This is it,and I need your help.

Hi Danny,

You know, when it comes down to it, in many ways we are all alone. There's this big, ugly world out there, doing the most horrible things to innocent people, destroying their lives when they aren't being killed outright. And there's the lies. God are there lies. Everywhere. Damn. It just is so hard to sit by and watch and want to do something and feel powerless to stop it.

So, one day we make a decision that the old life is over, I'm going to DO something. I'm going to make a difference. I'm going to stand up and the consequences be damned! We want to be heard. You lay awake at night hurting in places that have never hurt before. The pain is too much. And you see yourself safe in your home, comfortable compared to a Palestinian family or an Iraqi family, and you wonder why you are so lucky. And then you feel guilty about it, because you're comfortable and you think that you aren't doing anything.

But you know what? You are doing something. You have been doing something. You've been waking up. You've been throwing off the illusion and starting to really see. How many people on this planet, how many of the 6 billion people do you think can really see things as clearly as the members of this forum? You can't write that off and dismiss it and say it is nothing.

It is the necessary first step. Until someone goes through what you're going through now, really seeing the horror of it all and wanting to do something, anything, to wake others up, how can you do anything else?

That pain you're feeling is your emotional center waking up. That's a precious gift from the universe to you, Danny. But it is a gift you are earning because you have been working for it. It isn't given for nothing. That pain and suffering you're going through is the most valuable gift you're ever going to receive. It is your door out, and if enough of us get there, it may be the door out for millions more. The price is sitting in that pain and suffering and staring at it and all teh horrors, feeling all those horrors, and refusing to give in because when you can do that, fully acknowledge it but not allow it to get the better of you, that's when you can start to act. That's when you become a warrior. You can start learning to stalk the ones that are responsible.

It isn't easy, learning to channel that pain and anger and frustration and guilt. And you have to do it alone, but it can be done.

However, even if it is you hurting all over, on another level you aren't alone. Others have passed through it. What you seem to be missing is the knowledge that can give all that pain a context and a meaning. That is the esoteric work that is part of what we do here. I look at what you are going through, and I can see its meaning. I am putting that meaning into words in this message. To find your way out, one path, the path forward, is to find that meaning by acquiring the knowledge you need to make sense of it. That knowledge will help you to understand that you are already DOing in ways that you, and perhaps none of us, really understand at the moment.

You no doubt know the famous story of the flapping of the butterfly wings that can create a storm halfway around the globe. They call it non-linear dynamics. Small things can have great effects.

This thread is Danny beating his butterfly wings so fast that he is ready to pass out.

In time, you can figure out the meaning. You can give a purpose to your life. You can DO something more with each day. You just need the knowledge.

That's why this forum exists.

Laura suggested reading Casteneda's The Fire From Within. Think about that title. That's the fire you're feeling right now. That fire within you. You can use that fire to create something new.

And you can talk about what you are going through here, too. You can find a context.

Take care, Danny. Accept the gift from the universe, that gift you've earned.

Danny said:
But let it be known to anyone else who is listening(PTBs or whoever it is )I am NOT quitting.I will NEVER give up.I will NEVER stand down!
This is the attitude that will ensure "success" Danny.

on_strike_usaexpat said:
Please extend my regards to fifth density.
What and miss all the 'fun and games' in 3D? Won't acheive a thing. We've all have our bad days when things can't seem to get any worse and when some of us just chose to miss that bus to fifth density by a fraction.

Plenty of time for that later. Let it happen in its own time.
Danny said:
But let it be known to anyone else who is listening(PTBs or whoever it is )I am NOT quitting.I will NEVER give up.I will NEVER stand down!
Glad to have you back Danny. I remind myself from time to time that I vowed the same many years ago. And it keeps me going.

To quote a line from the movie GalaxyQuest: Never give up. Never surrender.

Oh're welcome Susan.
Dear Danny,

Dying is easy. Living is much harder. I suggest that you analize the motives of your decision as deeply as you can. I believe the easy way out is not the path of a warrior and certainly not of a Jedi.

Before it was the terror of the situation talking, not Danny whose posts I came to really appreciate. Even then you have served by sharing. I know you now recognize that you are supposed to see and feel the terror of the situation, but not let it make you jump over a cliff. I

Your recognition that we are here to help each other and your decision to not quit is the best apology.

I must thank YOU Danny for this thread. It demonstrates how a network can function. When we stumble and fall and it seems like we're down for the count, we can get up again.

As Han said, Grace...

Glad that you decided to continue the work. We need every awaken person and every real warrior.

What a beautiful lesson "live" that you allow me to live. The real power of the network from people who care for others.

Thank you to all.

Sorry I'm late to this thread. But as I have read through all 6 pages, I felt myself going through, all over again, the same things you went through here on these pages. I, too, was sobbing and screaming and yelling in frustration and anger at all that has and is going on in this horrific world a couple of years go. For weeks I would sob and ask for someone to please help those in need. To help those who are being killed and maimed. TO PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!! Please.

Then, I just happened onto these sites. I started reading Laura's works and got the books, I started reading the forum. And I started doing the Work. It's funny how things start clicking into place. And I still have times that I feel that I am not Doing enough. But I keep studying and hoping that in some of the small things that I do Do, that more and more people will wake up.

As was said previously somewhere on these pages, once a certain saturation point is hit, things will really start to happen.

And, don't forget. Even though what these poor people are going through in different countries, in different ways; there is a reason for it. No, that doesn't make it any better, I know. And we don't usually know what those reasons are. But let us make our reasons for being here be to keep the momentum going to wake up as many individuals as possible. To wake up to the truth behind the pathocracy ruling this BBM so that they can be stopped.

No, it's not an overnight cure. But there are no overnight cures.

I'm glad you're back, Danny. That you didn't let the PTB win. It was a hard battle and you came through it and you learned! How wonderful is that!!!
Hi Danny,

I read along as things were unfolding and really not knowing what to say. I don't want to repeat what others have said, so I will give you a short of my own story. (prepare to get really bored.)

After seeing pentagon strike and crying for four days straight, I had similar feelings. I myself could never kill myself, being that I am too much of a coward and still too sleepy to have conquered the fear of death. I decided the best route (for me) to release all the negative energy was to make a website and create a bunch of video's. Some have been pretty good while others have been somewhat lame, at least in my own mind.

Today though I keep the emotional fire lit, and intend to maintain it, I have spent all the excess in terms of negative energy, sadly it would have been useful for changing it to a higher and more useful kind, but at the time, and still to some degree, I did not know how or simply lacked the awareness and understanding. I want to close and just say that I think you made the right descision, "BUT"

If there is something that you want to share or intend to show by creatively letting out your feelings and expressions I just want to offer something I have if you wanted to make an artistic expression (music video, picture or series of them, writing(s).. whatever) I would gladly offer space on my own site. The invitation goes to anyone.

I wish I understood my machine better. I think then I would feel in this situation that I had offered something helpful - I sometimes wonder if doing what I am doing is valid and helpful or seen as something I am trying to gain praise for. It's really not either, It's a ventilation shaft for my emotions, and the shaft has kept me from shafting my own life. You may be alone right now physically.. but your not. seems there are 20-30 individuals round these parts who seem concerned and caring mr. :)

Edit: In the end I feel I've avoided climbing a clock tower at least, and done something (?almost?) creative with those negative emotions.

Danny, welcome back and thanks for the lessons. Hope you got something out of all this too. :)

And you were gonna kill yourself! Think about that. Suicide may be selfish, but it's sobering. Facing your death without blinking, accepting it - although it can be selfish and hurt many people and just not smart, it is still crossing a boundary, a boundary most people never cross. Being able to taste your own death and face it, look it in the eye without fear, and be THIS CLOSE to taking the plunge without hesitation.. with every intention of doing it - that's not something to be taken lightly, it's not something that anyone can do. It does take a lot of will power, it may be misdirected willpower, but it does show that there is a force inside you that is stronger than you natural craving for your flesh, stronger than your instinct to live. Something inside you has the power to overcome the most fundamental instinct of all STS, and that power is not to be taken lightly. And you say you have nothing to give, when you have such an engine under the hood!
I guess the only problem is, if the intellectual center is lagging behind the emotional center, the emotional center could drive you to do very stupid things, simply from the FEELING. So the feeling is good and real and very powerful, and that's good. But as others have mentioned, if you just add the THINKING to that feeling, and direct that energy into a proper course of action, direct that WILL towards a critically analyzed and strategic course of action, imagine what you can do? What can't you do?

Or vice versa if u just act from intellectual but not from emotional, u have the how, but don't have the why. I guess the emotional center provides the why, and the intellectual provides the how. If you just have the why without knowing how to do it, you'll just do silly things and mess everything up. If you have the how and not the why, you'll have no direction or purpose or reason, just idle intellectual exercises. And of course, you need the moving, the part that actually.. well... does stuff. So you need all 3 to be awake, functioning, and balanced, or so it seems.
Well, since we are on the subject, let me just make a few comments, including remarks I made on a news item the other day:

The first thing that has to be done before anything else can be done is to take back the media. The media is the wall between the elite pathocrats and the public. It is the tool used to control and manipulate.

This is something that has been exercising me to no end.

In Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and other totalitarian states, the control of information was/is the means of control of the people. After all, the masses of people that are needed to support any kind of movement are in that part of the bell curve that indicates that they are just "average" and "followers" and "want to be left alone" and can only be moved by moving "en masse." They are the ones that must be reached. And that can only be done via mass media.

We do not own the mass media. I think that less than half of the people in the U.S., and a smaller percentage than that in other places, get their news via the internet. And we all know how much disinformation is on the net.

Now, let's back up and get some perspective here.

People need to really think about who's running the U.S. (and other countries on the planet), and get it firmly in mind that it is big business: oil companies and the arms industry.

Now, think of that term: "RUTHLESS MEN". Ponder it long and carefully.

Some people will do anything for money and to protect their interests/wealth.

And so it is that RUTHLESS MEN control America. They either control or install the U.S. government and have done so for a very long time. It doesn't matter whether they are Jews or Gentiles or Hottentots. They are psychopaths or related deviants.

The oil companies and arms industries control governments and policy, the military and political parties across the board; republicans AND democrats. They own nearly everyone. They have the power to make and break people.

It is important to remember that behind the office of the President, there are ruthless men who will do anything at all to maintain and increase their power and to attain their ends. The history of the White House is the history of puppets who do what they are told to do.

It is oil companies and arms industries that want war. They need to control the masses of people so that they can get what they want.

Doing "anything at all" means killing people who get in the way and creating situations where they can stampede populations in the way they want them to go.

Nobody with that kind of power is going to give it up easily. They killed John Kennedy because he threatened that power.

People sometimes ask how such conspiracies as the JFK assassination and 9/11 could be "covered up without someone from the inside talking." As Harrison Livingstone points out, this is a naive question. If someone is a witness to a murder done by professionals, do you really think they are going to go around blabbing about it? And if the victim is a president, or the people in the World Trade Center towers and 4 airliners, it is clear that it has been committed by those with great power. Anybody with two firing neurons can figure out that such perpetrators are in such a strong position that protesting or blabbing puts the whistle-blower in the gravest of danger - particularly if they have an audience. (That's why they work so hard to make sure that those who tell the truth do not have an audience.)

Further, it is unlikely that exposing the crime would even result in justice being done. (Assuming that there is any justice to be had). Who would they turn to? Who would protect them?

If the witness goes to the media, they might as well jump off a cliff and be done with it. Because, most certainly, the impression that the media gives of "truth seeking" is only window dressing. Now and again they expose the truth on some matter that doesn't really matter, but that is only to shore up the illusion of a democracy and a free press; to keep the herd satisfied.

The media is, in fact, under the same control as politicians and politics. In short, the media is under the control of the perpetrators of the crime.

So, with no media to form an opposing power base, who ya gonna tell? Who's going to believe you?

Further, in the case of crimes of state, which the JFK assassination and 9/11 certainly were, enough other people are killed to insure the silence of everyone in the conspiracy. The additional deaths (or character assassinations) send a loud and clear message to everyone who might know something: keep your mouth shut!

And so it is, we must take back the media. All media should be publicly owned and overseen by public commissions that are not in any way related to politics - neither elected nor appointed, but selected by random lottery from pools of qualified citizens.

That's the first order of business.

Barring that, then we need to find ways to bypass the media - to become our own media and gain the trust of that bell curve of human beings by dedication and example.

That is the task before us.

Another great synopsis of our predicament. I couldn't help but think of John Kaminski and how I hope he reads this and gets it. Great editorial for tomorrow!

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