So MAGA USA is not for free speech anymore, and not for "peacemaking" and instead of America first it's Israel first? What's next? Asking for a friend.
As already brought up by several forum members - posts @JGeropoulas #743, @portobello #1,078 on this thread and posts @axj #104 / #119, and @iamthatis #112 on the new session thread (to name a few) - Technocracy!
The "eternal doomers" like Whitney Webb, Catherine Austin-Fitts, David Icke or Corbett have analyzed this technocratic plan quite well I think, though they may be overestimating its chances of success. Partly because Trump is apparently not in on it, while they think that he is.
I remember viewing James Corbett's Technocracy documentary (on his old site) quite a while ago, maybe years rather than months. I did go looking for it via his Rumble index, but didn't make it back far enough (started viewing other choices) before deciding to forego the search. I really thought it was something firmly in the past, but here it is again, raising its ugly head! It does sound like it's fitting the bill for what's going on although still in preliminary stages so far it would seem. Of course, the Cs have indicated that all these fanatical plans by the PTB are going to fail because of earth changes/the Wave. So, I guess it's another wait and see operation and not something to get too consumed about.
Otherwise, getting more disappointed with Trump every day. Peacenik he's not and clearly putting Israel first! You don't get to a Golden Age on a path of blood! Also, I missed seeing Putin in his military uniform - how was that not a clear message?!! Are there any in power in the USA with a Putin intellect - wishful thinking . . .