesis
Here are two paragraphs:
Hitler had renamed the DAP party he had hijacked into the NSDAP. Advertised: National Socialist German Workers' Party. It wanted to be socialist and appeal to workers. Anyone who reads the party's chronicles will find many ideas about steering the party towards a better communism.

Hitler's fake diaries, which the 'Stern' published, are not a source for this, but another great Nazi kept an almost pedantic record.

Goebbels enemy images
Joseph Goebbels, the party's propaganda chief and fanatical whisperer to its leader, wrote down almost daily what had happened and what he thought and wanted. Of course his diaries, which exist in many volumes, are biased and partisan, but they provide evidence of his views.

In addition to his destructive hatred of Jews in Germany and around the world, there is a common thread running through his writings: the dream of a communist-socialist Germany followed by world domination. His enemy images are the capitalist market economy, Wall Street in New York and stock transactions.

There are hundreds of sources for this attitude of the NSDAP.
This must be recorded for the sake of historical accuracy. But the terrible deformation of the party into a mass murder organization that has disregarded all rights, rules and laws is just as true.
What perhaps is missing in the debate is, if anything, no matter if it was said by someone from the left or the opposite has basis in reality.

For example, if someone came out to support the large banking cartels and the global control shenanigans of major investment funds, because they were afraid of being accused of agreeing with some of the points raised by Joseph Goebbles, or ideological Marxists, wouldn't that be a bit much?

And if more came out to analyze the plus and minus of what the opponent is saying, would that help Germans and many Europeans integrate their historical experience? Many facettes of a grey toned, but also in many places a colourful and highly complex history are discarded when only black and white are accepted. Or one could compare it to reproducing a painting, with the condition that only stick figures, drawn with a blunt and dull pencil are allowed. What might become of the following work from around 1813 by the German artist, Peter von Cornelius (1783-1867), if that was attempted?

“Make Germany Great Again,”

After SpaceX Musk hosted a live broadcast in support of AfP candidate Alice Weidel, Elon Musk concluded it by saying: ‘only AfD can save Germany’. Then his Roman (Hitlerian) salute at Trump's inauguration which provoked global outrage but was corrected by Jewish censors as an ‘awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute’. And by the way, Netanyahu himself excuses him by calling him ‘a great friend of Israel’ who is being ‘falsely defamed’, Now Musk opens the AfP's inaugural campaign speech by talking to young Germans about German guilt, something politically incorrect for the current leftists who have sustained their policies on German guilt and how evil the Germans have been.

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has made a surprise address at an Alternative for Germany (AfD) campaign event, telling supporters of the right-wing party that Germans should not “focus on past guilt.”

The AfD kicked off its election campaign with a rally in the city of Halle on Saturday, where party leader Alice Weidel promised to deliver hardline anti-immigration policies and end Berlin’s military and financial aid to Kiev.

However, before Weidel took the stage, Musk addressed the 4,500-strong crowd by video link, urging them to reject multiculturalism and to “be proud of German culture [and] German values.”
“Children should not be guilty of the sins of their parents, let alone their great grandparents,” he said, in an apparent reference to Germany’s Nazi past. “There is too much focus on past guilt, and we need to move beyond that,” he added.

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