"Throw the Jews Down the Well"

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carpediem said:
That sounds very reasonable and I would say brings a quite sound genetic foundation to discussion of psychopathy.
What is my speculation that suppression of original Shiloh Moses priests in favor of later Aaronid priesthood had a lot to do with "updated" version of psychopathy gene (s).
My guess is that the Kohanim genes that traveled to the East and mixed with the Khazar women gave the taxon a major boost. There was something on both sides there, but hard to say what. I believe that it was at the time of the Khazar takeover of Judaism that the idea of tracing Jewish ancestry through the female line began. One is reminded of the old legend of the origins of the Huns/Khazars: "Scythian witches thrown out of their tribes who mated with devils in the desert."
Joshua said:
I'm Jewish and a stauch Anti-Zionist. The bottom line is that both sides of this issue-Palastinian and Israeli/Zionist are going to have to give, and give in a big way.

The time is past for debating who is right and wrong and who did what when, this is has been the MO for 50 years and it's only made the situation worse for all conerned save for the political leaders on both sides.

Both sides have to give up their polemics. This is so obvious to me yet it is not discussed and most likely will never happen. I use the above thread as an example.

I hear you jOda, the guys a propagandist. The point is-he doesn't think he is. That is the foundation we must approach him from. It's a larger POV than engaging in low level ideological back and forth, which is obviously not getting anyone anywhere.

Again, it's easy to be right. It's a more difficult task to engage the opponent in an intelligent way, regardless of how un-intelligent he/she might be behaving.

One of the most successful political/social changes ever made was with Ghandi's tactics in India. I only site Ghandi as he played the game differently. I'm not saying his tactics exactly would work in this Is/Pal. situation. Only that some different thinking and tactics are required.

Anyone have any ideas??????
Hi Joshua,

thinking again about your comments above, I realised that they are a good real life example of the ponerization of society and what it understands as "reason" and "impartiality". Logically, you would think that any normal human being, having furnished him or herself with the details of the Israel/Palestine question, would quickly and easily highlight clear injustice as the source of the problem and the need to address it in order to reach a just solution.

That is not what we see however. It seems that having been subjected to what today are called accepted social thought patterns, normal human beings have been figuratively castrated and robbed of what should be an innate ability to recognise and reject injustice and the oppression of the innocent and defenceless.

Lobaczewski sums it up well in this way:

Lobaczewski said:
"The oversimplified pattern of ideas, devoid of psychological color and based on easily available data, tends to exert an intense attracting influence on individuals who are insufficiently critical, frequently frustrated as result of downward social adjustment, culturally neglected, or characterized by some psychological deficiencies of their own. "

As a result of ... naivete and an inability to comprehend the crux of a matter, [the influence of the psychological deviant] easily anchors in human minds, traumatizing our psyches, impoverishing and deforming our thoughts and feelings, and limiting individuals' and societies' ability to use common sense and to read a psychological or moral situation accurately.
Here Loba is saying that there are some natural characteristics in normal human beings that make the ponerization process more easy, but in the second paragraph he seems to be saying that it is the fact of being subjected to the twisted logic and paramoralisms of the psychopathic minds that creates the naivet
I've been tracking this and most of what I've seen so far say that ADHD is NOT X-linked. One of the papers I post below says this in fact. Yet in my opinion the interactions of DRD4 genes and other genes would give a better indication of what is going on genetically. The first article I cite below goes in that direction. It says there is some interaction between DR gene and the serotonin gene and the serotonin gene IS x-linked. I think a whole new way of looking at genes and disorders, especially psychiatric ones are necessary. Actually, many researchers think this but there is the funding issue...

Our perceptive system has multiple mechanism for each sensation and perception but just because there are multiple mechanisms doesn't mean there is no fundamental mechanism. We just have to tease out each one and see which contributes the most to the disease process. Just like in the work, in life a network of people looking at a problem, each from their own perspective can bring a lot to the table as a whole. All are necessary but not equally necessary. Disease processes are the same I think. The question now is what is the network of genes that when combined with a given environment it results in psychopathy? Psychopaths may be born that way, but some are failures at their psychopathy and others are not. It is not enough to say look at human civilization or look at only the gene. DRD4 may be one suspect gene because of the poor attention and focus issues for those with the long form of the gene. Obviously this allele is not enough for someone to display ADHD. We also need to look at all the DR genes and how they interact with 5-HT and other genes.

There are multiple suceptability genes for the following disorders which tend to be around the same locus and are comorbid ( patients with one disorder having symptoms of one or more of another disorder): ADHD, Bi-polar, schizoaffective disorder, depression, OCD, anxiety and even autism, These disorders involve dysfunction of either dopamine, serotonin or both. The type of dysfunction may vary too. It could be overexpression or deletion, it could affect transmisson or metabolization etc. Thus, the candidate genes would be those involved in every aspect of the functioning of these neurotransmitters. In fact the more I look at it I don't think ADHD , and the resulting DRD4 means psychopathy gene per se even if I may have thought so at some point. It may actually be beneficial in some instances in terms of high intelligence often seen in ADHD patients. I think it is the combination of that with other genetic polymorphisms that is the issue.

With all the neuro-excitatory products like aspartate and glutamate in food and a host of sensory hyperstimulation (video games, TV etc), it is a wonder we aren't all bouncing off walls. Most of us folks seem to have poor attention anyway. If anything ADHD may be induced to keep us from focusing our intelligence long enough to figure out what this game is about. In my opinion we should look at schizoaffective disorder, bi-polor disorder, OCD, aspergers syndrome/ autism but most of all the personality disorders. In other words a wide range of studies related to these disorders. If we could each take a different psychiatric disorder and turn it inside out with analysis I bet we can come up with answers. We would have to compare it with physical anthropology data and history like a sort of who in history may have had these disorders or genetic mutations and what happened in their society? I may be biased though because except for the animal model methodologies, I enjoy neurobiological research and it helps me to function in this macrosocial mess.

Autism BTW is X-linked with two of the candidate gene loci on the X-chromosome. So I'm off to look at that. Here are abstracts from two articles that I think may help with this DRD4.

Abstract: We recently reported an association between the long repeat allele of the dopamine D4 exon III receptor polymorphism and a human personality dimension, novelty seeking, as measured by the tridimensional personality questionnaire (TPQ), a personality instrument designed by Cloninger to reflect heritable facets of human temperament. [bold]The D4 receptor polymorphism (D4DR) accounts for only a small percent of the variance for this trait, suggesting that additional genes influence both novelty seeking as well as the other temperaments that are inventoried by the Cloninger TPQ. [/bold]In the current investigation, we examined, in the original cohort of 120 normal volunteers, two additional coding region polymorphisms, a glycine to serine substitution in the dopamine D3 receptor (D3DR) and a cysteine to serine substitution in the 5-HT2C serotonin receptor (HTR2C). Three-way analysis of variance (TPQ score grouped by D4DR, D3DR and 5-HT2C) demonstrated that reward dependence and persistence scores were significantly reduced by the presence of the less common 5-HT2Cser polymorphism. The effect of the serine substitution in this X-linked serotonin receptor polymorphism on reward dependence was also observed when male and female subject groups were separately analyzed. [bold]There was also a significant interaction between the two dopamine receptor polymorphisms and the serotonin polymorphism on reward dependence. In particular, the effect of the 5-HT2C polymorphism on reward dependence was markedly accentuated in individuals who had the long version of the D4DR exon III repeat polymorphism. When present in the same individual, the 5-HT2C and dopamine receptor polymorphisms account for 30% of the observed variance for persistence (RD2) and 13% of the variance for reward dependence scores (RD134). However, the number of subjects with both less common D4DR and 5-HT2C polymorphisms is small,[/bold] underscoring the importance of verifying this interaction in a larger cohort.
These were 'normal' subjects since this was just looking at general personality dimensions and not necessarily pathological personalities. The number (n) of subjects in my opinion is small for this type of study but of interest to me is the smaller number of those with both the D4 and 5-HT suspect polymorphism tending to have accentuated reward dependence and persistence. The serotonin seems to cause the opposite effect of the DRD4 polymorphism. It allows them to persist or what I would call fixate. The implication being that they are more easily addicted to things and would likely go all out in seemingly illogical and persistant ways to feed the addiction. Sounds familiar??? I wonder if this number was akin to the 6% we see for psychopaths who seem to be rewarded when able to manipulate and control and are certainly persistant about sensation seeking and control. I have to read the entire article to see what the n for that group was out of the total

Paper that says DRD4 is not x-linked below:

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common heritable disorder with a childhood onset. Molecular genetic studies of ADHD have previously focused on examining the roles of specific candidate genes, primarily those involved in dopaminergic pathways. We have performed the first systematic genomewide linkage scan for loci influencing ADHD in 126 affected sib pairs, using a 10-cM grid of microsatellite markers. Allele-sharing linkage methods enabled us to exclude any loci with a s of 3 from 96% of the genome and those with a s of 2.5 from 91%, indicating that there is unlikely to be a major gene involved in ADHD susceptibility in our sample. [bold]Under a strict diagnostic scheme we could exclude all screened regions of the X chromosome for a locus-specific s of 2 in brother-brother pairs, demonstrating that the excess of affected males with ADHD is probably not attributable to a major X-linked effect.[/bold] Qualitative trait maximum LOD score analyses pointed to a number of chromosomal sites that may contain genetic risk factors of moderate effect. None exceeded genomewide significance thresholds, but LOD scores were >1.5 for regions on 5p12, 10q26, 12q23, and 16p13. Quantitative-trait analysis of ADHD symptom counts implicated a region on 12p13 (maximum LOD 2.6) that also yielded a LOD >1 when qualitative methods were used. A survey of regions containing 36 genes that have been proposed as candidates for ADHD indicated that 29 of these genes, including DRD4 and DAT1, could be excluded for a s of 2. [bold]Only three of the candidatesDRD5, 5HTT, and CALCYONcoincided with sites of positive linkage identified by our screen. Two of the regions highlighted in the present study, 2q24 and 16p13, coincided with the top linkage peaks reported by a recent genome-scan study of autistic sib pairs. [/ bold]
It gets back to DR genes and 5HT genes only here it's DRD5.

So it is very unlikely that there is a one gene one disorder correlation. We are looking at what appears to me infinite combinations of suspect genes and environment but I exaggerate. A lot of quantitative biology is necessary. We need good mathamaticians and biologist working together with social/behavioral scientist and historians and everyday people sharing their experiences to crack this nut.
FumingDog sez:

> Comedian Cohen's "Throw the Jew Down the Well" bit, pitched to an unsuspecting
> durnken audience of bottom-feeding Americans elicited comments from Joe Quinn
> that are styled as EDITORIAL.

i'm neither drunk nor american, nor do I 'feed at the bottom'. apart from that I couldn't care less about "comedian cohen" because I find his "jokes" rather stale, and I personally wouldn't have used cohen or his figure as the basis for an editorial (which I still find OK in and of itself). and I am certainly not for throwing jews, or anybody else, into wells.

> Quinn's comments turn on a solipistic fallacy commonly used by those whose aim is to distort the truth.

FumingDog's comments turn on a solipsistic fallacy commonly used by those who aim at distorting truth.

> Joe's regurgitation of anti-Zionist pablum is no doubt eagerly absorbed by many who have
> a pavlovian reaction to anything Zionist.

FumingDog's regurgitation of Zionist pablum is no doubt eagerly absorbed by many who have been conditioned to react to anything anti-Zionist.

> How is it that distorted misrepresentations of the facts by Joe Quinn should be given with the
> authority of the publishers of Signs of the Times?

What, exactly, did Joe misrepresent ? I found his editorial to be a sensible statement of opinion which in no way "misrepresents" anything.

> Somewhere along the way those of you who subscribe to anti-Zionist ideologies have lost your
> bearings. You're not dealing with facts, but with ideas that exist in the realm of Laputa.

Somewhere along the way those of you who subscribe to Zionist ideologies have lost your bearings. You are not living in reality, but in Zion, known to be an imaginary place.

> Unlike the Islamic nuts whom most of you defend, Zionists are not likely to kill you because you
> make fun of us or because you criticize us. This is one of the many big differences between Zionist
> ideas and those of Islam, Christianity, or Socialism-variants (the real Imperialistic "religions").

Take that to your so-called "rabbi" moshe levinger of kyriat arba, who is known, among other things, to have killed in cold blood and before witnesses a palestinian shop owner for no discernible reason. Take that also to the other psychos from kyriat arba, who are known to have commited and participated in similar crimes. Take that to your former minister of foreign affairs, Shalom, who is known to have thrown a palestinian baby through a window while bashing up some poor arab family together with his buddy settlers (should we perhaps start listing the known crimes of selected "jews" - zionists all of them - known by name and who illegally squat in palestinian territories, who would kill anybody, really anybody, just because he or she is not a jew ?). Take that also before the Yesha Council, that iniquitous council of moral degenerates who have repeatedly used their religious authority to call for extermination of all arabs. Take that before your so-called minister "justice" Haim Ramon, who repeatedly called for genocide against the libanese people and who stands accused of rape and/or sexual molestation. Take that before your "president" katsav, who stands accused of rape, molestation and corruption, oh, and lest I forget, take that to arik at his death bed.

and, really, really, stop even thinking that the crimes of israel are unknown despite the massive blockade of information and the blanket disinfo campaign.

> If you choose to aid Islam, then so be it. May they erect a mosque near you swiftly and soon.
> May you be honored by having their narrow view of the world forced upon you.

Nobody is "aiding Islam" here. IMHO Islam and christianity are taking at least as heavy hits here as judaism. But then this never understanding the obvious, this studied and demonstrative ignorance is one of the salient traits of a certain category of people about whom there has been ample discussion here.

that said, "KelevLoTov" would do you more justice than "ChienFume" judging from your poor-in-facts website and your quite ignorant post here.
Joe said:
I don't mean to single you out here joshua, nor do I mean to suggest anything about your character, we all are susceptible to the ponerization process that has pervaded our society for god knows how long, I just wanted to use your comments to show a (as I see it) practical example.

No worries Joe, and no offense taken in any manner. I think your use of my POV aptly illustrates your point.

This thread has really taken off in many interesting directions. The level of intelligence/critical thinking that is brought to bear, especially by the SOTT 'crew' is impressive, and that's an understatement.
The fact is, it isn't Jews that are the problem, no matter what John Kaminski and others of his ilk would like people to believe: it is psychopaths. And they use any and all ideologies to mask their manipulations and to launch themselves into positions of power in any and all groups. Kaminski keeps asking "can a Jew tell the truth" and then he follows this with questions about history, etc. Well, hell's bells! Even Christians and Muslims don't know the truth about the answers to those questions because our history has been written by the victors: psychopaths.

Sure, at this moment in time, the Zionists are in the driver's seat of the whole psychopathic show, and they've been jockeying for that position for a long time, but they sure didn't get there without help from other psychopaths - Christian and Muslim alike - who agree that their plan is a clever one, designed to put the entire world under the feet of psychopaths. In fact, you could even say that all of the psychopaths together, from all groups, probably had a meeting and decided that Judism and its controls over Jews was the handiest tool available at the moment to accomplish their plans: to trigger a World Revolution. So if Judaism is being used as the instrument, and Christianity is being used as a prop, and Islam is set up as the opposition, and they are all involved, sheesh! How can anybody say that the blame should fall on the rank and file of Jews?

The whole thing is so sick and twisted when you really examine it that I wish that the billions of normal people on this planet would just wake up and see it and remove those sickos from power. And it COULD be done if everybody got together and could SEE the same thing, and ACT in a unified way.

Let's just ditch ALL the religions that claim to be the "only Truth". And even if Christianity and Islam claim to be religions for "all," they still claim to be the one TRUE religion, right alongside Judaism.
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Laura said:
The fact is, it isn't Jews that are the problem, no matter what John Kaminski and others of his ilk would like people to believe: it is psychopaths. And they use any and all ideologies to mask their manipulations and to launch themselves into positions of power in any and all groups. Kaminski keeps asking "can a Jew tell the truth" and then he follows this with questions about history, etc. Well, hell's bells! Even Christians and Muslims don't know the truth about the answers to those questions because our history has been written by the victors: psychopaths.
Hi Laura,

I have read your email conversation with Kaminski that you published in this thread http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=3521 and your other posts in various threads regarding the above.

My main surprise is: why is Kaminski not getting it? You have been school teacher patient with him explaining this idea to him in many different ways, short of doing a powerpoint slide show.

Has this ponerization of his mind made him really that blind or selectively dense? (Note: not finished Loba's or Reed's book and maybe the answer is in there).

Laura said:
The fact is, it isn't Jews that are the problem, no matter what John Kaminski and others of his ilk would like people to believe: it is psychopaths. And they use any and all ideologies to mask their manipulations and to launch themselves into positions of power in any and all groups. Kaminski keeps asking "can a Jew tell the truth" and then he follows this with questions about history, etc. Well, hell's bells! Even Christians and Muslims don't know the truth about the answers to those questions because our history has been written by the victors: psychopaths.
I think it would be quite therapeutic for John and anyone else who has 'problems' with Jews (or Muslims or Christians for that matter) to substitute words like 'Democrats' or 'Republicans' in their rants and raves. Then they might be able to see how ridiculous their ideas are. Perhaps you could get him to do that? As an exercise, of course.

There's no point in grouping a whole bunch of people together and labelling them psychopaths just because psychopaths are good at disguising themselves. Psychopaths can belong to any group, not just one, and they can be male or female.
CarpeDiem said:
Laura said:
Since the mutations causing psychopathy are recessive, a woman
carrying the defect on one of her X-chromosomes may not be affected by it,
as the equivalent allele on her other chromosome should express itself to
counteract the tendencies to some extent. However the Y-chromosome in men
has no gene for "conscience". If the genes responsible for psychopathy is
present on a male's X-chromosome, there is no counteracting factor on the Y-
chromosome, so the deficient gene is not masked by the dominant allele and
he will be a psychopath.
Since a male receives his single X-chromosome from his mother, the son of a
non-psychopathic female silently carrying the deficient gene will have a 50%
chance of inheriting that gene from her and with it psychopathy; and if his
mother is affected with psychopathy, he will have a 100% chance of being a
psychopath. In contrast, for a female to inherit psychopathy, she must
receive two deficient X-chromosomes, one from her mother and the other from
her father (who must therefore be a psychopath himself). Hence psychopathy
is far more common among males than females. However it is possible for
female carriers to become mild psychopaths due to lyonisation of the X
chromosomes. Psychopathic daughters are more common than they once were, as
more psychopathic males have been breeding and producing children in recent
times (via rape and casual sex). Adult females may be diagnosed with
Borderline Personality Disorder due to the psychopathic tendency.
That sounds very reasonable and I would say brings a quite sound genetic foundation to discussion of psychopathy.
What is my speculation that suppression of original Shiloh Moses priests in favor of later Aaronid priesthood had a lot to do with "updated" version of psychopathy gene (s). introduced in population by 4D STS via hyperdimentional manipulation what insured its successful transmission and spread in population. But so far it's just my speculation I'm trying to dig more.
Possibly there is also a connection to abnormally early in comparison to other cultures circumcision practiced among jews.
A sound article on circumcision from jewish encyclopedia in different cultures:

Just making sure we know who is boss - Guidelines for the Jews in Diaspora
The Secret of Jewish circumcision.

It all fits together. Or we are approaching it.
Crikey, I followed the second link you posted there.


A few lines in:

goyim are incapable of deep thinking, analysis and inductive logical conclusions.

They are like pigs who live digging the ground with their snouts without realizing that there is sky above them.

They perceive everything far too superficially, they often do not see events in their sequence and interrelations, they are unable to think abstractly.

Every event for them is just an occurrence, no matter how often it occurs.

Everything they can do, everything they know, we know and can do, just as well.[Note:For all the superiority projected above, a little insecurity creeping in maybe?!]

As for what WE know and feel, goyim should not know and feel that.

Everything they have is their limit [Note: I guess that be our conscience]. Everything we have -- is merely a means for achieving more [...and I guess that be their lack of one].

Our goal is to take away from them what our God bequeathed to us.

Goyim are stubborn, but they do not have enough perseverance in achieving their goal.
Yeh well we'll see about that =)
Ruth said:
I think it would be quite therapeutic for John and anyone else who has 'problems' with Jews (or Muslims or Christians for that matter) to substitute words like 'Democrats' or 'Republicans' in their rants and raves. Then they might be able to see how ridiculous their ideas are. Perhaps you could get him to do that? As an exercise, of course.
I've pointed that out to him more than once. Geeze, if the rest of the world finally rouse themselves from their shock and decide that the U.S. has gone far enough, it will be pretty dangerous to be an "American." Will John be happy to be considered a psychopathic Ziocon simply because he is an American?
Starsailor, I'm not quite sure about circumscision, in fact article on jews being biorobots abter being subjected to circumcision appeared on Rense, I wonder is there is an agenda to shift a blame behind all this. In the morning I was looking into basques genetics (Thank you, "the second researcher", whoever you may be!) and found apparently unrelated to my search book. Internet is a mysterious place!

Here under follows the transcription of chapter 5 of Houston Stewart Chamberlain's The Foundations of the 19th Century, 2nd ed., published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1912.
The original text in German: Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts



Thank you, Admin, who edited text and put footnote quotes! Text occupies too much space on forum, so I leave only its URL. Excuse me for your time spent, please!
I just checked the rest of this book - other pages are present. Missing part are pages 404-493 of Chapter 5 THE ENTRANCE OF THE JEWS INTO THE HISTORY OF THE WEST.
I wonder if withdrawing of text has been done deliberately to withhold from public some disturbing info. Unfortunately I don't have access to any descent library and any info I can get is that from web. Could I ask someone here with access to University libraries please to look for this book (or order through interlibrary loan)? In any EU language except Nordics and greek.

Update: I deleted posts with Chapter 5 THE ENTRANCE OF THE JEWS INTO THE HISTORY OF THE WEST
from Houston Stewart Chamberlain's book "The Foundations of the 19th Century" as book is available at
CarpeDiem said:
I just checked the rest of this book - other pages are present. Missing part are pages 404-493 of Chapter 5 THE ENTRANCE OF THE JEWS INTO THE HISTORY OF THE WEST.
I wonder if withdrawing of text has been done deliberately to withhold from public some disturbing info. Unfortunately I don't have access to any descent library and any info I can get is that from web. Could I ask someone here with access to University libraries please to look for this book (or order through interlibrary loan)? In any EU language except Nordics and greek.
Thanks for this. I found the book in my uni library database. They have several copies in english and german and I'm
going to the library to pick one up today.
CarpeDiem said:
Chamberlain said:
Consider with what mastery they use the law of blood to extend their power: the principal stem remains spotless, not a drop of strange blood comes in; as it stands in the Thora, "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord" (Deuteronomy xxiii. 2); in the meantime, however, thousands of side branches are cut off and employed to infect the Indo-Europeans with Jewish blood. If that were to go on for a few centuries, there would be in Europe only one single people of pure race, that of the Jews, all the rest would be a herd of pseudo-Hebraic mestizos, a people beyond all doubt degenerate physically, mentally and morally.
While there is a lot of interesting speculation in the above text and maybe even some real clues, but what concerns me is that there is a taint in the above text that relates to some of the ideas that were current in the nineteenth century.

Steve Jones writes in "In the Blood":

Darwin believed that the blood was in some way the agent, the vital fluid of parents mixing in their children. He was also sufficiently impressed by the similarities of parent and offspring to propose his law of "use and disuse"; that characters much utilized in one generation would be inherited by the next, while those not employed woudl slowlly disappear.

Such beliefs are so persuasive that it seems almost unfair that they are wrong. Darwin's failed attempts to reconcile his notions about heredity with his theory of evolution led him into a morass from which he could not excape. The more he thought about the issue, the more he saw the problems that arose if inheritance was indeed based on the experiences of parents and the blood of their children. ... The great truth about the mechanism of inheritance, which is less obvious and more simple than anything [Darwin and his followers] imagined.

The fatal flaw in the idea of blood as the bearer of qualities that mix as one generation succeeds the last was noticed not only by Darwin but by the British government when, in 1971, they set out to redefine the essence, the sanguis, of being British.

Once, British citizenship was an unequivocal thing. It depended only on "birth within the dominions and allegiance" of the Crown. The 1971 Immigration and Nationality Act had an unspoken aim; to keep coloured immigrants out. There was, though, a problem, as a supposedly liberal society could not just discriminate on the basis of race. The authorities did not wish toe exclude all Commonwealth citizens. White South Africans, Kenyans, or Australians would be enraged if they could not return to what many still saw as their homland. What was needed was a way of designing a door to the British Isles that admitted only those who seemed to belong.

The solution was simple, cynical and ingenious. To establish a right to live in Britain, a new rule was made. It was based on a politically expedient model of inheritance. Having a passport was not enough. Instead, the idea of "patriality" was born. This resided in the blood. British blood might be rather special fluid, but it was defined as having a fatal weakness. Once watered down, it lost its power.

The right to enter was made to depend on having the right proportion of the magic substance. Any Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies - and there were millions, from Uganda to Hong Kong - could gain patriality, the right of abode in the UK, only by birth in these islands or by haveing a native-born parent or grandparent. True Britishness, rendering its possessor eligible to live in Britain, was defined for the purpose of the act as having at least a quarter, one grandparent's worth, of blood inherited from someone born here. The rules for the citizens of independent Commonwealth countries (such as Canada or Australia) were even stricter. To be patrials they had to have a mother or father whose birthplace was in Britain.

Conveiently enough, most people in the British Isles around the time when the crucial grandparents or parents were born had white skins. In spite of their stiff blue passports, the millions of Africans and Asians who had been told to be proud of their link with the home of democracy found that the document had lost its value. For Canadians and Australians, things were - temporarily - not quite so bad; for a time, the law allowed the children of the many Britons who had emigrated after the War to return. Their grandchildren, though, need not apply.

Now, a generation after it was formulated, most have lost the right of residence. As time passes, the number of children born overseas who have the crucial connection gets smaller. The critical British-born descendants no longer provide the large enough fraction of the child's heritage. As the years go on, fewer and fewer Commonwealth citizens will be able to claim the vital ratio of true British blood, passed down from a privileged parent or grandparent. In time, almost no one born outside these islands will have the automatic right to dwell in them; the blessing has been thinned down until it means nothing.

The blending rule was applied in reverse in the United States. Anyone with a black ancestor, however distant, was defined as black. One drop of black blood was enough to pollute the line forever: the stain could never be lost. The rule originated as a way of enlarging the slave population with the illegitimate children of slaveholders. As recenlty as 1986 the Supreme Court refused to review a ruling that a light-skinned Louisiana woman whose black great-great-great-grandmother was the mistress ofa French planter should be classified as black.

All this is the inevitable result of inheritance based on dilution. Sooner or later, if liquids mix, everyone becomes the same. Genetics is then based on an average, not on differences. Charles Darwin (like the British Government) had thought, when he wrote The Origin of Specis, that inheritance involved the blending of bodily fluids. He too realized that, if it does work in this way, any advantageous character would soon become so thinned out that, like a small quantum of British blood, it would be worthless. Evolution depends on the unfair distributeion of benefit, with success given to those that have over those that have not. Any mechanism that automatically leads to equality will stop it in its tracks. Darwin never sorted out this problem.

Another oddity about inheritance that worried him because it did not fit the idea of the minglingg of bloods was atavism. Now and again, an individual is born who looks not like the average of its parents but like a distant ancestor or relative.

Most horses have but a single hoof on each foot, although they do possess small bones within the legs, the remnants of ancient toes. Both Julius Caesar's war horse and Bucephalus, the steed of Alexander the Great, had, though, toes that worked just as well as those of a dog or cat.

Whatever made them must have been hidden somewhere in the animal's heritagbe to reappear unchanged many generations later. The same happens in humans. A few people are born - just like dogs - with extra nipples; a very few like apes, with a thick coat of hair on face and body.

Thid did not fit at all with the idea of mixing of fluids. How could such characteristics remain distinct through thousandes of generations if they were watered down each time someone lacking the trait mated with someone who had it?

The answer was simple but universally overlooked. ... Mendel showed that inheritance resides not in liquid form in the blood or its semens, but as units of information passed on through sperm and egg. ... Characteristics acquired during an individual's lifetime are not inherited. To be more precise, they are not inherited throught the biological machinery: nobody denies that education, wealth and social position - blue blood, indeed - are passed from generation to generation. ...

Darwin's failure to detach the fate of genes from those who bear them led to the greatest of his confusions, the idea of use and disuse, the inheritance of acquired characters. ... William Paley's book notes that Jewish children are born with foreskins, disproving the claim that traits obtained during life are passed to the next generation. ...

Nowhere has the dispute between nurture and nature been more pointed than in the Soviet Union. Genetics came to a stop there for twenty-five years because of ideology. That some qualities are beyond human intervention because they are coded into biology could not be accepted by Marxists. ... Marx had insisted that man could be changed by altering society; once the revolution had succeeded a new and better humankind would emerge. This was, in itself, a theory about inheritance. The process of producing a new man had gone further in the Soviet Union than anywhere else. The masses had fulfilled the first five-year plan in four years, destroying millions of kulaks and intellectuals - wreckers and saboteurs - in the process. ...

The ideology - and the faked experiments - had disastrous effects. In 1942 Lysenko claimed that if winter wheat (which is cultivated in places with a climate mild enough to sustain it) were planted in Siberia among the stubble of spring what (which grows over the summer) it would be able to survive the coldest winter. The "vernalization of wheat" (which simply did not work) was imposed on farmers and led to famine.

In 1948, genetics in the USSR stopped. ...The inheritance of acquired characters became law. ... Much later Khruschev said to Lysenko: "You and your experiments can go to the moon"' and, by the 1970s, genetics in the Soviet Union had rejoined the world of science.

Lysenko was the mirror of the view that held in Germany and elsewhere during the 1930s: that genes did everything. Hitler himself is known to have read a textbook on human genetics and many experts in "race hygiene" (as the subject was then called) were involved in the extermination movement. Greeding from those with the finest genes and eradicating those with the worst was the only way to improve society. That idea, too, failed the test of history.
I will have to read the text more closely, but in general, what we are looking for has little to do specifically with Jews and everything to do with psychopathy and other inherited deviations which occur in all groups, and even - perhaps to a high degree - among so-called Aryans. But then, the Ashkenazim are undoubtedly Aryan. So were the Hittites and Abraham was suppsed to have been a Hittite.

One thing that seems certain to me is that misunderstandings about both genetics and the main issue, psychopathology, were what led to the persecution of the Jews during WW II and now the same persecutions are being visited on the Palestinians by the Jews.
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