The Way Forward?

So Chu, in answer to your mirror, my environment was the only option.

I understand a bit better now, and want to say I'm very sorry about your son's passing, of which I knew nothing about. That must have been difficult.

That said, the "only option" doesn't mean that you have to ignore parts of reality, yes? The situation you are in now is due, in part, to the fact that you don't legally own anything in Cyprus, if I understand you correctly, as well as the political "mess" in that region. So, like imathatis said, make sure you don't blame the environment for what your actions brought about. Out of need or not, and based on the limited knowledge you may have had at the time, you DO see that you are not in a place where you are welcome as a foreigner, yes? And why?

The change has been exponential, and thankfully I have been urged to acknowledge that as my spirit family are very proud of my inner achievements and 100% encourage me as they are behind my future plans. Their support, advice and assistance has been the major reason I have been abke to arrive out of the tunnel.

Then ask them for support/advice. We aren't really equipped to say much, since your situation is quite unique. I wish you the best.
Thanks for your signposts Chu. Sorry for late reply but i chose to take time reflecting first. In order to give it the consideration it deserves.
The initial factors that brought me to Cyprus were when I suggested a holiday there to my dad. Which i had never proffered before but in hindsight was very glad I did as he died the next year. So this was very special for us.
My 2 best friends also wished to join us, one of which also died not long after sadly.
(She has only just reached out to me for a 'reunion chat' last month.
This was all in 2002.
During that trip my friends did their own thing sunbathing but dad and i had planned to visit my husband's famiky in Tyre, Lebanon for 4 days. Such lovely memories and exp of life in a refugee camp!
So on New Year's eve 2003/2004 mum and I decided to holiday in North Cyprus to ease the grief of 'losing' dad. And because dad and I had felt compelled to try to visit the North when we were there. So because of following up why the 'urge', and that dad and I were not very enamoured with South Cyprus, we headed directly to North Cyprus.
I have since your posts directly asked spirit why I had an innate affinity with this area in the Near East as well as Palestinians.
They told me it was because both my son and I had had many incarnations in the area.
Mum and I instantly adored the environment and I had already been searching for places to start my intentional community/farm. We toured the entire north and on selecting an area found the lawyer that died in 2021 (his eldest son is the schemer trying to steal our trust assets since his father died).
The first farmland the lawyer arranged for us to see was not only breathtakingly beautiful but ideal. So on a second trip that April we finalised the purchases of the land, a house for mum and 2 other plots of land to finance the community project.
Meanwhile I had become a whistleblower at Waltham Forest Council in my capacity as Services manager re bullying of the public and unfair workloads handed down.
Both my son and I were basically jobless and very depressed in a cramped and tiny flat in London. I was getting very concerned about his mental state whilst utlilizing my whole time applying for jobs. To no avail and we were at subsistance level too.
So for us, we had the hope of now relocating to a sunnier and happy place in North Cyprus once the renovations had been completed on mum's house there.
I felt the need and the only way I could helo my son was to get him, us both, out of London asap.
I was also getting desperate as he was deteriorating fast and felt he needed a spirit release session asap as he was becoming psychotic. I could not find anywhere to do this in uk for some reason so prayed I could get him to Sheikh Nazim asap. Sufi master there.
Sadly this was not to be. My fears were substantiated and he took his life with an overdose on 9th Dec 2004 'to prevent the entities he was desperately afraid of, from 'forcing' him to not only harm his family loved ones but also do a 'Michael Ryan' massacre in the same location but in the town shopping mall!
My loving gentle hearted son, who always cared and helped others. Even giving his sofa (he had been given social housing), to homeless people regularly.
So sadly my intuition was correct and I was devastated for 14 more years. Prone to wrong choices and decisions but desperate and empty inside. Thus followed many narcistic relationships and frightful experiences as I fell headlong into a bottomless abyss in a dark night of the soul.
I had permanently moved to Cyprus shortly after my sins funeral, and having recently lost my dad too, with my brother to follow in 2010. Just mum, my sisters and 2 daughters left. No men left and nobody in a happy mode.
From that point my earnest search for truth and research began daily. And has continued ever since.
Many times i managed to pull myself up slowly out of another abyss, but gradually getting an inner strength built nonetheless. Plus a deep empathy and compassion for everyone's sufferings.
It seems it was a road I had to travel. But the lessons and experiences have been learned now.
In fact I cannot now recognize the person I was, compared to the soul I have now become. The change has been exponential, and thankfully I have been urged to acknowledge that as my spirit family are very proud of my inner achievements and 100% encourage me as they are behind my future plans. Their support, advice and assistance has been the major reason I have been abke to arrive out of the tunnel. Togerher with kindred spirits on this Forum.
This truly is the school of hard knocks. And I have been told to protect myself further by curbing my natural tendancy to want to trust some people. Especially now. We know this here so everything is about due diligence! Essential.
So Chu, in answer to your mirror, my environment was the only option. I needed the Mediterrean climate and lack of rat race stressors. But different ones arose in their place here instead. Plus current circumstances has turned on all foreigners here now forcing me to seek another refuge, even though this was never my intention. However, I also feel very grateful for the nudge/opportunity created by the Universe. As the project could never get off first base here which was very frustrating to say the least.
So I pray I have now been given another avenue from which to realuse my dream/mission. Time is not on my side, as I explained in posts above. But it is what it is and i must trust my intuition, do what I can, and keep my faith.
Another thing I noted throughout, was that due to my grief, mental suffering and abysses, I waz always on the defensive. Reactive. Having zero self confidence. This in turn hurtled me from one victim situation straight into the next one! I can only think that this was due to misguided trust issues. But in this local environment there is NOT anybody I CAN trust!
Again this has been confirmed by my dad on last 2 consecutive occasions. As he throws up his arms in disbelief and frustration of the situation here. That there is literally nobody here he can trust, they are all 'bent' (corrupt) and greedy. So they can see nobody i can turn to and my current lawyers seem the best of a bad bunch, and the situation is only getting steadily worse and much more unstable here.
I cannot find anything more that I can add to this that I am aware of. In hindsight, or otherwise. This is the past and the present AFAIK.
I sincerely invite any pointers from forumites. Big hugs. X
(Forming the safer community, and co-creating it with like-minded serious, self elevating souls, is my No1 goal right now).
So sorry to hear about your son happyliza, i find the pain of that very difficult to imagine.
I think your doing great considering what you have been through. I also lived in London, and escaped too quickly, around 2017/18. Got myself and family into even more difficulty by doing that, so i can really relate to you there.
But Try not to beat yourself up too much for your wrong choices. (I don't always follow my advice as I'm still doing this). Can see you prob have alot of regrets, but just persevere and you'll get out of there . It's a really complicated situation so I've not got much advice to give.. Aside from perseverance.
Your in my thoughts. Take good care x
Thank you for your kind and understanding words and support HappyPoo. I found London quite soulless and everyone just in a rush all the time. There were not very many green spaces and the noise from police helicopters and sirens practically non stop. Just to hype of the stress IMO.
Also it is impossible to survive there on just one salary. Even though I was married, it turned out he was an addicted gamber so a liability rather than any help towards costs!
It does seem like I am in practically a similar situation to that in London. Where I cannot get out fast enough, and all energy is put to that goal.
There does seem to be a pattern, though maybe after living 21 years in the same place, environmentally happy,(though causing many of my own emotional stresses, except for the grief), that one can expect to come up against external problems that cause you to have to move on, and reconsider your future plans.

I was hoping to use this thread to help me 'iron out the creases' as it were. To find out my blind spots, step out of my way, where there are things that may be holding me back, or that I need to work upon (which we all still have many), and to investigate if I am bringing unnecessary blocks to myself, or that these are just the exact experiences that I had asked for in order to speed up my learning and growth in this lifetime.
My inner life is actually quite good thankfully, so long as I give the external stressors their due, acting where I can, as soon as I can, and sitting tight on those I am unable to alter personally.
These are convoluted external problems, and all related to savings my mother and I invested here totally legally and above board at the time.
I have also needed to consider the worst case scenario, and the fact that I may not be able to leave here at all because nothing sells as the political situation gets more unstable here, and the window to leave gets slammed shut. (Which I have been warned about, thus the June 2025 deadline).
The answer given to me was that I would need to protect myself from danger more and build a stronger support system locally. But that it is still feasible but a last resort.
But I think many places are going to get worse now, and wherever you are the politial situation can change in an instant. So even if I do manage to move to Paraguay, I need to keep in mind that surrounding countries and USA can potentially try to take over what is currently a very peaceful country with a stable and long established 'live and let live' Government mindset.
That said, the "only option" doesn't mean that you have to ignore parts of reality, yes? The situation you are in now is due, in part, to the fact that you don't legally own anything in Cyprus, if I understand you correctly, as well as the political "mess" in that region. So, like imathatis said, make sure you don't blame the environment for what your actions brought about. Out of need or not, and based on the limited knowledge you may have had at the time, you DO see that you are not in a place where you are welcome as a foreigner, yes? And why?

Thank you Chu for your understanding. I was not aware of any other options at the time. As a family we had travelled quite widely when I was younger. Thankfully due to my parents being teachers in Germany and caravanning to many different countries during their term holidays.
So mum and I were able to recognize that environmentally it was a nice place to live and politically they had just had the UN Annan Plan introduced which was looking very positve for the island at the time.
One HUGE consideration to bear in mind is that in 2004 I was NOT aware of objective realities. It was only through my search for truth and needing to find out more information about my son, how he was, where he was, and if he was happy etc, that I eventually found the FOTCM in 2010!!
So I did not have the benefit of Laura's books and forum knowledge at the time.
It also took time to read through all the threads, recommended reading lists and accumulate the knowledge and facts, which may have changed my decision to move, or not. As I knew I had to get out of London asap. I was only there for the income as regionally earnings were not enough for me to survive. Plus I visite my parents every fortnight just to get back into the countryside, destress and get cleaner air! Those breaks kept me sane from living in London.

'Not owning anything legally in Cyprus'
All plots of land and the house, belonging to my mum and me, are all legally binded in the required immovable property trust that has to be formed for all foreigners owning more than one donum of land.
This is all above board, all permissions to purchase sought for and agreed/permitted by the Government, all taxes and legal requirement correctly completed.
My current solicitor has also confirmed that our solicitor (who died), had acted correctly and in accordance with all laws here.
So we DO own this land legally since initial purchase.

What has changed now, is the introduction of NEW laws and regulations (being oppesed in court by the Bar Association atm). These laws now state that EVERY foreigner, foreign investor, foreign developer, foreign company owner, or foreigners who own imovable property trusts, utilizing more than one donum, are now NOT PERMITTED to buy or own more than one donum.
This is also retrospective, so all the above have now been given maximum 2 years to liquidate their holdings/ownership or it will be deemed null and void.
This means that the Government is taking back all land and properties (only able to own one property now). There will be no compensation. So the Governemnt is not even effecting a compulsory purchase!
So you can understand the enormous scale and effect this is having on a massive number of foreigners across the country.
This law came out of the blue. The only reason given that they wish to collect in all taxes that have been evaded (not by me). And only allow foreigners of countries that are FREINDS of North Cyprus to purchase land or property as before. Eg these rules do not pertain to them. Of course UK is not considered a friend of TRNC!
Meantime as foreigners are not allowed to buy ANY land now, I have lost the market to sell my land. Locals can just rent agricultural land.
Also the laws have caused a glut of sales on the market now and also a huge depression in the housing market. So locals are now scooping up poor foreigner's properties for less than one third of their true market value.
So my reality now is that my project land has become worthless to sell, with no compensation. The house only worth 1/3rd, not enough to even cover my moving costs!

The other property is the apartment, that is in my name as WAS legally purchased and accepted as legal until the new regulations above came about 21st May 2024. This is in a TurkishCypriot block of 7 apartments in Kyrenia. All title deeds are Turkish title deeds, meaning the land has always been under Turkish ownership.

Retrospective taxes have now been introduced for 12% on the CURRENT value of the property. (Previously 3%, but 0% if it is your first property). Regardless whether you can obtain the original title deeds or not ALL people are now charged this 12% tax EVERY 6 MONTHS until they (impossibly) obtain their title deed. (Courts cannot force title deed owners to hand over title deeds even though they have already received the sale purchase monies!)
For most people, including me, this means finding a minumum of 20K every 6 months in taxes, that were not 12% taxes at purchase date, but 3% or 0%. Most pensioners (and me) do not have this money!! Nor have they a hope in hell of getting their title deeds! Rock and hard place.
Failure to pay taxes by the deadline of end of December (deadline keeps getting extended by 2 months atm), means that all permissions to purchase, all sales contracts (which is what I have, and was legal before), WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID. Meaning you will no longer own your property, nor will you be compensated.

On top of this ALL propety trusts that have not been liquidated within 2 years will incur a fine of 500 x the minimum wage. This equates to a fine of 500,000 pounds sterling!
When there is nobody now permitted to buy your land in the first place! Except locals.

If you cannot believe that what I have written above is not true because it seems so outrageous, it IS. And totally against human rights and the Constitution. But I doubt it will be changed much, and courts take years here. Average time is 3 years!

So this explains EXACTLY why foreigners are not welcome here any longer. And that includes ME!
I did not cause my current situation to occur. It is an 'external' event, beyond my control.
The actual law and the full laws, I will share below:

Transitional Rules Regarding the Existing Contracts of Sale

These TRANSITIONAL RULES are related to sales transactions that were commenced before the date of the amendments coming into force.

  1. Everyone who had made the contract of sale before 21st of May 2024 must register their contract of sale with the District Lands Office and apply for permission to purchase within 6 months.
Those who fail to comply with the above section will be considered as having committed an offence and will be charged with a fine of 500 times the minimum salary wage.

However, if one can provide that he/she was abroad during this time that will be a valid defence in Court.

  1. Foreigner and foreign legal entities who obtained permission to purchase immovable property from the Council of Ministers before the 21st of May 2024, and the vendor who sold immovable property to them, must complete the transfer of the title deed at the relevant District Land Registry Office within 6 (six) months from 21st of May 2024. Those who fail to comply with the above section (whether it is a vendor or purchaser or both) will be considered as having committed an offence and will be charged with a fine of 500 times the minimum salary wage.
  2. If at the time the foreigner and foreign legal entity is granted the permission to purchase, the final approval of the immovable property has not been received and/or its division has not been completed and/or its separate title deeds have not been issued before 21st of May 2024, the vendor and the purchaser must pay all taxes and fees (i.e. remaining transfer fee, VAT (if applicable) and stoppage tax) within 60 (sixty) business days from the date of publication of the Council of Ministers decision to grant the permission to purchase.
  3. Trustee Agreement that was made before the 21st of May 2024, must be registered with the relevant District Lands Office within 75 (seventy-five) business days starting from 21st of May 2024. If such an agreement is not registered within the above specified period, it will become null and void.
  4. If the above rules are not complied with, the decision of the Council of Ministers to grant permission to purchase will become invalid and the registration of the contract of sale at the DLO will be automatically deleted and deemed invalid.
  5. If the vendor does not have a separate individual title deed or “Kat Irtifak” title deed, the purchaser can apply for permission to purchase provided that the Building permit (inşaat ruhsatı) is obtained. This rule is in the force until 21st of May 2025.
  6. If the transfer cannot be carried out due to an ongoing lawsuit, the transfer has to be made one month from the date when the court decision becomes absolute.


That links says

Foreigners have the right to purchase: 1 private house or 1 apartment or 1 plot of land measuring 1 denium (1,338 m2) or 1 private house on a plot of up to 3,300 m2.

So what's the problem?
That links says

Foreigners have the right to purchase: 1 private house or 1 apartment or 1 plot of land measuring 1 denium (1,338 m2) or 1 private house on a plot of up to 3,300 m2.

So what's the problem?
I explained the many problems this law brings to so many, in detail, above. It is very serious.
I had prepared a file in June ready to send out media packs concerning this breach of the Constitution and Human Rights. A local journalist (retired) is 100% behind me too.
However, they too are restricted in what they can say. Though she gave me extra contacts/sites who would publish about the current scenario.
The British Resident's Society, The Foreign Resident's of the TRNC Society and others are all making serious deputations about this.
I held off sending out the media packs so far as I would get deported should truth articles be traced back to me. Any negative press that would affect Investment or Tourism here, or negotiations for such things as direct flights, two state solution, or anti Government rhetoric - would be reason enough to deport.
So I cannot go down that path.
Meanwhile the world has no idea what is happening here.
I explained the many problems this law brings to so many, in detail, above. It is very serious.
I had prepared a file in June ready to send out media packs concerning this breach of the Constitution and Human Rights. A local journalist (retired) is 100% behind me too.
However, they too are restricted in what they can say. Though she gave me extra contacts/sites who would publish about the current scenario.
The British Resident's Society, The Foreign Resident's of the TRNC Society and others are all making serious deputations about this.
I held off sending out the media packs so far as I would get deported should truth articles be traced back to me. Any negative press that would affect Investment or Tourism here, or negotiations for such things as direct flights, two state solution, or anti Government rhetoric - would be reason enough to deport.
So I cannot go down that path.
Meanwhile the world has no idea what is happening here.

Seems that the new law is an attempt (by the Turkish govt. in Ankara in effect) to open Northern Cyprus up to foreign investment and make it more like Cyprus proper in terms of economic development (tourism, business investment etc.) and is targeting individuals, both foreign and Turkish settlers, who obtained land cheaply way back when and are sitting on and doing nothing with it.

So is the house you are in on a plot of land of more than 3,300 m2, or do you 'own' agricultural land?

If I were you, I'd sell your properties to the highest bidder and get the most out of it, because it looks like if you don't, you might end up with nothing. And something is better than nothing.

How much did you/your mother pay for the properties/land you own?
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Seems that the new law is an attempt (by the Turkish govt. in Ankara in effect) to open Northern Cyprus up to foreign investment and make it more like Cyprus proper in terms of economic development (tourism, business investment etc.) and is targeting individuals, both foreign and Turkish settlers, who obtained land cheaply way back when and are sitting on and doing nothing with it.

So is the house you are in on a plot of land of more than 3,300 m2, or do you 'own' agricultural land?

If I were you, I'd sell your properties to the highest bidder and get the most out of it, because it looks like if you don't, you might end up with nothing. And something is better than nothing.

How much did you/your mother pay for the properties/land you own?
I dont think the local expats see it that way, in all the discussions I have followed, and previous shenanigans. One major thing was developers were/are not registerig sales, thus not paying their taxes. As taxes are paid on the receipt of title deeds, which many of them refuse to supply, cannot supply, or charge up to 30k to some people inorder to obtain them (on top of the puchase taxes and purchase price already paid).
Also because of the above, and other criteria that prevent foreigners from being able to complete theirs purchases properly, the government doesn't have a true record of all ownership i the country.
Now the MAIN reason is actually to prevent 'Israel' mega purchases (many of whom are the largest developers here). So with so many coming from Russia, Ukraine etc and other countries, they are actually Israeli's, for a fast buck. Or fleeing other countries. Eg not to become an 'annex' of Israel.

Turkish nationalities are considered 'locals' as far as this law is concerned, so it does not affect them.

Ironically, the South is actually starting to cause a lot of political problems for the TRNC as well as marketing propaganda. The latest being catching Israeli developers when they cross the border south to get planes from Paphos to Israel. A few huge developers are now in prison awaiting 'trials' for developing land here, when they KNOW that the European Court of HHuman Rights has told them to go through the proper, workable channels, the IPC (Independent Property Commission) set up in the TRNC years ago to award all compensation claims fro the south. The IPC has, and is, compensating mega millions of pounds to date. And regularly updates cases in the papers.
However, no compensation has yet come from the South for the legal owners of a massive number of land and properties owned by the Turkish Cypriots there.
I mention this as really, the arrests are only to further upset the Government here, and are actually totally illegal.
Now the reason the Expats here know that this law is mainly about taxes in to the Government coffers, is that it has totally, carelessly, and corruptively I don't doubt, such a huge fiscal deficit.
Foreigners have always been to 'go to' cash cows here, even though the many charities they run fully kit out the hospitals, provide ambulances, fund cancer treatments for most, support SOS and big time animal welfare of strays etc. The Gov relys on donations as it does not fund such things for its people itself. Though has just built a new hospital now.
Furthermore, for the last 2 years it has been a purposeful administrative nightmare to obtain temporary residency ID. It needlessly, in the busiest area of Kyrenia, took 9 months to obtain a residency that lasted one year! So in effect one you finally got the residency it was only valid for 3 months! And during the waiting time you were not allowed to leave the country until after the first 60 days since application.
Again, many Ex-Pat Groups kept appealing to the authorities due to the extra stress, irrationality (and of only 2 part-timers purposefully dealing with the huge number of applications, and who were frequently called over to other departments to 'fill in' there)!
Plus so many people were getting exhorbitant fines for being 'overstayers' without knowing they were!
The frequent increases in the minimum wages (3 last year, 2 so far this year), has also caused such inflation, that pensioners on UK state pensions are no longer being able to afford to live here. And the cost of living is more than London or Paris for many things. Thus it is no longer attractive to tourists, so they go elsewhere.

With the glut of enforced sales of foreign land/properties - including fully functioning businesses of foreigners o land that they must now liquidate - the property market is the lowest it has ever been now.
The Developers themselves are also having problems selling all the masses of developments everywhere due to the new restrictive laws for them and banning investors from buying more than one property.

Re how much di we invest?
The facts of the matter are that neither mum nor I will even be able to recoup the original savings we invested here from selling our houses in the UK.
That is if we can sell at all.
Which is precisely the advice my father and grandmother (via communication), gave me 2 months ago:
Sell what ever you can, as soon as you can, get out, and don't look back!
Which is what you also say, and is my main preoccupation here atm.

My main project/community land I bought as agricultural land as I intended to have a farm/permaculture etc. So has now been made effectively worthless. 35 donums.

However, I have also stated above, that apart from the Government after our assets, my dead solicitor's eldest son is also illegally after them!!
And until we win his court case against his younger brother and his family, (as our trust shareholders), - they are all lawyers - we cannot get the injunction lifted that he imposed on all our assets for this court case.
At the same time the clock is ticking:
a) When the government will declare all assets null and void (except mum's house, if we win the case).
b) My deadline of June to get out - or not at all!

On a wing and a prayer, I will slash the sales prices again next week, and do some more intensive marketing.

On a separate note, I have come across an international expat investment blogger who is warning people that a few countries are now imposing exit taxes on anyone who is considering emigrating!
This is the guy - Julian - who I mentioned above re the dymnamic changes that are taking place in many countries now. I follow quite a few online researching re movinig, and Julian does fantastic insights of information that people truly need.

I strongly urge people to watch this video (and pray I don't get too late for Paraguay!! :

4 Nov 2024
Directly answering a comment from one of the folks who watched the channel. In a dynamic trending towards more control and regulation, you would rather do your residency sooner rather than later. I am not here to rush you but a dynamic context means that your plan must adapt. If you have researched Paraguay for the past 6 months, 12 months, or more and you think it's the right place for you to move to, at this point in time, then go for it.Time is not on your side. You are playing against:
  • a potential large event (war, pandemics, cyber attack, ...)
  • increased regulation in the West to prevent you from leaving
  • tighter migration rules in the South (rules for Mexico, Costa Rica, Malaysia, and Thailand for instance have changed)

When all around me everythnig seems to be slip slidin' away atm, it was very refreshing and renewing to listen to Neil Oliver just now on.....'Is Truth Enough?'

….digital ids, CBDC, Bigpharma, Bigfood.…wholesale corruption & the herding of people back into feudalism……watching things develop, with hopes, fears and dreams, is it enough just to know the truth???

This is the guy - Julian - who I mentioned above re the dymnamic changes that are taking place in many countries now. I follow quite a few online researching re movinig, and Julian does fantastic insights of information that people truly need.

I strongly urge people to watch this video (and pray I don't get too late for Paraguay!! :

Why would you "strongly urge" people here to watch a video, the central point of which is that govts. in Europe have laws and are planning on passing laws that attempt to stop people leaving the country, when in fact, this claim is entirely false?
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