This is it,and I need your help.

anart wrote:
Again, it's your choice and I'm not trying to debate you - you've made your decision - I just can't sit here and pretend that it will actually make a difference for anyone other than you.

Thank you!There is but 2 choices I have left.Either I sit here and become part of this sick game of whodunnit and argue about it till im 70 yrs old or I fold my cards and go home.Nothing more involved than that.No guilt,no blame.I do not wish to play anymore.Why must EVERYTHING anyone says here be scrutinized to the point of madness.It isnt whether it's ok to kill a louse or a flea on the's cut and dry THOU SHALT NOT KILL and I am not goign to be part of a killing machine.I am going to be the monkey wrench that gets wholly swallowed up in it or stops it.Either is fine with me.I will not participate in this thread any further.
I'm sorry.I lied (LOL)One more thing I would like to add is to me the most intriguing part of the movie in which the front page of this site is modelled after "V for Vendetta" and it is none other than when she is confronted with the fact that she will be taken out to be shot.
"No thanks.I'd rather DIE behind the chemical shed"
That is EXACTLY the point in life I am in.


Nothing ventured....absolutely nothing will be gained.
Danny said:
This is not a matter of debate. It is my decision to project what I feel and the the means in which to do it.
It is yours, but what if that decision is a very poor one with respect to helping spread the truth? You say that YOU want no part of this psychopathic world, but neither do I nor anybody else in this group. And yet, we're in this world because this is where we fit. Where do you think you're going to go when you die? A better world? Do you think you can just escape your lessons, just force yourself to "fit" somewhere else? If you didn't fit in this world, you would not be here. And if you leave because you just can't take it anymore, do you for a second think that you won't end up right back here again to try again?

Danny said:
1.The matter at hand,in my opinion,is of utmost importance to me.Nothing and I mean NOTHING means a hill of beans if this issue is not resolved.Not my career,not my well being,not my education( or lack thereof)nor my existence in which you loosely term "life".
This is by no definition something I wish to be a part of.
Danny, think what you just said. We're not in this world because we wish to be part of it - NOBODY IN THIS GROUP wishes to be part of this world! And yet, we are, because we fit here. It is not a matter of simply deciding where you fit. You either fit somewhere or you do not. You cannot "move on" until you learn what you need to learn. Are you going to commit suicide lifetime after lifetime because you refuse to "be part of it"? How many lifetimes will it take before you choose to finally stay the course and learn what you're here to learn?

Danny said:
If life is,as you say for learning,what then have any of the innocent children,women and men that have uncerimoniously died during and after these sick twisted individuals who purposelly killed in order to further their agenda,learned???
Don't forget about karma.

Danny said:
What was the ultimate lesson that was taught?
You'll get a chance to ask them if you go through with this. Maybe a better thing to ask is, what is your lesson in this?

Danny said:
All I asked was for some help in compiling true honest questions and the language in which to represent them so that they can be investigated by a panel of persons INDEPENDENT of the the regime that set forth such attrocities. I do not wish to go anywhere else in my search for help because I trust in the people that run this site and their opinions.
Don't ever trust opinions. And yet, do you trust a bunch of psychopaths to create an investigative panel because they feel sorry about you threatening to kill yourself? And if that panel is created, will you be satisfied? You don't think an "independent" investigative panel can be controlled? Manipulated? Infiltrated and misdirected? You think the mainstream media iwll be allowed to touch it?

Danny said:
Further debate in my actions are a waste of your and my time.I will not back down from my decision and I will go elsewhere for help in this matter if that be the case.
While I am completely for emailing congressmen and senate members, I am against threatening people, against manipulating them and forcing them to do what you want them to do or "else". And since you're doing it in the latter way, I will not "help" you in carrying this out.

Danny said:
OK I apologize in intruding in your ever-lasting search for STO.
Danny, no offense, but you are not thinking clearly right now. It is not a search for STO. It is a search for knowledge, and understanding of how to use this knowledge to help ourselves and others grow.

Danny said:
I wish you all the best in luck in that endeavor.Meanwhile everything we piss and moan about and the daily goings-on,the murders,the bombings,the shootings,the burying of endless amount of human bodies are being done in the name of American security and freedom.If this is what it takes in order for humans to be free and secure,I WANT NO PART OF IT! NONE!
What it takes for humans to be free and secure is to give humans knowledge of their psychopathic overlords. We are not pissing and moaning, we are collecting data and presenting it to others - "spreading the word". Knowledge protects, and this is what we're doing - collecting and giving knowledge that will protect, and the more people read and understand what is going on, the less people are controlled. And this means THEY spread it around even more, and eventually you get so many people spreading this around, you have the potential for an exponential leap in awareness. It's like starting a gas leaf blower by cranking a handle or pulling a rope - once you start it, there's no stopping it. But you gotta put in a lot of consistent effort to start it.

Danny said:
I understand now that this has been going on since time immemorium.I have acknowledged that thanks to the many of you here and around the world over.I also understand the responsibilty I have put on you by asking you to partake in constructing such a task.I understand fully if you do not wish to be a part of another's loss of life.A simple "no,go somewhere else" would have sufficed.
It is not because I do not wish to be a part of another's loss of life. It is because I cannot go along with the context in which it occurs. It takes a lot of guts to do what you're doing, a lot of willpower. But so does any suicide! Does it make all suicides "noble" or good decisions? No. And personally, in my understanding, you're throwing away your life for nothing.
Danny said:
1.The matter at hand,in my opinion,is of utmost importance to me.Nothing and I mean NOTHING means a hill of beans if this issue is not resolved.Not my career,not my well being,not my education( or lack thereof)nor my existence in which you loosely term "life".
This is by no definition something I wish to be a part of.
This IS something you wanted to be a part of. The "you" that transcends this lifetime, that is, the you that has made the preincarnational choice to come here decided to do so because this situation is exactly what your soul needed to learn from in order to progress. Cutting your life short may have massive consequences you can't even begin to fathom, remember, this is the end of a very important cycle, are you willing to throw away an opportunity you aren't even aware of yet?! That seems mad to me, I'd hate to end my life only to end up thinking "Oh crap, what have I (The I in 5th density which knows MUCH more than I do now) done!?" Then again, who knows why you've come here...
The programmes that brought you to this decision are subjective, and an illusion, you should know that by now. Maybe all those little I's are screaming that you've had enough, including the programmes you are running right now preventing you from taking advice from us rationally, But think about it, observe these programmes! We are ALL in this together, I think you don't realise how lucky you are. Sounds to me you just want to take the easy way out because of other pains in your life instead of facing this with true courage. Is this partly about a lack of prospect in the more personal areas of your life and not just about the horror that human beings are going through around the planet?

Danny said:
Meanwhile everything we piss and moan about and the daily goings-on,the murders,the bombings,the shootings,the burying of endless amount of human bodies are being done in the name of American security and freedom.If this is what it takes in order for humans to be free and secure,I WANT NO PART OF IT! NONE!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you only want to end YOUR own suffering by doing this, not because you can't stand seeing all the horrors in the world. Maybe you are in tremendous pain because you have a conscience, but I think there are many people who are going through the same pain and yet choose to live and fight. If you really cared you would put your life to good use, dedicating yourself towards truly good deeds in light of this information. Knowledge is meant to empower us, not destroy us. Sure, we don't all have the ideal circumstances in which to do so, but the least you can do is stay alive and not let all this pressure destroy you! Sorry if I sound a little harsh, but are these thoughts you are having even yours? How do you know the PTB hasn't somehow manipulated you into this decision because you are a greater threat to them alive?

Keit said:
You know, SOTT guys also had no money, no credentials - but see what they've accomplished, and still continue with low resources they have. It seems to me that it better to live for something, then to die for something (or want to die for something). Dying part is way too easy in this reality, staying alive and DOING something, not. And during harsh times human creativity works at it best.
Exactly, the future is undetermined; a few changes can change everything in the past, present and future forever. Who would have thought the SOTT team would be doing this now? I'm sure if you asked Laura she wouldn't have ever guessed that her life could turn out this way. To be fair, you don't really know what you are here for (yet), and you have no idea how things might turn out. Spiritually we are all like children who haven't matured yet, why would you trust yourself to "know" what your soul truly wants in your current state of ignorance? Especially if it's a choice you can't turn back from.
It looks to me like things are about to get a whole lot worse too, don't buckle now, if you survive for a few more years and compare what the world might be like then with what it's like now, it would seem like you caved in because of a mere pinch from an insect or something! You'd feel a bit silly, no?
In martial arts stance training I sometimes reach a point where there is so much pain I don't think I could possibly go on, but experience has taught me that if your mind wants to persevere, you'll always find the strength to go on and progress, and a tremendous feeling of freedom always results from surpassing your own limitations and expectations. I don't see much difference between this and your situation, right now you are certain that you can't go on, but given time and more effort, you'll surpass this. If you are too stubborn to really think about this, then think about how many people would suffer watching you martyring yourself.
Danny said:
I'm sorry.I lied (LOL)One more thing I would like to add is to me the most intriguing part of the movie in which the front page of this site is modelled after "V for Vendetta" and it is none other than when she is confronted with the fact that she will be taken out to be shot.
"No thanks.I'd rather DIE behind the chemical shed"
That is EXACTLY the point in life I am in.


Nothing ventured....absolutely nothing will be gained.
V for Venetta was a movie. While it provided great metaphors for where we are today with government induced lies and terror, it says nothing about the real results of V or Evey's actions. It's been a few months since I 've seen the movie but I recall in the end that everyone had V masks. That is all fine but I think it symbolized more than anything a lack of diversity. Notice the variety of QFS V masks :). If there were a part two of that movie reflective of our reality, how soon would it be until the psychopaths among the crowd of masked protestors would try to impose their view to the exclusion of all else?

Come on Dan, while I too am disgusted with the state of the world, I hope I am more than the resulting sicking feelings I get. I hope you are too. Is it possible that this seemingly noble act is borne from paramoralisms too. If in some instances it is noble, to decide the manner you have stated here is not. It seems to be more STS to me than anything. Because even without bringing in STO/STS, I don't see how your form of protest would be effective.

Did the hunger strikes REALLY change things in guantanamo or just rearranged the furniture? What about the the recent protest suicide of Ritscher? In fact, I think the 'system' encourages such acts. One less pain in the ass for them. Not only that, if you do this and not get the response you desire, you will end up dead of starvation. In that case your choice as stated here on this forum will be more fodder for those who label what we do cultic. In effect, you would have helped those who seek to ruin the work of QFS cause I gurantee you some idiot will blame QFS for your death.
I wanted to add that it's not just possible risk to QFS that is of concern to me in your choice. I think you have a lot more to contribute than what you propose. This is the selfish me talking but you would be missed if things go to the extreme. I really hope that you don't choose this form of protest, but it is afterall your choice. You may want to remember that there are often unintended consequences of our choice of action. In mentioning possible effects for the QFS I was just pointing out that one possibility since it came to mind.
Daniel, the bottom line is this: is your intention to really make a difference? If so, then you are wasting your time. With the control of the media as it is, no one will hear you, no one will notice, and nothing will happen as a result of your "event."

Zero, zip, zilch.

This is the problem we have dealt with from day one. Little by little we have toiled and sweated blood just to keep a fire going on the hilltop in order to send out a signal. And now, our readership is growing, people are getting sick of stuff, and you want to come along and do something like this? Sheesh! Have a heart, for god's sake!

No, we will not help you do something strategically stupid. All you are gonna do is turn people off. We have to be smarter than the martyrs of old because the controllers are smarter now than they were then.

If, on the other hand, you really want to make a difference, we will supply you with leaflets and you can hand them out to people on street corners and try to help educate people. If you really have a yearning to suffer, write Cindy Sheehan and offer to help her. She likes getting out there and suffering.

The main thing is that every single body that is DOing something to stand for truth who is strong and in the body adds to the energy field that can be tapped by others. If you weaken yourself, or check out, you are no good to anybody. We don't need dead, unknown martyrs who will just be labeled kooks or mental cases. We need live bodies working every day.
I thought that as well nktulloch. Also, I believe Scio mentioned that even if you do decide to follow through with this choice, you will still have to come back and learn the lessons of 3D again. No Free Lunch. Part of that is learning to deal with the forces of entropy. Basically you are delaying your own learning because your anger does not allow you to think of a better way of dealing with the situation. We've all been there, so mad you could tear buildings down. How do you think SOTT even started? People saw what was happening and wanted to do something about it.

Furthermore, I'm confused about your reactions to other forum member's posts. The title of the thread you created does say "I need your help". Well, you were receiving that and still you replied with something like "Ya'll should have just told me to leave" or "you are overanalyzing". What did you expect? That we would jump on the bandwagon and turn into a bunch of Heaven's Gaters?

Think it through a little, that's all :cool:
Alright.This thread has totally gone in the wrong direction as afar as I am concerned.Mainly because of my own stupidity.The matter at hand is not what I,myself chose to accomplish.Can we please,for the sake of all that is important here,forget I ever mentioned a hunger strike.Please!Upon further contemplation,I realize that by starting this immediately I would only accomplish one thing.The ending of my existence.And all would have been for nothing.What I want to do is to demand a formal INDEPENDENT investigation (such as has been proposed here in the past)into what really happened on the day of 9/11.In order to realistically devise such a plan there is much more time AND ASSISTANCE(group think!) needed than a human can withstand in malnutrition.Therefore I am not doing anything drastic at this point in time.I feel like the damn fox in the chicken coop and feathers af lying and cackling about.This was not the intent or purpose of this thread.Merely to seriously talk about action and how to go about it.I deeply regret ever mentioning my added ingredient.It took years of planning to pull off the events of 9/11 and at this rate will take decades to dismantle it.I do not have decades.I do alot of things to my body and insides that pretty much have determined my fate as it stands,such as smoking and drinking.I am not what would be called the "picture of health".What I am trying to convey is that as it stands,nothing is to become of anything as far as a considerab;le contribution to the society in which I live if I sit here and type and try to understand algorithms or cosmic self -awareness or triangulations of the bilateo fricative formulae of quantum sporadic anti-histamines!WTF did he just say?!?!(Thats how it all sounds to me,is my point).I am not here on this planet to try and figure that out nor will I ever be for that matter.I need a down to earth,concrete mission.Something tangible to say I contributed.And if I hear someone tell me I must first work on myself again I think I may just implode. I do not want to be Head of anything.I do not wish to gain any notariety.I merely want matters RESOLVED.I want to be able to sleep at night knowing that I did something AGAINST the machine that kills indescriminately.My decision for a hunger strike is not to martyr myself.It is simply an equivalent of putting on the mask and marching to the parliament as it were.Why can't that be understood?If one person amkes that decision its considered feable..but what if 10 people decide to the same thing..then word gets around and 100 decide they wont eat the food that our gov't shoves down our throats with no regard to any nutrition anyway!Then 10 people each find out what the other 100 are doing and it becomes *gasp* 1000!Do you see where I am getting at here?It's not quantum physics folks! its simple multiplication!This mechanism in which we live will not be stopped by blogs and civil discourse.They have thrown these things to the wind long ago!They laugh at us!We are so torn asunder by claims and allegations that our so called "movement" is nothing more than that..a movement...of the colonic variety,I might add!At which time are we going to stand up and say NO MORE!What is the final bugle call we are waiting for?What is the straw that will break your back?Are you waiting for them to shoot you and YOUR family down?Are you waiting till they finnally say we must ALL be vaccinated at gunpoint?Or shall we sit and wait for the first nuclear explosion in our hometown?What is the last deciding factor we are supposed to be waiting for?Why is this so hard to grasp?Please fi you can answer any of these questions with a straight face and say exactly when it is we are to fight back,without a screaming RIGHT NOW!Then abandon all hope ye who enter this point on.
Danny, apart from probably not being able to achieve anything positive from your planned action, as many have stated here, assuming you go thru with this and exit to 5D, the PTB can twist and distort it into Cass is a "cult". That can put all of us here in the PTB's firing line and taken to it's logical conclusion, that will bring all the work here to a grinding halt. Think about that for a moment.

beau said:
Think it through a little, that's all cool
So that is what it has come down to.I cannot explain the grief you have just caused me to hear "Have a heart for god's sake".You have just attacked what was sacred to me to the point of almost speechlessness.So allow me to rhetort.Suffer?Toiled ..SWEAT BLOOD??You left this country the first chance you got and RAN to the hills!! And as for wanting people to jump on some bandwagon...heh...How can I lead people to a bandwagon when they are already locked in on the TRAIN TO AUSCHWITZ!I deeply regret your accusation of me not having a heart and I am shaking to the point where I cannot type any further.I am truly sorry for the stir I have caused and have nothing to say on this matter.
Danny said:
I need a down to earth,concrete mission. Something tangible to say I contributed. And if I hear someone tell me I must first work on myself again I think I may just implode.
I think the point of working on yourself is so you don't decide to senselessly take your own life to achieve absolutely nothing, while thinking emotionally and turning your perception into "tunnel vision". I am saying it in a tongue-in-cheek way but my point is simply that the work on the self allows you to really understand what IS helpful and useful to do, and what is not. There are many people with concrete, down to earth missions, which are not helping anybody at all because they are confused, they are not thinking clearly, they do not have the ability to SEE what is objective and helpful. Starving yourself is pretty concrete and down to earth, but it's not helpful.

Danny said:
I do not want to be Head of anything.I do not wish to gain any notariety.I merely want matters RESOLVED.
But everything cannot just get resolved simply because you have had enough and want a resolution.

Danny said:
I want to be able to sleep at night knowing that I did something AGAINST the machine that kills indescriminately.
But if you cannot think clearly by not doing the Work on self, you'll be saying and doing exactly that which you are saying and doing in this thread. You cannot fight the machine, just disempower it by waking up those who it kills and the tools it uses to kills by spreading knowledge to the victims. Act FOR mankind, not AGAINST its oppressors - you cannot win by going head to head with the machine, and the machine has the free will to kill and control. You have the free will to NOT be controlled if you seek knowledge. You would not be helping anyone by attacking the machine itself. STS has free will too.

Danny said:
My decision for a hunger strike is not to martyr myself.It is simply an equivalent of putting on the mask and marching to the parliament as it were.Why can't that be understood?If one person amkes that decision its considered feable..but what if 10 people decide to the same thing..then word gets around and 100 decide they wont eat the food that our gov't shoves down our throats with no regard to any nutrition anyway!Then 10 people each find out what the other 100 are doing and it becomes *gasp* 1000!Do you see where I am getting at here?
People do not so easily starve themselves to death upon finding out that one or 10 or 100 people did it. People kill themselves to make a statement or for a cause all the time, you don't see too many people following them. Nothing changes - how many people have done what you said you'd do, and nothing ever changed, it did NOT go as you just said it would.

Danny said:
We are so torn asunder by claims and allegations that our so called "movement" is nothing more than that..a movement...of the colonic variety,I might add!At which time are we going to stand up and say NO MORE!
You do not prove that your movement is right by killing yourself. This only proves that your movement is suicidal. That's when the media says "suicidal cult" and you do far more damage this movement than you ever imagined, due to your own ignorance. Working on Self is the only way to avoid such poor decisions. Think clearly!

Danny said:
Are you waiting for them to shoot you and YOUR family down?Are you waiting till they finnally say we must ALL be vaccinated at gunpoint?Or shall we sit and wait for the first nuclear explosion in our hometown?What is the last deciding factor we are supposed to be waiting for?
We're not sitting and waiting, we're actively working towards our goal of waking people up. What you are proposing won't wake anybody up, just make the world think that we're all insane and suicidal, probably like those "darned muslim suicide bombing terrorists". Nobody looks at a suicide bomber or a "terrorist" and thinks "hmm if he killed himself maybe he had some very important message or ideal or cause or reason to do it, I should look into that". No people people just say "another crazy suicidal type". If he was associated with a group, the whole group instantly becomes a suicidal cult. Don't you know how it works?

Danny said:
Why is this so hard to grasp?

Danny said:
Please fi you can answer any of these questions with a straight face and say exactly when it is we are to fight back,without a screaming RIGHT NOW!
Danny - we are fighting. What you are proposing is not fighting, it is equivalent of running at a tank with a pocket knife and screaming "AAAAAAARGGG I've had enough of you fascists!!". This is no different. The guy who runs at a tank with a knife thinks that his buddies aren't fighting anymore, they're just stalling, and he can't take it so he has REALLY begin the fight. Well it takes only about 3 seconds for him to be blown up. The other 3 seconds it takes for the tank to find the ditch where his buddies were sitting, and blow them up too. All because he thought that they weren't "fighting back". Please, stop. Think. And yes, Work in self, without imploding.

I would suggest that you stop talking and just read and think. Then sleep on this. Then after you thought about it carefully and considered all that has been said without emotions, but logically and critically - then respond. Don't retort, don't reply, don't react, don't anything. Just stop, relax, breathe, sleep on it, then think calmly and rationally. Please. If you have any respect and understanding of this group's work and direction, and if you have any respect or consideration of the advice that the members are giving you, then simply STOP and think very carefully before you respond again. My suggestion is, don't respond till tomorrow, I think a good 24 hours of contemplation, then sleep, then contemplation again, will really, REALLY, help.

I only say this because I see a very irrational and emotional and confused/distorted/narrow thinking. You seem overcome by panic and desperation, and you're only thinking from THAT level. This is why I suggest no longer replying till at least tomorrow, as you are not listening, you are not SEEing what is being said. Please, just sleep on it.

If I'm wrong, so be it. But if I'm right, and if you realise it tomorrow, you'll be very very happy you stopped talking. Would you give it a benefit of the doubt? By the way, Laura did not attack you at all. Your perception that she did is a result of the state you're currently in, that is all. Probably you are attacked - just not by Laura, by something else entirely. You don't have to succumb to this attack and be taken out of the picture. But it's upto you to regain mental clarity and critically think about all that is being said in this thread, including what you're saying. No one can do this for you.
I think the "have a heart" comment was a figure of speech for a potential public relations problem you could cause with the expanding readership, I don't think anyone at all questions your dedication (other than perhaps being too dedicated)... the Cs transcripts I think read more like the Cs dragging Laura to France... they do also show impatience at times on the part of us humans for how slowly things seem to get accomplished. Given how much worse things might get soon this is kind of natural on our part. Ark recently used "slow" to describe how things are going on the science front, this stuff isn't easy, there's a reason it's slow, maybe there's even an unknown benefit to it being slow.
Danny said:
You left this country the first chance you got and RAN to the hills!!
Though I suspect you may regret this outburst when you have calmed down, you have illustrated a point that many people here are trying to get across to you. If Laura had not taken action to preserve herself and her ability to disseminate this information then NONE of us would be here at this site, having read what we read, knowing what we know. What would have been the use of all that work?

No. Laura and the QFG have set up a broadcasting tower on those hills and the very sight of it sickens those who are trying to silence them. Do you not think that this was the best option available?
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