Thoughts/questions re: missing cat

Dear Heather,

I just sent her an email, let's see if she (takes time to) answer.
What you did is interresting, and I'm glad that you seem to enter this new ... conception of animal's relations with the humans. Something tells me that whatever happen now, this new "awarness" will be visible in your future writings, and of course, in your personal life.

When i did the "training day" on animal communication, we had, my girlfriend and me, direct proofs that it really works and it's an exciting new field to study and learn, and practice ! And for any SOTT reader who follow this thread, or who "fall on" this thread, this can open new doors. Why not opening a special "animal communication" thread in another section of the forum ?

I'll let you know if I receive an answer - and i send you positive thoughts to find Genevieve during the coming weeks and enjoy her return.

Dear Heather,

I received an answer.
Strange thing is that, when I wrote my previous answer yesterday, I finally deleted a 4th paragraph/sentence, and what I deleted is approximatively the answer I received.
The exercice was done by 5 persons and they concluded that Genevieve left you because she finished her mission with you and she felt "called" somewhere else. The woman also wrote in her answer, but i don't know if it's a message to you or to Genevieve, but that "she" needs to experiment the "letting go" in the love and trust/confidence.

The paragraph I wrote was similar but presenting it through another angle, I wrote that some animals use to leave their human friend for another who need them more, but also added that you should continue your investigations because I feel you'll meet her again (of course i hope it also), and that maybe she could "give" you one of her kitten in the future (of course, if she was sterilized, this will not happen).

The "good" news is that Genevieve seems to be still well alive. As i said, but this is only my opinion, as you already searched about her and probably spotted the people who take care of her now, you should continue to investigate, as it'll be better for all that you see Genevieve in order to take a final decision about her. It's kinda like a child who leave the family house to live his life, it's difficult to accept, and the "experiment the letting go" take here all its sense. I wish you the best end for this story, and do not hesitate to inform me about.

dredger said:
Dear Heather,

I received an answer.
Strange thing is that, when I wrote my previous answer yesterday, I finally deleted a 4th paragraph/sentence, and what I deleted is approximatively the answer I received.
The exercice was done by 5 persons and they concluded that Genevieve left you because she finished her mission with you and she felt "called" somewhere else. The woman also wrote in her answer, but i don't know if it's a message to you or to Genevieve, but that "she" needs to experiment the "letting go" in the love and trust/confidence.

The paragraph I wrote was similar but presenting it through another angle, I wrote that some animals use to leave their human friend for another who need them more, but also added that you should continue your investigations because I feel you'll meet her again (of course i hope it also), and that maybe she could "give" you one of her kitten in the future (of course, if she was sterilized, this will not happen).

The "good" news is that Genevieve seems to be still well alive. As i said, but this is only my opinion, as you already searched about her and probably spotted the people who take care of her now, you should continue to investigate, as it'll be better for all that you see Genevieve in order to take a final decision about her. It's kinda like a child who leave the family house to live his life, it's difficult to accept, and the "experiment the letting go" take here all its sense. I wish you the best end for this story, and do not hesitate to inform me about.


Thank you, Dredger, for how kind you've been. It would be good to know if the person was speaking to me or Genevieve, but if I take it to mean myself that does resonate, not just in terms of Genevieve.

As concerns Genevieve, I would like to see her again, and I did send a letter to an address that should find its way to the family that may well have her. My tarot cards say to be patient, that they will come through in some way. I do feel torn about the whole thing since my older cat, Crescent, is much happier now that Genevieve is gone. This pains me, of course, and I have to keep reminding myself that he is a cat, and he never wanted this young companion that I stuck him with. As for Genevieve, she never wanted to be tied to what can only appear to her as this old grumpy man, Crescent, who isn't interested in playing with her, etc. So, if Genevieve is happier with this orange cat friend of hers, and Crescent is happier without Genevieve, then the only being left unhappy now is myself! Not that I'm not happy FOR these two beings. I am. And I show a lot of love to Crescent, even though a part of me feels broken hearted that things have turned out as they have. I know someone who has an older cat and a much younger cat and they both get along, and so every situation is different. Obviously, I hoped that would be the case for Crescent and this new, young potential companion, Genevieve.

So, all things considered, the person is probably talking to me, and so I need to practice "letting go in the love/trust relationship."

Interesting, but the cat communicator I spoke with wound up bringing up my own abandonment issues from childhood, or together we did. It's not that I lacked either parent. It's just that they weren't there in all the ways one realizes later one would have needed to be a whole person. Also, some children become the emotional caretakers in the family and that was my role. It robs one of one's freedom to become, as it were, and ties one to allegiances that are limiting. That I would raise this lovely, funny, clownish little cat, Genevieve, that I loved so dearly, but that I should tie her to this grumpy older cat (from her perspective, since Crescent is lovely when he's alone with me), but that I should do that to her is troubling. And so she, in a sense, sets an interesting example by freeing herself of what isn't working, and moving on to where she can enjoy her life more fully. On my end it's to free myself from old allegiances that don't even physically exist given both my parents are gone now. And yet, as most of us know, it's not that easy. These patterns are ingrained in us, and so it's quite a challenge.

So.. I don't know if these people will contact me. They aren't up here, as it's a summer/weekend sort of place where Genevieve apparently followed the orange cat to, and the family took her to their main home from up there. I did ask them to return Genevieve to me in the letter I wrote, if they do in fact have her, since I didn't think trying to negotiate anything subtle through a letter would be the right way to go about things. What the humans did in this situation was wrong -- that is, to take a cat when just visiting somewhere for a weekend. They wouldn't like it if someone did the same thing to their indoor/outdoor cat, as could just as easily happen. So, on the human front I'm feeling wronged. But, as with the King Solomon story, that may have little to do with the real issues here, which involve what's best for these little beings among us. If these people do contact me, and are friendly towards me, then a more nuanced conversation could take place, and I could express these various concerns. But I don't even know for certain that that's what will happen.

Anyway, thanks again Dredger. This whole thing really did "dredge" things up for me, and so your name is very appropriate in this instance!

Be well, and best for the holidays,

Well… the plot thickens.

I just heard from an older woman I presume to be the wife of the man to whom I addressed the letter about Genevieve. As there are two houses, with these two people being the older generation or the grandparents, and the other house seemingly belonging to the son and his family.. there's a lot left out of what ensued.

.. you see, the woman claims "they" have no cat. It was a nice conversation, I thought, as I was glad to hear from one of them finally, and I said my hope was that Genevieve had befriended what I thought might be their cat, since then she might be happy, and safe, etc.

.. the thing is.. well, the woman abruptly ended our conversation at some point -- sort of mid-stream almost -- not because of any interruption I could perceive.. but I sensed it was that she felt for me, and felt uncomfortable having such feelings. In other words.. (and this is only supposition).. but if she volunteered to "call the woman looking for the cat and take care of the whole thing" -- i.e., hide the fact that the son's family has the cat, especially since that family was not even mentioned.. which I thought was awkward, and put me in the position of playing "detective" with her, which I didn't think would help my cause.. but she may have rushed off the phone when she no longer felt comfortable w/ what she was doing. That was my impression.

.. so, I immediately pulled some of my trusty 'ol tarot cards and a very interesting picture came up right away: The Chariot was the underlying card.. which can indicate the attempt to pull together some contradictory elements, and work things through.. there was Death reversed.. meaning things are not over yet.. Temperance, which I usually interpret to mean patience, as it so often indicates that in these readings.. and lastly.. High Priestess reversed.. secrets revealed.

.. or, in other words, hang in there, not all has been revealed here yet. And I think my being loving, and wanting to connect with this woman, since I really hoped we could talk about the welfare of Genevieve.. but I think my doing that has put the onus on them to perhaps come forward with the whole story. If I had made her feel defensive then my feeling is that that would have shut the door entirely. Nor did I feel prompted to try and do that, in any case. All I could do was express my feelings of hope and sadness.

.. so.. perhaps I'll hear back from one of them. We'll just have to see. Given the earlier tarot card readings I did where I saw deception, I suppose this turn of events shouldn't entirely surprise me. I will say that the information and my validation of that information the animal communicator was able to offer does feel like "knowledge," not just vagaries.

--oh. Interesting to note, the woman admitted that they were up here Columbus Day weekend, which is when Genevieve disappeared (!) That also might have shaken her, the fact she allowed that to come out.

Anyway, if I finally do hear something about Genevieve, I'm thinking of putting up a little sign outside: Heather, private eye, the psychic cat detective!
Dear Heather,
I would be very angry at first if this was happening to me (considering that the supposition you made is what happened), and I'm pretty sure my first thoughts and acts would be to play "Columbo". Now I also suppose that this feeling would rapidly lower in intensity, but I couldn't bet that I would stop my investigations for all that.

There you have the choice on how to put an end on this story, learn and practice. I prefer not to give any direct advise, just some feelings by writing and trying not to correct afterward.

You are right when you say that it's a bad behaviour what they did, even more if she had a collar and maybe a specific identification medallion. They maybe took a quick decision when they left the house, take or not take the cat (Gene) who seems to want to stay with them, and/or that they would not dare letting the cat going alone back in the nature ? Whatever happened, when we don't know, we usually like to think about the worst. But what is sure, still in the supposition of what happened, they feel guilty, and they probably think that the typical reaction of people in your case would be a bad reaction and they prefer to avoid it, thus, if your feelings are right, they lied, or they obliged "someone" to lie for them.

Anyway, this happened, and let's look around a little bit. Until now, this allowed you to meet and discuss with a new person. And as I far i understood, this women seems nice, but seems also to felt incomfortable at a time. If she was asked to lie, we can consider her also as a "victim". So, ask yourself what you feel about this woman ? You just mentionned in your previous post some details about your children life, missing parents (sorry about my english as i'm french first :)). Is this old woman of the same generation than your own parents ? It's maybe totally my imagination, because i have a lot, but maybe Genevieve left you in order that you meet her, her husband, this old couple ? As the C's said as many others, life is perfect. The act of Genevieve (and their supposed new owners) has maybe many repercussions, and not only for Genevieve who felt to have finished her "mission" with you, but she maybe at the same time, did something which brings you in front of a new person. As we say in french : "faire d'une une pierre deux coups" (english traduction i do not much like is "kill two birds with one stone")

Well, i do not want to influence you, just follow what you feel good for you. Ask you simply the question if you would like to talk again with her to enquire more about Genevieve, or you would like to talk again with her simply because you want to talk again with her ? (this can be both also). You have the tarot to help you to decipher what your "higher you" want to show you, so, why not do a further tarot session and concentrate on this old couple only ?

I hesitate to delete all i wrote and write a smaller post, but... ok, let's post it, it's only word after all.

At least, as this conversation has not anymore something to see with questions for the C's, maybe it would be adequate to ask an admin of the forum to move this subject in another section of the forum, like the "Our 2D Friends" one ?

ps: i'm very busy at this period of the year, sorry if i answer slowly in the future ...
Hi Dredger.

No need to apologize about your English, if I tried writing in French we'd be here all night!

(or day, as the case may be)

Well, I pulled a few cards on the older woman, and it seems she did feel a connection, didn't like that I was unhappy, and so maybe (if my theory is correct, and her son's family has the cat) she'll be giving him and all of them a good talking to!

The important thing is that they received the letter and so I'm fairly certain that the entire family knows about it now. More cards indicate that I may be hearing from them again, so it's to sit tight. There isn't anything I can think to say to the older woman right now. Perhaps I shall meet the entire family further down the line. If it's better that Genevieve remain with this family (which is where I still believe she is) then I should be able to see Genevieve in the spring when they start coming up here, or even Christmas, perhaps, since the animal communicator thought that I might be united w/ her during the holidays. So, perhaps they will come up in a few weeks time.

.. on the other hand, if this family has the cat and is going to be sneaking around about it, it makes things awkward for me. As I may have already mentioned, here is a cliquishness among many of the families right on the lake (my house is a short ways up the mountain from there). If it were decided at some point that I'm "okay".. (why does this feel like high school?).. anyway, if that happens then everything is reversed, and this type of person will do anything for you, and can be very loyal, etc. Blue collar, family people. As an artist/writer, of course, I rather exist outside of that mindset. And there aren't other artists in the immediate vicinity, as far as I know. So, it's that insider, outsider thing, which Genevieve blithely sailed right into!

(silly cat)

.. so.. once again, it's to wait and see, I think.

Don't worry if you're too busy to post just now. Have a good holiday, Dredger. You've helped me a great deal, and I thank you!
Maybe it's because it's the holidays, but I'm having just the hardest time right now.

.. I guess I don't know if I'll ever see Genevieve again. And, regardless of what the animal communicators have had to say about this, and not to dismiss all that, but it's still hard to accept that people took her, even having seen the signs.. (the woman I spoke to said they saw the signs we had put up, not realizing, of course, what that would mean to me given the whole scenario as described on this thread). So, these people knew that this cat had a family that cared about her and that was looking for her, and yet they kept her anyway.

.. anyway, I thought I'd post this picture of her as a kitten.. (she's such a pretty cat)

.. (be well, my little Genevieve)


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Hi Heather, I'm sorry that you still haven't seen your Genevieve. I'm not sure I completely understand that the other family has her, because if that's the case, and if it were me, I'd go and get her! I'd take her back! I must admit you seem to be doing quite well despite the upsetting situation, so kudos for that!
Lilyalic said:
Hi Heather, I'm sorry that you still haven't seen your Genevieve. I'm not sure I completely understand that the other family has her, because if that's the case, and if it were me, I'd go and get her! I'd take her back! I must admit you seem to be doing quite well despite the upsetting situation, so kudos for that!

Actually, as my house belongs to a lake where less than half of us live here year 'round the people who have apparently taken her have closed their house for the winter, unless they come up for the holiday, which is doubtful. I don't know where their permanent residence is, and even if I did, that might prove to be a difficult situation!

Meanwhile, my husband and I have been going to Goa India each winter for several years now. He had gone there as a child in the early 70's, as his mother and stepfather were bohemians who traveled Europe, the Middle East and India starting in the late 60's. Anyway, this year we are going in mid January for three months and had planned to take both cats. Now I'll have to leave Genevieve behind.

From all I've heard (from the animal communicator I spoke with and from the one Dredger spoke with) Genevieve is fine -- even happy, since she made a new cat friend -- this big red cat whom she followed home, and who belongs to the family that took her. So, I try to keep focused on that part of things. I'd been doing okay until the last few days. Sometimes the holidays hit me pretty hard emotionally and so my missing Genevieve has really come up for me again.

Thanks for your note, Lilyalic!

-- oh, and have a good holiday!
.. well.. since this has been preying on me (this whole missing cat issue), I did some further detective work online. I found a possible name that I could check out on Facebook, since my husband has a Facebook account for work related purposes.

.. the name I found I thought belonged to the wife/mother of the younger family, as opposed to the older woman I spoke to (there are 2 family houses side by side). Anyway, sure enough, there they all were, given there are Facebook pictures of the family at the lake house that I "verified" as the one the psychic described!

.. however, from what I can tell -- or at least as of 2 years ago -- they seem to be dog people, with 2 dogs. This doesn't necessarily mean they don't have a cat, but I didn't see any cats in the photos.

I do know at least some of the family was up here Columbus Day weekend, which is when my cat disappeared, since the woman on the phone told me this. Also, her and her husband (the grandparents) have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, all of whom have visited the lake at some point (this was mentioned in a Facebook comment). So WHO KNOWS who might have been up here on Columbus Day weekend. [??]

.. it was the animal communicator that said Genevieve was taken home by this family who owned the house she described. That's all I have to go on. Too bad there wasn't a Facebook pic of the big red cat she mentioned -- or even Genevieve! But no such luck.

I did find a potential phone number for the woman on Facebook, so I could try that. My God, what an awkward phone call though. She's likely heard about my other call to the older woman, who I assume is her mother-in-law, which only adds to how awkward this is!

.. so

.. not too sure what I'll do.

Of course, if this family doesn't have Genevieve then that throws doubt on everything I've so far "concluded." I don't know, though.. I still have a feeling the psychic was onto something. Even the fact that when she described the house I felt I knew where it was, even though rationally speaking there was no reason for me to feel that way.

So, it's frustrating, since it's terribly easy to start doubting everything.
Well, I seem to have made it through a couple of dark seeming days, and today I've been able to re-arrange things internally somehow.

.. it's funny, but whenever I pull some tarot cards on this missing cat situation I see some sort of silver lining. It could be that Genevieve is happy now, wherever she is.. and yet I keep wondering if it's not about something else. Of course, I can't say for certain what happened to her, but my sense is that there is no use calling these people given I'd already spoken to the grandmother in the family, and so I'm sure that has been communicated to this other woman, her daughter-in-law, and anyone else who might conceivably be implicated.

.. I guess my feeling is that if someone in this family has taken Genevieve, and knows my husband and I have been looking for her, then maybe they will have a change of heart and call us, simply because it's the right thing to do.

Funny, I just watched the 1938 version of A Christmas Carol with Reginald Owen as Scrooge, and, as usual with that film, I had a good cry (!) (Tomorrow: Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart, another five hanky situation.)

.. but these films in a way are about how I'm feeling just now.. that we can all strive to be our "better selves".. even though I'm sure there are reasons, we all come up with good reasons and excuses for why we can't be that.. or sometimes it's not even really seeing clearly what such a state would mean.

.. anyway, a good holiday to all here!

.. actually, this "wonderful life" manner of event just happened this week in Spain. Perhaps this has been noted elsewhere on this forum, but I thought to post this here since I think Frank Capra himself would find it promising, even given the political realities Podemos will be facing:

Heather said:
Well, I seem to have made it through a couple of dark seeming days, and today I've been able to re-arrange things internally somehow.

Not a bad day's work then :hug2:

.. actually, this "wonderful life" manner of event just happened this week in Spain. Perhaps this has been noted elsewhere on this forum, but I thought to post this here since I think Frank Capra himself would find it promising, even given the political realities Podemos will be facing:

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but it really looks like the right party won, again. The left party was infiltrated and neutralized a long time ago. Even if the right party doesn't win, we only have to remember Greece.

I am really not noticing this "anti-austerity fever" in Spain, at least not to the degree that will make a difference. I am noticing creeping fascism which gets worse by the day. I'll keep an eye to English news about it, but we have covered this extensively in the Spanish SOTT for several years now.

Still, Podemos little success merits its celebration. ;)

Gaby said:
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but it really looks like the right party won, again. The left party was infiltrated and neutralized a long time ago. Even if the right party doesn't win, we only have to remember Greece.

I am really not noticing this "anti-austerity fever" in Spain, at least not to the degree that will make a difference. I am noticing creeping fascism which gets worse by the day. I'll keep an eye to English news about it, but we have covered this extensively in the Spanish SOTT for several years now.

Still, Podemos little success merits its celebration. ;)


Thanks for the hug!

What confuses me then is the meaning of the Podemos victory. Add to that the election of Ada Colau as mayor of Barcelona, given her past anti-eviction activism. She also had the support of Podemos, and she and the Podemos party both come out of the indignados movement (I'm now reading), that began occupying squares in Spain four years ago.

I know that all such movements get infiltrated and divided, with COINTELPRO providing a veritable blueprint for such operations. And certainly here in the states the left has been fairly wholly destroyed and converted into a pseudo-left, so what you say about the left wing in Spain comes as no surprise. But then, given we don't have a parliamentary system, there is little chance that third party is going to have much effect unless the unthinkable happens and it goes all the way to the White House. Podemos' Pablo Iglesias, on the other hand, might seem to have such a chance of national leadership -- but maybe you disagree with that.

.. or maybe, if he were "allowed" such a victory, he'd be forced to go the way of Greece in the end.

.. I suppose that's the other tactic. You (as in the PTB) allow a place for dissent with the understanding that ultimately such initiative will have no choice but to cave in to the PTB's demands.

.. still.. that there is this victory in Spain at all represents the fact that there are a lot of disenfranchised willing to make some attempt politically speaking. Even the Greece situation shows that there are many there looking for a political solution. Here there seems to be less political consciousness or resolve. I suppose Bernie Sanders is meant to garner the disgruntled (at least on domestic/economic issues), but with the understanding that Clinton will head the party.

.. on the arts front, there will never be another Frank Capra -- in a popular, Hollywood sense. Even then Hoover almost got hold of him, and he would have gone the way of many in the McCarthy era -- only, guess who intervened on his behalf? Jimmy Stewart. Jimmy Stewart is an unlikely combination of traits. I've read just one bio on him and would have to dig deeper and yet I find myself believing in this man, even though he was a Republican who worked for Hoover!! Eventually he came to despise Hoover, but initially he agreed to work to help get the mob out of Hollywood. Or so the story goes. Stewart was a bomber squadron leader in WWII, which in itself was unusual since, from a publicity standpoint, Hollywood and the war machine weren't too keen on having their movie stars killed in action. But Stewart loved flying, and fought to be allowed to serve. Anyway, amazingly, Stewart's was the only bomber squadron (conducting raids over Germany) in which every single man survived. It's almost miraculous that this happened, and yet the description of the sort of leader he was indicated a man who worked out his fears apart from his men, and so he was able to give them a sense of stability that was entirely rare in such circumstances, since the plight of the bomber pilot so often was to lose one's nerve (even sanity).

.. anyway, I assume I could do some digging and find reasons to be critical of Stewart. I know Dave McGowan (in his expose on the Laurel Canyon music scene, Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon) cites Stewart along with other Hollywood luminaries as being given clearance to work on "undisclosed projects" at Laurel Canyon's Lookout Mountain Laboratory. It would be terribly interesting to find out what such projects were about since there were just SO MANY films being produced at this one time defense center -- 19000 classified films, "more than all the Hollywood studios combined," states McGowan (this during the course of the Laboratory's lifetime, from the late 40's to '69 or a bit later).

Well, I suppose I've strayed a bit from my lost kitty-cat issue -- or, well, not entirely. The more I consider the fate of Genevieve, the more I realize that her being taken from here would explain the fact that there have been no credible sightings (even of dead cats at the side of the roads). Rather, it seems like a good deduction that she was taken from here, and that the only thing that would bring her back would be a change in the human heart, as improbable as that sometimes seems.

I'll close here with a scene featuring a wonderful speech by "hard-boiled" James Gleason from Capra's 1941 Meet John Doe. Appropriately for these dark times seems John Doe (Gary Cooper) is being hoodwinked by those darker forces we all know about. Anyway, Gleason's speech always engages me. It hits one with all that's been lost, and yet there's a currency to it as well:

[the scene ends at 6:58]
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