Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

A relevant historical and geopolitical analysis of the situation in light of Trump's announcements, in French but with translation, by Youssef Indi, a Moroccan historian spécialist in geopolitics, the Arab world and Jewish messianism.
I read somewhere on Twitter yesterday that one of the reasons Trump wants to change the name is because Biden passed a law making it illegal for the US to drill for oil and natural gas in the 'Gulf of Mexico', so by changing it to 'Gulf of America' they could circumvent the restrictions without having to change the law.

Well it has something else in the background, Trump has not been the first to try and possibly it has to do with oil and tariffs.

What follows is a story of corruption between the US and Mexican governments (remember the Cs said Mexico is in Kahoots?)
Q: (Fallen_735) Why does the US in recent years let Mexico get away with certain things/make compromises that strengthens Mexico's international position (water treaty in the rio grande, deer park oil refinery, attempts to include Cuba and Venezuela in international summits)?

A: Mexico is in kahoots!

The ghost Island
Isla Bermeja is a ghost island. It is marked on several maps and historical documents that locate it more than 100 kilometers from the northwestern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, in the territorial sea of Mexico. It was located at 22 degrees, 33 minutes north latitude and 91 degrees, 22 minutes west longitude. However, recent research already officialized by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), of Mexico, clearly shows that the island in question did not exist and that it was simply a cartographic error. Wikipedia
Had it existed, Bermeja Island would have generated a larger maritime space in favor of Mexico than the one it received with the signing of the Clinton-Zedillo Treaty, in which Mexico and the United States agreed on their maritime borders in the Gulf of Mexico, which was embodied in a ceremony held in Washington on June 9, 2000. Wikipedia

The first reference to this island was found in 1529, when Juan de la Cruz recorded it in the "Islario general de todas las islas del mundo" (General inventory of all the islands of the world)

Bermeja was supposed to be there, but it turns out it wasn't, it never existed even though Google Maps said it was there but it wasn't an island but a small rock, sailors and cartographers from remote times located and described it and different exploratory missions and settlers of the Yucatan Peninsula had approached where it was supposed to be, but nothing, there is no trace.

No one knows for sure what happened to the island/rock/islet. But if it had existed, it would have shifted northward the boundary of Mexico's territorial waters adjacent to those of the United States, allowing the Mexicans to gain sovereignty over four-fifths of the western Hoyo de Dona area, a region of the Gulf of Mexico with large reserves of oil, gases and minerals.


The conspiracy

Mexican and Spanish researchers investigated what happened to the island and came to the conclusion that the island had been artificially disappeared. Jaime Urrutia, from the Geophysics Institutes of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), pointed out that an island could be made to disappear with a hydrogen bomb and others pointed out that the CIA would have made the island disappear.

(The CIA doesn't do that kind of activity, does it? Nord Stream? Nah...)

When Bermejo disappeared, Mexico's ownership in the border treaties with the U.S. for the exploitation of the oilfields known as Hoyo de Dona was reduced.

To investigate what happened and confirm the information, since more than 22 billion barrels of oil were at stake, the Mexican government sent the Navy oceanographic vessel Onjuku to locate the island, but none of the radars detected it.

Mexico was left with no other option and signed the Treaty on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in 2000, which implied leaving the Hoyo de la Dona area in US hands.

A person who could have shed light on the fact died on August 4, 1998, Senator José Ángel Conchello, in a strange automobile accident on the Mexico-Querétaro highway, in which his driver was left intact; José Ángel Conchello had become the bastion defender of maritime sovereignty through Isla Bermeja, and had pointed out multiple times the issue of its location.

The Isthmus of Tehuntepec and the Panama Canal

This being the case...

The geopolitical vision of the so-called Mediterranean Sea of the USA has already been commented before. What could also threaten its hegemony in the region? There is the Isthmus of Tehuntepec Interoceanic Corridor (CIIT) project in Mexico that would allow the transit of goods from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean at a lower cost than crossing through the Panama Canal now under China's control according to Donald Trump.


On the one hand, the US cannot allow the growth of Chinese influence in its "backyard", Peru already escaped it with the construction of a large port with the help of China and the influence of the BRICS in the region led by Brazil. On the other hand, the CIIT would give the opportunity to negotiate advantageous trade agreements for Mexico but not to make America great again.

According to AI Gemini

Geopolitical implications of the CITT

- The CIIT is a logistics route connecting Mexican ports such as Salina Cruz, Coatzacoalcos, Dos Bocas and Puerto Chiapas.

- The CIIT has a strategic position for the movement of products to the continent and the world.

- The CIIT can promote regional development.

Economic Implications

- The CIIT can benefit sectors such as the electrical, electronics, automotive, pharmaceutical, and agroindustrial sectors, among others.

- The CIIT can be linked to the main axes of international maritime trade.

Hence Trump's urgency to recover the Panama Canal and to declare the Mexican cartels as terrorist groups.

What if the US controls the Gulf of Mexico?

This can be taken lightly and be funny as mentioned by some in the forum. In Geopolitics there is no such thing and history proves it.

I'm reposting this from the thread 2024-us-election-a-kennedy-presidency-trump-again-will-it-be-rigged.

Trump stirring up stuff world wide. Netanyahu has cancelled plans to attend the inauguration. The reporter says maybe Trump didn't know what was in the video he posted on Truth Social disparaging Netanyahu only reading the headlines. If all else fails, claim Trump is a stupid air head . :lol:

The USA already has had an ongoing relationship with Greenland for years.

Trump posts clip of prof calling Netanyahu ‘obsessive’ about getting US to fight Iran

US president-elect shares without comment a video on Truth Social of Columbia’s Jeffrey Sachs calling PM a ‘deep, dark son of a bitch’ and saying he’s gotten US into ‘endless wars’​

(This comment was taken from the Tucker Carlson interview which is embedded in the article, or can be found on the Tucker Carson thread)

“And the guy [Netanyahu] is nothing if not obsessive, and he is still trying to get us to fight Iran to this day,” he claimed. “He is a deep, dark son of a bitch, sorry to tell you.”

"In interviews for a book about his Middle East peace efforts, Trump, according to its author, used an expletive to describe the embattled prime minister — “Fuck him,” he reportedly said — and accused Netanyahu of disloyalty."

I'm also going to post a short (6 minute) video from Vantage with Palki Sharma where she discusses "why does DT seem to be turning against Netanyahu?" And goes on to discuss the taking of Greenland and that Europe had better watch it's back. She tells the European leaders that are going to be meeting with Trump later this month on the subject called "A show of unity". To which she says "Good luck with that".

From The Times of Israel:

And from Vantage with Palki Sharma:

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Trump stirring up stuff world wide. Netanyahu has cancelled plans to attend the inauguration. The reporter says maybe Trump didn't know what was in the video he posted on Truth Social disparaging Netanyahu only reading the headlines. If all else fails, claim Trump is a stupid air head . :lol:
Right. But then I go on X and I see this:

Not very encouraging.
He doesn't need the mustache, he has the zeitgeist.

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I was wondering why the cover includes a photo of Jane Austen. Strange. According to EN.HABERLER.COM
It is about:


At the bottom of the cover, British author Jane Austen and a red fist figure are depicted. This seems to indicate that the women's movement will gain strength globally in 2025 and that feminism will come to the forefront again. The impact of women's rights on the political and social stage is expected to increase.
I was wondering why the cover includes a photo of Jane Austen. Strange. According to EN.HABERLER.COM
It is about:


By Zeitgeist I mean the set of ideas that were captured on the cover, conservatism, ultra-nationalism, extreme right and authoritarianism. In my opinion, I don't think the world is heading towards a resurgence of feminism, at least not the radical and woke feminism but a more conservative, romantic/idealist and mystical feminism like in the Georgian era. Here is what I think of Jane Austen in The Economist cover.

Now, it is interesting to make a comparison between what Adolf Hitler thought of women in politics and the fate of Germany and what is nowadays identified as MAGA

● The essential dignity of a woman is to be a mother, not a politician.​
"The fact that we have removed women from public life is due solely to our willingness to give them back their essential dignity. It is not that we do not respect women enough, but that we respect them too much to keep them in contact with the miasmas of parliamentary democracy." German women in the Third Reich
For Hitler, world order and politics was a man's business. He made sure that women could not share positions in the party leadership. At most they could be partners in the struggle. But only in lower-level positions. Although subordinate to men, German women were given a fundamental role in society: that of mothers. The role of women in the Nazi regime: how Hitler used them

● Women must be protected because they are housewives in suburbs
"Do you want to lose your life savings because we put a weak and foolish woman in the White House?" Trump reiterates his remarks on protecting women, ramps up attacks on Harris
“I believe that women have to be protected. Men have to be, children, everybody. Women have to be protected when they’re at home in suburbia,” Trump said. He added that aides had told him it was “a rough statement” — but, he said, when he asked another crowd if anyone was offended, only one woman raised her hand. Trump reiterates his remarks on protecting women, ramps up attacks on Harris

In both cases, the role of women is of utmost importance as the pillar of the family (not in politics) that will allow the nation to regain its greatness. There is a mission/destiny to be fulfilled.

For Hitler, 10 years were enough to recover what was lost and form a thousand-year Reich.​
The Frenchman Gobineau and the Englishman Chamberlain were inspired by our concept of a new order-a new order, I tell you, or if you prefer, an ideological glimpse into history in accordance with the basic principle of the blood. We do not judge by merely artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to recapture what it has lost in a thousand years of warfare. I intend to set up a thousand year Reich and anyone who supports me in battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-I would almost say divine-creation. At the decisive moment the decisive factor is not the ratio of strength but the spiritual force employed. Betrayal of the For Trump, America lost its status as well.nation is possible even when no crime has been committed, in other words when a historical mission has not been fulfilled. Hitler's Racial Ideology: Content and Occult Sources

For Trump, it is the duty of every American to regain the status America lost under Globalism
The MAGA movement...was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies). MAGA members think that this fall from grace can be reversed through “America first” policies... MAGA movement

Geoff Layton identified three dominant themes in Nazi propaganda:

1) The Führer cult. Hitler was portrayed as a messiah-type figure, who could offer strong authoritarian leadership and a vision for Nazi Germany's future.
2) The Volksgemeinschaft (national community). To appeal to the people for the development of a unifying idea, regardless of class.
3) German nationalism. To play on German nationalism and to exploit the discontent since the First World War. To make Germany great again.

Hitler and Trump: Common Slogans?

More and more people are starting to call for keeping a critical mind. Here is an example:



  • Screenshot_20250109-212141_X.jpg
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Right. But then I go on X and I see this:

Not very encouraging.
Ian Carroll posted an excellent response to this video from Musk, which ended up with 10x more likes and retweets than the original post. Not holding my breath, but if Elon is serious about gaining a deeper understanding about what he is "missing", hopefully he will watch the video and follow up on some of the sources listed within (10 minutes).

By Zeitgeist I mean the set of ideas that were captured on the cover, conservatism, ultra-nationalism, extreme right and authoritarianism. In my opinion, I don't think the world is heading towards a resurgence of feminism, at least not the radical and woke feminism but a more conservative, romantic/idealist and mystical feminism like in the Georgian era. Here is what I think of Jane Austen in The Economist cover.

Now, it is interesting to make a comparison between what Adolf Hitler thought of women in politics and the fate of Germany and what is nowadays identified as MAGA

● The essential dignity of a woman is to be a mother, not a politician.​

● Women must be protected because they are housewives in suburbs

In both cases, the role of women is of utmost importance as the pillar of the family (not in politics) that will allow the nation to regain its greatness. There is a mission/destiny to be fulfilled.

For Hitler, 10 years were enough to recover what was lost and form a thousand-year Reich.​

For Trump, it is the duty of every American to regain the status America lost under Globalism

Geoff Layton identified three dominant themes in Nazi propaganda:

1) The Führer cult. Hitler was portrayed as a messiah-type figure, who could offer strong authoritarian leadership and a vision for Nazi Germany's future.
2) The Volksgemeinschaft (national community). To appeal to the people for the development of a unifying idea, regardless of class.
3) German nationalism. To play on German nationalism and to exploit the discontent since the First World War. To make Germany great again.

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Hitler and Trump: Common Slogans?

More and more people are starting to call for keeping a critical mind. Here is an example:

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Lobaczeswki laid out the stages of ponerization, and I think it's interesting to think about your 'Trump is Hitler' comparison through that lens.

The first stage is that pathologicals gain positions of power. They use this power to manipulate others, and can be recognized by their victimhood narrative via schizoidal declarations. Usually there's an external enemy or internal enemy to be eradicated.

As the pathocrat elite gain more power and influence, normal social formations begin to break down. The elite aim to dismantle the traditional (AKA 'oppressive') system of values to gain support of a population that is struggling within it. Through spellbinding and sheer control, they begin to corrupt the culture by introducing the 'new' system based on normalized psychopathic values. Many people with a normal psychological worldview reject this, and there is a growing gap between the elites and normal people.

As elite power concentrates, and the corruption spreads, things get worse. The elite deviant values spread and become normalized. Social structures and institutions break down. Evil spreads. Society can polarizes into 'for' and 'against'. The pathocrats proceed to terrorize their dissenting domestic population, trying to force them into submission, while rewards those who are obedient. They like to use manufactured crises and false flags to gain more power (like the Reichstag fire, 9/11). This social polarization can lead to a civil war. The warmongers in the elite can also push for external war.

Eventually the pathocratic regime will either stabilize, like in the USSR, or disintegrate, like with Nazi Germany.

I could be wrong, but that doesn't sound like Trump or his team to me. I just don't see him aiming to lead America down the path of ponerization based on an overreaction to 'deviant' values. If anything, he's been the reasonable spokesperson for the stability of traditional values. His policies, while not perfect, are all intended to stabilize America.

I agree with you that US Imperialism doesn't bode well for Trump's term. But that's also what he's walked into - the position of leader of the US, which is an Empire, and which is already in the process of ponerization.

Luc makes a good case that the best way to understand a man in the public eye - Trump or Hitler - is to not settle on just one conclusion about them.

Most importantly, I never tire of repeating how our view of history depends on our own internal make-up, of our own development and experience. It is not a dry, abstract affair; history is deeply connected to our minds, and is intelligible only from the perspective of a human being who knows viscerally the patterns defining the human condition he can then discern. This works in the other direction, too: the more we learn about history, the better our mind becomes—a mind that can only be understood in history, as part of history, as history itself. R.G. Collingwood had figured this out, and I encourage you to read his work.21

And so, the truth shall set us free, above all, perhaps, historical truth: if we gain the maturity to have at it from multiple angles at once, while getting over ourselves.

So pointing to Trump's recent land-grab rhetoric - or insinuating that MAGA an authoritarian cult - as evidence for 'Trump is Hitler' is too reductionist for me, and more thinking can be applied. I agree that America going into fascist right-wing mode under Trump is a possibility, especially if Earth Changes really kick in and social chaos ensues. And this is part of what the PTB have used the Jews for historically - provocateurs against any given society, and scapegoats when there is pushback. Tho I think migrants would be the scapegoats in the USA, not Jews. That's another difference between Trump and Hitler - he's not outspoken about Jewish power in the USA.

I read MacDonald's work on Jewish group strategy throughout history. The book Culture of Critique looks at Jewish involvement in destroying the West as a European Civilization, and I think it has some bearing on understanding the historical context Trump has walked into:

The best strategy for a collectivist group like the Jews for destroying Europeans therefore is to convince the Europeans of their own moral bankruptcy.

That's clearly happening.

A major theme of CofC is that this is exactly what Jewish intellectual movements have done. They have presented Judaism as morally superior to European civilization and European civilization as morally bankrupt and the proper target of altruistic punishment [AKA the punishment of freeloaders and I would add degenerates - MacDonald says this is a uniquely Western trait]. The consequence is that once Europeans are convinced of their own moral depravity, they will destroy their own people in a fit of altruistic punishment.

I don't think this is where Trump is at. He's calling for the prosecution of the law in a reasonable way. Not the creation of new laws of persecution. However, certain American conservatives are remembering Franco's anti-Left brutality with some appreciation. So it's a possibility.

The general dismantling of the culture of the West and eventually its demise as anything resembling an ethnic entity will occur as a result of a moral onslaught triggering a paroxysm of altruistic punishment.

In other words, as Toynbee wrote, civilizations die by suicide. Although I would add that it is a manipulated suicide due to induced insanity, driven by psychopathy.

There has been a trend to convince Americans of their moral bankruptcy. This process of ponerization ramped up in the cultural revolution of the 60's, in which the Left was encouraged to hate their parents, the Church, their race, their history, and basically all foundational institutions of the West. Many became disturbed degenerates. The Right was also encouraged into their own form of pathology through 9/11. The Left had another boost more recently with the Woke nonsense coming to be a major force in Western culture, in which the Left was further encouraged in its slide into pathology. Now it's time for the Right to get their own boost. MAGA is ripe for corruption to that end.

Many normal people, including Trump, saw the Woke BS and tried to take a stand against it. Not in the way Hitler did - by schizoidal declarations, internal terrorization of the population, and external warmongering. Trump took a stand, insofar as he could, by putting the brakes on the globalist plans for America. This is what Mike Benz has revealed so cogently - with Trump, the globalists realized that populism (aka the normal population) was a major threat to their plans.

Anyways, according to MacDonald, a right wing response is predictable, and is part and parcel of the plan to destroy the West - by provoking the right into reaction mode. We will see if Trump and his team has the ability to withstand that temptation, which is obviously being presented by the Right wing of already-ponerized US Deep State. Maybe they will just be carried along. His upcoming term will be a test of how Presidential power can be wielded in the name of normalcy against the forces of hyperdimensional evil in a dying Empire during the influx of The Wave.

That should be the framework for analysis, IMO - not the simplistic 'Trump is Hitler'.
That should be the framework for analysis, IMO - not the simplistic 'Trump is Hitler'.

Well, I did not say "Trump is Hitler" but that he has and is inspiring a Zeitgeist, a "spirit of the age" as was Nazism which, for example, in the 1930s inspired fascist groups around the world such as Acción Revolucionaria Mexicanista in Mexico and other ultra-right groups (the current opposition in Latam is the right wing, in Mexico, the PAN)​
In Mexico this not only had resonance in the right wing, but also played a founding role in the National Action Party (PAN) in whose bosom always coexisted both Christian Democrats and followers of fascism and Nazism, such as Gómez Morín himself, whose Nazi sympathy in the magazine La Reacción (?) was documented by Rafael Barajas. As in Spain, in Mexico the fascist imprint survived in ideological niches close to exacerbated Catholicism and anti-communism, where it found some identification. Why are there neo-Nazis in Mexico?

What is the spirit of which I have been speaking and which bears some resemblance to Nazi Zeitgeist? I have mentioned conservatism, ultra-nationalism, ultra-right, authoritarianism and the existence of a manifest destiny.
Tho I think migrants would be the scapegoats in the USA, not Jews. That's another difference between Trump and Hitler - he's not outspoken about Jewish power in the USA.

Yes, not a day goes by that some post on social media mentions that the task Trump should focus on is the problem of illegal migration and not on the annexation of Greenland or Canada and therein lies the similarity to the Nazi Zeitgeist: the problem and the solution.

For Hitler the problem was Jewish and the final solution was genocide, for Trump the problem is illegal migration -one of the factors preventing America from being great again- and the solution is mass deportation.

Of course, Trump is not Hitler, but both are icons of an era.​
For Hitler the problem was Jewish and the final solution was genocide, for Trump the problem is illegal migration -one of the factors preventing America from being great again- and the solution is mass deportation.
Considering the number of illegal immigrants in the US over the recent years, how is stopping that a bad thing or even remotely comparable to a genocide?

You may also want to look more deeply at the history of WW2 - it is not even clear whether there was a Jewish genocide or who was actually responsible for the war. There were apparently no "good sides", neither the US/UK, Stalin's USSR or Hitler's Germany.
Considering the number of illegal immigrants in the US over the recent years, how is stopping that a bad thing or even remotely comparable to a genocide?

The idea is that in both cases there was/is a problem and a solution, I mentioned it. Obviously genocide is not comparable to deportation, however there is a common factor as iamthartis wrote:

Usually there's an external enemy or internal enemy to be eradicated.

In one case, the Jews who in the Nazi sphere caused the debacle in Germany, and in another, illegal migration.

You may also want to look more deeply at the history of WW2 - it is not even clear whether there was a Jewish genocide or who was actually responsible for the war.

Yes, the reality of 6 million murdered Jews has already been questioned and it is precisely this revisionist idea that is fueling the rediscovery of Hitler among the youngest, "Hitler was right" "Hitler was not evil" they often say. Again, I think this adds to the zeitgeist. This is just one example.
Yes, the reality of 6 million murdered Jews has already been questioned and it is precisely this revisionist idea that is fueling the rediscovery of Hitler among the youngest, "Hitler was right" "Hitler was not evil" they often say.
This whole forum is based on "revisitionist ideas" on every possible topic. It is good to question everything, without jumping into the opposite extreme such as "Hitler was right" or "Hitler did nothing wrong". Some people indeed do that.

However I see that you tend to overgeneralize based on a few tweets. The reality in the US at least is that all political forces are beholden to the Zionists at least to some degree. Neither the Democrats nor the current 'anti-establishment' Republicans dare to be openly against what Israel is doing in the name of Jewish people in Gaza - which actually is a genocide.

Questioning the Zionist narratives (which are among the most taboo topics today) is a good thing, even among younger people.

The danger seems to be indeed that there may be currently a push to get conservatives go overboard the same way the liberals did, only to the opposite extreme. If that is indeed the plan right now, it is a clever one and I can see why "they" would want to do that.
Greenlanders love Trump,

Socially vulnerable locals were allegedly offered a free meal in exchange for supporting the incoming president’s plan to take over the island
Trump’s team bribed homeless Greenlanders – Danish state media

© X / Donald Trump Jr.
Donald Trump’s eldest son and his team bribed homeless and socially vulnerable people in Greenland to record a ‘MAGA’ group video and appear in photos during a trip to the island this week, the Danish state broadcaster DR News has claimed.

Trump Jr. arrived in Greenland on Tuesday on what he has called a “personal day trip” during which no meetings with government officials were planned. The visit followed US President-elect Donald Trump’s voicing his intention to acquire the Danish-controlled territory.

The younger Trump later shared posts on X of himself surrounded by people wearing the iconic red ‘MAGA’ caps with the caption ‘Greenland loves America and Trump.’ A video clip showed people enjoying lunch with Trump Jr. at the Hotel Hans Egede in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, and expressing their wish for the island to become part of the US.

DR News has since reported that the people filmed in the video were offered a free meal in exchange for taking part in the publicity stunt.

The outlet said it has spoken to several people in Nuuk who reportedly recognized some in the group as being homeless.

“All they have to do is put on a cap and be in the Trump staff’s videos,” one of the Nuuk residents was quoted as claiming. “They are being bribed, and it is deeply distasteful,” the resident stated.

Trump shares video of ‘MAGA’ supporters in GreenlandREAD MORE: Trump shares video of ‘MAGA’ supporters in Greenland
Several employees at the local Brugseni Nuuk store also confirmed to the outlet that Trump Jr.’s people walked around the street in front of the store, handing out MAGA caps and inviting people to a free lunch at the hotel, the sources said.

The incoming president has voiced his intention to acquire Greenland, claiming the island is an “absolute necessity” for US national security, and that he would not rule out using either military force or economic measures to this end.

The world’s largest island, which sits between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, Greenland is already home to a large US military base. The territory was granted home rule by Denmark following a referendum in 1979.

Greenland’s government has firmly rejected Trump’s plans, calling them “an absurd idea.” Denmark has also opposed the proposal.
ihmo we have to enjoy the show. I don't particularly like medvedev, but in his Jan. 9 post on telegram (which outperforms twitter globally as a microblogging platform) he hits the point brilliantly .

"We’ve got no way of knowing how much Trump will accomplish in his second term, but he is off to a really fun start.

His reasoning seems clear enough.

There is not going to be a quick solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

The US economy will waddle on at a leisurely pace.

Even the fight against migrants is unlikely to end up in a resounding victory.

So instead, Trump has decided to 'reshape' the world.

That's right – he wants to redraw the political map in his own style.

A new, vibrant, and colorful globe to replace the dull and gray old one.

All of his plans are over the top and eccentric – and totally unworkable.

This is what he’s got in mind:

1. First, the 'super-sizing' of America: we start by taking the backwater countryside called Canada (why not? It will make for a nice and big US state, plus the whole continent would belong to the Yankees now); then seize Greenland from Denmark (don't exactly know what it is, but they've got plenty of land).

2. Renaming the Gulf of Mexico (for no particular reason; just because the US is the biggest kid on the block; also, the current name makes people think about the Latino population).

3. Weaponizing Elon Musk and using him to take down 'rapist Starmer' and 'fool Scholz' on X.

A simple plan, and at zero cost: 'Just show them who is the boss of this house.' Better yet, why not add the UK itself to America's potpourri list of territorial claims?

This way, before he is even sworn in as the new president of the United States, Donald Trump has scored several major victories online.

And, most importantly, he has formulated his own agenda on a cosmic scale.

And, to quote one of Mikhail Bulgakov's characters, of 'quite cosmic stupidity.’'

But this is only a surface level analysis because eventually, as we all know, stupidity always triumphs.

So it’s irrelevant that none of the designs outlined above can actually be realized.

Not now, not ever.

It is irrelevant that the silly nicknames given by the Americans to their inept European lackeys will fade from memory within a week.

What matters is that the last few days of the dementia-riddled old man's stay in the Oval Office are following the script conjured up by the orange wizard, Donald Trump.

Anyway, the newly formed Trump, Musk and Sci-fi Brothers LLC has its operations up and running."
Our civilisations have all been run under nepotism and elite families have always personified the generational power in charge. The plan called the North American Technate along with its well known maps goes back to the 1930's and includes all of Mexico , Central America , Panama and a large chunk of Colombia .All in all a massive land grab also called Future Fortress America. But it is only a first stage. Later on the entire length of South America will be added to it.
Secret societies and ruthless oligarchies have always contended for great wealth binding trade and economics. Thus the banking systems are all originally from them .And also their perpetual systems of war alternating from Cold War leading to hot war in an unending repetition.
There was a time when Amerika stole Panama away from Colombia. Today it is offering to buy but tomorrow it will take until the whole continent will be the American Domain. These are early days to guarantee freedom , security , justice and prosperity in a free trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere. The time when it will own it all has already been envisioned.

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