Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

However I see that you tend to overgeneralize based on a few tweets.

Well, I always put the word "an example" to illustrate the idea of the "spirit of the ages".

For obvious reasons I could not post the responses to the message which in turn generate quotes and repots which in turn generate more, spreading the idea through the networks.

Let me explain (Of course this forum is revisionist but I am not talking about this inner world but about the outer world of social networks and specifically X)​
...idea that is fueling the rediscovery of Hitler among the youngest, "Hitler was right" "Hitler was not evil" they often say. Again, I think this adds to the zeitgeist. This is just one example.

1) Youngest, According to AI Gemini :

The majority of X (formerly Twitter) users are under 35 years old, and the age range with the highest percentage of users is 25 to 34 years old:

● About 58% of X users are under 35.
● 20% of users are between 18 and 24 years old.
● 23% of 13 to 17 year olds surveyed use X.
X is particularly attractive to many industries because its users are highly active and financially open.
● There is no precise data on users over 50 years old (I think this is due to marketing, the target, the main market segment is young people)

2) To whom are you going to sell the ideas "Hitler was right" "Hitler was not evil"?


If he had won we would have the flying discs and the crystal cities, while today hell is under the power of the demons. But the real war is coming... For them.

Beyond generalization is the identification of a problem, of a seed, of something insignificant if you like, it is beyond not seeing, not hearing, not speaking (for fear of going against the consensus)
"My Spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know I was right." said Adolf Hitler

The spirit is on the rise, disguised as nationalism and good intentions.

Where will the Hitler spirit re-emerge? Mexico? Haiti? Europe? Russia? America?
Around the world? Yes, we were also told by the Cs that World War II was a test of the will

More than 300 neo-Nazis celebrate a party in Mexico, (2022)​

How white supremacist fight clubs are building covert far-right militias
White supremacist groups using the guise of fitness and martial arts to attract and grow their numbers are effectively creating a new militia network, with dozens of chapters forming in the US, Canada and across Europe within just three years, according to a newly published report from extremism researchers.​

In 1994 the Cs mentioned that Hitler was sleeping and warned us of the next reincarnation in the future.​
Q: (L) Will Adolf Hitler return to incarnation at some point in the future?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can you predict what kind of life he will lead in his future incarnation?

A: No.

if not in flesh then in spirit, in an idea.
Here is a level-headed article on Trump's most recent forays into Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal. It overhypes the danger from China, but otherwise makes some good points IMO

Why is it that people are always calling for someone to think "outside the box," then when someone does, say, "Aaaak! He thought outside the box!"

In that view, President-elect Donald J. Trump has already committed (at least) three heresies: Buy Greenland, stop China from controlling the Panama Canal and deepen America's affiliation with Canada.

All three ideas are neither crazy nor even new.

President Harry S. Truman looked at acquiring Greenland in 1946. Thomas Jefferson, after the Louisiana Purchase, proposed buying Cuba – just think how the Cubans would be prospering now, politically and economically, if that deal had gone through. Those acquisitions didn't take place but in 1917, the US did acquire Denmark's Virgin Islands for $25 million. As historian Stephen Press writes,

"As secretary of state, John Quincy Adams arranged debt relief for Spain in exchange for Florida. Secretary of State William Seward acquired Alaska. What Mr. Trump proposes is consistent with this American tradition—and with our current borders. Sovereignty purchases are responsible for more than 40% of U.S. land...

"History suggests the benefits of being open-minded about this. Inhabitants of Alaska wouldn't be better off under Russian sovereignty. Bringing Greenlanders into closer affiliation with the U.S., and sweetening the deal with economic subsidies, could conceivably prove beneficial to all parties"
As for the Panama Canal, President Jimmy Carter handed it to Panama for $1, but on the condition that it permanently remain a neutral zone – not one controlled at both ends by China. "We gave the Panama Canal to Panama," Trump has pointed out. "We didn't give it to China. They've abused that gift."

The US built the Panama Canal in the first place to be able to avoid having commercial and military sea traffic avoid the long journey around South America's southernmost sea route, the Strait of Magellan – where the Chinese Communist Party also located a base.

If there were to be a conflict with Communist China, it would be easy enough for them to block the Canal to U.S. use. As China expert Gordon G. Chang has pointed out:

"China's port facilities are at both ends of the canal. And when Gen. Laura Richardson took a helicopter ride over the Canal Zone, this was the middle of 2022; she said she 'looked down and saw all of these dual-use facilities.' ... at a time of war, they could make the canal totally useless.... They say that we have a two-ocean Navy. Well, we would have two separate navies. It'd be very difficult to get ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or vice versa."
Closer ties with Canada, as Trump appears to see them, would make a united-in-some-way North America a formidable landmass to any would-be adversary. "You get rid of that artificially drawn line," Trump stated, "and you take a look at what that looks like, and it would also be much better for national security. Don't forget, we protect Canada."

Trump seems to have been merely responding to the opening provided him by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, days before the latter announced that he would be resigning. According to Trump:

"I said what would happen if we didn't do it. He said Canada would dissolve. Canada wouldn't be able to function, if we didn't take their 20% of our car market... So, I said to him, well, why are we doing it? He said, I don't really know. He was unable to answer the question, but I can answer it. We're doing it because of habit, and we're doing it because we like our neighbors ,and we've been good neighbors. But we can't do it forever and it's a tremendous amount of money. And why should we have a $200 billion deficit and add on to that many, many other things that we give them in terms of subsidy?"
Trump has also announced a "Made in America," tax break incentive for investment in the US, and a "Golden Age of America."

It seems to have begun already -- and he is not even president yet.
"History suggests the benefits of being open-minded about this. Inhabitants of Alaska wouldn't be better off under Russian sovereignty. Bringing Greenlanders into closer affiliation with the U.S., and sweetening the deal with economic subsidies, could conceivably prove beneficial to all parties"

I mean, the US is on the brink of financial collapse. If the US economy collapses, so will Canadas, Central America's, South America's, Europe's, Australia's, and probably most of the rest of the world. Sure, the effects on the BRICS countries will be somewhat mitigated, but it will still be a huge blow. If incorporating all neighboring countries from Greenland down to Panama staves off collapse for even a few years to buy time and try to restructure the US debt (and the bureaucracy that caused this situation), that is a win for most of the world. Sure, it is imperialistic, but it may be one of those "forced choices".

Session 26 December 1998:
Q: Is the 'buried treasure' of the Templars or Cathars, or whoever, manuscripts from the Alexandrian library telling about the true origin and nature of man?

Well if so, maybe that would explain the structure you live under.

Q: Society? The Universe? The EM grid? Any or all of the above? What structure do I live under?

Forced choices.

Per chat GTP, the combined National GDP for Canada, Greenland, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama is about $5 Trillion. Combine that with the asset value of untapped resources, and you may get a situation where Trump can continue to borrow money aggressively to fund the major projects needed to pay off the debt. I'm not sure if Trump is actually planning to incorporate these countries into the United States or if he is just using this rhetoric to make some major deal which would have a similar effect, but there is no doubt in my mind that one or the other is in the cards. Now whether such a plan will be successful...

Session 27 February 2016:
(L) Well, Edgar Cayce said that World War III would start in the Middle East or thereabouts and that Syria and Turkey and all this was involved. I don't remember the exact details of what was said. But it really looks like they're gonna try to push it to that direction.

A: Or other "world" events may intervene.

Q: (L) Such as comets or weather or something?

A: Yes
If incorporating all neighboring countries from Greenland down to Panama staves off collapse for even a few years to buy time and try to restructure the US debt (and the bureaucracy that caused this situation), that is a win for most of the world

No doubt, it sounds very nice, but in reality, historically, Imperialism achieves its goals through military means. While the elites and citizens of the empire do not suffer, the indigenous people of the places where resources are to be exploited to make the empire great certainly pay with poverty, underdevelopment and death.

No doubt it's a win for the world from the materialistic perspective, let's prolong this unjust world as long as possible, it's like the Lizards' desire to perpetuate themselves in 4D

I came across this comment on the durans latest youtube video

I resonated with what the poster shared

''From a very high, "realist" perspective - say, from the perspective of the moon looking at earth - what I suspect is going to happen is Trump will white-wash the genocide in Gaza (not to mention all the other horrors of Neo-Con warmongering) in order to stabilize the Middle East as part of a profit-seeking plan to, a) exploit the big oil/gas deposits under Gaza and off Gaza; b) insure Israel's survival also using Syria's stolen oil, water and wheatfields; and c) secure the New Silk Road corridor from Asia to Europe via Israel-controlled countries. The Gaza genocide must be whitewashed and memory-holed for this larger economic plan to unfold smoothly - a plan designed not just to save Israel but to (try to) prevent a 1929-type Great Depression in the U.S. (i.e., to save our banksters and billionaire corporate monopolists, with maybe some "trickle-down.") I DO think that this plan would likely stabilize the Middle East (reduce the carnage) and may well extend the profit-taking years of the U.S. profiteers but it would be at the cost of our souls. Our souls - that is, the souls of all good people in the West - aside, the first step for the above plan would be to enlist Russia in stabilization of the Middle East. That seems to be under way. Spheres of influence will be clarified and avoiding clashes like Ukraine. Rivalry will be moved to the economic/trade sphere. How China and BRICS fare with this new U.S. policy, who knows? But I think it will be similar - avoidance of war. That is certainly a good thing, if humans are to survive at all.''

No doubt, it sounds very nice,
I did not say nor imply that. I argued it was the might be best case scenario given the current circumstances.

but in reality, historically, Imperialism achieves its goals through military means.
Usually yes but not always. Sometimes counties just buy other countries peacefully as Beau's post shows. Trump is not threatening Greenland, Canada, Panama ect. with military intervention. Nor is anyone here encouraging that.

While the elites and citizens of the empire do not suffer, the indigenous people of the places where resources are to be exploited to make the empire great certainly pay with poverty, underdevelopment and death.
Again, usually yes, but not always. No one here is arguing to rape and pillage Greenland or whoever. I was just adding some color to Beau's post that describes the potentially positive side of Imperialism. Russia, China, and BRICS engage in win-win diplomacy all the time.

Frankly, I think you're missing the point. Maybe I've misread your posts, and I'll admit I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to convey in all of them. But the point I'm trying to make is that Imperialism is not intrinsically bad. Global economic collapse is a lose-lose scenario for every country on the planet. If it is possible that incorporating other countries into the US prevents global economic collapse and allows time for, "the bureaucracy that caused this situation [to be restructured]", then how can I be against that?

I'd suggest reading the Hispanic Identity and the black legend thread for a nuanced look at the Spanish Empire. In short, there was quite a lot of good that came Spanish imperial expansion into South America.
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
@Laurentian2 you should have entered a question mark at the end of your post.

Resistance is futile, we are entering into a world of chaos and disruption, everyone all those that seek power for the sake of power are running scared by the mounting pressure on them. I am reminded of the phrase...The seeker has awakened.

Possibly the wheel of fortune for those in power can/could not be changed, collaborative events in the East, are creeping into Western Europe and beyond...The recolonization of country sovereignty, and free exchange of ideas, technology, resources and finances...Assimilation is a scifi world introduced from Star Trek, a Borg non human created ideology. I think at some stage in this time of chaos will come to it;s senses and recognize, once and for all that we have been lead by a fool of clowns, that by any stretch of imagination, defy the bounds of sanity.
Ian Carroll posted an excellent response to this video from Musk, which ended up with 10x more likes and retweets than the original post. Not holding my breath, but if Elon is serious about gaining a deeper understanding about what he is "missing", hopefully he will watch the video and follow up on some of the sources listed within (10 minutes).

I just hope he's got a good personal security protocol...
Well, I always put the word "an example" to illustrate the idea of the "spirit of the ages".

For obvious reasons I could not post the responses to the message which in turn generate quotes and repots which in turn generate more, spreading the idea through the networks.
It is quite doubtfull that you can see something like the "spirit of the ages" in Twitter posts, if that is your only or primary source.

Where will the Hitler spirit re-emerge? Mexico? Haiti? Europe? Russia? America?
Around the world? Yes, we were also told by the Cs that World War II was a test of the will
The totalitarian push has been done mostly by "non-nationalist" forces (globalists and "woke" leftists) in the previous decades. So the "Hitler spirit" as you call it does not really have to be nationalist in any shape or form.

And again, it would probably be a good idea to question what you think you know about WW2. Hitler was certainly not a "good guy" but he was also not quite the devil incarnate he is painted as today. The other sides in WW2 were pretty much just as bad, only most of that has been completely whitewashed.

A very good article on this topic, even though it goes a bit too far into the "Hitler did nothing wrong" territory:
It is quite doubtfull that you can see something like the "spirit of the ages" in Twitter posts, if that is your only or primary source.

Not necessarily on Twitter post however they facilitate the quick display of ideas and by the way, I'm not the only one who "sees" it, but they usually call it for what it is: "fascism" (I think we all had a taste under the covid pandemic)


Hitler was certainly not a "good guy" but he was also not quite the devil incarnate he is painted as today.

Really? So you think this guy was some kind of... victim of circumstance?

So your argument that Hitler is not the devil at all because he did not start WW2 but was driven to invade Poland because in fact he:
had actually made every effort to avoid war with Britain or France. Indeed, he was generally quite friendly towards the Poles and had been hoping to enlist Poland as a German ally against the menace of Stalin's Soviet Union.

Damn it, I have lived deceived.

Aside from being a genocidal maniac, what did Hitler's vegetarianism do for him???
Q: (L) Was Adolf Hitler possessed by demons or evil spirits?13

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was Adolf Hitler under the control of the negatively oriented aliens?

A: Close.
13 After reading several biographies of Adolf Hitler, there were several incidents in his life that stood out in my mind as having been potential points of possession by evil spirits in the terms described by Dr. William Baldwin in his book "Spirit Releasement Therapy." One of these incidents was the fact that a brother of Hitler died when he was a child, and this was noted as a point in which his entire personality changed. His family home was next to a graveyard, and he was known to spend much time sitting on the wall, staring at the tombstones. Such morbidity in a young child is often precursor behavior for possession.
Q: (L) What influence was Adolf Hitler under when he undertook to do the things he did. Who was guiding him?

A: Lizards. Indirectly.

Q: (L) What connection did they use to influence him?

A: Projected beings of human type, inspired forms of great Aryan spirits.
...was Hitler happy and satisfied with what his life brought him?

A: Initially.

Q: And I think that the only thing he might be unhappy about is how he failed to be more successful as a totally dedicated STS being.

A: Yes.
Not necessarily on Twitter post however they facilitate the quick display of ideas and by the way, I'm not the only one who "sees" it, but they usually call it for what it is: "fascism" (I think we all had a taste under the covid pandemic)
You were talking specifically about nationalist leaders like Trump giving rise to the "spirit of Hitler". Yet the push towards fascism and totalitarianism over the last decades happened under "non-nationalists" (globalists), as the West in general became more "woke", "green" and "leftist".

Really? So you think this guy was some kind of... victim of circumstance?

So your argument that Hitler is not the devil at all because he did not start WW2 but was driven to invade Poland because in fact he:
You can do better than resorting to strawmen, @Puma. And no, my point is that there have been and still are plenty of people who are just as bad or even worse than Hitler. He is not the unique incarnation of evil he is portrayed as in popular culture (to a large degree due to the Zionists and their claim that the Holocaust was unique too).

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