Toothpaste Recipes

It seems that the baking soda is much less abrasive that all regular toothpath : _
Goemen_ i just checked a few other sites, and you're right. It was that same chart which i was personally referencing, and i think i misread it :-[ thank you for the correction.

That said, are they talking about baking soda once it has been dissolved in water? Or when it is stil granulated? I would think it'd be when dissolved, but maybe not. And maybe this is why i found it so abrasive....... oh dear, sorry for my mistake. I think the reason Colgate et al are so abrasive is the chemicals contained within, i know when i used to put toothpaste on my spots (sorry!) the skin would be inflamed, or if i would gargle for a length of time with store bought fluoride toothpastes the inside of my mouth was dry and wrinkly.

Just to add to the ingredients list: Thyme oil. This is in so many mouth washes and toothpastes, it's like standard. It's called Thymol. But you know, i think other oils will be antiseptic, but also soothing, like lavendar

thy·mol (thmôl, -ml)
A white crystalline aromatic compound derived from thyme oil and other oils or made synthetically and used as an antiseptic, a fungicide, and a preservative.
To answer my own question:

from the site linked

1) It is best to pour some baking soda into a small dish or container so that it can be discarded every few weeks and replaced with fresh baking soda. Day after day of dipping your wet toothbrush into the powder causes it to clump up.
2) Dampen your toothbrush with water. You can also dampen it with mouth rinse if you want to disguise the taste of the baking soda.
3) Dip the toothbrush in the baking soda and get as much baking soda to stick to it as possible.
4) Brush your teeth for two minutes. Start brushing the biting surfaces of the teeth first. Brush for 15 seconds or so to . If you place the powder directly on the gums before allowing it to mix with the saliva it can irritate the gums.
5) Brush the tongue for 20 seconds as well. Many germs live on the tongue.
6) Rinse with clear water or with water that is flavored slightly with mouth rinse. This will give the mouth a fresh, minty taste.

So it seems a bit of both. So it is apparently important to let it dissolve before you thoroughly brush. I feel like such a noodle.
I dont think the problem is the abrasiveness of bicarb of soda, it is the caustic effect on the gums as it is an alkali (opposite of acid). It is well known that alkalies can cause chemical burns and at the least, irritation to the skin.

More research may be needed.
itellsya said:
To answer my own question:

from the site linked

1) It is best to pour some baking soda into a small dish or container so that it can be discarded every few weeks and replaced with fresh baking soda. Day after day of dipping your wet toothbrush into the powder causes it to clump up.
2) Dampen your toothbrush with water. You can also dampen it with mouth rinse if you want to disguise the taste of the baking soda.
3) Dip the toothbrush in the baking soda and get as much baking soda to stick to it as possible.
4) Brush your teeth for two minutes. Start brushing the biting surfaces of the teeth first. Brush for 15 seconds or so to . If you place the powder directly on the gums before allowing it to mix with the saliva it can irritate the gums.
5) Brush the tongue for 20 seconds as well. Many germs live on the tongue.
6) Rinse with clear water or with water that is flavored slightly with mouth rinse. This will give the mouth a fresh, minty taste.

So it seems a bit of both. So it is apparently important to let it dissolve before you thoroughly brush. I feel like such a noodle.
I use a 50:50 dry mix of baking soda and sea salt, and follow the procedure mentioned above. This has worked well for a number of years. On the odd occasion that I do get bleeding gums, then I dry brush with vitamin C, which seems to do the trick. :) The vitamin C seems to clump up much more quickly than the 'toothpaste' mix.
luc said:
After some experimentation, my wife came up with this recipe which tastes/works really well for us:
- 2 tsp. Sodium bicarbonat
- Salt (not too much)
- 2 tsp. Xylit
- 2 tsp. Coconut oil
- Peppermint oil (to taste)


- If the coconut oil is hard, heat it a little so that it becomes soft
- Put in all the other ingredients and stir well
- Once it became hard again, stir well another round, otherwise the oil will separate itself

Of course, if you want to make a bigger batch, you can scale. You can also leave out the peppermint oil or use another oil, but we really like the peppermint flavor. We also found that too much salt doesn't taste so well...

thank you for this recipe.

i have made it with powdered cloves and lavender oil because it was what i had here.

in a coffee grinder i put 6 cloves, one coffee spoon of salt, the xilitol and the sodium bicarbonate.
it turns into a very fine powder. Then i poured that into the container ( a small glass jar) and added the liquid coco nut oil, mixed with a small wooden spoon et voila!
Very good feeling in the whole mouth after using it.
I think that with the cloves, we don't need to add any essential oils for taste.
This article sets out the most important points regarding toothcare quite simply - from the nutrients needed to a toothpaste recipe - and since i'm doing most of them, i'll report back with my thoughts. i had a bit of a slip because i think i wasn't removing the coconut oil sufficiently after oil pulling - i didn't think this be that detrimental i actually thought it'd be good!, but it seems not, my teeth have been feeling like i drank soda. [but it may be something else, like the Potassium tartrate i have been taking, so i'm experimenting*] I THINK this Dr. Axe has been referenced elsewhere here, and from what i know this information checks out.

I think the variation in recipes here are probably superior to the one in the article.

How to Naturally Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay

There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed or healed. Then the only solution is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material.

But according to a study published in the British Medical Journal cavities and tooth decay could potentially be healed or reversed with diet.

A study was performed on 62 children with cavities and they were divided into three different diet groups. Group 1 ate a standard diet plus oatmeal (rich in phytic acid). Group 2 consumed their normal diet and supplemented with vitamin D. Group 3 ate a grain-free diet and took vitamin D.

The results found that group 1 who had a diet high in grains and phytic acid had an increase in cavities. Group 2 had improvements in cavities and less form. Group 3 who followed a grain-free diet rich in vegetables, fruits, meat, milk and took vitamin D saw the greatest improvements in which nearly all cavities healed.

cavities in dietary groups

This study along with the backing of many doctors and dentists is proving we have been misinformed about what causes cavities and if they can truly be reversed.

Dentist Ramiel Nagel who authored the book Cure Tooth Decay has helped many of his patients “reverse” their tooth decay and would rather not put in fillings. He believes that you can prevent and heal cavities with nutrition.

In this article I am going to go over the causes of tooth decay and how it may be prevented and in many cases even reversed.

The Cause of Tooth Decay

To understand the link between diet and tooth decay we must start with one of the most well-respected dentists who ever lived Weston A. Price.

West A. Price lived in the early 1900’s and was the chairman of the National Dental Association (1914-1923), and a pioneer for the ADA.

Weston Price traveled the world searching to discover what causes tooth decay. Dr. Price found a common link between eating modern foods and cavities. He witness that many indigenous isolated tribes had perfect teeth and little tooth decay. But once they were exposed to a western diet they experienced tooth decay, bone loss and chronic illness.

According to the American Dental Association this is the cause of tooth decay:

“[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.”

But the truth is the ADA is only hitting on 1 of the 4 things that could contribute to tooth decay.

According to the insights of Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Ramiel Nagel there are 4 main things that contribute to tooth decay:

Lack of minerals in the diet (calcium, magnesium and phosphorus)
Lack of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) (especially D)
Too much consumption of Phytic Acid rich foods
Too much consumption of processed sugar

Let’s discuss the 4 aspects that cause tooth decay and how they can be addressed with diet.

Natural Approaches To Oral Health

Don’t be fooled, there in addition to brushing and flossing daily, there are several ways you can reverse cavities and maximizes your oral health without resorting to taking in fluoride. Here are just a few for you to consider:

Removing Sugar – Probably the worst culprit of them all for anyone who desires healthy, cavity-free teeth, sugar should be avoided like the plague. Not only does sugar feed oral bacteria that prevents a healthy flow of dental fluids, it is highly acidic and can literally decalcify or demineralize the structural content of teeth that create dental decay.

This means staying away from soda, candy, and baked goods with sugar. Additionally, use raw honey and maple syrup and drink juices sparingly as too much sugar can contribute to cavity formation. Be careful of artificial sweeteners because of their health risks as well. Bottom line: Make stevia your new best friend along with raw honey in moderation!

Removing Phytic Acid – Phytic acid (phytate) is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor found in grains, nuts, seeds and beans which can serious health problems in our diets. The main reason phytic acid has become an issue today is because we have stopped ancient food preparation techniques such as sprouting or sourdough fermentation which kills off the phytic acid.

According to research published in the The Lancet a diet high in phytic acid will create mineral deficiencies and cause osteoporosis.

80% of phosphorus in grains and beans is bound to phytic acid so it is completely un-absorbable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability in humans, these molecules bind minerals necessary for oral health such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc; thus, causing them to be unavailable for proper utilization. Consuming foods high in phytic acid decreases magnesium absorption by 60% and zinc by 20%.

Phytic acid not only doesn’t allow you to absorb in minerals in your food, it also leaches minerals out of your body, bones and teeth!

Subsequently, the powerful anti-nutritional effects of phytic acid have been known to cause digestive disorders, lack of appetite, nutrient deficiencies, and tooth decay. A good rule of thumb is to limit your grain consumption and stay completely clear from unfermented soy products. Because phytic acid is much higher in foods grown using modern high-phosphate fertilizers than those grown in natural compost, try to only eat foods that are organic and GMO-free.

If you are aiming to improve your health and reverse cavities, foods high in phytic acid like grains, beans, nuts and soy should be avoided. However, if you soak grains or nuts and then sprout them or do sourdough fermentation you can reduce phytic acid by around 50 – 100%.

Raw Dairy and Nutrient Rich Foods – Raw dairy is filled with the vitamins and minerals that contribute to a healthy dental fluid flow and help maintain strong teeth. Loaded with calcium, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, magnesium, phosphorus, and fat-soluble vitamins it is a good idea to consume raw dairy products at least weekly. I recommend goat’s milk kefir, raw cheeses and organic grass-fed butter are great options.

Remember, if you’re going to beat tooth decay, you need to increase your fat soluble vitamin intake and mineral intake. If I were creating an ideal diet to follow, it would look like this:

Rich in animal foods like bone broth, meat, fish and eggs.
Raw and cooked vegetables especially green leafy vegetables.

Raw dairy like kefir, cheese and grass-fed butter
Fruit one piece daily early in day
High vitamin D – get plenty of sunshine and days not in sun supplement with 5,000IU daily of D3.
Foods high in healthy fat like coconut oil, avocado, olives and fish or fermented cod liver oil.
Fermented grains only and in moderation such as true sourdough bread (or even better no grains at all). You can buy raw flours and breads here: and
Nuts, seeds and beans only that have been sprouted. You can find sprouted nuts and seeds at:
Finally, NO processed food, packaged food or fast food.

Mineralizing Tooth Paste – First of all, I know it can get expensive, but there are several brands of fluoride-free toothpaste that you won’t have to pay a small fortune to get your hands on. Second, if you’re looking to save a buck or two and also want to remineralize your teeth in a particularly powerful way, try making your own!

4 tbsp. Coconut Oil
2 tbsp. Baking Soda (aluminum free) [<< apparently ALL baking soda is, marketing gimmicl]
1 tbsp. xylitol or 1/8 tsp. stevia
20 drops peppermint or clove essential oil
20 drops trace minerals or (calcium/magnesium powder)

Oil Pulling – Used for centuries by Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is a fantastic oral detoxification procedure that has gained some popularity in the U.S. the last several years. Simply done by swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 20 minutes, this simple process has been praised to cure everything from gingivitis to headaches to systemic diseases like diabetes! 
If you can’t do 20 minutes, 3-5 minutes is still good. I recommend using coconut oil or MCT Oil and a drop or two of clove and/or tea tree essential oils for maximal antiseptic and antifungal power. Here are some tips:

The best time to oil pull (like most other detoxification procedures) is first thing in the morning right after you get out of bed.
Don’t let the 20 minutes time frame deter you. You won’t even notice 20 minutes have gone by if you do this during your normal morning routine (i.e. while you shower, put your clothes on and prep for the day).
Immediately afterwards, rinse your mouth out with warm water. Use salt water for added antimicrobial properties.
Don’t be shocked if the oil/saliva mixture you spit out is milky white or yellow.
Finally, brush your teeth as normal.

Note: This should be a relative relaxing process, so don’t feel compelled to vigorously swish your mouth with oil for the entire time or else you’re bound to get sore jaw muscles. Simply and gently move the oil in your mouth and through your teeth without swallowing any of it.

In a nutshell, these natural approaches to reversing cavities are extremely effective and cost-efficient for anyone to employ without hesitation. Take charge of your oral wellness today and show off your new, healthy smile with pride!


Mellanby M, Pattison CL. The Influence of a Cereal-Free Diet Rich in Vitamin D And Calcium on Dental Caries in Children. British Medical Journal 1932; 1(37): 507-510.

Guyenet, Stephan. Reversing Tooth Decay. Available at: _

Nagel R. Living with phytic acid. Available at: _

Southward K. The systemic theory of dental caries. General Dentistry 2011; 59(5): 367-73.

Wills MR and others. Phytic Acid and Nutritional Rickets in Immigrants. The Lancet, April 8, 1972, 771-773.

Navert B and Sandstrom B. Reduction of the phytate content of bran by leavening in bread and its effect on zinc absorption in man. British Journal of Nutrition 1985 53:47-53;

Bohn T, et al. Phytic acid added to white-wheat bread inhibits fractional apparent magnesium absorption in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004 79:418 –23.

Dephytinization of wheat bran by fermentation with bakers’ yeast, incubation with barley malt flour and autoclaving at different pH levels. Journal of Cereal Science 2008 48(2):471-476.

Wellness Mama. Homemade remineralizing toothpaste recipe. Available at: _

Added: [ * }
I just want to say to be careful with the remineralizing toothpaste when using coconut oil. I would spit most of it into a jar lined with plastic. But sometimes on the last spit or two I would spit into the sink, as it seemed like it was just saliva at that point. And then I'd rinse my mouth and toothbrush with water. And I would try not to use cold water. But even with that the sink clogged to a significant level after a few weeks.

We got it out with a powerful bleach solution and boiling water. But just wanted to point out that even if you get a little in the sink, it can build up. I think I will just replace the coconut oil with water and not have to deal with that.

I decided not to use baking soda because it is still a little abrasive. Water and a brush is 4 on the abrasive scale, baking soda 7, normal toothpastes in the 10s up to 100s, and the max on the scale is 250. Not sure where bentonite or calcium carbonate fall on that scale, but they are quite a fine powder.
I've not DIY the toothpaste yet, but right now alternating the Now brand and Theraneem. I dabbed my brush with baking soda and the paste. My grandma used ashes from charcoal back then. I even read somewhere in Africa they used ashes from cow dung!
Soluna, Dr. Hulda Clark recommends a few drops of food grade peroxide on your toothbrush ( but not if you have mercury fillings) otherwise plain old water will do. You should not use any abrasive powders on your teeth as it will damage the enamel, and make your teeth sensitive.
I use a squirt of peroxide on my toothbrush to sterilize it.
Thank you for sharing your recipes, I shall endeavour to add some ingredients as suggested above. I usually just use bicarb powder and water to clean my teeth. Just yesterday I used some activated charcoal to brush my teeth - what an experience. At one point it looked as though I had no teeth whatsoever and the residual left a crunchy feeling between my teeth :D
MusicMan said:
Soluna, Dr. Hulda Clark recommends a few drops of food grade peroxide on your toothbrush

Food Grade H202 is 35% and will burn the gum tissue and penetrate the porous tooth enamel and cause damage to the interior of the tooth. Food Grade H202 needs to be diluted to 3% to 5% Max.

Regular store bought H202 is perfect. No need to go all "Haz Matt" in your mouth.
Ronnie, thank you for correcting my post, that was an oversight on my part. ( I'm used to using the three percent dilution.)
I make toothpaste with Coconut oil, Olive oil, Calcium carbonate, Xylitol, Sea salt, Bicarb and peppermint oil.
This works really well in my experience!
zh said:
I've not DIY the toothpaste yet, but right now alternating the Now brand and Theraneem. I dabbed my brush with baking soda and the paste. My grandma used ashes from charcoal back then. I even read somewhere in Africa they used ashes from cow dung!

Instantly thought of the custom in Japan - also, they used to put a bit of ash - probably a specific plant - in their cooking as apparently it was beneficial.
Ohaguro (お歯黒?) is a custom of dyeing one's teeth black. It was most popular in Japan until the Meiji era. Tooth painting was also known and practised in the southeastern parts of China and Southeast Asia. Dyeing was mainly done by married women, though occasionally men did it as well. It was also beneficial, as it prevented tooth decay, in a similar fashion to modern dental sealants.


The main ingredient was a dark-brown solution of ferric acetate called kanemizu (かねみず), made by dissolving iron filings in vinegar. When the solution was combined with vegetable tannins from such sources as gallnut powder or tea powder, it would turn black and become non-water soluble, in the same manner that iron gall ink is produced. Coating the teeth with this liquid helped to prevent tooth decay and enamel decay. The dye had to be applied once a day or once every few days.

Do we have our first Ohaguro volunteer? :D
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