Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

When this came up I also thought it would be a good idea for Canada and the USA to unite. It would make both countries much stronger. Considering how other countries around the world are uniting, such as Brics, this union would allow for more diversity and a counterbalance to world control created by other countries. I also heard the speculation of Mexico joining as well. Not the Old DS union which was proposed by the dark controllers but one with positive endeavors in a populace movement. Both countries have become weakened with these last years of abuse and combining efforts could go along way to move in a healthier and stronger direction.
What diversity do you have in mind? To what world control created by other countries are you referring?
What diversity do you have in mind? To what world control created by other countries are you referring?
The cooperation of these 2 countries would allow more diversity or various options for progress. When the Brics finally resolve how things will function they will need to follow a system of control in order to work with each other. That control system will affect the entire world. If a country isn't a part of that system then I suppose they'd need an alternative in how they trade with those countries. If the brics operates in integrity then I don' t see a reason not to be a part of that, for the US, but I'm not a geopolitical, financial expert by any means.
The cooperation of these 2 countries would allow more diversity or various options for progress. When the Brics finally resolve how things will function they will need to follow a system of control in order to work with each other. That control system will affect the entire world. If a country isn't a part of that system then I suppose they'd need an alternative in how they trade with those countries. If the brics operates in integrity then I don' t see a reason not to be a part of that, for the US, but I'm not a geopolitical, financial expert by any means.
By control you mean governance?
By control you mean governance?
I take it control like diversity are now trigger words. I believe I clarified that word usage in my last post. One could use the word governance in this case maybe but it's less precise. My intention in my original post was only to say I like the idea of Canada and the US uniting more and as a side note this could affect Brics in some way. Don't read to much into it.
Diversity, as a goal, invites disaster. As a natural consequence it works, but no one is running around saying look how diverse we are. It's moot. Trying to put things that don't belong together for the sake of some feel good idea is just ego.
Hmmm. My using the word diversity wasn't used in the context of the woke agenda.
I take it control like diversity are now trigger words. I believe I clarified that word usage in my last post. One could use the word governance in this case maybe but it's less precise. My intention in my original post was only to say I like the idea of Canada and the US uniting more and as a side note this could affect Brics in some way. Don't read to much into it.
I need to correct this. When typing on my notepad it sometimes changes words without my knowing." Like " should have been "and" here. It can be difficult to express oneself clearly in this limited format and things can be easily taken in a unintended way sometimes.

Let me explain a little more clearly about what I mean by the word control here. Control isn't used to imply a heavy handed dictatorship type of thing but the necessity of a large operation involving 1000's of people to have a definite plan involving procedures and regulations to make the system run smoothly. Its how the endeavor is "controlled" to get results. This applies to almost everything in the functioning, human world that requires organization and cooperation. Chaos is the opposite of control.

Ok, hope that clarifies better. This has been an unexpected but interesting study on the different usage of words especially because of the times we're in. Thanks for the learning experience.
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Ten minutes of Tucker: how he changed from an ignorant civilian into an awake freedom fighter. How he realized everything is wrong with The System.
And it looks like there ain't no cure in sight without the world switching to Mad Max. So what do you do then?
- Bring on the comets!
Sign up for the Pro Comets party! Great prospects! Your retirement worries will be solved!
I live in one of those countries that live under the American Imperialism that Joe talks about. Many times allowed by Mexican politicians, either by corruption or fear. An example of the above was the Treaty of Bucareli, an unofficial and secret agreement between Mexican President Alvaro Obregon and the U.S. government in 1923 that constituted a true betrayal for Mexicans as it condemned Mexico to dependence on the U.S. and technological and economic backwardness which contributed to the mass of unskilled illegal workers.

The title of this thread "Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?" makes me think that American forum members hold out hope and optimism that with Donald Trump things will change for the better. Will that be the case or are they just fooling themselves? Will Trump now be able to effectively counter the "irresistible force" or is he just buying them time to try to boost the hegemony that the Putin-led multipolarity threatens?​

From Joe Quinn via X:
Popular (American) understanding of MAGA, while noble, is not practicable in the real world. Most Americans have no idea how and why they came to be the "greatest country on earth". They all believe the narrative that it was through some kind of innate "greatness" of the people and leaders and their work ethic and love for "freedom and democracy".
In reality, it's the fruit of about 100 years of global imperial "outreach" that manipulated, threatened, blackmailed, invaded, occupied or coup'd other nations and, in that way, captured many of them, economically, ideologically and culturally to a significant extent.
Long before now that economic, ideological and cultural capture has led to the US becoming an attractive place for immigrants, which made the US economic model increasingly dependent on immigrant workers who, due to the relatively depressed standards of living in their home nations (due in large part to US "imperial outreach" over the decades) are willing to work for significantly less pay (and more restrictive contracts) than the average American worker.
At the same time, over the last 20 years, "woke" US universities have been increasingly churning out mediocre students in mediocre disciplines ill-suited to "making American great again" in any real sense.
So today, there is no quick and easy way in which the US economy can be restructured to operate at the same level without these immigrant workers, if it can be done at all (where there's no will, there's no way).
Worse still, with the burgeoning multi-polar world and the threats to American hegemony from Russia and China in particular, America is going to have to significantly increase the number of immigrant workers to have a chance of competing with China, which has 4 times the population of the US on the same landmass, most of whom are hard at work in continuing to make China great for the first time, and they're doing it for much less pay than the average US worker demands.
American forum members hold out hope and optimism that with Donald Trump things will change for the better.
I'm holding out some hope, but not optimism, that the border will be closed and illegal immigrants can be curbed; that pedophilia will, once again, be seen as illegal and perverted; that women won't have to put up with men-pretending-to-be-women in women's bathrooms, locker rooms and sports any more; that stealing from stores and other people will once again have consequences for the perpetrators; that criminals will be punished and victims won't be; that innocent people won't be convicted of crimes they didn't commit or for posts they posted on social media.

So, yes, I do hold out hope for some changes for the better to happen. However, I'm realistic enough to know that foreign policies, most likely, will stay pretty much the same; that there is, most likely, going to be a bad recession; and that there will still be a lot of turmoil ahead of us among other things.
Steps towards progress.

In reality, it's the fruit of about 100 years of global imperial "outreach" that manipulated, threatened, blackmailed, invaded, occupied or coup'd other nations and, in that way, captured many of them, economically, ideologically and culturally to a significant extent
The USA was captured/stolen and became a corporation under British law in the mid 1700's and most Americans aren't aware of this. The same old, imperialistic rulers for whom the country was intended to be free of successfully wormed their way in. Their power, greed, and control grew over the years and here we are today. Now their ambitions have changed and the USA is no longer useful to them in the same way. The hard working people who helped make them rich are rubbish to be done away with. Real slaves have always been their desire. They will do their best to swallow up every bit of land where people have their homes, they must have everything to fill their emptiness inside. They are thieves who will steal everything. These are not the American people.

Popular (American) understanding of MAGA, while noble, is not practicable in the real world. Most Americans have no idea how and why they came to be the "greatest country on earth". They all believe the narrative that it was through some kind of innate "greatness" of the people and leaders and their work ethic and love for "freedom and democracy".

The principles the country where founded upon are indeed noble. I'm sure we are all aware of these. Perhaps its a good thing that people continued to believe that they lived in a society that valued goodness in its many forms. They've lived their lives with these beliefs and now see how that is being destroyed, its a major shock which hopefully brings change. Hard work has improved peoples lives and the love of freedom is important.

To say "they all believe" is a bit hyperbolic don't you think.

In closing, why did the American people go along with all these horrendous abuses inflicted on other countries and people? It's because they believed in lies. The perpetrators appealed to their ideas of righteousness, their goodness was used against them.
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