Toulouse Shootings

How much more stupid can a False Flag operation been put out then this one ???
how ridicules in all aspects !
I couldn't even count how often the official story was changed.
I listened to the radio and almost every half hour another special report came out with just another stupid lie.

how much more stupidity will people except until they wake up ??
fact is that the mainstream media and a lot of Alternative media are just tools of the PTB and are completely controlled by them,
you simply can not trust anything that is propagated by the Media, you always have to assume that it is a complete lie.

Broken Hill, an affray on 1 January 1915 caused by two Moslem men who raised the Turkish flag and began shooting at residents of this mining centre in western New South Wales. The men - both long-time residents of the district - were actually Afghans not Turks, though one (an ice-cream vendor) had at one time served in the Sultan's army and reportedly remained fanatically devoted to Turkey's cause in the First World War. The other was a former camel-driver who acted as the mullah (religious leader) of the local Moslem community.

The first target attacked was a train of 40 open ore-trucks crowded with 1,000 people on a holiday picnic to Silverton. Shortly after 10 a.m., as the train was heading west about three kilometres from the town, the two Afghans opened a heavy fire into the exposed passengers from a bank close beside the tramway The three people killed and six wounded were of all ages, and both sexes.

These Afghans were hired for the above false flag operation since England needed soldiers to enlist for the war in Gallipoli.

So create a boogey, Turks, Al Kaide, muslims etc. etc. and stage a false flag and voila.. Include a child or children as victims. The press is on your side anyway. There is nothing new under the sun.
Kniall said:
If my understanding of this French article is correct, Merah personally knew the head of the French intelligence services and travelled to Iran (twice), Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Egypt on French monthly unemployment benefit:

L’étrange relation entre Mohamed Merah et Bernard Squarcini

I think there are a lot more juicy details in there, so if French readers could extract and translate them for us, that would be great.

Here is what I've been able to translate (don't know if I'll do more, so anyone is welcome to keep on translating...) :

The strange relationship between Mohamed Merah and Bernard Squarcini

From Morice – Agora Vox

A particularly disturbed young suburban in confidence with officials of the French special services: we will have all seen, definitely, under the Presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. Because make no mistake: this is what happened, to the point that today we have a quite different look at what happened in Toulouse. At the moment, we see it every day, the Americans, through their killer drones, liquidate one by one all their old Taliban friends. Systematically. Those who helped so much to back up the Soviets in Afghanistan. I had written some time ago that they were conducting a balance of any account, in doing so. Leave the country, certainly, but leaving behind nothing that would re-emerge one day of their actions and of their compromise with those that they blame every day since they turned against them. In France, we don't have drones (otherwise Israeli copies reshaped by Serge Dassault, selling them at an exorbitant price). But we have the same practice, by eliminating those who, at a time of their lives, have treated with services today placed at the foot of the wall and forced to reveal their suspicious links. And even, fearing the possible revelations, to have taken the lead today in le Monde.

Mohammed Merah would have told him, to him or one of his officials "in any event, I had to call you to tell you that I had news to give you, but in fact, I was going to kill you" Bernard Squarcini eventually said in an interview in the newspaper le Monde to try to hide his deleterious role in what is becoming a sordid history, as if the children’s murders of a Jewish school were not yet enough. How is it possible that a lost 23 years old suburban can speak in this tone to the highest instance of the country's security services in France? From where came this familiarity, to this young murderer who wrote to the judge in a very respectful tone? Why had he come to so much familiarity with this official or his subordinates? Why did he finally want to kill the guy he had for months as a privileged interlocutor? He felt betrayed? Why did he come to say, before his life ended at the end of the funnel that he had built, or that was built for him, that he had "brought France to its knees?" In what could he think that he did it in committing such acts?

For a simple reason: he had been assigned a role. A dual role, obviously. The young jihadist had something to tell us, indeed. And once dead, Bernard Squarcini rushed to speak in his place. So rapidly that the suspicion is not even more supposed. The next day the terrorist puppet was found at the bottom of his building riddled with bullets, the man who had asked to meet him in the fall of 2011 came very quickly to talk in his place, to provide us a haunting picture from this character, but also and even more from his own relations with him. A picture of someone who knew him very well since... 2007. One of a young suburb without money, or living with a RSA (a little more than 400 euros per month) having already stamped his passport in nine countries, and not from the least ones. But let therefore the "Squale" provide itself the long list: "he spent time with his brother in Cairo after traveling in the Middle East: Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and even Israel." In Jerusalem, police discovered a Pocket knife in his bag and released him. Then, he went to Afghanistan passing through Tajikistan. He goes through ways that are unusual and does not appear on our radar, or those from French, American and local services. "He arrives on November 13 in Kabul, he is controlled on 22 November in Kandahar and he returns to France on December 5, 2010." Nine countries have I told you: Yes, because to the list, it must also be added Pakistan and even... Iran, which as everyone knows, is a country where we go very easily... it is well known! "Another disturbing element about the movements of Mohamed Merah remains to clarify: its presence in Iran"on two occasions” according to a French military source in Afghanistan. When questioned by Le Monde on Wednesday, the DCRI, responsible for counter-espionage and counter-terrorism, denied the stay" did we also learn today.
Thanks Esote. So it would appear that Merah was handled by French intelligence, along with other prospective 'djihadists':
I heard today on the radio that there is supposedly a video from the raid wich was send to Al Jazeera and that Sarkozy told all TV stations to not show it to the public out of respect to the relative. :rolleyes:

Pashalis said:
I heard today on the radio that there is supposedly a video from the raid wich was send to Al Jazeera and that Sarkozy told all TV stations to not show it to the public out of respect to the relative. :rolleyes:


here are two links I found:

Sarkozy urges media not to show Merah shootings video:

Network won't show France killings video, it says:
I don't necessarily doubt that the videos exist. I just keep in mind the scene from V for Vendetta. "We need cameras." Context is everything, and with a fabricated context, you can do a lot...
Approaching Infinity said:
I don't necessarily doubt that the videos exist. I just keep in mind the scene from V for Vendetta. "We need cameras." Context is everything, and with a fabricated context, you can do a lot...
Exactly AI,

They have already manufactured the context, ie Merah is the killer, the "terrorist" threat, MIVILUDES with the "cult" threat, etc. That is why i think the videos were taken in the first place:
Perceval said:
If, and that's a big "if", the public gets to hear these tapes, we'll keep in mind that such tapes can be very easily manufactured.

[quote author=bngenoh]Wasn't the recording device that the shooter supposedly had, very conveniently worn around his neck, so that all you would see is arms with gun(s), shooting and reloading, with the victims screaming and writhing in pain. Then all you have to do is plant the tape on whomever, and voila you have your killer. Just like the passports on 911.

Same MO, over and over again.
g00gling "raid video toulouse" brings a hit for youtube titled: "Toulouse Raid: Video Of Police Raid On Mohammed Merah's Flat", but it was removed by the user. :rolleyes:

There is this video, which I don't think we had seen before:


"Exclusive footage of heavy gunfire at Toulouse"
the link of 3D Student is not working for me.

I would suggest that somebody safes or copys possible videos that emerge just in case they disappear.
The sottreport commented yesterday on this video, which supposedly was the apartment of Merah after the raid and indeed very, very small:

from the German NTV perspective it is not looking like they have fire exchange.
I can hear from minute 02:06 fire from automatic gun.
in the Animation starting in this video:

you can see in the minute 1:22 animation of the shootings.

from this animation you can see only short fire exchange with two policeman, where are the 300 bullets from the police?
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