Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

It just sound so much like a certain Adolf who last century decided to make Germany great and annexed some neighbours for a start. Hope I am wrong but here in my province Trump is so hated and often compared to the previous named individual.

I sure will make reserve of popcorn in the coming week.
Yep, sounds like that isn't it? What sounded like hope for the Americans is now alarmingly chaos and devastation for other countries that he should respect instead of insisting and imposing his views and threats. Wow, the next few years promise to be extremely entertaining, expensive, stressful, demeaning, devastating, demoralizing and downright violating! Eiriu- Eolas anyone????
What I would love to know is where does he get his information? Greenland belongs to Denmark, right? So how do the people (Greenlanders or Groenlanders) want him to be their representative? Did they write to him? Did they send off videos wearing his caps to get him to come over to visit them and take them away from Denmark?. Was his son actually "asked" to visit and report back?
Just like our fiasco leader, he certainly has an extremely "large" ego to even suggest they want him. Did they vote for a new referendum that includes him in their lives? Do we have to postulate in front of him and declare him a god?????
I'm terribly confused with all these narratives. Obviously, he wants chaos and forcing issues that should be done in a diplomatic way. But at what cost?
Greenland has always had the option to become independent from Denmark and it looks like they're in that process now. I haven't looked into the details here but it sounds like it would benefit Greenland to have some type of agreement with the US which would offer protection and economic stability by selling their minerals to the US. They are only a population of 57,000. Also its strategically located in terms of trade routes. I can't see Greenland selling their land like this just like I don't think the Canadians want to be the 51 state. Trump throwing stuff out there again? Personally I would like to see our countries come together in a more mutually beneficial way . We have all been vulnerable to the tyranny of globalists and uniting could offer us all more stability, safety and economic growth. But, I'm on the other side of this debate the side that is looking at positive development. Maybe Don Jr. will make some appealing offers. A strong character (or big ego) is necessary sometimes.

But if Greenland is rapidly moving toward a split with Denmark, it will likely be seeking a partner to offer security, as well as new commercial opportunities. The BBC report quoted Mr. Egede:

“We must not lose our long struggle for freedom. However, we must continue to be open to co-operation and trade with the whole world, especially with our neighbours,” he said.

BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL about playing along with Trump's threats.

In this way he wants to steal from the people all the energy he can, yes, steal energy, that's what he's doing every time those naive people who play along respond. He's a real distractor.

Be alert.
we must apply the ''law of ice'' as we say in Mexico.

BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL about playing along with Trump's threats.

In this way he wants to steal from the people all the energy he can, yes, steal energy, that's what he's doing every time those naive people who play along respond. He's a real distractor.

Be alert.
we must apply the ''law of ice'' as we say in Mexico.
Maybe we need to start a new thread "Trump, the Evil, Nazi Dictator". Then all these considerations can be in one place for further discussion and consideration.
I still think it is more likely that Trump is simply following one of the negotiation tactics outlined in his book: make the most outrageous demand first and when you meet "in the middle" after that, you get exactly what you wanted in the first place.
I think so too. Remember last time he was president, at first he was threatening North Korea with 'fire and fury', and a bit later he was best buddies with Kim Jong Un and brokered some sort of deal with South Korea. Once you understand the game, it is actually quite funny, and I think that's what he's doing now with all his neighbours - softening them up in advance of future negotiations. Or making them angry so that when he later shows a more reasonable self during negotiations, they soften up.

What I'd really like to know is how much of an actual Zionist he is, and how much of that is also just a game of words. Because so many lives are at stake.
What I'd really like to know is how much of an actual Zionist he is, and how much of that is also just a game of words. Because so many lives are at stake.
Thats a very important question. I don't know if you saw this but I hope its a good indicator of where his mind is on the subject.
Trump has been posting some interesting videos on TS lately. Is it time to hear what he really thinks?

Oh, I see you liked that post so you did see it.
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Did you actually vote for this? MAGA is a golden era or the effort to maintain hegemony?

That's the thing. It can no longer sustain itself as a hegemon. So it's going straight and without brakes into imperialism.

To clarify:

The hegemon articulates power in a combination of persuasion/coercion and does not necessarily control all the territory, all the time. An empire imposes itself coercively and must control all the time.

And now I remember Atlantis and the Athenians....
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Yup, It's the so-called Lebensraum (living space) of the Nazis but politically correct and conservative called "national security" or "security purposes." but come on, Trump said it (as openly as Adolf), let's celebrate because he is being upfront.​

Interesting to see that we're approaching the good ol' 'Trump is Hitler' meme here. I don't think Trump is Hitler. He doesn't even have a moustache!
This idiot wants to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico. Did you actually vote for this? MAGA is a golden era or the effort to maintain hegemony? How does changing the name of a geographic location or use of military force make America great again?

Gulf of America? Trump says he'll change name of 'Gulf of Mexico'​

I read somewhere on Twitter yesterday that one of the reasons Trump wants to change the name is because Biden passed a law making it illegal for the US to drill for oil and natural gas in the 'Gulf of Mexico', so by changing it to 'Gulf of America' they could circumvent the restrictions without having to change the law.

Probably BS and I can't find the original post anymore, but thought it was funny/interesting...

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