Dagobah Resident
I wouldnt want to think it is an obsession because I think it is how I was programmed in church with the ministry.
Not wanting to see it, is denying that part of you, it doesn't mean it's not present. And if you are programmed as you say what makes it better than not being obsessed, from your perspective?
I could still talk to them but they no longer makes sense to me at some areas because of their wishful thinking.
It would be interesting for you to pay attention, surely they have much more than you can learn from their illusions, about your own illusion.
Like with my intuition or inner voice (as I call it and based on how I understood it), I have used it for a long time so if one day id choose to shut it down because it is indeed just my imagination
"my intuition, inner voice but because it is indeed just my imagination" Ok... what is it then?
Also, I think you would also know if people are saying it from their own experiences or knowledge from books
I am reaching out to this forum to find people who have been from the same scenario and how does one work with it.
Someone does not necessarily have to go down the same path, literally, to know the path they are on and where it is leading them. That's why we always talk about keeping "the programs" in mind. Each one greases his machine as best he can to let his programs work in the most optimal way against him and that is something we all have a job in common, mainly.
I am putting things into light so I would also know what it is really. Is it an STS tactic or is it something STO? I would not want to be constant food after all. Or it is a part of myself too.
You are confusing things because of your obsession, obfuscation among other things, wanting to run before you learn to crawl.
"Protection comes simply and naturally as a result of awareness."
"Danger always arises when one moves too fast, and thus instincts are left behind and confused with other energies and thought patterns, and consequently, leave one open to attacks and other unpleasant possibilities."