Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

You were talking specifically about nationalist leaders like Trump giving rise to the "spirit of Hitler". Yet the push towards fascism and totalitarianism over the last decades happened under "non-nationalists" (globalists), as the West in general became more "woke", "green" and "leftist".

That is true. But then why is there such a rapid reversal in the trend now?

That is true. But then why is there such a rapid reversal in the trend now?

Probably because although the PTB know that Woke policies are destabilizing, they've only recently come to see how bad it is for their social/economic/military ability to adequately compete with BRICS+. So it makes sense to me that they'd give more room to the Right, to tradition or conservatism, whatever you want to call it, to shore up fortress America. Killing Trump didn't work, so might as well use him and MAGA for their Imperialist aims as much as they can. This also gives them the option of trying to deploy right wing totalitarianism in case they need to play that card.
Why is Greenland suddenly so important? It could simply be for missile defence purposes, but the following X user brings up the game for the wider Northwest passage, suggesting that those 'in the know' expect ice cap melting to happen.

However, another possible explanation is that they aware of a coming pole-shift. There is evidence of this happening in the past that has been covered in works by Laura and Pierre, among others.

Also, if that scenario is on the cards, then maybe Russia wouldn't be such a bad place to settle.
Why is Greenland suddenly so important?
Trump's interest in Greenland comes at a time when Russia has been seriously investing in ice-breaking ships (including nuclear-powered) to make greater use of the Arctic Ocean, principally for anticipated enhanced trading routes. It follows the expansion of BRICS.

Possibly, Trump (or, more likely, the Deep State/Neocons) intends to thwart Russia's plans for increasing/improving trading opportunities. Who knows?

Greenland reportedly has significant mineral resources potentially available, and Greenland might enable the US to instal missile sites much closer to Russia, if it had a mind to do so.

What I find concerning is that Russia's investment in this project comes at a time when the Earth is now sliding into another mini-ice age. Does Putin have competent advice from his own climate scientists? Does he heed them, or does he believe the AGM scam that is being pushed by the IPCC of the UN? Perhaps he thinks that things can only get warmer.
Probably because although the PTB know that Woke policies are destabilizing, they've only recently come to see how bad it is for their social/economic/military ability to adequately compete with BRICS+. So it makes sense to me that they'd give more room to the Right, to tradition or conservatism, whatever you want to call it, to shore up fortress America. Killing Trump didn't work, so might as well use him and MAGA for their Imperialist aims as much as they can. This also gives them the option of trying to deploy right wing totalitarianism in case they need to play that card.
Or probably it's a divide et impera game as suggested by Joe during yesterday's J&N show.

The left has been infiltrated and corrupted by pathological individuals for decades, it has been weaponized and its ready to be used against the right counterpart who has gotten fed up with the pathological side of the left for all this time. Thus setting them up against each other, setting the western world in flames in order afterwards to offer a solution. A solution that will play in the PTB's favor.

Personally, i'm not buying all these changes in the Western world in favor of the right political parties. The great spiritual war we're fighting now hasn't ended yet, not even by the slightest. The worst has yet to come, I hope to be wrong of course.

We'll see i guess.
Personally, i'm not buying all these changes in the Western world in favor of the right political parties. The great spiritual war we're fighting now hasn't ended yet, not even by the slightest. The worst has yet to come, I hope to be wrong of course.
I think the pushback is real, but the fight is certainly far from over.

Also, it looks like there is a good chance Greenland will become a part of the US:

"Greenlandic Prime Minister Mute Egede has rejected the possibility of selling the island to the US, but said on Friday that “we are ready to talk” with Trump."


John Browne: Trump Faces 4 Threats
On Nov. 5 , 2024 Donald J. Trump won a majority shocking many observers globally.

Today, the elite from America and much of the world flock to see Trump in Palm Beach, Florida to establish a relationship and even seek favors.

Even the leaders of nations hostile to the United States likely are working feverishly to reassess their relative positions.

Seldom, if ever, has any leader commanded such respect before taking power.

For those in favor of freedom and free enterprise things look great.

But before Trump is inaugurated, four sinister and hidden threats loom over him the future of the world.

Trump is only human, and Biden-Harris have handed him a potentially catastrophic situation. He faces a barrage of massive challenges that would test the survival of most leaders.

Four stand out.

They are: Potential assassination, stroke, (👈Session) inflation, and a chronic national debt problem for the world's major reserve currency.

Firstly, Trump faces the real threat of an assassination.

It's hard to imagine that domestic woke Marxists and America’s international enemies want to see a second term for a dynamic patriot like Trump.

After two (Three) known failed attempts on his life in the past year alone, it's highly likely that more attempts will be made.(1)

At the same time, it's worrying to watch the constitutional disloyalties at the control levels of the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice, not to mention the Biden-Harris White House.

With openly hostile governments of China, Russia Iran and North Korea now collaborating, Trump remains in danger.

When we think of assassinations with think of gunmen and bullets.

In today’s world it would appear to be wise to include bombs, rockets, mortars (as were planned against then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in central London), gas, and weaponized drones.

Relative cheap and ubiquitous anti-tank missiles could be fired from the ground on Trump’s plane or his presidential limousine.

Secondly, Donald Trump’s health is an issue and concern.

The president is a large man with a legendary capacity for hard, energetic work.

His ability to work without sleep is legendary.

Insisting to be on top of every topic and issue, places very great strains on the body, especially the heart of a large human.

Only Trump can take care of this, but the free world hopes he will take it seriously and monitor his health with appropriate rest and relaxation.

Thirdly, inflation and economic dangers remain for Trump and his presidency.

The Biden-Harris regime handed over a broken economy with both producer and consumer "official" inflation raging still at 4% and 3% respectively over an underlying inflation of well over 20% during the Biden years.

Trump wants and needs low interest rates.

Doubtless, his policies of cutting taxes and most importantly regulations will help to stimulate economic growth.

Added to his idea to lower energy costs and encourage domestic manufacturing, this may curb inflation.

But to lower interest rates in the face of inflation and a Federal Reserve chairman who sees higher interest rates as a key anti-inflation weapon, may be difficult, even untenable.

Finally, government spending and massive debt threatens our economic well-being.

Biden-Harris have continued to abuse the past policies of both major parties to continue clandestine overspending on a massive scale by disguising the true debt levels from voters.

When will voters be told the true costs of illegal immigration?

Today, politicians and the media focus attention on the appalling $36.2 trillion of direct Treasury debt.

However, the true figure of our government’s debt including unfunded guarantees, like Social Security and Medicare is a mind numbing $158.6 trillion, or 4.38 times more and that is the lowest figure.

Several estimates exceed $200 trillion.

This has been hidden by both parties and shows that Social Security will be exhausted, at present levels in 2033, and that Medicare will be in 2036.

Facing these threats, Trump will need all the political goodwill and support he can muster.

He will find, as did Thatcher, that political loyalty can evaporate rapidly when things get tough.

Every patriotic American and believers in freedom and free enterprise should offer continued support to our great patriot, Donald Trump.

While the threats are real and ominous, he has a track record of victory.

We pray it continues.

John Browne is a Newsmax contributor. He is a distinguished former member of Britain's Parliament, who also served as a principal adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government.

i am sure you all know it but greenland and Canada "integration" is a technocratic plan from 50 years back.
so trump is doing exactly what deep state wants. there is no maga in this only extortion, collusion, blackmail and corruption to serve the grand plan.
I guess we will have to wait and see if our opinion comes to fruition


John Browne: Trump Faces 4 Threats
On Nov. 5 , 2024 Donald J. Trump won a majority shocking many observers globally.

Today, the elite from America and much of the world flock to see Trump in Palm Beach, Florida to establish a relationship and even seek favors.

Even the leaders of nations hostile to the United States likely are working feverishly to reassess their relative positions.

Seldom, if ever, has any leader commanded such respect before taking power.

For those in favor of freedom and free enterprise things look great.

But before Trump is inaugurated, four sinister and hidden threats loom over him the future of the world.

Trump is only human, and Biden-Harris have handed him a potentially catastrophic situation. He faces a barrage of massive challenges that would test the survival of most leaders.

Four stand out.

They are: Potential assassination, stroke, (👈Session) inflation, and a chronic national debt problem for the world's major reserve currency.

Firstly, Trump faces the real threat of an assassination.

It's hard to imagine that domestic woke Marxists and America’s international enemies want to see a second term for a dynamic patriot like Trump.

After two (Three) known failed attempts on his life in the past year alone, it's highly likely that more attempts will be made.(1)

At the same time, it's worrying to watch the constitutional disloyalties at the control levels of the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice, not to mention the Biden-Harris White House.

With openly hostile governments of China, Russia Iran and North Korea now collaborating, Trump remains in danger.

When we think of assassinations with think of gunmen and bullets.

In today’s world it would appear to be wise to include bombs, rockets, mortars (as were planned against then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in central London), gas, and weaponized drones.

Relative cheap and ubiquitous anti-tank missiles could be fired from the ground on Trump’s plane or his presidential limousine.

Secondly, Donald Trump’s health is an issue and concern.

The president is a large man with a legendary capacity for hard, energetic work.

His ability to work without sleep is legendary.

Insisting to be on top of every topic and issue, places very great strains on the body, especially the heart of a large human.

Only Trump can take care of this, but the free world hopes he will take it seriously and monitor his health with appropriate rest and relaxation.

Thirdly, inflation and economic dangers remain for Trump and his presidency.

The Biden-Harris regime handed over a broken economy with both producer and consumer "official" inflation raging still at 4% and 3% respectively over an underlying inflation of well over 20% during the Biden years.

Trump wants and needs low interest rates.

Doubtless, his policies of cutting taxes and most importantly regulations will help to stimulate economic growth.

Added to his idea to lower energy costs and encourage domestic manufacturing, this may curb inflation.

But to lower interest rates in the face of inflation and a Federal Reserve chairman who sees higher interest rates as a key anti-inflation weapon, may be difficult, even untenable.

Finally, government spending and massive debt threatens our economic well-being.

Biden-Harris have continued to abuse the past policies of both major parties to continue clandestine overspending on a massive scale by disguising the true debt levels from voters.

When will voters be told the true costs of illegal immigration?

Today, politicians and the media focus attention on the appalling $36.2 trillion of direct Treasury debt.

However, the true figure of our government’s debt including unfunded guarantees, like Social Security and Medicare is a mind numbing $158.6 trillion, or 4.38 times more and that is the lowest figure.

Several estimates exceed $200 trillion.

This has been hidden by both parties and shows that Social Security will be exhausted, at present levels in 2033, and that Medicare will be in 2036.

Facing these threats, Trump will need all the political goodwill and support he can muster.

He will find, as did Thatcher, that political loyalty can evaporate rapidly when things get tough.

Every patriotic American and believers in freedom and free enterprise should offer continued support to our great patriot, Donald Trump.

While the threats are real and ominous, he has a track record of victory.

We pray it continues.

John Browne is a Newsmax contributor. He is a distinguished former member of Britain's Parliament, who also served as a principal adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government.

I guess we will have to wait and see if our opinion comes to fruition

I am beginning to connect this to recent events. The big companies leaving wokism, DEI, etc. And the fires in california. I imagine if those companies promoting all that ideological movement out of simple greed, if they are going to change course, it is even logical for them to remove evidence of what they did or planned to do. Both to continue making money and also to avoid being under the magnifying glass of the new government.
Why is Greenland suddenly so important? It could simply be for missile defence purposes, but the following X user brings up the game for the wider Northwest passage, suggesting that those 'in the know' expect ice cap melting to happen.

However, another possible explanation is that they aware of a coming pole-shift. There is evidence of this happening in the past that has been covered in works by Laura and Pierre, among others.

Also, if that scenario is on the cards, then maybe Russia wouldn't be such a bad place to settle.
This one’s a few years old, but…
What I find concerning is that Russia's investment in this project comes at a time when the Earth is now sliding into another mini-ice age. Does Putin have competent advice from his own climate scientists? Does he heed them, or does he believe the AGM scam that is being pushed by the IPCC of the UN? Perhaps he thinks that things can only get warmer.
Ice-breaking ships may become even more valuable in an ice age, especially if there is some magnetic or pole change.
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