Thoughts/questions re: missing cat

Years ago, I had an indoor/outdoor cat that went missing for about two weeks. When he finally came back his paw was mauled as if he were attacked or got it stuck in a trap and it needed to be amputated. The good news was that he came back and did well with a missing paw. I hope your kitty returns or you at least find out some information about what may have happened to her.

DCM stands for Divine Cosmic Mind.
Hi Heather,

As Odyssey said it stands for Divine Cosmic Mind, my apologies for not writing it in full.

Are you familiar with the Éiriú Eolas program? You can find it here:
The last part of the program called The Prayer of the Soul is a meditation part. You breathe in and out with the belly while listening to a prayer/poem. While you're listening to it, if you'd like you may ask your higher self, or Divine Cosmic Mind, or which is comfortable for you, to guide you in your search. I cannot tell you of course if it will be in the way of a vision, and to be honest I'm not sure if that was exactly what happened to me. It was only later that I realized we found him exactly there, but that dream did give me hope that he was still out there. Either way, I think help can come in many ways and I hope this will help a bit, and that you will find her.

Hi Heather,

I hope your lovely cat is OK and that you will find her soon. Losing a pet is an upsetting thing, especially when we don't know what happened to them and if they're still alive and need rescuing. But cats are resourceful creatures, and quite independent at that - they just do what they want! Since yours can hunt, I expect she'd be able to survive in the wilds. Is she neutered? Maybe she's been chasing other cats and just wandered a bit too far? Or maybe something scared her off, and she's been hiding somewhere. In any case you've made the right move in posting signs and advertising around you. Something will sure turn up, or so I hope.

Heather said:
As it's been a month maybe she's returned to her territory but can no longer recognize its scent, given wind, rain, etc. -- although I'm just guessing.

Don't know about that, but it made me think of this extract from Ouspenksy about animal psychology compared to man psychology, maybe you'll find it interesting:

Tertium Organum said:
The first difference between our logic and that of an animal is that the latter is not general. It is a particular logic in every case, for every separate representation. For animals there exists no classification according to common properties, i.e. classes, varieties and species. Every single object exists by itself; all its properties are specific properties.

This house and that house are, for an animal, totally different objects, because the one is his house and the other an alien house. Generally speaking, we recognize objects by their similarity; an animal must recognize them by their differences. It remembers every object by the signs, which have had for it the greatest emotional significance. In this form, i.e. with emotional qualities, representations are preserved in the memory of an animal. It is easy to see that it is much more difficult to preserve such representations in memory; consequently the memory of an animal is much more burdened than ours, although in the amount of knowledge and the number of things preserved in the memory an animal is far below us.

Having once seen an object, we refer it to a certain class, variety and species, attach it to one or another concept and connect it in our mind with one or another ‘word’, i.e. with an algebraic sign, then with another, defining it, and so on.

An animal has no concepts; it has no mental algebra with the help of which we think. It must know a given object and remember it with all its characteristics and peculiarities. Not a single forgotten characteristic will come back. But for us the main characteristics are implied in the concept with which we have connected the given object, and we can find it in our memory by any of its characteristic signs.
It is clear from this that an animal’s memory is more burdened than ours, and that this is precisely the main cause that hinders the mental evolution of an animal. Its mind is too occupied. It has no time to move forward. It is possible to arrest the mental development of a child by making it learn by heart series of words and series of figures. An animal is exactly in the same position. And this explains the strange fact that an animal is more intelligent when young.
Among the animals known to us, even among domestic animals, psychological differences are so great as to put them on totally different levels. We do not notice this and put them all under one head — ‘animals’.
A goose has put its foot on a piece of watermelon rind, pulls at it with its beak but cannot pull it out, and it never occurs to it to lift its foot off the rind. This means that its mental processes are so vague that it has a very imperfect knowledge of its own body and does not properly distinguish it from other objects. This could not happen either with a dog or a cat. They know their bodies perfectly well. But in their relations to outside objects a dog and a cat are very different.

I have observed a dog, a ‘very intelligent’ setter. When the little rug on which he slept got mucked up and became uncomfortable to lie on, he understood that the discomfort was outside him, that it was in the rug and, more precisely, in the position of the rug. So he kept on worrying the rug with his teeth, twisting it and dragging it here and there, all the while growling, sighing and groaning until someone came to his assistance. But he could never manage to straighten out the rug by himself.

With a cat such a question could never even arise. A cat knows its body perfectly well, but everything outside itself it takes for granted, as something given. To correct the outside world, to accommodate it to its own comfort, would never occur to a cat. Maybe this is so because a cat lives more in another world, the world of dreams and fantasies, than in this one. Therefore, if there were something wrong with its bed, a cat would itself turn and twist a hundred times until it could settle down comfortably; or it would go and settle down in another place.

A monkey would of course spread out the rug quite easily.

Here are four beings, all quite different. And this is only one example of which one could easily find hundreds. And yet for us all this is an animal. We mix together many things that are totally different; our divisions are very often wrong and this hinders us in our examination of ourselves.

Moreover it would be quite incorrect to assert that the differences mentioned determine ‘evolutionary stages’, that animals of one type are higher or lower than others. The dog and the monkey by their reason, their ability to imitate and (the dog) by his fidelity to man seem to be higher than the cat, but the cat is infinitely superior to them in its intuition, its aesthetic sense, its independence and willpower. The dog and the monkey manifest themselves in their entirety. All that there is in them can be seen. But it is not without cause that the cat is regarded as a magical and occult animal. There is much in it that is hidden, much that it does not itself know. If one is to speak in terms of evolution it would be much more correct to say that these are animals of different evolutions, just as, in all probability, not one but several evolutions go on in mankind. […]

How then to explain the fact that, living in a two-dimensional world, or seeing themselves in a two-dimensional world, animals orientate perfectly well in our three-dimensional world? How to explain that a bird flies up and down, straight ahead and sideways, in all three directions; that a horse jumps fences and ditches; that a dog and a cat seem to understand the properties of depth and height together with length and breadth?
In order to explain this we must return once more to the fundamental principles of animal psychology. It has been pointed out earlier that many properties of objects, which we remember as the general properties of species and varieties, have to be remembered by animals as the individual properties of objects. In sorting out this enormous store of individual properties preserved in memory animals are helped by the emotional quality connected for them with each representation and each memory of a sensation.

An animal knows, say, two roads as two entirely separate phenomena having nothing in common; one phenomenon, i.e. one road consists of a series of definite representations coloured by definite emotional qualities; the other phenomenon, i.e. the other road, consists of a series of other definite representations, coloured by other qualities. We say that both the one and the other are roads, one leading to one place, the other to another. For the animal the two roads have nothing in common. But it remembers all the sequence of emotional qualities connected with the first road and the second road and so remembers both roads with their turnings, ditches, fences and so on.

Thus the memory of the definite properties of objects, which they have seen, helps animals to orientate in the world of phenomena. But, as a rule, when faced with new phenomena, animals are much more helpless than man.
Odyssey said:
Years ago, I had an indoor/outdoor cat that went missing for about two weeks. When he finally came back his paw was mauled as if he were attacked or got it stuck in a trap and it needed to be amputated. The good news was that he came back and did well with a missing paw. I hope your kitty returns or you at least find out some information about what may have happened to her.

DCM stands for Divine Cosmic Mind.

Odyssey, how sad that your cat had to lose his paw. Wonderful, though, that he adapted to that.

I suppose, should Genevieve not return, it would be useful to know what happened to her. It's hard not knowing.

.. my own tarot card readings [not that I'm at all brilliant at them] suggest there is reason for hope, though. So, time will tell.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and well wishes.
Oxajil said:
Hi Heather,

As Odyssey said it stands for Divine Cosmic Mind, my apologies for not writing it in full.

Are you familiar with the Éiriú Eolas program? You can find it here:
The last part of the program called The Prayer of the Soul is a meditation part. You breathe in and out with the belly while listening to a prayer/poem. While you're listening to it, if you'd like you may ask your higher self, or Divine Cosmic Mind, or which is comfortable for you, to guide you in your search. I cannot tell you of course if it will be in the way of a vision, and to be honest I'm not sure if that was exactly what happened to me. It was only later that I realized we found him exactly there, but that dream did give me hope that he was still out there. Either way, I think help can come in many ways and I hope this will help a bit, and that you will find her.


Oxajil, I own the 2 disc set of Éiriú Eolas. I've yet to incorporate that into my weekly schedule, which is always on my mind to do, so I need to just DO it.

(Easier said than done sometimes.)

I have listened to Laura's poem only once, but I do remember her using the term Divine Cosmic Mind.

.. I've been a bit indecisive lately as to just who to address my prayers to. Even Julius Caesar has come up as a possibility (!)

Anyway, now I have even more reason to get down to it, and make this program a part of my week -- and I can think of Genevieve when I get to the meditation part of it.

Thanks so much for the hug! And here's hoping little Genevieve is alive and well and finds her way back home.

I suppose I should be putting these notes on the same post -- is that preferred? If so:

Adaryn said:
Hi Heather,

I hope your lovely cat is OK and that you will find her soon. Losing a pet is an upsetting thing, especially when we don't know what happened to them and if they're still alive and need rescuing. But cats are resourceful creatures, and quite independent at that - they just do what they want! Since yours can hunt, I expect she'd be able to survive in the wilds. Is she neutered? Maybe she's been chasing other cats and just wandered a bit too far? Or maybe something scared her off, and she's been hiding somewhere. In any case you've made the right move in posting signs and advertising around you. Something will sure turn up, or so I hope.

Heather said:
As it's been a month maybe she's returned to her territory but can no longer recognize its scent, given wind, rain, etc. -- although I'm just guessing.

Don't know about that, but it made me think of this extract from Ouspenksy about animal psychology compared to man psychology, maybe you'll find it interesting:

Tertium Organum said:
The first difference between our logic and that of an animal is that the latter is not general. It is a particular logic in every case, for every separate representation. For animals there exists no classification according to common properties, i.e. classes, varieties and species. Every single object exists by itself; all its properties are specific properties.

This house and that house are, for an animal, totally different objects, because the one is his house and the other an alien house. Generally speaking, we recognize objects by their similarity; an animal must recognize them by their differences. It remembers every object by the signs, which have had for it the greatest emotional significance. In this form, i.e. with emotional qualities, representations are preserved in the memory of an animal. It is easy to see that it is much more difficult to preserve such representations in memory; consequently the memory of an animal is much more burdened than ours, although in the amount of knowledge and the number of things preserved in the memory an animal is far below us.

Having once seen an object, we refer it to a certain class, variety and species, attach it to one or another concept and connect it in our mind with one or another ‘word’, i.e. with an algebraic sign, then with another, defining it, and so on.

An animal has no concepts; it has no mental algebra with the help of which we think. It must know a given object and remember it with all its characteristics and peculiarities. Not a single forgotten characteristic will come back. But for us the main characteristics are implied in the concept with which we have connected the given object, and we can find it in our memory by any of its characteristic signs.
It is clear from this that an animal’s memory is more burdened than ours, and that this is precisely the main cause that hinders the mental evolution of an animal. Its mind is too occupied. It has no time to move forward. It is possible to arrest the mental development of a child by making it learn by heart series of words and series of figures. An animal is exactly in the same position. And this explains the strange fact that an animal is more intelligent when young.
Among the animals known to us, even among domestic animals, psychological differences are so great as to put them on totally different levels. We do not notice this and put them all under one head — ‘animals’.
A goose has put its foot on a piece of watermelon rind, pulls at it with its beak but cannot pull it out, and it never occurs to it to lift its foot off the rind. This means that its mental processes are so vague that it has a very imperfect knowledge of its own body and does not properly distinguish it from other objects. This could not happen either with a dog or a cat. They know their bodies perfectly well. But in their relations to outside objects a dog and a cat are very different.

I have observed a dog, a ‘very intelligent’ setter. When the little rug on which he slept got mucked up and became uncomfortable to lie on, he understood that the discomfort was outside him, that it was in the rug and, more precisely, in the position of the rug. So he kept on worrying the rug with his teeth, twisting it and dragging it here and there, all the while growling, sighing and groaning until someone came to his assistance. But he could never manage to straighten out the rug by himself.

With a cat such a question could never even arise. A cat knows its body perfectly well, but everything outside itself it takes for granted, as something given. To correct the outside world, to accommodate it to its own comfort, would never occur to a cat. Maybe this is so because a cat lives more in another world, the world of dreams and fantasies, than in this one. Therefore, if there were something wrong with its bed, a cat would itself turn and twist a hundred times until it could settle down comfortably; or it would go and settle down in another place.

A monkey would of course spread out the rug quite easily.

Here are four beings, all quite different. And this is only one example of which one could easily find hundreds. And yet for us all this is an animal. We mix together many things that are totally different; our divisions are very often wrong and this hinders us in our examination of ourselves.

Moreover it would be quite incorrect to assert that the differences mentioned determine ‘evolutionary stages’, that animals of one type are higher or lower than others. The dog and the monkey by their reason, their ability to imitate and (the dog) by his fidelity to man seem to be higher than the cat, but the cat is infinitely superior to them in its intuition, its aesthetic sense, its independence and willpower. The dog and the monkey manifest themselves in their entirety. All that there is in them can be seen. But it is not without cause that the cat is regarded as a magical and occult animal. There is much in it that is hidden, much that it does not itself know. If one is to speak in terms of evolution it would be much more correct to say that these are animals of different evolutions, just as, in all probability, not one but several evolutions go on in mankind. […]

How then to explain the fact that, living in a two-dimensional world, or seeing themselves in a two-dimensional world, animals orientate perfectly well in our three-dimensional world? How to explain that a bird flies up and down, straight ahead and sideways, in all three directions; that a horse jumps fences and ditches; that a dog and a cat seem to understand the properties of depth and height together with length and breadth?
In order to explain this we must return once more to the fundamental principles of animal psychology. It has been pointed out earlier that many properties of objects, which we remember as the general properties of species and varieties, have to be remembered by animals as the individual properties of objects. In sorting out this enormous store of individual properties preserved in memory animals are helped by the emotional quality connected for them with each representation and each memory of a sensation.

An animal knows, say, two roads as two entirely separate phenomena having nothing in common; one phenomenon, i.e. one road consists of a series of definite representations coloured by definite emotional qualities; the other phenomenon, i.e. the other road, consists of a series of other definite representations, coloured by other qualities. We say that both the one and the other are roads, one leading to one place, the other to another. For the animal the two roads have nothing in common. But it remembers all the sequence of emotional qualities connected with the first road and the second road and so remembers both roads with their turnings, ditches, fences and so on.

Thus the memory of the definite properties of objects, which they have seen, helps animals to orientate in the world of phenomena. But, as a rule, when faced with new phenomena, animals are much more helpless than man.


Thank you so much for this Ouspensky material. It makes a lot more sense that a cat's territory is determined through memory/emotions, etc., as opposed to the scent of things, which is pretty impermanent. So, this is why a cat who has been lost for months may return home. The cat will stumble into familiar territory and remember where home is.

.. so, I don't know if the crying cat was Genevieve since the cat was so close by. On the other hand, maybe she was just on the outside edge of her familiar territory without knowing it.

Anyway, thanks again for this information, it's invaluable!

.. and thanks for your well wishes for Genevieve. Oh, also, she was spayed, so reproduction wouldn't factor into this. Hopefully she is alive and so probably got chased or chased something into unfamiliar territory. I read that some cats will find their way home in a day or two, but that some will go into a panic and hide out. So, maybe the latter is the case. But, as you say, she has the hunting skills to survive in the meantime. So, hopefully she'll find her way back.

Thanks again for the info. and for your kind thoughts.

.. and I'm glad I brought this up here at the forum. All the support is helping me, and I really appreciate it.
I am sorry that your beautiful cat just disappeared. I feel so with you as my tomcat did not come back one day at his first early summer I had him. I made some flyers and went to ring at every house in the neighborhood. Some of them saw him at that day. In the end he was quite near but did not find home. One neighbor told that my tom was in her garden but at that day their family dog was outside and chased him over the wall into the next street. The buildings do nearly have no gaps and I assume he got chased by a second dog. It seems that he got such a scare that he missed the first opportunity to come back into known territory. He used the next opportunity to turn into the right direction. But this wasn't a gap but the entry of an underground garage. There he was just a short way from our house. A neighbour saw him in the garage and called me. I went to get him back. When I went into the garage I called and he answered but did not want to come out behind some tires - his hiding place. I lured him out with some treats. I assume that he got in such a scare because of the dogs that he just hid in the garage and did not want to come out again. This was not the first time he got missing but he always came back.

This year the cat of a neighbour was missing. He was missing quite some time like your Genevieve. His family already though he was lost forever but he was also found again. This tom also got lost in a underground garage, climbed up some ventilation tube into a house.

I registered mine with two organization, so when he gets lost he could be identified and returned. One of these organizations send a leaflet with also some stories about lost pets. Some were returned to their families months or even years after they got lost.

My first cat remembered her cat box and her veterinary even months after last time she saw both. So I think your cat will remember you and your home quite a long time.

Heather do not give up hope that your Genevieve will come back one day. :hug2:
Dirgni said:
I am sorry that your beautiful cat just disappeared. I feel so with you as my tomcat did not come back one day at his first early summer I had him. I made some flyers and went to ring at every house in the neighborhood. Some of them saw him at that day. In the end he was quite near but did not find home. One neighbor told that my tom was in her garden but at that day their family dog was outside and chased him over the wall into the next street. The buildings do nearly have no gaps and I assume he got chased by a second dog. It seems that he got such a scare that he missed the first opportunity to come back into known territory. He used the next opportunity to turn into the right direction. But this wasn't a gap but the entry of an underground garage. There he was just a short way from our house. A neighbour saw him in the garage and called me. I went to get him back. When I went into the garage I called and he answered but did not want to come out behind some tires - his hiding place. I lured him out with some treats. I assume that he got in such a scare because of the dogs that he just hid in the garage and did not want to come out again. This was not the first time he got missing but he always came back.

This year the cat of a neighbour was missing. He was missing quite some time like your Genevieve. His family already though he was lost forever but he was also found again. This tom also got lost in a underground garage, climbed up some ventilation tube into a house.

I registered mine with two organization, so when he gets lost he could be identified and returned. One of these organizations send a leaflet with also some stories about lost pets. Some were returned to their families months or even years after they got lost.

My first cat remembered her cat box and her veterinary even months after last time she saw both. So I think your cat will remember you and your home quite a long time.

Heather do not give up hope that your Genevieve will come back one day. :hug2:

Hi Dirgni,

Yes, cats get trapped in places too. My husband and I did a search all around with that in mind. It's worrisome since, as time goes by, the poor thing would likely perish if that were the case and we never found out about it.

I did some online things as well. And fliers and signs and talking to neighbors. I've met so many people up here because of this lost cat! I've gotten quite a few calls too, even from people offering me a cat!

Thanks so much for the hug, Dirgni, and the kind thoughts.

.. and I do try to keep an open mind and heart, since she may well be returned to me, or may find her way back on her own.

.. it's like with everything else, I guess. One gets to feeling down about things, and so it's to be vigilant about keeping open, and centered, and in that there is hope.
Dear Heather,

My girlfriend and I went to a one-day courses on animal communication early this year. It was incredibly interresting with direct proofs that "it works".
The teacher, a woman (who lives in belgium as me) should be able to "connect" to Genevieve's spirit and ask her questions, and give you answers. But you may have to be prepared if she passed away (physically) and you receive this news from here.
I can, if you wish, make the link and will give you back the answer to any question you would like to ask. You may also ask 1 or 2 personal questions or questions relative to Genevieve's habits just to get a kind of proof that she (the woman I know) well connected to Genevieve.

At least, I can't ensure that i'll receive an answer from her, or if she'll find the time to do it, but I think she'll do it, so why not try.
She needs to know the pet's name (we have it), she needs a picture (we have it), and at least Genevieve's birth date (do you have it ?) - normally it's enough. Well, just answer me here about and tell me if you want me to proceed.

FYI, if you never saw it, a superb video demonstrating the possible communication with animals : _

I have a new friend since 1,5y, a small and pretty female cat, i would be sad if she left and I totally understand your actual pain.

Hi Dredger,

Risking hearing the worst, I'd still be curious to know what this woman thinks happened to Genevieve -- or, indeed what Genevieve's spirit has to say (!) So, I thank you for bringing this up as a possibility.

I know approximately when Genevieve was born, and have put a call in to someone who might remember more precisely, the woman who gave her to me. Hopefully, she'll get back to me having remembered the exact date.

For now, I know that I got her on July 27th, 2014, when she was around 8 weeks old, which means she was born somewhere around early June of 2014.

As contacting this woman you mentioned gets into more spiritual matters I thought I'd relate some things in that vein concerning Genevieve, my losing her, etc.:

I have been asking God, or STO energy or entities, to give me help in finding Genevieve through dreams. A week or so ago I had a dream that Genevieve was curled up asleep inside a circle of three lambs who were also curled up asleep just as Genevieve was.

Then a few days ago I dreamt Genevieve returned with dust all over her, as if she'd been hiding somewhere. Only, as I looked closer the dust looked more like tufts of lamb's wool.

Just today I re-discovered a painting I first came upon when I named my new kitten Genevieve after St. Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris.. (interesting, given what just happened there). This painting, that I'll post here, is called Vision de sainte Genevieve, painted by Alphonse Osbert, a symbolist painter, in 1892. As you can see, here are the lambs again!

So, it's possibly a Lamb of God reference. Also, in the number three (as per the three lambs in the first dream) there is the Holy Trinity, another reference to God. I read that a dream with a lamb could be a good omen. On the other hand, she may be sleeping with God now, meaning she is no longer of this realm. As to the "dust" reference, there's the "dust to dust" connection, which could portend her death.

I've only done some cursory reading on the subject of St. Genevieve, but it seems she played a role in defending Paris during the Hun invasion in the mid-fifth century.

As to the painting, I found some interesting commentary on a blog called The Blind Observer:

Caren Yglesias January 9, 2012 at 10:53 AM
… One thing that attracted my eye was the mountain range in the background. The undulating edge between earth and sky, or mortal and immortal, seems to contribute an energy balancing the self-reflective pose of the figure…


The Blind Observer January 9, 2012 at 3:26 PM
… I like your observation about the undulating line between mortal and immortal, Earth and Heaven. The contrast between the light of Heaven and darkness of the Earth is striking. The heavens offer the figure refuge from the darkness she is bound to. It reminds me of John 3:21

"But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

Another quote from The Blind Observer:

This neo-impressionistic painting walks the line between realism and mysticism. The halo and lamb are obvious references to Christian iconography. I interpret this "Vision" as being a moment of grace. I love how the blues and yellows seem to transcend the Earthly realm and transport the observer into a whole new dimension.

[end quote]

I'm not sure what to make of it all, but I was very surprised to come upon this painting again and see the lambs present given my 2 dreams.

I know that my heart is tied to this little cat who may or may not be still alive. She did belong to the great outdoors, and would have been fairly miserable if I had kept her indoors. So, I suppose if she is now sleeping with God then her coming into my life had some purpose, even if it's not always so easy to analyze such things.

.. perhaps she served to tie me to the world more, as evidenced in my talking to all of you here at this forum, as well as my coming into contact with others living up here on this mountain in Upstate New York. She certainly made me laugh, and has opened my heart in ways that might not have happened without her.

Of course, if she is still alive, and we are re-united, how joyful a thing that would be.

--oh, I just watched the video you linked to. How moving it was, I was in tears watching it. I'm inspired to maybe learn more about this, especially since I have another older cat, Crescent, who I thought needed a companion. My husband and I were to be away for a whole month and so he'd only have a neighbor stopping by to feed him once a day. As a kitten he was traumatized, and remains frightened of humans, so I thought another cat, a kitten of the opposite sex, might give him some companionship. Well, he was very unhappy with this, and never really warmed up to her. Genevieve, meanwhile, was friendly and playful towards him -- but maybe too vivacious, given he's now ten years old and isn't interested in that sort of playfulness. I don't think this situation caused Genevieve to run away. In fact, when my husband and I returned from our month away I found them both on the bed together, as it was in the cold of winter. So, I do think having Genevieve around was helpful during the time we were away. Since that time, however, Crescent again expressed his annoyance. And yet he's been begrudgingly tolerant. He is jealous, as well, and so I tried to be sensitive to this.

.. anyway, it's a wonderful gift to be able to communicate with animals the way this woman is. It could be a way to allow for some harmony between pets, perhaps. Certainly, if Genevieve returns, it would be good to find a way for all of us in this house to be happy about that fact, including Crescent.

Thanks again for your thoughts, Dredger, and I guess we'll see whether this woman is able to devote some time to this.


  • Vision_de_sainte_Genevieve-Alphonse_Osbert-IMG_8214.JPG
    1.3 MB · Views: 183

It doesn't look like I can get an exact date for the birth of this cat since the original owner has no precise record.

Eight weeks prior to July 27th is June 2nd, I believe.

I just threw some tarot cards indicating June 4th, but, again, I'm no expert. It's just a guess really.

So maybe see if this June 4th approximation will suffice -- if this person is able to do this, that is.

Thanks again for your kindness and help with this.
Dear Heather,

I just sent the mail, let's wait for an answer, I hope to receive one.
The exact birth date is not mandatory, so do not worry about.

All what you mentionned about the dreams, the painting, lambs, this has certainly a message behind, but I would refuse to give any comment on these signs - it's good already that you notice them, just continue and follow the dots, you'll see to what they lead you.
At least, practically, you learnt about a new subject you did not know really about before, the possibility to communicate with animals. When you wrote that you were in tears after having watching it, in fact, me too, the emotional sensation that comes from this video is strong, i feel the man's relief when he understand "abruptly" that all the problem was simply to communicate with "Spirit", the new name given to this nice black panther.
I found the whole reportage, which last 52 minutes, you can find it here : _

I also just searched and found Anna's main website : _

If I had more free time, for sure I would dig more in this animal communication domain, it's so ... incredible when you think just a little bit about the consequences if we were able to communicate with them !!! And i'm certain that having people on earth spreading this (rediscovered) knowledge will help the whole humanity to get better. I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer.

Cheers :)
Hi dredger.

Thanks so much for contacting this person, and for the additional links. I look forward to watching/learning more on this subject. It really would be amazing to enter that dimension of things.

I remembered something regarding my first dream with Genevieve curled up between the three sleeping lambs. My sense was that she was well protected, that God was protecting her. So maybe there is a good omen in that.

Take care, and again thanks.
Hi Dredger,

I thought I'd do a little update. I wrote an email to one of the animal communicators I found at the website you linked to. Some on the list seemed very expensive and I felt wary of that. This person seemed more interested in animal communication itself, didn't even mention a fee, and wrote that she had the ability since childhood, which interested me.

.. so far though she's not responded, and it's been several days.

.. so.. nothing to report yet on this.

.. (animal communicators are pretty busy, it seems like)
Dear Heather,

I was on holiday previous week. I contacted her by mail, she answered rapidly and proposed to do it with a group (during a session day) during the coming week. I sent her back a mail 4 days after, the 19/11, but haven't yet received an answer.

I'll send her again an email during the coming days - yes, they seem pretty busy

Thank you, Dredger, for keeping on top of this.

If your animal communicator person is interested in doing this as part of a group session (for free?) that would be great, since it could supplement the session I just did with a gifted animal communicator that seems to have given me a very good lead on things, but at quite a financial cost, since we wound up talking for a whole hour as opposed to the half hour I had initially intended on paying for.

However, it's quite fascinating, and rather frustrating, what seems to have happened to Genevieve.

.. as the story goes.. Genevieve, I'm told, has this big red cat as a buddy of hers (this according to the animal communicator). This is interesting since I remember seeing a big red cat around here quite a bit at some point, although not recently, and not during the time Genevieve has been here. My neighbor used to feed this red cat sometimes, and wondered what had happened to him/her.

.. well.. it seems he/she was around the night Genevieve disappeared, since this was mentioned by the animal communicator. It seems Genevieve was out goofing around and having a grand 'ol time with her buddy the big red cat and had followed him to his home, which is not too far away, but possibly outside her usual territory since it's across a pretty big road. It was Columbus Day weekend, and so the owners of the red cat may have come up here for a long weekend. Rather disturbingly, though, it seems they then took Genevieve home with them, this as proposed by the animal communicator.

Now, as this woman described to me the lake house belonging to these people I had a feeling I knew just where it was, even though it's a big lake with a lot of possibilities. So, after the call I went to where I thought it was and voila: there were the three elements she described, starting w/ the glass enclosed porch attached to the house. Actually, there were 2 houses very close together belonging to the same family, both with these glass enclosed porches -- she emphasized the glass, and I could see why since the porches had these big plate glass windows.

.. she also honed in on something she thought might be a kid's fort out back made of wood, which she didn't quite get right, and yet when I looked at this very busy looking brown-painted deck with all the railings and levels and steps I could see how it might read as a kid's fort to play on.

.. the thing that really got me though was that she mentioned -- well, first the lake. I didn't tell her about the lake up here since I wanted to see if she'd mention it -- but also a granite rock with moss on it. When she asked me if I knew of such a rock I thought, my God, it's a big lake, such a rock could be anywhere. But when I got to this house I saw there was a line of artfully placed flat granite rocks demarcating one edge of the yard. It was quite a moment for me, though, when I saw that this ONE rock had this bright green moss on it just as she described. That really got to me, that detail.

.. so, Dredger.. your idea has borne some fruit, it seems. However, I won't know for certain until I contact these people, and I don't know them -- just the name on the houses -- and I don't know when they'll be back up here, given the cold weather. I'm going to do an online search, however. I believe a tax map could help me hone in on their home address (as opposed to the lake house address) and possibly their phone number, etc.

.. I did some tarot cards today as well and that was also interesting. I kept getting the message that maybe all is not well in paradise concerning these people who took Genevieve. It could be that they're feeling a bit guilty about it, maybe because Genevieve is obviously well taken care of, not feral, and she might not even have been lost. She may have just been hanging around with their cat. Also, they may have later seen or heard about all the Lost Cat signs up here -- with one being very near their lake house, in fact. So, that's my impression, that they realized that Genevieve's family must be sorely missing her.

.. I'm thinking I might write them a note. A diplomatic one. I'm not sure I'd mention the animal communicator, just something about Genevieve hanging out with a red cat that I believe could be theirs, and have they seen her, etc.. that sort of thing.

.. but, Dredger, if this woman you know wants to use this case for a class it might be interesting to see if she gets similar ideas, or new ideas as well. Not that I've mentioned everything that was discussed today, but the main thrust, at least.

.. okay, well.. I am SO TIRED from all this "psychic" work I've done today!

Thanks again for bringing this idea up. The woman I spoke to today thinks I may be reunited w/ Genevieve come Christmas. I won't say I believe that will happen for sure, but I feel like there is a far greater chance of that happening thanks to the communication we had.

.. it's pretty amazing stuff, and I'd like to learn more -- but first I'd like to resolve the Genevieve matter.

.. so.. we'll just have to see what happens next.
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