They Live

From wiki QUOTE In physics, the term clusters denotes small, multiatom particles. As a rule of thumb, any particle of somewhere between 3 and 3*10^7 atoms is considered a cluster Unquote

Grim " but I guess its some EM-waves colliding (...)" maybe (i guess) altough there is certainly other possibilities , regarding "the collapsing part" this could be either/and houses , apartments ( what have you ) or actual physical stucture of the brain , although from the PTB perpective , i would suppose that the more entropy to any thinking patterns the better.
This movie is great.

"Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our owners! Our owners! They have us. They control us! They are our masters! Wake up! They're all about you! All around you!"
Just watched this film, I have to agree with all that has been said, and yes the acting is so bad it's good. Nada would have benefited from a little more external consideration in a few places!

As has also been discussed, the fight scene to make someone put the glasses on, is exactly like the forces against us trying to wake up someone up and see what is really going on.

Thoroughly recommend it.
Maybe the clustering remark means that the waves emitted by those military generators bounce off the walls and geometric structures and interfere with themselves creating standing waves inside buildings.
Those waves are static so the chances are that if you are inside a building you actually stand or sit right in those standing waves...
SAO: Thanks for the post! I found it on VHS in a dump bin in BlockBreaker for
$4.99 last year. Favorite lines:

"He can see us!"
Or when he looks at the tall, good looking woman and says, "You are one UGLY ..."

I thought the play between the church and skidrow was a pretty good theme.
The rest of are contented enough that we can't even ...

Last week , i saw this 'They Live' entire movie for the first time. It is pretty good , but the script is surprisingly accuarate , though it was made in 1988.

1. special glasses ( aka KNOWLEDGE OF PSYCHOPATHY ) are needed to identify the OP's roaming as normal people.
2. in the movie , all the OP's use the watches to communicate back to a central location about the where abouts of the people who is wearing the special glasses. this remaids me of laura question to C's OP's have the some soul pool connection ?.
3. At the end of the movie - In a presentation, it was mentioned that Ruling elite's money is growing by 39% per year for their allegiance to the elite's Goals. this reminds me of the fact that top 1% wealthiest guys owned 59% of of total US weatl by 1007 from 39% they are holding on 2005.

4. At the end , they are talking about the inter galactic travel- this is some thing C's confirm.

5. finally when the secret transmitter is blown ( Programs of hiding the OP knowledge in the name of equality etc,) , OP's real face was revealed . the scene is very appropriate , a woman was on the top of a OP in sex and gets shocked to see the real face. This is the appropriate description of role of souled people.
As a whole , the script writer has a very good knowldge of OP and very wise in presenting very accuratly.
seek10 said:
1.  special glasses ( aka KNOWLEDGE OF PSYCHOPATHY )  are needed  to identify the OP's roaming as normal people.

Hi seek10, it appears that you have equated OPs with psychopaths - they are NOT the same thing.

seek10 said:
2.  in the movie , all the OP's use the watches to communicate back to a central location about the where abouts of the people who is wearing the special glasses.  this remaids me of  laura question to C's  OP's have the some soul pool connection ?.
3.  At the end of the movie -   In a presentation, it was mentioned that Ruling elite's money is growing by 39% per year for their allegiance to the elite's Goals. this reminds me of the fact that top 1% wealthiest guys owned 59% of of total US weatl by 1007 from 39% they are holding on 2005.

Not sure why you thought the evil controlling aliens were OPs - you're quite confused on that issue.  Perhaps you could read this thread, in its entirety, to clarify that? 

seek10 said:
4. At the end , they are talking about the inter galactic travel- this is some thing C's confirm.

Actually, the C's don't 'confirm' things - the information transmitted by the C's is not taken as fact or not questioned, it is taken into consideration and work is done from there to come to conclusions.

seek10 said:
5. finally when the secret transmitter  is blown ( Programs of hiding the OP knowledge in the name of equality  etc,)  , OP's real face was revealed . the scene is very appropriate , a woman was on the top of a OP  in sex and gets shocked to see the real face.  This is the appropriate description of role of souled people.
As a whole , the script writer has  a very good knowldge of  OP and very wise in presenting very accuratly.

No offense intended, seek10, but you seem to not have a very good knowledge of OPs and are conflating them with psychopaths, and in regard to the movie, a controlling alien race.

It's a great movie, and I could even understand linking it to psychopaths, instead of aliens, but equating it with (hypothetical) OPs is really off target - simply because you do not seem to understand the (hypothetical) definition of an OP.  fwiw.
They Live is one of my favorite movies. It shows that one doesn't need a large budget to make a good film.

Somewhere in the transcripts the C's mentioned that there is STO inspiration behind some of our art; could this be the case here?

I also got the biggest kick out of some of the one liners, "like perfume on a pig," e.g., or "I'm here to chew gum...", and ending the film with "what's wrong baby?" is hysterical. :lol:
OMG, I saw that movie ages ago. It was CHILLING and I
LOVED that movie! Grim, I love that photo-op of Bush,
well done!

The acting by Roddy was also awesome! Many points were
touched and well thought out.

Thanks for bring this up!

anart said:
Hi seek10, it appears that you have equated OPs with psychopaths - they are NOT the same thing.

It's a great movie, and I could even understand linking it to psychopaths, instead of aliens, but equating it with (hypothetical) OPs is really off target - simply because you do not seem to understand the (hypothetical) definition of an OP. fwiw.

It has been 4 or 5 years since i read about the transcripts related to OP, so it is highly probable( not surprisingly ) I made a mistake though i used the word psychopaths are failed OP ( failed to hide their lack of conscience). I haven't read the thread you mentioned yet to comment further more on this. thank you anart for pointing out.
seek10 said:
It has been 4 or 5 years since i read about the transcripts related to OP, so it is highly probable( not surprisingly ) I made a mistake though i used the word psychopaths are failed OP ( failed to hide their lack of conscience).
"failed OP" does not mean "failed to hide their lack of conscience" because OPs do have a conscience. And psychopaths, who have no conscience, also do not fail at hiding this - they hide it very well. I think it would help to brush up on these subjects as you are confusing the meanings and mixing up the terms.
SAO said:
because OPs do have a conscience.

I don't think that fits. There doesn't seem to be conscience at the lower emotional level but more of an instinct engaged in the group, which psychopaths do not have.

Why do you say OPs have conscience?
Los said:
SAO said:
because OPs do have a conscience.

I don't think that fits. There doesn't seem to be conscience at the lower emotional level but more of an instinct engaged in the group, which psychopaths do not have.

Why do you say OPs have conscience?

I don't think it's as simple as "psychopaths don't have a conscience, everyone else does." Psychopaths lack the emotional capacity necessary for conscience. Normal people (OPs and non-OPs) have those emotions, but they can be just us egocentric and egoistic. Their conscience isn't very well developed and their emotions can be easily manipulated to act in conscienceless ways. The conscience of an OP isn't authentic. It's very superficial and based entirely on social standards. Even the "rule" that you love your family need not apply. If there's a social reason for hating your child, it'll be done, e.g. if they're liberal or homosexual. If placed in a new social structure, the old rules need not apply any longer. Thus you get the situation where people seem to "change" as Haffner and Lobaczewski describe. Pathocracy polarizes humanity. Souled individuals, who assumed everyone else followed positive social rules because they really felt them to be true, see that these people did not have any authentic values. They are just as willing to sell you to the Gestapo.
Perhaps this post by Laura might also clear some things up:

Laura said:
That suggests that an OP has at least a rudimentary conscience. And conscience is related to the ability to love. So we might think that an OP can love in a certain way, possibly like a dog: as the C's said, Dogs feel "need" as love.


Now, there are a few people I have interacted with over long periods that I give a high probability to being OPs. What did I notice about them? The two main things I have noticed is that yes, they do seem to have a sort of "empathy" that is strictly physical based. Quite often, they are people who are fixated on "saving stray animals," or "hugging trees" etc. What is strikingly different about these people is they are unable to feel empathy for un-seeable psychic or psychological pain. They simply have no ability to conceptualize the suffering of another if it is not right out in front of them. They will cringe and weep and cry over the death or suffering of a body, but will not think twice about saying or doing something that is totally psychologically crushing to another human being.

The other thing is their total inability to learn something and transfer that learning to another situation, similar or otherwise. They learn by rote, by specific situation, and then with the context changes even slightly, they make the same dynamical errors as though there was no similarity between the one situation and the other. Unless the situations are identical, they don't seem to be able to draw comparisons.

Both of these things: inability to conceptualize and empathize with psychic suffering and inability to transfer learning, seem to relate to higher, abstract thinking as well as being able to put oneself in another's shoes in a more "imaginative" way. It's easy enough, when you see a burn victim, for your skin to "feel" it and your stomach to knot up with "kinship suffering," but when you hear about how a husband walked out on his wife on their anniversary, it takes some imagination to "get" that the wife suffered very cruelly.

Now sure, such things can be "learned" by rote. OPs can learn that most people think that when a husband abandons his wife on an anniversary, birthday, or other "significant" time, it is supposed to be a "special kind of suffering," but if you observe carefully, you will notice that this learning cannot be transferred to other specific situations.

Also, it seems that the individuals that I think are very likely OPs are VERY sympathetic to animals - sometimes moreso than to humans.

So, just some observations.
Laura said:
Also, it seems that the individuals that I think are very likely OPs are VERY sympathetic to animals - sometimes moreso than to humans.

I've noticed this, too and it leads me speculate if maybe they have recently moved up from 2nd density? My NPD ex could not empathize with humans at all, but if someone hurt a lizard he would be upset for days.

[Edit: Sorry, I didn't mean to conflate the OP/psychopath issue. It is just a qualty that I have been noticing in "different" types of peple.]
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