The Living Force
Hopefully your objection will be accepted!Cosmos said:
For all living in Germany: I just found out that our "great" government has passed a law a while ago that allows them to AUTOMATICALLY create a "Elektronische Patientenakte" (ePA) WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT unless you enter an objection at your personal statutory health insurance. It has already started, and the chances are good that they have already created an ePA for you. I just tried to start the process to say no to it and hope I can still do it.
Just a little outlook across the border: Austria is "ahead" of Germany ( ) and has already implemented both ELGA (Elektronische Gesundheitsakte) and E-Impfpass (E-Vax passport, yup a passport) connected to each other. To both you cannot object anymore. All of this must be accessed with ID Austria, the overall umbrella for everything legal in this green, green country.