Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."
Was it them stealing the 2020 election, or the COVID-19 scamdemic? (Or both?) said:
Stealing the 2020 election will be remembered as one of the most catastrophic miscalculations in history. In a different timeline, a second Trump term would have unfolded as a largely unremarkable chapter—marked by modest policy gains and tempered rhetoric, avoiding extreme upheaval. Instead, the fallout from 2020 and what followed has galvanized a movement that is turning the entire system on its head and gutting it.

A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature.
Also, how has this ^ been going lately, 5(ish) years later?
Trump’s using a clever trick to break the Deep State’s massive ‘command and control’ system…

Every once in a while, you come across something online that just nails it. This is one of those times. We found an analysis of the Deep State “command and control system” that will blow you away.

Now for the good news—President Trump has found a clever way to break down this massive, intricate apparatus, and as we speak, it’s crumbling. More on that later.
That’s the positive. But there are plenty of negatives too, more on that later, as well.

Before we get into the nitty gritty and share this incredible analysis with you, let’s take a step back and lay the groundwork for how the Deep State’s “command and control” system really operates.

Most of us know all about the “fake news” pipeline, but what we don’t realize is how it actually works. People love to joke about CNN being the “CIA News Network,” and honestly, they’re probably not too far off. But the way this whole operation plays out is fascinating, chilling—and very telling.

And to understand how Trump just broke it, you first need to get a solid grasp on how the machine actually runs. No, it’s not some shadowy figure in a dark, smoke-filled office making phone calls to handpick news stories for the left. It’s a lot more intricate, detailed, and clever than that.

There’s a very precise system in place, designed to make so-called “journalists” and editors believe they’re actually doing real journalism. That illusion is key. If the pawns start to question their own role, the whole scheme falls apart. Keeping them convinced they’re professionals is what makes this machine run like a well-oiled propaganda factory.

So, without further ado, here’s one of the best breakdowns of the Deep State’s media control center—and how President Trump just shattered it, leaving the players confused and scrambling for answers
FWIW, I've been thinking a lot about Trump and his presidential hyperactivity over the last few weeks, and I think that too many commentators are falling into the trap of binary thinking. Anyone with a hint of sanity would agree that the Biden administration was a total catastrophe on so many levels, but that doesn't mean that Trump is a saviour because he isn't Biden. He might have some good intentions (as per the C's), but he's still a deeply flawed individual faced with dangers on all sides, even from within his own team, I suspect.

Take Trump's dismantling of the corrupt machinery of the US government for example. The optics are great, but what is he (Musk) going to put in its place? An AI total control grid, based on Neuralink? Do you think that's an improvement? I may be wrong (I'd like to be wrong!), but this fusion of government and private enterprise under Trump is pure fascism under Mussolini's definition, and we know where that generally leads.

So I agree with Joe that Trump is in the process of dismantling the foundations of Western Civilisation, quite unknowingly, in all likelihood. What worries me is what is going to be erected in its place. Remember the C's warning about America becoming the world's new bête noire, the new National Socialist Germany.
So I agree with Joe that Trump is in the process of dismantling the foundations of Western Civilisation, quite unknowingly, in all likelihood. What worries me is what is going to be erected in its place. Remember the C's warning about America becoming the world's new bête noire, the new National Socialist Germany.
I don't think anyone can say for sure what thought processes are being followed under the radar. But it would be too easy to analyze and evaluate the future using only the 3D mindset. The existing system was a corrupt and closed system - a prison. Now cosmic influences will take effect - increased awareness, more clarity.
Gurdjieff: "In order for a person in prison to ever have any possibility of escape, he must first of all first of all recognize that he is in prison"
For development and change to take place, man must first become aware of his current situation - for this he needs someone to explain it and someone to take off his chains.
Why should we assume that Trump has just opened another door in the dungeon to push through sinister plans?
Why not give him the benefit of the doubt that something good will come out of some of his actions. When people are awake, they should come to the realization that they do not need leaders and that they can and may live their lives independently and on their own responsibility.
The global community will judge America by whether its policies serve people and give them room to evolve and grow.
The Germans are also becoming self-confident - this can no longer be stopped. Perhaps we should be patient and observe developments more closely instead of judging the future. There will still be many twists and turns.
Maybe this was already mentioned but Axios has an interactive map that shows the amounts and locations of where money was distributed to through USAID.

It's interesting to note that the info comes from the US Foreign Assistance site (link in above article) from 2023 which was the last fully reported year; 2024 is only partially reported. There's another interactive map there that shows, with USAID filter applied, the amounts, how they were 'invested' and by which agency in each of the 184 countries totalling $37 billion ($16.4 billion of which went to the Ukraine, btw).

Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 2.52.10 AM.png
I don't think anyone can say for sure what thought processes are being followed under the radar. But it would be too easy to analyze and evaluate the future using only the 3D mindset. The existing system was a corrupt and closed system - a prison. Now cosmic influences will take effect - increased awareness, more clarity.
Gurdjieff: "In order for a person in prison to ever have any possibility of escape, he must first of all first of all recognize that he is in prison"
For development and change to take place, man must first become aware of his current situation - for this he needs someone to explain it and someone to take off his chains.
Why should we assume that Trump has just opened another door in the dungeon to push through sinister plans?
Why not give him the benefit of the doubt that something good will come out of some of his actions. When people are awake, they should come to the realization that they do not need leaders and that they can and may live their lives independently and on their own responsibility.
The global community will judge America by whether its policies serve people and give them room to evolve and grow.
The Germans are also becoming self-confident - this can no longer be stopped. Perhaps we should be patient and observe developments more closely instead of judging the future. There will still be many twists and turns.
I generally don't like getting into a discussion, but I get the impression I touched a nerve by bringing up National Socialist Germany. FWIW, I agree that present-day Germany is not the Germany of the 1930's, and why would anyone want the Germans' national self-confidence to be stopped if Germany has nothing to reproach itself for (not sure the Greeks, for one, would agree with that though)? We're here to use our brains; to observe, reflect and analyse. I consider it to be in our deepest interests to pay close attention to what is happening in the US at the moment and evaluate where it's leading so we don't get taken by surprise. We have the world's most aggressive nuclear-capable military superpower in the throes of chaotic change, and Trump is both the disruptor-in-chief and chief target.

Before Trump's first term, an otherwise highly intelligent friend of mine held that Trump was a master strategist playing 4D chess and would set the US to right. I thought that Trump's personal and business history (and a basic knowledge of the workings of government) suggested otherwise, and he'd just become another cranky gear in the grinding deep state machine. I think we can all agree that his first term showed he was way out of his depth. Politics is a swamp, and by playing politics, Trump has, ipso facto, himself become a swamp-dweller. Some good might come out of his policies this time around, but the bigger picture suggests a different story: besides Musk, he has a very close relationship with Israel, (see the Kushner family), and we know where the Israeli leadership stands in relation to hyper-dimensional reality. Trump is not a Julius Caesar, and we know what happened to him despite his genius.

Finally, all we have to work with IS the 3D mindset. 4D is light years beyond our mental capacity, so let's just be grateful to use the tools we have to the best of our ability. I admire your faith in cosmic awakening, but 4D STS won't let it happen without a fight.
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Politics is a swamp, and by playing politics, Trump has, ipso facto, himself become a swamp-dweller. Some good might come out of his policies this time around, but the bigger picture suggests a different story: besides Musk, he has a very close relationship with Israel, (see the Kushner family), and we know where the Israeli leadership stands in relation to hyper-dimensional reality. Trump is not a Julius Caesar, and we know what happened to him despite his genius.
There are a few similarities between Huey Long (Gov. of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932) and Trump it seems. Unlike Trump, Long was something of a socialist, but he was also a populist. Loved by many common people and hated by the fleshy PTB of the time. He was something of a demagog, called corrupt and a dictator by history. But his biographer claimed that Huey learned hardball politics “from the old crowd” and did it more effectively.

A few Long quotes that seem to reflect today's situation:

They say they don't like my methods. Well, I don't like them either. I really don't like to have to do things the way I do. I'd much rather get up before the legislature and say, 'Now this is a good law and it's for the benefit of the people, and I'd like you to vote for it in the interest of the public welfare.' Only I know that laws ain't made that way. You've got to fight fire with fire.
Yes, Long was assassinated.
Everything I did, I've had to do with one hand, because I've had to fight with the other.

A man is not a dictator when he is given a commission from the people and carries it out.

Our majorities were much better when we didn't have any patronage. I wish I didn't have a job on earth. You give a job to one man and you make nine mad. Our support is from the poor devils in the forks of the creek … who appreciate what we have done for them.

The only difference I ever found between the Democratic leadership and the Republican leadership is that one of them is skinning you from the ankle up and the other, from the ear down.

Good to remember a bit of history.
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On the USAID thing:

Yes, it is exciting and good what is happening, but clearly, USAID is just one tentacle of a breathtaking number that the deep state possesses. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is another of those tentacles. Not to mention some of the biggest and most notorious ones such as the CIA, NSA and FBI. If Trump really is serious and wants things to change substantially he would need to tackle ALL those tentacles. Is that even possible? Seems like an almost impossible task, especially in the short run, unless very drastic and thorough things happen.
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The hits keep on coming...

10k people using the exact same SS number - that's where some of the illicit votes came from. Also, mention of over a trillion dollars in a slush fund - and it's still there. I wonder what they will find when they really get to poking around. People will be upset.

I found out in 2000 that five men had my SSN. Three in California - with hispanic names, one in Kansas with a criminal background, and one in Missouri with a criminal background. I found this out because I had worked for an agency that had access to a national crime base. The three in California I found through a SSN base. I contacted the Social Security office, who told me they couldn't do anything about it and that I should get in touch with the CIA. I wrote and emailed the CIA and received no response. Go figure, eh?
Trump's ''cosmic delegations'' to collect tariffs.

Jamieson Greer, a Trump collaborator and representative of the White House for commercial affairs. He wants to establish UNIVERSAL TARIFFS.

With a series of delusional ideas, in full state of delirium, these Trumpist politicians are going out of orbit.

All that is missing is for Trump to name Cosmic Committees to collect back taxes on each of the planets, even though there have been no “Bilateral Agreements” between them.

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