Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

Yes, Putin actually said all that, including the stolen election part (original in Russian):
Being aware of the machinations of the US Intelligence deep state, and how they will use any kind of dirty tricks to achieve their objectives, Putin probably knew the 2020 election was fraudulent from the beginning, and perhaps he is speaking more openly about it now that Trump is president again and the 'Demoncrats' are no longer in power.

The tyrant​

Laura did not err in her analysis of Musk's personality, a Peter Pan type narcissist. A big difference with Barron who seems indifferent or bored with Elon's immaturity​
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I think Trump is not DS but he has very little leeway against the "irresistible force" it seems the viable option is to let the technocrats expose themselves as well and let the American people do what they have to do (ergo Civil War 2.0) The role given to Trump by the DS is to maintain the illusion of a powerful US or the return to a supposed lost state, but Trump certainly has a separate mission.

During the covid pandemic the Cs talked about exposure, for example. A situation that could be repeated but this time a larger number of people are aware of it and this is why there is opposition to what Stargate means. "There are several complexes of agendas in play, as well conflicts" said the Cs

Yup, everything seems to tie together. Trump announced the annexation of Canada and Greenland and there was outrage, then he announced the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico and there was outrage, he announced intervention in the Panama Canal and there was outrage. All this exposure is awakening people and this emotional energy will provoke other geological and climatic events according to the theory of the human cosmic connection.

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Trump has thrown the first domino and will undoubtedly allow cosmic laissez-faire to unfold along with the will of the people. (We have to remember that WW2 was a test of the will) Trump may never be considered a hero and may be considered a villain, but someone would have to be to cause the suffering necessary to awaken the planet.

Carlos Castañeda told us that tyrants help us with learning and personal liberation, that tyrants can make people's weaknesses appear, and that they can be important for learning.

The tyrant is, first and foremost, someone who holds power and whose aim is to disorient, humiliate, inoculate despair, hatred and indignation in hearts. It is the task of the warrior to overcome this situation through his/her will.​

I don't know if Trump is aware of his role, though.
I think you’ve nailed it !
Alexander Mercouris in his Jan 25 video has reported on a 'fiery' phone call that Trump had with Danish PM Mette Frederiksen having taken place before his inauguration. The subject had been of course Greenland.

When told by Frederiksen that Greenland was not for sale the 45 minute conversation had apparently gone very badly.

Sources close to the Danish government cited by Mercouris expressed that the exchange had been horrendous.
Was thinking about Trump not being motivated by money and remembered something that he said in the following interview that seems to make sense of part of his motivation, at least, in the changes he's trying to make in the US and the impact on the global stage. Going back to the following interview, one of the things that he mentioned about his real estate deals is that he likes to create monuments when he refurbishes or rebuilds prime real estate. He lists other things that are important to him, but perhaps being a monument builder is one of his big drivers and that's behind his vision of what he wants to achieve as president.

During the debate, Trump indicated that he'd prefer to be doing something else rather than running for president and being involved in politics. That reminded me of this interview from 1980 when he was 34, where at around the 42min mark the interviewer asks him if he would run for president and he answered 'no'. They discuss the idea that there are people out there who have the character and competence to run the country, but they won't get involved in politics because 'it's a mean game' according to Trump and to do the right thing will often make you the most unpopular guy on the block. Exactly what he knows or means by saying that is just a guess, but perhaps it has something to do with knowing something about the kind of circles you'd have to run in and things you'd have to agree to do to be included in those circles.

On the question of wealth, he says that money is not that important to him. He does what he does - real estate development - because he enjoys it. He admits to being competitive and he likes to try to put together deals that others think might be impossible to pull off, the money made is just a measure of success, but is not that important for it's own sake. He'd prefer to just do what he enjoys and would like his family to be happy. He also states that judging a person by their character is more important than judging them by the contents of their wallet - regardless of whether it is full or empty.

The whole video shows a side of Trump that isn't necessarily known as he is questioned on things like friendship, family, the safety of his workers, providing jobs for people, love, creativity, the afterlife and religion. I don't think he's as intelligent as Putin, but I think he has more intelligence of a certain kind than most would give him credit for, and certainly his detractors and enemies would try to whitewash. His personal values were somewhat reflected by the policies he tried to implement when he was president.

The idea of monument building kind of reminds me of one of Dr Karen Mitchells differentiators for dark personalities where she lists legacy building, and not necessarily an attraction to money. Lobaczewski, if I recall correctly, says that things are not necessarily bad for the population under the reign of a psychopath, but can actually be quite good in comparison to what has gone before. Could be that everything else he does using charm is about greasing the social cogs and calling BS when he sees it with a lack of a certain degree of diplomacy and tact are just products of his competitiveness and his carrots and sticks that he uses to control. Perhaps the happiness of the people doesn't really mean much to him, just that he has learned that people are generally more productive and supportive when they're happy and he knows that he needs the numbers to do what he wants to do, build a monument of the US and leave a legacy.
Another "warmonger" who is exposing himself.

"I was told just a few days ago the threat level from Iran is as high as it’s been for the past 3 years…I was disappointed but not surprised. This is the kind of man Donald Trump is, he doesn’t like criticism and we’ve expected that a second term would be met in part with vindictiveness, and this is unfortunately a sign of it.’

Oh, lordy, lordy! The term "threat from Iran" really just translates to "threat from Deep State".
I think you’ve nailed it !

Laura mentioned the following:

As we know regularly who has the mandate of God/People is a prophet or an angel, but it is also said that "no prophet is accepted in his own land"​
Luke 4:24 : "truly I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown"

We saw the latter when Trump announced Project Stargate. Immediately people criticized him (including me) not because of the goal of regaining technological leadership in AI for the US but because one of those chosen to carry out the project started talking about personalized vaccines.

We can't be sure if that was Trump's plan, but the result stirred the waters again and "woke up" more people.

So the following also applies to Trump
Mattew 34-35
34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’​

We have to consider the prophet not as a holy man but as the one in charge of announcing the will of the Lord/People whatever it may be.

The same happened with Julius Caesar/Jesus.​

He seems much more aware since the assassination attempt of things going on behind the scenes.

I hope so. This political and spiritual battle may cost him his life.
Puma said: reply 686.
Here is a map that is going around social networks in Mexico as a joke, but that could well be implemented and everyone would be happy with the proposal to change the name of the Gulf.
If it is the straight division as shown on the map, I wonder how the Limits of International Waters would look.

ONLY THE COASTAL STRIP OF THE STATES OF THE U.S.A IN THE GULF OF MEXICO could be said to correspond to the USA, there cannot be a division with that straight line crossing the gulf as shown on the map.

Otherwise they would be violating the laws based on the commonly accepted International Navigation Laws.
Nature is wise and does not form straight lines.
Puma said: reply 732
Laura mencionó lo siguiente:

Laura said:

As far as I can see, Trump has a mandate from God and he appears to be taking it very seriously. It's like Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables. And you know what they were full of.

2:26 AM · Jan 21, 2025


Yes, that is one side of the problem that needs to be solved.

And there is also the task of avoiding the simplegades: Rocks/obstacles that hinder navigation.

A task that must be done by land and also by sea.

Hard task, but it seems that Trump is enthusiastic about carrying them out

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