The Way Forward?


The Living Force
I have been meaning to start a new thread for me for quite some time now. But what prompted me to do so, and finally give my the 'title' I was self searching for was a distinct and unforgettable sensation and information that occured to me just prior to sleeping a couple of weeks ago.
There has been quite a period over these very hot summer months when I have been unable to sleep properly due to the room temperature and the noise and air flow from the fan that I need. There has also been a lot to keep my mind occupied about, ruminating on the best way forward each day in all the current legal battles and liquidation of assets the Government has recklessly and inhumanely come up with. Against its own constitution, and which even the lawyers and BAR Association are saying is crazy and taking it to the Constitutional court - though that takes months. Meantime I see the red flags and the warnings across the bough. This has also been confirmed by my spirit family who say get out as fast as you can with as much as you can, before there is nothing of our assets remaining anyway!
Not something that was ever in my long term plans, having even eyed a nice plot in the beautiful cemetry here overlooking the sea, high up with far reaching views lol
So my 'family' have assured me I am never alone, they are 'one the case', and helping me as much as they can. Which is 100% true and I am mostly aware of these times and their energy presences thankfully.
The rare time I am not preoccupied with my nest 'task' or cogitating on how to do or write something, is just prior to falling asleep, after my prayers.
I was never the easiest of people to trust my intuition in the past, and they kept reminding me as my mind is constantly active. However, I do instantly recognize which are and are not my thoughts now from constant inner self observation training, and listening/being aware of my 'body' signs, symptoms, feelings and senses etc.
So with the current urgency afoot, much of my assistance comes via message/info downloads which I have to get up to write down so not as to forget by morning, and it always seems to be followed by a 'craving' for a cigarette! Not difficult lol. But I have come to the conclusion it is to ensure I am not tempted to just roll over and not act on the info plus get me alert again to keep the message verbatim, mull over the ramifications or other bits of info that connect, and cogitate on the veracity, implications and applicabiltiy etc.
These messages, together with my monthly connection with my latest medium that my daughter, via her friend 'signposted' me to, have been exceedingly informative and incredibly helpful on things I had otherwise no way of obtaining the informaton on otherwise.
For the last 20 years for some uncanny reason all our family's mediums have come from Bournemouth! These are the clairvoyants that our spirit family resonate with the closest. (though I do have another one in Hawaii who is also very intelligent and well tuned in to world events and health matters, my daughter also 'found' online about 5 years ago. She had given 100% knowledge of the situation here, including the history of the island, with no previous connect to it at all!
Sadly the majority of all foreigners here have been swept up into an impossible position and situation regarding their homes now, throughreckless Government new laws.
Yesterday I spent over 3 hours with my lawyer discussing every which way we can best approach the latest above scenarios and loss prevention of assets. Plus all the other cases (4), soon to be 5. Thakfully my Dad helped me select him as being the best out of a very 'compromised' bunch. Luckily for me the lawyer thoroughly enjoys finding niche and novel ways to approach problems and truly looks outside the box. Which is a relief to listen to, as he has gradually opened up to me and confided his own frustrations with his profession here.
I am also able to pass on messages from my spirit family, which he now knows I include in our planning.
Yesterday he furnished me with a lot of food for thought, as well as some very very unconventional approaches. One in particular I have been mulching over the pros and cons, and especially the moral and ethical sides, as well as risk assessment. It is a very outlandish suggestion, and although I am very up and down about it, he pre-qualified it by reminding me that time is not on my side here, the Constitutional court will delay me even further, and that there is no guarantee that it will end up in foreigners favour even then!
I had brought along our 9/11 The Ultimate Truth book to lend him as although he already knew the many states of play here, the Ponorology would greatly help him understand what we are dealing with regarding persons we are involved with re our cases, but also the facts behind what we are witnessing locally and regionally now. So that would also help his business too.

Ok this is the majority of the current background for me.
The question I have (apart from anything that jumps out from the above), is about an occurance that happened to me during semi sleep about one week ago:
I was semi dozing off but yet consciously keeping a 'connection' open, though I cannot remember if I was processing any thoughts at the time. Though I do FEEL that this is somehow about processing/awareness.
I suddenly experienced an 'opening' sensation, more like an experience of breaking through a glass ceiling, a level of some sort. And at the same time I felt a huge sense of freedom, more scope, and vast, light, spaciousness.
Unlike the heaviness of the physical body but I had also not left my physical body. Possible maybe a slight 'detachment' though that was not what was central to this sensation. It was also simultaneously an 'energetic' change - far finer energies?
It seemed that there was more knowledge, perspicacity, becoming available to me? A feeling of being able to look down on things from a higher vision/view - point?
It was a blessed and magical moment which is impossible to explain, but it certainly took my breath away in wonder, so to speak.
I have also noticed that so many things have been coming into my awareness from the past for me to re-evaluate from a different and more objective perspective. As well as what seems like a 'free flow' of information/ideas when writing or speaking/contributing in our Spiritist study groups. The same 'inspiration' I get when I know that the words/ideas do not come from me. Yet are not of the STS hierarchy either as they do not have that taste or flavour.
I am also noticing far more nuances in the readings and discussions now too, that I could so easily have missed months ago. That for some reason they seem very important to take on board now, and blend within me. Try my best to adopt etc.
There are no end of 'co-incidences' whereby I am thinking of a dilemma, problem, moral or similar answer, and that exact answer either is the entire message we are studying or the topic which via discussion actually gives me a sense of relief and awe in the fact that no fuller answer could have been given for me.
I do find my Spiritist groups so vitally important for me and only today mentioned how I dread to think where I would/could have ended up without the guiding compass to navigate by. (And the Lighthouse here of course for the objective knowledge elements).
There is certainly mega processing going on for me over these last few months. So many elements brought up, especially those I had 'forgotten' about. Or needed to see differently this time around.
It is more looking at things purely from the soul perspective as well as consciously seeking the STO choices/self remembering baby steps to 4D candidate.
Whilst writing I needed to check the spelling of perspicacity as it looked strange. I then found the meaning on Wikipedia:

Perspicacity (also called perspicaciousness) is a penetrating discernment (from the Latin perspicācitās, meaning throughsightedness, discrimination)—a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight.[1] It extends the concept of wisdom by denoting a keenness of sense and intelligence applied to insight. It has been described as a deeper level of internalization.[2] Another definition refers to it as the "ability to recognize subtle differences between similar objects or ideas".

I am totally amazed to find that it perfectly sums up what I was trying to describe. But that is only MY opinion. So even more important that I receive some sensible and wiser feedback on this.
Certainly I get the impression that unless it is purposefully maintained, if possible, it could only be a fleeting experience. But a helpful breakthrough nevertheless. :-)
One realization is that multi-tasking is now out of the question. I know 100% focus needs to be on every task or contemplation. but I do tend to 'fill in the gaps' when waiting for an engineer to call back, and writing this post lol.
Thank you very much for sharing this.
While reading I've seen many parallels to my life regarding the timing. It was about a week ago when I had similar 'openings' in my mind.
Your descriptions
It seemed that there was more knowledge, perspicacity, becoming available to me? A feeling of being able to look down on things from a higher vision/view - point?
I am also noticing far more nuances in the readings and discussions now too, that I could so easily have missed months ago.
fits very well to this.
I'm not in contact with a medium. I was simply talking inside my head to my ancestors and my soul family. And for me it feels like they gave me additional energy and support in the last week, more than usual.
Yesterday for example, my boss was in the office since I don't know when. We talked about a project where he has a completely different view on it then me. This project was a stress factor for the last month for all of us.
What I realised was that I was able to see more in his words and his behavior, and I was more than usual relaxed. I didn't say much but my boss, who is very direct and a little bit agressive (with words) somehow became confused and left the room. As if he couldn't stand the energy.
Did you had similar experiences, where your awareness somehow triggered the people around you to behave differently?

The experiences from the last week also changed my view on the future, and I'm also asking myself what to do next. With the additional energy and awareness I'm looking for the next step forward, but this time I'm not sure what is the right way forward.
@happyliza , sometimes the way forward (the title of your thread) is, paradoxically, looking back. I suggest that you take the time to re-read the feedback you received on another thread (starting here). Hopefully what you didn't see as applicable/valuable back then, takes on new meanings today. Life has an interesting way of providing us with lessons, and ignoring them is hardly ever a good idea.

Yes, the Cs said "it's not where you are but what you see". But, we can also expand that to mean that what you see determines where you are (physically, emotionally, materially, mentally, etc.)

I wish you clarity.
Thank you very much for sharing this.
While reading I've seen many parallels to my life regarding the timing. It was about a week ago when I had similar 'openings' in my mind.
Your descriptions


fits very well to this.
I'm not in contact with a medium. I was simply talking inside my head to my ancestors and my soul family. And for me it feels like they gave me additional energy and support in the last week, more than usual.
Yesterday for example, my boss was in the office since I don't know when. We talked about a project where he has a completely different view on it then me. This project was a stress factor for the last month for all of us.
What I realised was that I was able to see more in his words and his behavior, and I was more than usual relaxed. I didn't say much but my boss, who is very direct and a little bit agressive (with words) somehow became confused and left the room. As if he couldn't stand the energy.
Did you had similar experiences, where your awareness somehow triggered the people around you to behave differently?

The experiences from the last week also changed my view on the future, and I'm also asking myself what to do next. With the additional energy and awareness I'm looking for the next step forward, but this time I'm not sure what is the right way forward.
Yes I too have felt the extra helpful energies and know I have had a lot of help from them recently with so much to attend to now, most 'out of the blue'.
Again, I agree I am picking up much more 'hidden' information when going about my normal business or conversing with people. From their energy, actions, words etc. One particular ex priest here re property issues yesterday!! (I had an inkling of a few issues when I used to attend the chuch when I lived in town). But further issues came to light yesterday. Potential energy draining and lack of external consideration, superficial etc. I held my 'space', and yes she was quick to leave!
I didn't leave until I felt grounded again.
FYI I always was grateful for the extra spiritual energies and they always had a nicer, benevolent and stronger feel with them. However, I was also not able to utilize these energies properly and they gave me a kind of ADHD feeling. Plus (and watch this peeps), a desire to go for a glass of wine to 'self calm' ormalize my energies again. I know from previous trainings we used to send these extra energies to the nearest hospital or hospice, which is a far more STO act.
It would be super important to know how to best use these excess energies for our inner self development or anything else of an STO nature. They always give a feeling of deep well-being and positivity and are very easy to differentiate from our usual 'mode'.
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