However I see that you tend to overgeneralize based on a few tweets.
Well, I always put the word "an example" to illustrate the idea of the "spirit of the ages".
For obvious reasons I could not post the responses to the message which in turn generate quotes and repots which in turn generate more, spreading the idea through the networks.
Let me explain (Of course this forum is revisionist but I am not talking about this inner world but about the outer world of social networks and specifically X)
For obvious reasons I could not post the responses to the message which in turn generate quotes and repots which in turn generate more, spreading the idea through the networks.
Let me explain (Of course this forum is revisionist but I am not talking about this inner world but about the outer world of social networks and specifically X)
...idea that is fueling the rediscovery of Hitler among the youngest, "Hitler was right" "Hitler was not evil" they often say. Again, I think this adds to the zeitgeist. This is just one example.
1) Youngest, According to AI Gemini :
The majority of X (formerly Twitter) users are under 35 years old, and the age range with the highest percentage of users is 25 to 34 years old:
● About 58% of X users are under 35.
● 20% of users are between 18 and 24 years old.
● 23% of 13 to 17 year olds surveyed use X.
● X is particularly attractive to many industries because its users are highly active and financially open.
● There is no precise data on users over 50 years old (I think this is due to marketing, the target, the main market segment is young people)
2) To whom are you going to sell the ideas "Hitler was right" "Hitler was not evil"?

If he had won we would have the flying discs and the crystal cities, while today hell is under the power of the demons. But the real war is coming... For them.
Beyond generalization is the identification of a problem, of a seed, of something insignificant if you like, it is beyond not seeing, not hearing, not speaking (for fear of going against the consensus)
"My Spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know I was right." said Adolf Hitler
The spirit is on the rise, disguised as nationalism and good intentions.
Where will the Hitler spirit re-emerge? Mexico? Haiti? Europe? Russia? America?
Around the world? Yes, we were also told by the Cs that World War II was a test of the will
More than 300 neo-Nazis celebrate a party in Mexico, (2022)
Where will the Hitler spirit re-emerge? Mexico? Haiti? Europe? Russia? America?
Around the world? Yes, we were also told by the Cs that World War II was a test of the will
More than 300 neo-Nazis celebrate a party in Mexico, (2022)
How white supremacist fight clubs are building covert far-right militias
White supremacist groups using the guise of fitness and martial arts to attract and grow their numbers are effectively creating a new militia network, with dozens of chapters forming in the US, Canada and across Europe within just three years, according to a newly published report from extremism researchers.
Active Club members consider World War II Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to be a hero. Cómo un grupo neonazi está usando clubes deportivos para reclutar jóvenes y construir una "milicia" en Reino Unido, EE.UU. y Europa - BBC News Mundo
In 1994 the Cs mentioned that Hitler was sleeping and warned us of the next reincarnation in the future.
Q: (L) Will Adolf Hitler return to incarnation at some point in the future?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you predict what kind of life he will lead in his future incarnation?
A: No.
if not in flesh then in spirit, in an idea.