Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

So MAGA USA is not for free speech anymore, and not for "peacemaking" and instead of America first it's Israel first? What's next? Asking for a friend.

As already brought up by several forum members - posts @JGeropoulas #743, @portobello #1,078 on this thread and posts @axj #104 / #119, and @iamthatis #112 on the new session thread (to name a few) - Technocracy!

The "eternal doomers" like Whitney Webb, Catherine Austin-Fitts, David Icke or Corbett have analyzed this technocratic plan quite well I think, though they may be overestimating its chances of success. Partly because Trump is apparently not in on it, while they think that he is.

I remember viewing James Corbett's Technocracy documentary (on his old site) quite a while ago, maybe years rather than months. I did go looking for it via his Rumble index, but didn't make it back far enough (started viewing other choices) before deciding to forego the search. I really thought it was something firmly in the past, but here it is again, raising its ugly head! It does sound like it's fitting the bill for what's going on although still in preliminary stages so far it would seem. Of course, the Cs have indicated that all these fanatical plans by the PTB are going to fail because of earth changes/the Wave. So, I guess it's another wait and see operation and not something to get too consumed about.

Otherwise, getting more disappointed with Trump every day. Peacenik he's not and clearly putting Israel first! You don't get to a Golden Age on a path of blood! Also, I missed seeing Putin in his military uniform - how was that not a clear message?!! Are there any in power in the USA with a Putin intellect - wishful thinking . . . :-(
Came across this X post recently (I don't think I found it on the forum) and it makes great sense to me:

Sure seems like what we're up against - the brainwashed masses that are 100% bought into these ideologies. In some ways, I think it will take extreme dictatorial action to root out/destroy these factions that are a clear threat to our Republic, but that is a double-edged sword! The next administration/regime in power will have justification to enlist the same dictatorial actions for their agenda (even though we already experienced that to a degree in the last four years). Plus, the Trump administration is already showing colors that are not true MAGA red, white, and blue - more like just blue and white - 1742173157750.png .
Peacenik he's not
Taking out actors and infrastructure that is used to attack US interests is forbidden? Curious if you think he should wait until additional Iranian airspace weaponization expands to the point of downing International flights in addition to the long history of maritime vessel attacks?

Not once did he run on a platform of being a "Peacenik" and quite the opposite when it comes to protecting American interests. Not sure where your and others here disappointment stems from?

Plus, the Trump administration is already showing colors that are not true MAGA

American interests align with Israel's but also Greece's, Italy's, Germany's, England's, the list goes on and on as nearly every country has some sort of dependence of the US government tax payer funded slush funds. Shutting it down is happening and pretty out there in the open now for the world to witness.

The sequence of cutting off of US aide to specific nations might not align with folks personal opinions, but that hardly warrants a reaction that the "ship is lost" and all of the other deeds are meaningless compared to what some folks interpretation of what MAGA is actually about.
I remember viewing James Corbett's Technocracy documentary (on his old site) quite a while ago, maybe years rather than months. I did go looking for it via his Rumble index, but didn't make it back far enough (started viewing other choices) before deciding to forego the search.

I decided to take up the search again, and based on the first thing I found, I'm wondering if I really did view a Corbett Technocracy documentary because he isn't mentioning it per se in the linked vid on the subject below although he does cite multiple inputs on the subject going back many years, long before it became a thing by name; rather, a scientific dictatorship being the former idea for it - (did someone else do a doc and I wonder who - I definitely have a mental picture of the documentary title in capital letters in my head, in brownish tones!).


An excellent vid - he really fleshes out the topic particularly with links to subject author, Patrick Wood and actual reading of original text excerpts by the Technocracy authors of the 1930s. Vid dated 2022. A topic that deserves attention IMO, although funny that every idea for creating utopia ends up being a roadmap for a dystopian totalitarianism. Yeah, funny. :rolleyes:
original text excerpts by the Technocracy authors of the 1930s.
In a curious coincidence (or not), Elon Musk's maternal grandfather Joshua Haldeman was involved in a pretty public technocracy movement in Canada in the 1930s. It was banned in Canada in 1941 and he was briefly arrested. So this group was not powerful at all.

Some of the "eternal doomers" claim that this grandfather is evidence of an intergenerational involvement of the Musk family in setting up a technocracy.

Later Haldeman founded his own political party and among other things said about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: “The plan as outlined in these protocols has been rapidly unfolding in the period of observation of this generation.”

Which is in stark contrast to Musk's current complete public support for the Zionists.

Musk himself called his grandfather "a quirky character", more or less laughing off the whole thing.
Musk himself called his grandfather "a quirky character", more or less laughing off the whole thing.

Corbett referenced this first vid and there's a second relevant one as well. Haven't viewed them yet.

Not once did he run on a platform of being a "Peacenik"
He sort of did:

Curious if you think he should wait until additional Iranian airspace weaponization expands to the point of downing International flights in addition to the long history of maritime vessel attacks?
Curious why you assume that Iran or its proxies will inevitably want to "down international flights". Sounds like cheap propaganda.

American interests align with Israel's
There may be some common interests but not nearly as much as politicians and media in the US like to pretend. In fact, supporting Israel's actions such as the Gaza genocide is against US interests since it antagonizes not just the Muslim world, but also speeds up the growth of BRICS and loss of US influence worldwide.
Taking out actors and infrastructure that is used to attack US interests is forbidden?

It seems to me and apparently others that it is not US interests at the fore here, but Israel's. From today's (3/16/25) NewsReal -

While saying he wants to "stop all the killing in Ukraine," Trump apparently has no problem using military force to bring Yemen's Houthis to heel. Multiple other Western (and Arabian) leaders have tried bombing them into submission before. What makes Trump think it will work this time? And is this 'MAGA'?

- and the very first comment to the article:
Under the guise of Naval & Shipping Security....yet most likely because his master BiBi told him too!

Read the three comments to this article. You know the Quorum's apparent agenda is to increase chaos to get humanity to wake up in order to bring balance. What do you think that means? And precisely what people are being exterminated here - the people the 4DSTS have indicated must be exterminated to ensure their continued domination over earth's created hybrid population for 4D. It's all going to plan . . . so far.

Trump's campaign pledge:
Republican candidate Donald Trump said that there were no wars during his tenure as US President and that he will not start a war but will stop them.
Sounds peacenik to me! And bombing the Houthis has no possibility of war with either Iran or Russia - right?

From last year and under the Biden administration, article excerpt:
Andrew Napolitano: Colonel was there recently some military activity by the Houthies which resulted in about 70 deaths of IDF and some American contractors about which you can tell us?

Col. Douglas Macgregor: Well, I can tell you only what I found through open source material. I haven't seen anything classified but I am reliably told that roughly 70 Israeli Special Forces along with some number of Americans, the total number was 70. How many were American mercenaries that joined in this operation, I don't know what the exact breakdown was, but it was obviously mostly Israeli. They infiltrated successfully into Yemen, but they were tracked from the moment they infiltrated by overhead satellites, presumably Russian, and the Russians provided this information to the Iranians who immediately telegraphed it to the Houthis. Whatever you say about the Houthis, they're tough hombres on the battlefield.

They set up an ambush and they killed all of them, and there is footage of the dead. I haven't had a chance to examine it carefully, clearly most of it's Israeli, but there are some indisputably some American mercenaries, there may be some Brits mixed into it who are also employees of the same contract firm now.
We can't know yet if this report is true or not. But there are four reasons it is credible:
  1. Yemen successfully denied the Red Sea to the US Navy earlier this year.
  2. The US Navy wants to put its four aircraft carriers in the Middle East in position to support Israeli efforts in the region, but is endangered by Yemeni land-to-sea strike abilities.
  3. Taking out the coastal missile batteries using air strikes has failed.
  4. An infantry infiltration was the only remaining option for eliminating Yemeni land-to-sea capabilities.
However, I fail to see how this puts Israel on the ropes in any way; the denial of the Red Sea was already an accomplished fact and despite decades of claims to the contrary, Iran is observably not in any particular hurry to start a full-scale war with Israel.
Sott comment:

So new boss, same as the old boss. We couldn't beat the Taliban even after 20 years, but for sure we're going to get those Houthis for Israel! Oh, and it has nothing to do with creating a "Greater Israel."
“Greater Israel would create a number of proxy states. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia.”
The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment.

President Donald Trump had confirmed in January 2017 his support of Israel’s illegal settlements (including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank). The Trump administration expressed its recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. And now the entire West Bank is being annexed to Israel.

Under the Biden administration, despite rhetorical shifts in the political narrative, Washington remains supportive of Israel plans to annex the entire Jordan River valley as well the illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Bear in mind: The Greater Israel design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it is an integral part of US foreign policy, its strategic objective is to extend US hegemony as well as fracture and balkanize the Middle East.

In this regard, Washington’s strategy consists in destabilizing and weakening regional economic powers in the Middle East including Turkey and Iran. This policy –which is consistent with the Greater Israel– is accompanied by a process of political fragmentation.

Since the Gulf war (1991), the Pentagon has contemplated the creation of a “Free Kurdistan” which would include the annexation of parts of Iraq, Syria and Iran as well as Turkey

“The New Middle East”: Unofficial US Military Academy Map by Lt. Col. Ralph Peters
According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

When viewed in the current context, including the siege on Gaza, the Zionist Plan for the Middle East bears an intimate relationship to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria, Iraq and Yemen, not to mention the political crisis in Saudi Arabia.

The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project, with the support of NATO and Saudi Arabia. In this regard, the Saudi-Israeli rapprochement is from Netanyahu’s viewpoint a means to expanding Israel’s spheres of influence in the Middle East as well as confronting Iran. Needless to day, the “Greater Israel” project is consistent with America’s imperial design.

What started the war:
Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, better known as the Houthis, has effectively declared war on Israel. In a statement on Oct. 31, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarei said, “Our armed forces have launched a large batch of ballistic and cruise missiles and a large number of drones on various Israeli enemy targets in the occupied [Palestinian] territories.” Sarei described the attacks as supportive of Palestinians in Gaza who are facing “American-Israeli aggression” amid the “weakness of the official Arab regime and the collusion of some with the Israeli enemy.”
The official entry of the Houthis into the Hamas-Israel conflict follows warnings from Iran that the Gaza war may trigger the “opening of new fronts.” Sarei confirmed this narrative, saying that what “expands the field of the conflict is the Zionist enemy’s continuing perpetration of crimes and massacres against the people of the Gaza Strip.”

The opening of a Yemeni front exposes Israel to further external attacks at a time when an all-out Israeli confrontation with Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement looms. A Houthi entry into the Gaza war may also come to engulf Gulf Arab states and the US, potentially unraveling the UN-mediated truce in Yemen.

Good details:

Extraordinary Scott Ritter insights (and I'm only 17 min. in!) - Jan. 9, 2025:

So, the Houthis could not stand by while the Palestinians were being ruthlessly genocided with the aid of the U.S. As you may be aware, the Cs have indicated Israel's destruction is definitely in the cards. Whether by their own misadventures or by Iran or Russia or even an earth/cosmic event, it remains to be seen. And the Cs have also said the US is beyond the point of no return as well due to our never-ending murderous war ways along with secret regime changes over the years plus torture and genocide. As long as the population keeps supporting this activity and continues to justify it via national interests/security, the worse it's going to be for the planet as a whole when the comets arrive. And arresting people for their free speech denouncing genocide flies in the face of what our Republic stands for and supposedly what Trump said he stood for - the Constitution and the rule of law. It's an evil game that's been going on for far too long. That's the way it looks to me.
Came across this X post recently (I don't think I found it on the forum) and it makes great sense to me:

The short video definitely makes sense, as this is exactly what we are seeing with these ideological revolutionary-type movements - they never end and are the attempt to turn individuals into one mindless blob that operates with a single rigid ideology. They have nothing to do with justice.

The video text:

Here's why the woke movement keeps shifting its goalposts. What we're seeing with today's social justice movement is exactly what the philosopher of totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt, warned about. A constant revolution with no end in sight.

These movements, from feminism to gay rights, anti-racism, decolonization, and trans issues, mirror Arendt's observation that revolutions never settle, never declare victory, and never stop because they're not actually about achieving equality under the law. It's about expanding their umbrella until all individuals become part of one mindless blob that operates with a single rigid ideology, making them easier to organize for political ends. As soon as one cause wins, they find the next group to rally behind to justify the movement's existence.

This is why they dispensed with feminism for transgenderism, which is directly at odds with the other movement. Fringe groups are absorbed not to help them, but to keep the movement alive. There's no end because the goal is not actually justice.

It's the complete centralization of power. Orwell nailed it when he said one does not establish a dictatorship to safeguard a revolution, one makes the revolution to establish the dictatorship. So don't expect woke ideology, which is now embedded in every Western institution under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion, to burn out on its own.

This movement thrives on Orwellian doublespeak, where diversity really means conformity, equity really means some animals are more equal than others, and inclusivity really means exclusion for those who oppose the revolution. The woke mind virus will continue to ceaselessly steamroll society until everyone is absorbed or anyone who opposes it is socially exiled. This is why it is more necessary than ever for Western society to say enough with equality of outcomes and return to the values of equality under the law and meritocracy.

If this ideology continues, Western civilization itself is at stake.
It's the PayPal mafia, under the name of the company Praxis, who are pushing for the neo-colonization Greenland. These technocrats see it as a great site for an experimental futuristic city project designed to 'restore Western Civilization'. They don't care what the people of Greenland think, and it looks quite a lot like a utopia that could quickly turn into a digital Gulag. That seems to be what they want for Greenland long term, after Trump is gone - another 'shining city on a hill'.

This is a little off topic but this bit made me shake my head.
“As the warrior-kings once sought the sacred Grail,” reads Praxis’s so-called Declaration of Ascent, “so too shall we build an empire where true power flows from heroic courage and alignment with the divine order.” Brown’s description of Praxis builds on these pseudo-mythological themes: Praxian architecture would be “hero futurism,” with their first city on Earth a stepping stone to expanding to Mars for their “Network Empire.”

What is it with Mars? Musk wants to go there. "Network Empire"? It sounds like The Atlanteans Strikes Back or something. I remember reading in the transcripts of the C's saying the Atlanteans would try again, though I can't find the quote at the moment.

Have you seen the flag of the proposed city of Praxis? Black sun?

Trump's campaign pledge:

Republican candidate Donald Trump said that there were no wars during his tenure as US President and that he will not start a war but will stop them.

Umm . . .

At least 31 dead in US air strikes on Yemen as Iran escalates war of words claiming action 'violated international law' and warning it WILL retaliate to any attacks
The first set of Donald Trump's airstrikes against Yemen's Houthi rebels killed at least 31 people, the rebel group said on Sunday, as its backer Iran said it would retaliate.

The Houthis, who have attacked Israel and Red Sea shipping throughout the Gaza war, said children were among those killed by the intense barrage of strikes, which were carried out with British military support. They added that 101 people were wounded.

Trump, in a post on social media, vowed to 'use overwhelming lethal force' and ordered Iran to 'immediately' cut its support.

The Houthis warned that the strikes 'will not pass without response', while Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi condemned the deaths and said Washington had 'no authority' to dictate its foreign policy.

A spokesperson for Iran's foreign ministry, Esmaeil Baqaei 'strongly condemned the brutal air strikes by the US' in a later statement, denouncing them a 'gross violation of the principles of the UN Charter', and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps vowed to retaliate against Trump's strikes.

The Houthi Ansarollah website slammed what it called 'US-British aggression' and Washington's 'criminal brutality'.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM), which posted images of fighters and a bomb demolishing a building compound, said 'precision strikes' were launched to 'defend American interests, deter enemies, and restore freedom of navigation'.

'Our Yemeni armed forces are fully prepared to confront escalation with escalation,' the rebels' political bureau said in a statement on their Al-Masirah TV station.

See also:

How the US Misleads the World About Its Involvement in Yemen. Scott Ritter
January 18, 2024

“The strikes in Yemen were necessary, proportionate, and consistent with international law.”

With this statement, the United States delegate to the United Nations defended the joint US-UK military strikes against targets affiliated with the Houthi militia undertaken on the night of January 12, 2024.

The irony of this statement is that it was made before a body, the United Nations Security Council, which had not authorized any such action, thereby eliminating any claim to legitimacy that could possibly be made by the US.

The Charter of the UN specifies two conditions under international law in which military force can be used. One is in the conduct of legitimate self-defense as articulated in Article 51 of the Charter. The other is in accordance with the authority granted by the UN Security Council through a resolution passed under Chapter VII of the Charter.

British Foreign Minister David Cameron cited the UN Security Council in his justification of the UK’s involvement in the attacks on Yemen, claiming that the Council had “made clear” that the “Houthi must halt attacks in the Red Sea.”
While the Security Council had issued a resolution demanding that the Houthi cease their attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea, this resolution was not passed under Chapter VII, and therefore neither the US nor the UK had any authority under international law to carry out their attacks on Yemen.

Both the US and UK invoked the notion of self-defense in their attacks on Yemen, thereby indirectly alluding to a possible cognizable action under Article 51 of the UN Charter. US President Joe Biden justified the US military attack on Houthi militia forces in Yemen in a statement released shortly after the strikes ended.

“I ordered this military action,” he declared, “in accordance with my responsibility to protect Americans at home and abroad.”

The main problem with this argument is that the Houthis had not attacked Americans, either at home or abroad. To the extent that US forces had previously engaged weapons fired by the Houthis, they had done so to shield non-American assets – either the State of Israel or international shipping – from Houthi attack. Under no circumstances could the US argue that it had been attacked by the Houthis.

The US attacks, Biden asserted, “were carried out to deter and weaken the Houthi ability to launch future attacks.”

This language suggests that the US was seeking to eliminate an imminent threat to commercial maritime operations in international shipping lanes. To comply with the requirements of international law regarding collective self-defense – the only possible argument for legitimacy since the US itself had not been attacked – the US would need to demonstrate that it was part of a collective of nation states that were either under attack by the Houthis or were threatened with imminent attack of a nature that precluded seeking Security Council intervention.

In late December 2023, the US had, together with several other nations, gathered military forces in what was known as Operation Prosperity Guardian to deter Houthi attacks on maritime shipping that had been taking place since November 19, 2023.

However, the US subsequently undermined any case it could possibly have made that its actions were consistent with international law, namely that they were an act of collective pre-emptive self-defense done in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter.

US Central Command (CENTCOM), which is responsible for operations in the Middle East, issued a press release shortly after Washington launched a second attack against a Houthi radar installation that it claims was involved in targeting shipping in the Red Sea.

The statement claimed the attack on the Houthi radar installation was a “follow-on action” of the strikes carried out on January 12, and had “no association with and are separate from Operation Prosperity Guardian, a defensive coalition of over 20 countries operating in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.”

By distancing itself from Operation Prosperity Guardian, the US has fatally undermined any notion of pre-emptive collective self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter, highlighting the unilateral, and inherently illegal, nature of its military attacks on Yemen.

Redacted reminds us of Israel's attack on our ship!

EDIT: Update
Iran-backed Houthi terrorists launch a massive retaliation strike on the USS Harry S. Truman.

Just hours after President Trump authorized powerful military action to restore American deterrence in the region, the emboldened Houthis fired 18 ballistic and cruise missiles along with a drone attack, vowing to escalate against all U.S. warships in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea.

On Saturday, President Trump, demonstrating his signature “peace through strength” doctrine, ordered a decisive and calculated military response against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Trump, donning his MAGA hat and signature golf attire, watched alongside top military officials as American forces obliterated Houthi terror positions.
Last edited:
Larry Johnson of weighs in:

Is the Trump Administration Using Yemen as an Excuse to Attack Iran?

Now, forward to World War III. Short answer to the question i present in the title of this piece… Yes!! Prior to yesterday, the Houthis had not breached the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. The strikes on Houthi sites in Yemen comes after the group said it would restart attacks in the Red Sea if Israel did not honor the terms of the ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. But this is not about bringing the Houthis into submission… this is about Iran.

It is no coincidence that the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), issued the following on Friday:
Iran, China, and Russia issued a joint statement on March 14 effectively condemning the US “maximum pressure” strategy vis-a-vis Iran. The statement came from a meeting of the Iranian, Chinese, and Russian deputy foreign ministers in Beijing. The statement called on “relevant parties”—a reference to the United States—to “lift all illegal unilateral sanctions” on Iran. The statement described Iranian nuclear activities as “exclusively for peaceful purposes,” despite numerous indications that Tehran has restarted its nuclear weapons program. Iran currently has enough high-enriched uranium to build six nuclear weapons, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. The statement also emphasized the parties’ commitment to strengthening their cooperation through BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Tehran wants to use these institutions to undermine US sanctions and build a parallel economic order to the US-led one.

The publication of this statement coincides with Russia, China and Iran concluding their annual joint-naval military exercise. This is the seventh iteration since 2019. The ISW conveniently ignores the joint-security agreement that Russia and Iran concluded on January 17.
There are unconfirmed claims from Yemen that they fired a combination of missiles and drones at the USS Harry S Truman, an aircraft carrier. The Trump administration, as of this time, has said nothing about such an attack. I am certain of one thing–Yemen will fire missiles and drones at US and Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the US will continue to launch attacks inside Yemen. If the Houthis succeed in hitting a US ship, I think the Trump administration will use this as its casus belli to attack Iran.

Instead of cowering in fear, I believe that Iran is preparing for the likelihood of a US strike and will retaliate against US military installations in the region. This could get out of hand real quick. If the Saudis allow US combat aircraft to launch against Iran, then Saudi oil-installations also are likely to be immolated.

There are no adults around Trump capable of talking him out of pursuing this insane policy. Trump appears to genuinely believe that he can force both Yemen and Iran into submission with a combination of attacks from combat jets and missiles. He, along with the US neocons, are likely to learn a very hard lesson if they follow thru with their threats.

Sounds like another hit for the Cs! And apparently the Houthis did attack the Harry S. Truman. This escalation doesn't bode well for anyone except Israel by fulfilling its long awaited desire to have Iran annihilated by the US.

Yemen attacks for the second time!


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