Transgender "out of the blue" - a new kind of Gender Dysphoria


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I saw this posted by Jordan Peterson today, and given all the madness that is going on in the world with SJW's it seemed like a good idea to start a topic on it.

Misunderstanding a New Kind of Gender Dysphoria written by Lisa Marchiano

A year ago, as a result of a blog post I wrote, I began offering consultations to parents of teens who had announced “out of the blue” that they were transgender. Each week, several new families made contact with me, and their stories are remarkably similar to one another. Most have 14 or 15-year-old daughters who are smart, quirky, and struggling socially. Many of these kids are on the autism spectrum. And they are often asking for medical interventions – hormones and surgery – that may render them sterile, affect their liver, or lead to high blood pressure, among other possible side effects.

The parents are bewildered and terrified, careful to let me know that they love their child and would support any interventions that were truly necessary. They speak to me of dealing with their fear for their child in terrible isolation, as friends and family blithely celebrate their child’s “bravery.”

I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume of parents who call me. I find it difficult to listen to their stories – each one so like the others. The desperation in their voices is palpable. They ask if they can fly to see me and bring their daughter. When I tell them I don’t do that, they ask if I can direct them to any therapist who won’t just affirm and greenlight their child for medical transition. Their voices are tremulous with relief at speaking with someone who doesn’t dismiss their concerns about unnecessary medical interventions. Each consultation lasts longer than the time I have allotted for it.

At times, I am able to offer advice that helps a family steer their child clear of drastic medical intervention of dubious benefit or necessity. But sometimes all I can do is stand helpless and witness the wreckage. Claire’s story was one of the latter.

Like many of the young people I hear about, Claire’s daughter Molly had had a series of complex medical and psychological challenges as an adolescent. Though profoundly gifted, the teenager struggled with autism, dyspraxia, and anxiety, all of which made school challenging. At 13, Molly developed anorexia, for which she was hospitalized twice. “There were years in there where I felt like my job was just to keep her alive,” Claire explained. Thanks in part to intensive psychotherapy, Molly had mostly recovered from the eating disorder by age 16, only to face new medical problems – she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Managing this condition required doctor visits and medications, some of which came with worrying side effects. It also added to Molly’s isolation and social struggles.

Despite her multiple challenges, Molly finished high school on time, and was accepted at her first-choice college. Claire and her husband Jeff felt relieved. But after graduation came a new diagnosis. On her 18th birthday, after spending much of the summer online, Molly told her parents that she was transgender.

This news came as a shock. According to Claire, Molly had never before expressed any concerns about gender. She had been a fairly typical little girl in terms of interests and play choices, and had dated several boys in high school. Nevertheless, Jeff and Claire didn’t object when Molly traded her long hair for a buzz cut. They even purchased a binder for her that would flatten her chest and make her look more male. Hoping that a therapist could help Molly clarify her feelings about gender, Claire and Jeff accompanied her to an intake appointment at a gender clinic. Claire was shocked by what happened there.

After a 30-minute consultation with a physician’s assistant, Molly was given an appointment for the following week to begin testosterone injections. There was no exploration of her other physical and mental health issues, and whether these may have influenced her belief that she was trans. There was also no caution expressed about how hormone treatment might affect Crohn’s disease. Molly simply had to sign a consent form stating that she identified as male and understood the risks associated with testosterone.

The PA (physician assistant) also suggested that Molly schedule top surgery – a double mastectomy – within a few months. When Claire stated that she and Jeff wanted time to do research and consider alternatives before allowing Molly to begin taking testosterone or have surgery, the PA told her that their job as parents now was to support and affirm their ‘son.’ In front of Molly, he told Claire she ought to get her own therapist to deal with her issues so that she could be a better support person to ‘Max.’ When Claire and Jeff expressed concerns about Molly’s anxiety and isolation, the PA stated that these were likely a result of Molly being transgender, and would resolve once she began to transition.

Up until about ten years ago, gender dysphoria presenting for the first time in adolescence was virtually unknown in natal females. (There is a well-known type of gender dysphoria found in males that sometimes begins in adolescence.) In the prototypical form of female gender dysphoria, signs first appear in early childhood, usually between the ages of two and four. Such girls hate stereotypic femininity – such as Barbies and dresses – and embrace stereotypic masculinity–such as short hair, pants, and toy guns. For most young children whose gender dysphoria began well before puberty, feelings of discomfort with their natal sex resolve on their own, usually before adolescence. The exact proportion of childhood-onset cases whose gender dysphoria persists into adolescence and young adulthood has been estimated to be approximately 20%.

In the past decade, however, a new presentation of gender dysphoria has suddenly become widespread, in which teens or tweens come to identify as transgender “out of the blue,” without any childhood history of feeling uncomfortable with their sex. Experts have dubbed this presentation rapid onset gender dysphoria, and are beginning to study it.

“We think this is an entirely distinct phenomenon from childhood-onset gender dysphoria,” says Michael Bailey, PhD a leading researcher on sexuality and gender, and a psychology professor at Northwestern University. “Indeed, we think it didn’t exist until recently. It is a socially contagious phenomenon, reminiscent of the multiple personality disorder epidemic of the 1990s.”

Although not much is known at this time about ROGD, it appears likely that it may be a kind of social contagion in which young people – often teen girls – come to believe that they are transgender. Preliminary research indicates that young people who identify as trans “out of the blue” may have been influenced by social media sites that valorize being trans. In addition, researchers have observed a pattern of clusters of friends coming out together.

While transgender advocates have derided the notion that the sudden surge in trans identified teens – and natal female teens in particular – could be influenced by social contagion, the idea is not so far-fetched. Bulimia was virtually unknown until the 1970s, when British psychologist Gerald Russell first described the condition in a medical journal. Author Lee Daniel Kravetz interviewed Russell for his recent book Strange Contagion. According to Russell, “once it was described, and I take full responsibility for that with my paper, there was a common language for it. And knowledge spreads very quickly.” Scientists have been able to track bulimia’s transmission even into culturally remote enclaves following the introduction of Western media sources. It is estimated that bulimia has since affected 30 million people.

Others have noted that rapid onset gender dysphoria may share much in common with another social contagion that spread symptoms of mental distress which were iatrogenic – that is, created or reinforced by the process of receiving medical or mental health treatment. In the 1990s, some therapists unwittingly encouraged their patients to construct false narratives of having been sexually abused. These patients often became identified with their role as a victim, found themselves dependent on their therapist, and saw a decline in their functioning and overall mental well-being.

While many in the research community are gaining a growing awareness of rapid onset gender dysphoira and its contagious nature, clinical practice guidelines have not caught up with this newer understanding. Moreover, in recent years, advocacy on behalf of the transgender community has seen medical gatekeeping reduced so that, in many places in the US, young people like Molly can access medical transition without any diagnostic or assessment process.

This is concerning, because there is reason to suspect that those with rapid onset gender dysphoria are unlikely to benefit from medical transition, and may even be harmed by it.
Studies indicate that teen girls with this type of dysphoria have much higher rates of serious mental health issues than those with the more common gender dysphoria that is first noticed in early childhood. The growing community of detransitioners – mostly young women in their 20s – suggests that loosening the standards for accessing medical transition hasn’t served everyone well.

In Molly’s case, Claire and her husband wanted to be tolerant and accepting of Molly’s exploration of gender, but were alarmed by the rush to medical intervention. As a medical professional with a research background, Claire was worried about the side effects of testosterone. Research quickly confirmed what she suspected – there are no studies on the long-term safety of testosterone in female bodied people, and little is known about how testosterone might affect Molly’s medical and mental health conditions. Furthermore, some of testosterone’s effects – such as a deepened voice and growth of facial hair – are permanent. Claire and Jeff were concerned enough by the lack of science supporting medical transition for someone in Molly’s situation that they asked their daughter to move slowly so that they could all do more research. At first, Molly agreed.

However, shortly after Molly started college, Claire could tell that all was not well. Molly communicated with her parents infrequently. When Claire managed to reach her, Molly was withdrawn and sullen. By October, Molly stopped responding to phone calls, and would only communicate by text. A week before Molly was due to come home for Thanksgiving, Claire and Jeff received a call that Molly had been admitted to a psychiatric ward after becoming erratic and violent in her dorm.

When Jeff and Claire arrived the next morning after driving through the night, they were distraught by what they found. Molly seemed like a different person than the kid they had dropped off just a few months before. When she saw her parents, she became agitated. “She kept repeating that she didn’t want to see us, that we were the reason she had been hospitalized because we didn’t support her transition,” explained Claire. Eventually, hospital staff asked Jeff and Claire to leave.

Claire believes that Molly’s aggression and volatility were a reaction to beginning testosterone injections, which had commenced two weeks prior to the hospitalization. Molly had also changed her name and gender designation at school. A gender-affirming therapist at her college counseling center had referred her to an informed consent clinic for the testosterone prescription.

The rest of Molly’s story is not a happy one. At the end of her freshman year, she had top surgery, paid for by student health insurance. She moved back home over the summer so that her parents could help during her recovery. By this time, Molly’s voice had deepened, facial hair had grown in, and she passed as male full-time. Molly had become Max.

In spite of having transitioned, Max did not blossom into his “authentic self.” In fact, his mental health worsened. He was more anxious and isolated than ever and rarely left the house, spending most of his time online. He told his mother that he feared people would know he was trans and try to harm him were he to go out in public. When Claire tried to reassure him by offering to accompany him, Max often refused, expressing a lack of trust for Claire and her motives because, in Max’s words, Claire was a “transphobe.” “I feel as though my child has been taught to be paranoid about me,” Claire told me.

By the end of that summer, Max had yet another diagnosis to contend with. He began experiencing symptoms of interstitial cystitis, a painful and often debilitating condition that affects the bladder. Claire was not able to find any discussion in the medical literature about testosterone use and interstitial cystitis, but she did find online accounts of trans men suffering from worsening IC symptoms after going on testosterone. Claire pointed out that we just don’t know enough about how these medications affect people long-term. “I would say these gender doctors are experimenting on people,” Claire told me, “but when you experiment, you keep data and track outcomes.”

When Claire and I last spoke, Max was still living at home. Between his anxiety and his symptoms of IC, he had been unable to return to college. The only times he left the house were to see his therapist or attend a trans support group.

Claire agrees. “Molly’s belief that she was trans was a maladaptive coping mechanism she used to deal with her anxiety and other issues,” she said. “That belief was reinforced by her peers online and at college, by the therapist at school, and the providers at the gender clinic. These people not only encouraged her to believe that she was trans, but also that she needed to transition medically or risk being unhappy and suicidal. And once she had transitioned, there was an online community encouraging her to believe that the world would hate her because she is trans. They have sealed her in a cave, and I fear there may be no way back.”

Claire’s story is not unique. The spiking numbers of teens seeking gender reassignment throughout the developed world have some experts concerned that we are seeing another widespread contagion. In the UK, Australia, and US, the number of teens seeking treatment has soared. The website 4thwavenow, which describes itself as “a community of parents and friends skeptical of the transgender child/teen trend,” gets around 60,000 views per month, and the comments section is filled with hundreds of stories every bit as harrowing as Claire’s.

What will it take for this contagion to be seen for what it is, so that its most damaging effects can be prevented? Recently, one mom told me that I was her only hope. She surely deserves better than that.

This ties with what Alada mentioned in another thread:

Alada said:
BrenXHkm said:
Looking at the positive side of all this, this could be shacking some people's reality, making them question the reality around them, but for this to keep going we need more shocks of that type and more shocks mean more suffering. Maybe it's just me being positive but this could lead to a big fail on the control system's part, they don't want people to wake up, and this may be causing exactly the opposite.

Or it may have the opposite effect. The shock would be so strong that people might end up seeking refuge in their false beliefs or anything that allows them to dissociate from reality. I think this could be the worst scenario because what would happen if even more people begin to fall asleep? What is left?

And that’s not to say it a conscious process to seeking refuge, or wanting to dissociate from reality, more that people want the stress to stop. Or you could say people’s brains want the stress to stop and one way or another it finds ways to do that, amygdala hijack fight or flight responses, psychotic episodes, ramp the externals stress points up far enough and the brain will do it’s own thing. And then that in itself creates more stress as there’s no understanding of what the heck is going on (especially if your ability to think has shut down), but you’d sure want it to stop!

In that context I think would it sure make external figures or movements appealing if they are viewed as a way to “make it stop!”. Ramp people’s stress up to a certain level and then promise or allude to your aims / cause being a source of relief from the stress of it all.

To think on another scale for a minute, I’ve wondered recently if a factor with hyper-sensitive SJW types, is that they are hyper-sensitive, but not just emotionally/psychologically, but on a neurological level? That people’s systems have been made more sensitive over time, and whether vaccines may have been a factor there. So you not starting with a level playing field and can come at it from a ‘pull yourself together’ and get your thinking straight way, that part of the ‘getting triggered’ thing is that maybe a lot of folk now do have these hyper-sensitive systems and that it’s partly a wiring thing due to vaccine damage/toxicity?

Makes me wonder about the increase in autism spectrum disorders, Aspergers, ADD, ADHD, BPD or just the state of people’s mental health in general, there’s a lot goes undetected I think. It seems that over the last several decades the long term effects has been to create a hyper-sensitive, easily hystericised population, the SJW crowd can be triggered just by other people existing, maybe for the older generation (who hadn’t been exposed to the same degree) it takes larger scale shocks to induce the necessary levels of stress for mental shut down / ‘make it stop’ / find a saviour programs to run?

What is happening in the world right now is so very shocking, and we’re living in an age where social media makes it instantly apparent to all. I feel the weight of it too and can find it hard to keep looking it’s so exasperating some days. Important then to take care to look after the mind and body, that we do need to take good care of them both and not let the system get overwhelmed, lest the brain start doing it’s own thing to try and compensate. Important to rest and recharge the batteries when we need to, get good sleep, breathe, so that we can better keep our balance. I sure do hear folk on finding it hard some days though.

Adding to this (from sott): What gender propagandists won't discuss: Gender reversal surgeries are rising
Those wishing to reverse their gender reassignment, Prof Djordjevic says, have spoken to him about experiencing crippling levels of depression following their transition and in some cases even contemplated suicide. "It can be a real disaster to hear these stories," says the 52-year-old.

And yet, in the main part, they are not being heard.

Personally, the whole thing leaves me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
RedFox said:
Personally, the whole thing leaves me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I feel the same way.

Molly/Max has support from loving parents, yet now lives in a "cave" with his online community. I feel sad for Max and his family. Makes me thankful I never had children, as a situation such as this would be heartbreaking.
I read this article last night. It was heartbreaking for me. These poor children have everything stacked against them. I can't imagine a more cruel way for the PTBs to exploit them than using the paternal/maternal institutions of higher learning telling them they'll commit suicide unless they transition, and then that everyone will hate them thereafter so stick to your online peers and only leave the house to see your shrink and support group. :cry:

The website the author references, Fourth Wave Now, has a lot of similarly harrowing stories about the difficulties of parents dealing with this pernicious social contagion.
RedFox said:
Personally, the whole thing leaves me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It's almost beyond understanding.

from link said:
...After a 30-minute consultation with a physician’s assistant, Molly was given an appointment for the following week to begin testosterone injections.
The PA (physician assistant) also suggested that Molly schedule top surgery – a double mastectomy – within a few months...

I know it has been said in other threads and posts, and yet each time something like this is read I'm just sickened at the medical establishment. They are ordering up life changing experimentation like it it is noting more than a tick-mark on a form from nothing more than an assistant feeding the experimental medical machine that will be further enriched by the fallout.

When reading old Uni papers from the war 2.0 archives on camp experiments, of course this all happened by pathological doctors on people without the ability to make a choice. Today, they manipulate and exploit choices and people think nothing of the experimental realities or the exploiters themselves, least they might have to look in a mirror and review their medical oath, not to mention the legalities, which they are somewhat protected from - and yet it is all so socially and politically accepted.

Molly needed psychological help and instead she got a PA who had all the answers and a society more than willing to help push her down this road.

Hippocratic Oath said:
... I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.

Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.

"First do no harm"
Just if you thought it cannot get any crazier, here comes pure insanity. This guy is proudly recommending suicidal tactics to his clients, including children, to reach their 'goals'. And on top of that it all happens in cooperation with corrupted politicians:

“Gender therapy” doctor admits to advising kids to fake being suicidal to get transgender “treatments”
Earlier this year, I noted that transgender activists were going to use data on the suicide rate in the transgender community to go after schools they consider insufficiently supportive of their ideological agenda, despite the fact that there is no evidence that physical transition actually reduces suicidal ideation. As it turns out, there are some medical quacks willing to go quite a bit further in their crusade to assist young children in the transition process, including a psychologist from British Columbia, Canada:

Dr. Wallace Wong…is facing calls for an inquiry into the conduct of his practice. On February 28…Wong spoke at an event hosted by Vancouver Public Library. In a tape of the event obtained by Canadian pro-family group Culture Guard, Wong is heard proudly describing the scope of his children-only “gender therapy” practice, noting that his youngest client is not yet three years old and that he has 501 orphans and foster kids in his local practice.

If true, this indicates Wong has likely used his relationship with the BC Ministry of Children and Family to diagnose more than 10 to 20 percent of local children in government care as needing his “gender therapy,” according to Culture Guard President Kari Simpson.

In Wong’s own words, his practice began in 2010 with just “four clients at the ministry” but in the course of nine years, there was such an enormous surge of need within that population that he now has “more than 500 kids, [with] just the Ministry alone…. So we can imagine the demand of service is soaring…. The phenomenon is happening a lot faster than – than we expected.”

Simpson expressed outrage at this “soaring” demand, claiming Wong was “gender-jacking” vulnerable children from the Ministry and “profiting” handsomely into the bargain.

Wong also had some startling advice for a parent seeking to get a child referred to his program. Although the questioner had not indicated any particular urgency, Wong explained that parents should exaggerate the severity of their child’s condition to their local health offices.

Wong said a suicide threat was an effective means of accomplishing this goal. While Wong framed the matter as the government’s fault and explained to his audience that it is “up to us as advocates” to change the situation, his message could not have been lost on anyone present.

“So what you need is, you know what? Pull a stunt. Suicide, every time, [then] they will give you what you need,” Wong said, adding that gender-dysphoric kids “learn that. They learn it very fast.”

This is a revealing, although unsurprising, admission, and I’m glad that it was caught on tape. Suicidal ideation has long been a preferred tactic of progressives in the culture wars—not only is it used in the transgender context to achieve their goals, but they also claim that any failure to implement LGBT programming in schools and other institutions is sure to cause suicides amongst gay and lesbian youth. Suicidal ideation has even been used in the abortion fight—Irish courts first permitted abortion in limited circumstances when faced with the hypothetical of women promising to commit suicide if they were refused abortions.

Dr. Wallace Wong is a hero in the transgender community because he helps them get what they want, regardless of whether he has to brazenly lie to do so. He does this while claiming that parents who do not whole-heartedly embrace physical transition for their children pose a threat to their own sons and daughters. These facts appear to indicate that the very opposite is true.
This makes me feel so bad. Complete non-sense it's hard to understand how the judge can come to the conclusion that it's in the boy's interest to go through a transformation at 7 years old.

There is a war on the family unit and the children are in the crosshairs! Jeffrey Younger is the father of James Younger a 7 year old boy who has been convinced by his mother that he is a girl…The mother wants the boy to go through with transitioning and the father doesn’t…A Texas jury has ruled against the father in seeking custody to protect his son from irreversible damage. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows the incremental moves that got us to this point and how you can help fathers like Jeffrey who are having their families torn apart by the state.

By the way Press for Thruth has been demonetized by youtube. He tries to go through go fund me instead.

Texas dad Jeffrey Younger has been fighting in the courts to stop his ex-wife from gender "transitioning" their 7-year-old son, James. On October 24, 2019, Dallas Judge Kim Cooks ruled to allow Younger a say in James' medical treatment. However, she also instituted a gag order preventing him from speaking out. He spoke to LifeSite's Madeleine Jacob right before the judge issued her ruling.

Dr. Wallace Wong…is facing calls for an inquiry into the conduct of his practice. On February 28…Wong spoke at an event hosted by Vancouver Public Library. In a tape of the event obtained by Canadian pro-family group Culture Guard, Wong is heard proudly describing the scope of his children-only “gender therapy” practice, noting that his youngest client is not yet three years old and that he has 501 orphans and foster kids in his local practice.
Wong also had some startling advice for a parent seeking to get a child referred to his program. Although the questioner had not indicated any particular urgency, Wong explained that parents should exaggerate the severity of their child’s condition to their local health offices.

Wong said a suicide threat was an effective means of accomplishing this goal. While Wong framed the matter as the government’s fault and explained to his audience that it is “up to us as advocates” to change the situation, his message could not have been lost on anyone present.

“So what you need is, you know what? Pull a stunt. Suicide, every time, [then] they will give you what you need,” Wong said, adding that gender-dysphoric kids “learn that. They learn it very fast.”

Sorry for this but I have an urge to express my disagreement with this man by means of violence towards his face. Kids under three years old?! A psychologist teaching kids to lie about being suicidal to get what they want?! WTF?! And people around the globe have to be careful about speaking out because of social if not legal punishment? I might have grown accustomed to the insanity going on in these and other matters but these things cannot stand. Please, let's find a way to seed a new and better reality, this one is past due. A punching bag would be nice right now...
And the man, along with other "gender doctors", is a coward hiding behind a court publication ban.

[The following article has redacted portions in brackets per court order.]
March 25, 2019
500+ Ministry children in “Gender therapy’ in Richmond,
Delta and Surrey ALONE!
March 25, 2019 (CultureGuard) — Culture Guard has demanded that Premier Horgan launch an inquiry into a BC ‘clinic’ run by the controversial Dr. [Name redacted per court order] that has more than 500 “Ministry” children as patients of his “gender” clinic. The head of the clinic told a parents meeting that the number of children needing treatment has multiplied 125 times—12,500 percent!—since 2010.
Culture Guard representatives secretly recorded the February 28, 2019, meeting that took place in Vancouver!
Dr. [Name redacted per court order] is one of the named respondents in the “Save Maxine” case involving a troubled 14-year-old who wants to transition from appearing to be a girl and instead, through experimental hormone treatment, take on male characteristics. Dr. [Name redacted per court order] “assessed” the troubled teen and referred her to Children’s Hospital for “hormone” therapy.
Since the “Save Maxine” case went public, and now viral, the British Columbia doctors involved, including [Name redacted per court order], are claiming that they—the doctors—are “in danger” and want the court to protect their identity through a publication ban!
Kari Simpson [Name not redacted because she has nothing to hide], President of Culture Guard, who receives death threats on a regular basis and has attended the court hearings involving the publication ban, believes the doctors are being disingenuous and thinks their greater fear is being sued and/or the being rightfully labelled as child abusers, Mengelites or likened to Dr. Frankenstein.

Simpson says, “These doctors know full well that they are profiting from a spurious gender-jacking trend. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. Wilful blindness is not a defense.”
Simpson goes on to say that “BC Children’s Hospital and the doctors involved want to abuse the power of the court to shield them from public exposures. How convenient for Dr. [Name redacted per court order], Dr. [Name redacted per court order], Dr. [Name redacted per court order] and BC Children’s Hospital if the legacy media, the new net media and bloggers are prohibited from exposing the fact that, according to Dr. [Name redacted per court order], he is experimenting on 500+ of BC’s most vulnerable kids!
Dr. [Name redacted per court order]’s pipeline leads directly to BC Children’s hospital and the other named doctors. The public has a right to know. Other potential victims have a right to know. Parents who have been given misinformation and trusted ‘the team’ at BC Children’s have a right to know.”
Dr. [Name redacted per court order] and BC Children’s Hospital are being represented by the same lawyer. Paul Dirks, head of research at Parents United Canada, states:
“The numbers are staggering. Dr. [Name redacted per court order]’s talk demonstrates an epidemic of gender dysphoria among vulnerable children within the Ministry. The reported change from a 9:1 to a 1:9 male-to-female ratio and a 125-fold increase are clear signs of a social contagion, as has happened in the past with bulimia among groups of adolescent and young adult women. [Name redacted per court order]’s suggestion that gender- fluid children should lead and parents should follow goes against all the evidence we have on childhood development and the extremely high likelihood that gender dysphoria will go away in or after puberty. It is unconscionable that parents are being supported and encouraged in letting their two and three-year-olds socially transition.”
At one point in the tape Dr. [Name redacted per court order] scoffed at evidence from reliable sources that says 80 percent of pre-pubescent children who experience gender dysphoria— unhappiness about their birth gender—will become successfully adjusted to their gender after they pass through puberty. Instead, he alarmed parents with warning of suicide:
“Because in a way we’re teaching the kid, ‘You need to be sick enough.’ So what you need is, you know what? Pull a stunt. Suicide—every time, they will give you what you need. They learn that. They learn it very fast right? If I want and need this, I just say to, ‘Hey Mom,’ right?”
Dr. [Name redacted per court order] also said his youngest ‘patient’ is only 2 3⁄4 years old.

In her letter to Premier Horgan, Culture Guard President Kari Simpson stated that she sent observers to a parents’ information meeting staged by Dr. [Name redacted per court order] February 28, 2019; the meeting was recorded and has now been transcribed, and a copy has been made available to the Premier.
The transcript will also form part of the legal record in a case involving a 14-year-old child who has been deemed ‘competent to consent’ to experimental treatments that BC Children’s Hospital has determined to be ‘in her best interests.’ That court decision is under appeal.
In her letter to Premier Horgan, Mrs. Simpson says, “As you know ‘suicide’ and skewed statistics have been used as a catalyst for stampeding the SOGI agenda into our schools.” {{SOGI: sexual orientation and gender identity}}
But she adds: “It’s time to have a reality check, Mr. Premier. The reality of what is transpiring, and the research don’t support SOGI 123 or the deliberate experimentation and mutilation of our children. STOP the lunacy!

Paul Dirks agrees-
“This 125-fold increase in transgender children over the last 10 years is a clear sign that the Government and the Ministry of Children and Family Development need to step in and protect the children of our province from an unproven ideology and its damaging consequences in the sterilization, lifelong medicalization and mutilation of the children of British Columbia. Anyone with the least knowledge of the literature on social contagions would recognize this as one, given the extreme male-to-female ratio change, the 125-fold increase over the last 10 years, and trans kids getting their knowledge from peers, over the Internet and in school.”

And the man, along with other "gender doctors", is a coward hiding behind a court publication ban.
What comes around, goes around. Except it always arrives again dressed differently.

This time the Nazi medical experimenters, instead of breaking bones against the will of their subjects, are now relying on a vast grooming social network to con children and parents into consenting!

I'm not sure which is more terrifying. Being hauled off to a bloody dungeon, or mind-game public schools and child molesters using the law to stop your mother and father from protecting you from unnecessary surgery.

This period in history is going to be taught in schools. And then people will forget and find some new way to do it all again!
This interview is filled with information and horrifying realizations coming for someone who has intelligence, humility, and a deep empathy for the children that are being sterilized.

She/he names the Monster, er...."Dr" who's "Name is redacted per court order" in the article above.

It has only been viewed on Youtube 422 times....I intend to pass it on.

"Watch as a transgender speaker destroys the transgender ideology that is destroying kids.

Smith, a former foster child, presents evidence that suggests that as many as 1 in 10 foster kids may now be identifying as transgender, with half of them being indigenous.

Smith calls this a "crime against humanity."

Press release and clips from Freedom Free for All interview in which Transgender Public Speaker Jenn Smith calls for a National Inquiry in Canada (and British Columbia) into the mass transitioning of foster children, autistic children, and other vulnerable youths.

Smith regards
what is happening to be a criminal exploitation of vulnerable kids by the medical/pharmaceutical industry and complicit agents of the state, by turning troubled kids into life-long pharmaceutical customers and permanently and irreversibly altering their bodies, including sterilization (with indications indigenous youths might be most at risk).

Smith is calling for an immediate inquiry.
This was clipped from a longer interview by Freedom Free for All on October 11, 2019."

This time the Nazi medical experimenters, instead of breaking bones against the will of their subjects, are now relying on a vast grooming social network to con children and parents into consenting!

Thank you for pointing this out. The Nazi similarity was not in my mind and this put things into perspective, a chilling one but a perspective nonetheless.

Session 10 February 2018 said:
(Joe) Pierre asked about the trial run and who will be the Nazis and who will be the Jews this time. They said that should be obvious by now, and the objective was to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool. Does that have anything to do with the radical leftist ideology that's taking over in the Western world?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) The true Semites, do they have the extra moral taste buds?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) I knew it!

(Joe) Are they really suggesting that this whole radical leftist ideology is going to go to an extreme in Western society?

A: Like the Nazis, they will try.

In my view it is already pretty extreme.

JBP has also made the connection between the Nazi and trans ideology somewhere in an interview.
This makes me feel so bad. Complete non-sense it's hard to understand how the judge can come to the conclusion that it's in the boy's interest to go through a transformation at 7 years old.

Truly unbelievable! I don't know what's worse: that demon-mother that the poor child has, or that the court is siding with her when they shouldn't even be entertaining such complete nonsense. What was that Laura once commented about a species not deserving to survive if they cannot even protect their own children? I think that was in the context of pedophilia, but this case is literally child abuse by the mother, so it's not too far off.
Sanity has prevailed:
Texas judge rules father CAN fight to stop his transgender son, 7, transiting to a girl after he argued the child's mother made him grow up wearing dresses and constantly told him 'monsters eat little boys'
  • Jeff Younger has been battling his ex-wife Dr Anne Georgulas in a Dallas family court over whether their child James has gender dysphoria
  • A judge ruled on Thursday that the divorced parents will have joint conservatorship over their child
  • It means they will have to make joint medical decisions regarding their child
  • They will have to jointly decided James should undergo hormone replacement therapy to transition to a girl and agree on haircuts for the child
  • Georgulas, who is a pediatrician, has argued that James is transgender and wants the child to transition to a girl named Luna
  • Her ex-husband, however, doesn't believe James has gender dysphoria and that his child is just experiencing some confusion with gender
  • He has accused Georgulas of forcing James to socially transition into a girl by making the child wear dresses
The decision comes after a jury ruled earlier this week in favor of giving sole managing guardianship of James and twin brother Jude to their mother.



Jeff Younger has been battling his ex-wife Dr Anne Georgulas in a Dallas family court as part of their bitter custody fight over whether their child James has gender dysphoria


Jeff Younger is pictured outside court on Thursday after a judge ruled he will be allowed to have a say in future medical decisions related to his child

[see full video of dad's response below]

Georgulas, who is a pediatrician, has argued that James is transgender and wants the child to transition to a girl named Luna.

Her ex-husband, however, doesn't believe James has gender dysphoria and that his child is just experiencing some confusion with gender.

He has accused Georgulas of forcing James to socially transition into a girl by making the child wear dresses.

Just moments before the judge's decision was handed down, Younger told outside court that he didn't expect the proceedings to go in his favor.

'I'm not anticipating a good result for my son,' he said. 'I think I'm not going to be able to stop the social transition of my son, which will probably lead to his medical transition.'

The judge put a gag order on both parents during the proceedings, which means neither can speak to media going forward.

As part of the judge's ruling both Younger and Georgulas will have to attend counseling.

The bitter court battle began when Georgulas filed a court request last year to change their joint custody arrangement to include a requirement that Younger start calling their child by the name Luna.

She said three mental health professionals had diagnosed James with gender dysphoria and that therapists had recommended they start using the name Luna instead of James.

Younger, however, filed his own request with the court to obtain sole custody of the twins to prevent the gender transition.


Read more:
Judge rules James Younger's dad can have say in transition
Thank God the judge overrode this jury's decision - what were they thinking?!!! Both twin sons were conceived via IVF and the pediatrician ex-wife is not the biological mother. Both parents wanted boys at that time. Subsequently, with the 5-year marriage going south to the point of annulment, the mother decided the one boy was actually a girl (probably to get back at her husband). She started dressing the child as a girl, applying nail polish, and renaming the child Luna (probably because this woman is a LUNAtic!!!). Oh, and repeatedly told the child that "monsters eat little boys"! Despite the boy being only 7 years old, she wanted to fast-track his transitioning into a girl! Sheer insanity and the system was going to allow it!!!!

Dad fighting gender 'transition' of 7-yr-old son speaks out right before gag order

GO DAD! Incredible common sense and push back against this horrific medically and almost legally sanctioned child abuse!
Any wonder why children are becoming gender confused? 'Inclusiveness' means any kind of deviant behavior must not only be tolerated but wholeheartedly imposed upon vey young, impressionable and innocent children - with irrational parental consent and encouragment! One can't help but note how many of these story hour drag queens choose a clown face type of makeup. Beyond disturbing. :evil:
Drag Queen Flashes Children During Story Hour

A drag queen accidentally flashed children a glimpse of his crotch during a ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ event in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

The performer, known as Sasha Sosa, was reading to children at Hennepin County Library when the incident was caught on camera.

Child Protection League Action posted a series of images from the event asserting that they represented taxpayer funded “debauchery and sexual grooming.”

According to the group, Sosa is aged 18 or 19 and regularly performs at strip clubs alongside ‘Gemini Valentine’, who was also present at the library wearing a revealing leotard.

The Hennepin County Library also reportedly failed to carry out a background check on the pair before the event.

The exposure of children to sexual themes at such events has caused fury amongst many conservatives.

Earlier this year we reported on photos showing young children lying on top of a drag queen during a ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ event in Portland.

One of the participants at a Drag Queen Story Time event in Houston, 32-year-old Albert Garza, later turned out to be a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.

However, according to neo-con columnist David French, Drag Queen Story Time is “one of the blessings of liberty.”

Drag Queen Flashes Children During Story Hour – GOVERNMENT SLAVES

Photos Show Kids Laying on Top of Drag Queen at ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ Event

Only in Portland.


Photos out of Portland, Oregon show young children lying on top of a drag queen during a ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ event.
[Drag queen ecstasy!]

The images show kids aged 5 and under frolicking on top of drag queen Carla Rossi during an event at St. John’s Library.


["Is that a pack of gum in your pocket or are you just happy to have me climbing on top of you?"]

The photos were posted by the Multnomah County Library’s Flickr account but were swiftly removed once Life Site News drew attention to them.

“Portland’s premier drag clown Carla Rossi (with intellectual support from her human avatar Anthony Hudson) attempts to chart the vast abyss of drag and its potential, addressing how drag’s many varieties, flavors, and houses correspond to the unchartable spectrum of genders and sexuality – with supporting looks at its legendary elders, artists, and ancestors, from Two-Spirits (and other-gender shamans of the pre-settler North American continent) and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to Marsha P. Johnson, Leigh Bowery, Elvira, RuPaul, and Christeene,” Multnomah County states on its website about a similar upcoming event.


[A drag queen's ( ) dream come true! Probably gets paid for this, too!]

One of the participants at a Drag Queen Story Time event in Houston, 32-year-old Albert Garza, later turned out to be a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.

‘Desmond is Amazing’ – a 12-year-old child drag queen was also previously involved in Drag Queen Story Time.

Last week we highlighted how an admitted pedophile and convicted child porn peddler described 12-year-old Desmond as “hot” in a WordPress blog.

As Alicia Powe points out, over the last five years, the number of children being referred to clinics for gender re-assignment treatment in the UK has quadrupled, clearly suggesting that parental obsession with identity politics is being imposed on kids.

“Experts have warned that the huge spike is, in part, due to the promotion of transgender issues in schools which they say has encouraged [children] to question their identity, and “sowed confusion” in their minds,”
The Telegraph reported.
Did any of us ever expect to see anything like this come to pass - in public libraries no less?!!! An all-out Trannies and Toddlers play party with happy rainbow colors, sparkle, feathers, and she-clowns to roll all over with! Wowee!!!
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