During the
January 6th Capitol Riots, according to
Sara Gonzales, psychotronic weapons were used on the demonstrators, which started out tame and then
turned 50/51.
Q: (L) Did the United States government deliberately murder the Branch Davidians at Waco?
A: Close. Led them to destroy themselves.
Q: (L) How?
A: Psychological warfare tactics.
Q: (L) Did the US government set their compound on fire?
A: No.
Q: (L) Who set the compound on fire?
A: Branch Davidians. Drove them crazy.
Q: (L) Were ELF or subliminals used?
A: Yes. As well as other means.
Three years after the January 6 attack, propaganda about the insurrection is poisoning the American public
New York
The U.S. will mark the anniversary of the January 6 insurrection on Saturday, a milestone that will confer upon the reality-dwelling citizenry a grim reminder of the potency of propaganda and how quickly it can warp perception when introduced into the public square.
Just three years ago, most of the country watched with dismay and
horror as a violent MAGA mob beat back authorities and stormed the country’s citadel of democracy.
The Donald Trump-incited crush of disillusioned rioters, fueled by a stream of fantastical lies, believed that the
2020 election had been stolen by sinister forces working to undermine the democratic election.
Of course, not only was their belief flatly incorrect, but evidence later emerged indicating that it was Trump who, in fact, had tried to subvert democracy.
Facts, however, have little bearing on the sentiment inside the Republican Party, which has been fed a steady diet of lies and half-truths by Fox News and the rest of the sprawling right-wing media machine.
To wit, the false notion that Joe Biden nefariously stole the 2020 election is now widely shared inside the GOP. A CNN poll conducted over the summer
found that nearly
70% of Republicans believe
Biden’s win was not legitimate, a number that has continued to tick up.
In other words, the Big Lie that led to the 2020 insurrection is now the dominant thinking among
At the same time, right-wing media forces have worked overtime to wash Trump’s hands clean of the role he played in inciting the mob to storm the U.S. Capitol. MAGA extremists such as Tucker Carlson have repeatedly promoted the false and reprehensible fantasy that the attack the country witnessed live on national television was a so-called “false flag” event perpetrated by the “deep state.”
And while that rightfully comes across as absurd to the share of the public that relies on credible news organizations for an understanding of current events, it has become commonplace in the Republican Party.
A poll released on Thursday by The Washington Post and University of Maryland found that a staggering 39% of Americans who identified Fox News as their primary news source believed the
FBI organized and encouraged the January 6 attack. The same poll found that
44% of Trump voters believed that falsehood.
It goes without saying that those are astonishing numbers, given the attack on the U.S. Capitol only occurred three years ago. What will those numbers look like on the 10-year anniversary of the
violent assault?
Such data provides further evidence of how formidable an opponent propaganda is for the news media and those who care about living in an honest society and passing down an
accurate historical record to future generations.
The sad truth is that while these lies have fomented, the mainstream press has probably failed to match the energy necessary to effectively counter the poison, which promises to be at the center of this year’s presidential election. That’s not to say the news media has not done essential work fact-checking the lies that have circulated.
But it is a case not dissimilar to how anti-vaccine activists overwhelm authoritative sources by flooding the zone with misinformation, a tactic that has proved successful in infecting countless minds with junk science.
The New York Times’ Alan Feuer and Molly Cook Escobar
published a story Wednesday about the sprawling DOJ investigation into the insurrection that began with a simple fact:
“Every week, a few more people are arrested.” How much of the public is aware of that alarming truth? As the duo later noted, “While some of the cases have attracted nationwide attention, particularly those involving far-right groups like the
Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers militia, most of the prosecutions have flown beneath the radar, unfolding in quiet hearings often attended only by the defendants and their families.”
Perhaps, that’s part of the problem. Perhaps this moment requires the press to do
even more to shine a light on the ugly events that transpired at the very heart of U.S. democracy three years ago. The stakes, after all, could not be higher.
And given the polls indicating how twisted reality has become for significant swaths of the American populace, it is hard to say it’s not warranted.
Session Date: January 30th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Gaby, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia
Q: (L) Today is January 30th, 2021. We have the usual suspects. [Review of those present]
A: Hello children of Cassiopaea. Honorreiae here tonight.
Q: (Artemis) I think we already had someone with a similar name to that.
(Andromeda) Yeah.
(Artemis) Are you the same person?
(L) They're not persons.
(Artemis) Well, you know what I mean! The same Cassiopaean...
A: Close
Q: (Joe) It's a slightly different spelling.
(Artemis) Honoria's sister...
(L) So, clearly Trump didn't have the courage to do anything big and bold. Now the Deep State is in power via Biden and... Camel Harris. So, what does that mean for the world at large?
A: Chaos.
Q: (L) What is the reason for the chaos?
A: Fear of losing control.
Q: (L) Well, I don't understand. Exactly what do you mean?
(Joe) I was going to say that their fear of losing control has increased in recent years, obviously. But it's been as a result of their own actions, not as a result of anything the people are doing. The people are getting agitated and thrown into chaos because of what's being done to them.
(Artemis) They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again.
A: Greed is a sickness.
Q: (L) And I guess you mean not just greed for money, but greed for power?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Can you tell us any particular way that this chaos is going to manifest?
A: Increased military intervention at all levels.
Q: (L) So despite the fact that Trump was so friendly and always playing up to the military, they really still didn't want or like him because he wasn't a war monger. Is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And high mucky-muck military guys are basically war mongers.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) When they increase military intervention at all levels, is that a reference to it being not just foreign, but domestic?
A: Yes
Skipping Down
Q: (L) So in other words, the fact that the majority voted FOR Trump and he was not allowed to become the president and they took over means that they took over against the will of the people. I think that has some kind of energetic implication. There was some stuff about that in the Ra material.
(Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.
(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Or is it going to manifest as earthquakes and tornadoes and kill a bunch of people?
(L) People will be objecting to this takeover inside themselves, so it'll manifest in some way externally, we just don’t yet know how. Well, that's interesting.