Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

Enforcing election laws seriously or not

The former Federal Election Commission (FEC) chair Ellen Weintraub said during an interview that she is weighing her choices after her ouster from the post by President Trump earlier this week.
Weintraub, a Democrat, who was appointed to the bipartisan commission by former President George W. Bush in 2002, received a brief letter from the president on Thursday notifying her that she was fired.
“If you look at the Federal Election Campaign Act, there is nothing in there about removing FEC commissioners other than in the normal course, which is you can replace them when their terms have expired by appointing a new commissioner who gets confirmed by the Senate,” Weintraub said on Friday. “That’s the way you replace FEC commissioners.”
As of Saturday, Weintraub is no longer listed as the current commissioner on the FEC website. Weintraub’s term ended in 2007, but a successor was never appointed to take her spot and allowed her to serve as an “acting” commissioner for over 20 years.

Today, Trump directed DOGE to audit the Pentagon, he revoked Joe Biden's security clearance, and he cleared house at USAID and the Dept. of Education. I'm loving this, but I'm worried about his safety. He's messing with some seriously insane people. He's going to the Super Bowl on Sunday, the first sitting president to ever attend. Let's all keep him in our prayers.
Might be the scare event. Might be a controlled scare event to shake loose the rest of those capable, that are still on the fence about his intentions and the intentions of the liberal mindset.
Just FYI, the original Trump video talking about a bringing back state fairs is from 2023, and the context was celebrating the country's 250th anniversary in 2026 in Iowa

I am not sure why, but when I first saw this back then, a story I think I read in one of my Seamus McGuiness history books that the old kings of Ireland would do something about the same time interval where debts were erased, peace pacts were created and basically a reset of the relations amongst those societies at the time and a chance/breathing room to innovate versus war against each other.

I did see via a quick cursory search that the Irish Catholic church has a jubilee year designated for 2025 but that is in my opinion, probably pre-planned by the open border wishful thinking types that have co-opted the Irish culture to create the Formorian passive oppression mindset there (yet again). Seems like learning latin and greek at the hedgerows (ie. forums like this one) are also repeating itself.
It seems the left has been beaten down and bruised, but they are not out. They are rallying, but seem to be using old arguments and tatics for now, and they just aren't getting much traction as all the corruption is being revealed. People are just sick of their nonsense. However, it's too early for an autopsy. I want to understand what happened. The left has been ponerized to an extreme degree. The same can happen to the right, but not so much in the last 200 years - which has been a battle between left and right and the right has been losing.
This video by Rudyard Lynch provides a lot of answers to what happened I think, and I agree with most of it, it's a study on the 'anthropology of the left'. It's very insightful and surprising in places.

We know nothing about stuff we know the most about.
we need distance to see things that are normally too close to objectively observe.
All societies have been absurd at times. Amazing how crazy we all are.
Our society is not interested in how societies work.
Now we believe in the 'blank slate' therefore culture is not important, and all societies work the same.
Men and women are the same. We don't realize how stupid this all is.
We never study our own culture anthropologically - we could gain great insights if we did.
A study found that 'centrists' in America are not intellectuals, but rather
anti-intellectual normie idiots.
Roughly 1/3 liberals, 1/3 conservatives, 1/3 centrists.
Being fair is telling the truth. Any other principle is faulty.
We operate inside an extreme leftist worldview - even conservatives operate inside its logic.
Tom Holland's book - "Dominion - How the Christian Religion Remade the World".
Christianity has massively influenced the world.
Even anti-Christian people become 'Christian' by accepting the assumptions of the Christian world.
The anti-Christian left does this by accepting equality, meek being good, progress, utopia, etc.
India, China, and the Roman Empire didn't believe any of that stuff.
Everybody today thinks and acts based on leftist philosophy.
The right is nostalgic for a past that never existed.
Rightist groups each have a different agenda, no single message.
Left has a single message, they are united.
Left has had a common, shared plan to conquer the world for the last 200 years.
The last 200 years have been a global battle between the right and the left.
2 lefts over history - eastern - Marx, Stalin..., and western: Rousseau, feminism...
What the left says they are today, and the truth are basically opposites.
Lynch does not just blame the Jews... he blames the Jews, women, the bureaucracy, the French,
and Calvinists.
Left - urban, Right - rural. only natural that something like leftism shows up in cities.
Cities have been incapable of sustaining themselves without rural support. Places of atheism,
agnosticism, moral degeneracy, and creativity. People in cities can't be controlled by tribal
cohesion. Humans evolved in small communities - cities removed that.
France was the first country in Europe to experience leftism because they were the first to have
Calvinism = proto 'wokeism'. Calvinism origin of "Shining City on a Hill"!
Almost all post-modernist thinkers were Jews.
Jewish ideas fed into white women's interests.
Jews in politics are leftists primarily, those not into politics tend to be conservative.
Currently, Jews are a moderation force on the left. Left has gone extreme.
Three pillars of leftist thought are really all the same thing: the Noble Savage, The Blank Slate,
and the Open View - human nature is perfectible.
Ergo: human engineering is needed to turn humans into saints - leftist totalitarianism is the answer.
None of these assumptions are turning out to be true according to recent science.
Another source of leftism - the German Occult Movement - AKA The Illuminati.
Leftism rejects concepts of god and truth. Truth is what is strategically advantageous to the
left at any point in time.
Supporting various social groups - women, LGBT, etc., was a tactic started decades ago, today's
left believes all that is a moral law from on high. They do not know their own history.
What the left says about the right is true about the left.
Bureaucracies will pick issues that can hardly be solved - creating endless funding. Leftism
appeals to bureaucracies. Bureaucracies demolish Western civilization.
We are a nation run by eunuchs, harem girls, and bureaucrats.
The always-existing split between men and women is the most taboo subject in modern society.
this split has become a political divide - more women leftist - more men conservative.
We know who we cannot criticize in this society. Men are afraid to critique or criticize women
today. It's very embarrassing to do so.
Men get benefit from risk, but women don't. Women wieghed-down by childbearing, (not so much today).
Women avoid risk so they will support welfare, the breakdown of the family, and war.
Females are as aggressive as men, their attack modes are shaming, gossiping, and rallying - leftism.
leftism is shaming, gossiping, and rallying on a global, industrial scale.
The left is cunning, but not tough, they are the best people in the world at word games.
Not to black-pill here, but I've been thinking: OK, the Trump train is awesome and I'm loving every minute of it. Clearly it's a huge relief to see this blanket of lies lifted, the corruption tackled, the madness curtailed, common sense restored, bad guys punished, and the rest.
I'm not excluding the possibility we're entering a new golden age here. But I'm wary. After all, STS thrive on chaos, suffering and lies. Maybe people believing lies in particular. What will be their next move?
I had similar questions. 4D-STS was limited in how much they could do in the recent election given the amount of free will they already historically abridged, but what, in the near and mid-term is in their power to do given the parameters they have to work within?

Maybe what's playing out is actually just a very thrilling show! Whitney Webb says we're being taken in by distraction:

[Video] 'Dismantling' USAID Is A Distraction From The Real Agenda


Regarding the aforementioned FASAB S-56 in the above vid:
To Michigan State professor Mark Skidmore, who’s been studying discrepancies in defense expenditures for years, the new ruling — and the lack of public response to it — was a shock.

“From this point forward,” he says, “the federal government will keep two sets of books, one modified book for the public and one true book that is hidden.”

Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy was one of the few people across the country to pay attention to the FASAB news release. He was alarmed.

“It diminishes the credibility of all public budget documents,” he says.

A: Trump is easily misled by those of eloquent persuasion.
(Joe) [...] Trump stated this week, in his inauguration speech, that the next four years would be the greatest years in American history. How likely is this to be the case?

A: Not very.

Too bad . . . so sad. Did someone mention moving around the deck chairs? :-(

EDIT: And about that audit of the Pentagon . . .
“From this point forward,” he says, “the federal government will keep two sets of books, one modified book for the public and one true book that is hidden.”
Last edited:
Recent C.A.Fitts interview basically about "whats going to happen with Trump's second term"

I using the Summarizer from youtube that @axj showed us the other day, and I'll post the actual interview below that. One of the things she said at the end of the interview I think all here would appreciate is: "My goal is to stay in a state of amusement."

The summery:

The full interview below:

Maybe what's playing out is actually just a very thrilling show! Whitney Webb says we're being taken in by distraction
It's hard to say how that whole CIA financing network works. Maybe USAID was indeed only a small portion of it while the big money continues to move in complete secrecy due to the FASAB-56 law, which was introduced in Trump's first term.

Mexican cartels and big US banks, as well as the Federal Reserve banks are all involved in this hidden government spending - and it is a good sign that Trump is moving against the cartels and that DOGE has access to all the spending data of the US Treasury (but not the Federal Reserve, which is "independent").

Recent C.A.Fitts interview basically about "whats going to happen with Trump's second term"
While I think she is spot on regarding most things (and I am a subscriber to her website), keep in mind that she is a bit too skeptical regarding Trump - she thinks his 'handlers' staged the first assassination attempt.
Too bad . . . so sad. Did someone mention moving around the deck chairs? :-(
At least we are getting something of a respite, how long it lasts is another thing. I shudder to think what a Harris admin would look like right now. All the cringy stuff would be cranked up and rocking the whole house on the wings of a huge mandate from the people. Perhaps we will have time to prepare and strengthen before the next dramatic presentation starts.
At least we are getting something of a respite, how long it lasts is another thing. I shudder to think what a Harris admin would look like right now. All the cringy stuff would be cranked up and rocking the whole house on the wings of a huge mandate from the people. Perhaps we will have time to prepare and strengthen before the next dramatic presentation starts.

Yes, even if it's just moving around the deck chairs, getting some relief from the extreme "woke" agenda with emphasis on common sense certainly is what the voting public was wanting and expecting. I do wonder if there was any real expectation that Kamala would or could win - maybe letting Trump win this time was Plan B. I do get the impression that the real issues/agenda isn't really going to change at all and who knows what is going to happen with Israel, Gaza, and the middle east - and that pager gift is more than a little disturbing. Did it give Trump pause . . .
I'm not excluding the possibility we're entering a new golden age here. But I'm wary. After all, STS thrive on chaos, suffering and lies. Maybe people believing lies in particular. What will be their next move?
Suffering also makes people grow stronger and become more awake - kind of like a downside to all the 4D STS interferances, maybe they don't think that's important?

What's their next move? Well maybe they get to 'reap as they've sown'?

The fact that they backed off relatively recently (Quorum making new 'plans'), tends to suggest that if they hadn't they may have had another Kantek on their hands. 'The farm' may have blown up, or got wiped out by a meteor. And.... if you 'bet the farm' on 'the farm', so to speak, that would be a problem. No farm to 'farm', if it's not there.

Maybe they'd be without a home? Definitely without minions to rule over. This may have lead to a VERY stong motivation to back off. Reality was about to spin completely out of their control.

Total destruction of us (and our planet) wouldn't be a problem for them if we were their equals and directly in competition with them, and also if they had somewhere else to be. But we're not, and I'm not sure if they still have a home to go to anyway. That's not to say they won't destroy us completely, but they won't be able to re-seed a planet with what they consider suitable, if the planet is no longer there, or no longer capable of sustaining life.

Of course this is all just me speculating! I see it as all just one giant balancing act. They recognised that it was all about to tip over, so they backed off.

This post has gone way off topic and into the relms of outer-space and aliens, so sorry about that. Not that it isn't a 'thing', but it's certainly not something that most people see.
Maybe what's playing out is actually just a very thrilling show!
It sure is. It can sometimes be funny (because it's so ridiculous), but definitely thrilling as well as surprising.
Whitney Webb says we're being taken in by distraction:
Of which she's one, no doubt! Madam 'click-bait' and marketing my own books and research self promotion. Not that there's anything wrong with that, she has a lot of skill in that area, but she has a certain perspective, with it's own inbuilt biases. I tend to be a bit wary of someone making too much noise in a certain direction which tends to benefit them a lot. It's similarly interesting, particularly when watching politicians, how much noise they're making as well as when they make no noise at all...
I'm not excluding the possibility we're entering a new golden age here. But I'm wary. After all, STS thrive on chaos, suffering and lies. Maybe people believing lies in particular. What will be their next move?

I think Ennio covers it pretty well here:

Such an AI system - out of a perceived need to compete with other countries' AI systems and MAGA, could, incrementally, be implemented until it, or the controllers, create the conditions for which there is no turning back. Maybe the chaos of a rapidly changing world (natural and induced) may be the justification for installing such a system - even if the intention behind it, on Trump's part, are ostensibly good. So if Trump is conned into accepting it, then that is but one way that people could get screwed, and the greater malevolent agenda get furthered.

Then there's Israel. You have to wonder what back-channel messages, false flags, or new situations on the ground, compel Trump to behave a certain way. There is just so much he can do if under the gun of a real or perceived threat to the US. He may need to play the game until such time as he is all out of good options - unless or until certain "explosive revelations" come to light perhaps. But even that may not be enough.

And then there's the potential for a wild swing of the pendulum that's been brought up before. Could conservatives be 'egrogored' into a mad attempt to eradicate left-leaning or liberal institutions and individuals? Could a healthy movement back towards more conservative values be co-opted and weaponized towards a highly destructive internal and societal war in the US and elsewhere? That seems possible, too, under the right circumstances. Maybe even still likely.

My only additional take is financial collapse making it appear as though the implementation of some totalitarian AI-biometric-financial system is necessary.

My hopeful take on the potentiality of the pendulum swinging too far right is that Trump and his team are really funny. Trump has every right to be aggressive and vengeful after all that he and his family have been put through, but instead what we are getting is just some good ole fashioned trolling. Hopefully, jokes like these continue to remind the masses to lighten up and to not get worked up into a frenzy:


It is my understanding that the Nazi's were not a very funny bunch, and their posters were quite tacky. Between Donald's humor and Melania's class, I personally think we will be ok to avoid a far-right over correction so long as they are at the helm.
Just FYI, the original Trump video talking about a bringing back state fairs is from 2023, and the context was celebrating the country's 250th anniversary in 2026 in Iowa

I only became aware of his tweet about it in, I want to say January, via some YT channel. Regardless of the original timing it struck me as odd because it's not something anyone ever talks about and most people aren't even aware of them from way back. It was also something the C's mentioned as something that needs further looking into or words to that effect.
What was he actually alluding to, I don't know, though it was a statement that definitely caught my attention.
Candace Trump wants Gaza

At first I was excited that Trump might be doing something good for the Palestinians. Now re-watching the footage, it seems like Israel just wants us to pay for the reconstruction and move the Palestinians out (somewhere) and move the Jews in.
i know. I've been of two minds since Trump announced his plan for the Palestinians, just as Laura has stated. The Zionists get what they want, which just irritates the heck out of me. But, I also can't stop thinking of how the Palestinians will continue to be imprisoned, tortured and killed if they remain there. It's just maddening what the Zionists are getting away with. I can only hope that Trump is thinking of doing this with the welfare of the Palestinians in mind and not the welfare of the Zionists and their psychopathic agenda.

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