Trump orders attack on Syria, asks for other countries to join him.

The way I currently see it is that Trump cannot be that stupid not to see through these false allegations. At the very least, having run a business empire he must know about basic salesmen tactics. He knows at the very least

1. that he himself was opposed to US meddling and going to war in Syria
2. that the media and Washington elite are against him and his policies
3. that they want this war in Syria.

So if someone comes along and presents a case in order to persuade him to take a decision that he wasn't in favor before, that's pretty much the same situation as confronting a clever salesman. He surely must have smelled the fish. Even with Dunning-Kruger in play here, the guy cannot be that naive, having spent his life among sharks in the business world.

If it's a strategic move, it's rather brilliant, and I'm not sure Trump is that kind of brilliant guy. He would have used the very forces he's opposing to hit them, Putin-style: in their wishful thinking, the neocons will think "now we got him where we want him". And even if some of them realized Trump is just playing them, they couldn't stop their own machine from applauding Trump playing the war drums.

BUT, if Trump knows this and either caved in to the deep state out of fear/pressure or strategically, that's still a very dangerous game. If you play in the dirt you get dirty and all that. All bets are off as to what happens next I think - if, as the Cs said, two irresistible forces have met, everything becomes possible.

NormaRegula said:
On a weather-related note, 2 tornados touched down in the Washington DC area. Thought that was pretty symbolic.

Today, the Lotto dealer here in the local village shop told me that 2 guys won the Lottery this week here (not the really big one, but quite some money) - he has never seen such a thing. Fwiw
There seem to be two distinct narrative levels going on right now. The MSM one, where Trump is responding however proportionally to a tragic savage chemical attack and they fall into their camps of either being pro-war or not, or are thoroughly confused. Then there is the more in-the-know crowd who knows the chemical attack was likely bogus and that Trump possibly or probably also knows this, but is he doing it for strategic reasons that will lessen the likelihood of a greater conflict or is he backed into a corner where he has no choice but to go forward with a greater conflict?

Where they seem to intersect is with the idiot Russiagaters, who are either murmuring or shouting from the depths of their cognitive dissonance that because he warned Russia, then he must be conspiring with Putin to do something. Fair point in extremely narrow terms, but then what is their solution? What did they want to happen? My guess is most of the frothing neocons want more war, and an ultimate victory which they probably won't get and the general public will probably not go along with. The useful idiots have no idea, they just want Trump gone and have bought into a narrative they thought would make that happen. Time will tell.
It's hard to tell what is really up and I wish it would be a plan of Putin and Trump and that they are working closely together to create some changes. As stated it could be wishful thinking and on the other hand maybe showed Trumps real colors.

It started some time back as the news of Drone attacks was released in Jemen and that Trump started several attacks and more than Obama did in one week. Of course these drone attacks could have been long time planned already by Obama and that the deep state did it in the end.

It reminds me a bit about the situation of Eisenhower and the atom bombs and that he never really knew how many atom bombs were built or how much money was spent and that he had no control of the military, which could be the case with Trump as well that he has no real control over the military.

I guess only time and more facts will tell.
Flashgordonv said:
Seems Trump has really lost it and gone to the dark side.


Or another possibility to consider: He was never really on the "white side" to begin with.
Pashalis said:
Flashgordonv said:
Seems Trump has really lost it and gone to the dark side.


Or another possibility to consider: He was never really on the "white side" to begin with.

I do wonder how such a guy as Trump could in any way be on the "white side" :huh:
Sow said:
Pashalis said:
Flashgordonv said:
Seems Trump has really lost it and gone to the dark side.


Or another possibility to consider: He was never really on the "white side" to begin with.

I do wonder how such a guy as Trump could in any way be on the "white side" :huh:

Grey side perhaps. But as the C's stated he is not a pedophile. While the Deep State and their lackey's are. That makes one hell of a difference. The only thing I can think of, Trump needs more time, he is trying to gather enough power. But it isn't enough, and why should it be suprising. He is president, but many in his hierarchy might not be even loyal to him. He is up against an international cabal, the worst enemies you can possible have on planet Earth.
bjorn said:
Sow said:
Pashalis said:
Flashgordonv said:
Seems Trump has really lost it and gone to the dark side.


Or another possibility to consider: He was never really on the "white side" to begin with.

I do wonder how such a guy as Trump could in any way be on the "white side" :huh:

Grey side perhaps. But as the C's stated he is not a pedophile. While the Deep State and their lackey's are. That makes one hell of a difference. The only thing I can think of, Trump needs more time, he is trying to gather enough power. But it isn't enough, and why should it be suprising. He is president, but many in his hierarchy might not be even loyal to him. He is up against an international cabal, the worst enemies you can possible have on planet Earth.

Yes Grey side is another possibility.
I think at this point we all ought to be as pessimistic as possible without turning into Chicken Little. The reason I say that is that then we won't be let down with disappointment which can have a negative effect on the health.

As to what the Cs said in last session:

A: Yes. Implications are serious and dramatic beyond what is immediately apparent. From our perspective, the import is indeed chilling. Watch how it all plays out. The irresistible force has met the immovable object. Who is more clever?

What if they were talking about the Deep State vs. Putin, ultimately, and NOT the Deep State vs Trump?

Also, ya'll remember the "April Drop Dead Date" thing?
This video was originally released in November, 2016. It depicts the worst-case escalation scenario of the conflict in Syria. The recent US missile strike against Syria showed that this analysis remains relevant to this day.

In simulating a possible armed conflict between the Armed Forces of the involved countries, we can state with some confidence that it will commence with a series of provocative actions. Possibilities include air strikes of “unknown aircraft” on civilians, the use of chemical weapons, destruction of humanitarian convoys, “shooting” at military aircraft or ships of the coalition forces, and possibly even encompassing their complete destruction. The United States and Western countries will undoubtedly accuse the Syrian or Russian Armed Forces of any such action in this regard.

Furthermore, bypassing all the international organizations and their resolutions, a certain “group of friends of Syria” will declare a decision to establish a no-fly zone over Syria to “ensure the safety of the civilian population” as part of the US “R2P – Responsibility To Protect strategy. After a repeated provocative episode, for example, the use of chemical weapons, there will be an announcement for the beginning of a full scale military operation against the “criminal regime and its ally”.
mkrnhr said:
From the latest Session,

Q: (L) Okay, there is something I want to ask. You made the remark last session about 40 days between then and Trump's inauguration, including that we should expect shocking things or stuff that would give us chills up our spine. Rock and roll, and so forth... A number of people have complained that there was nothing so dramatically shocking.

(Galatea) Yeah, you guys are all talk and no show! [laughter]

(L) Well, I find that to be a little bit naive because there were some extremely shocking things. For me, the most shocking thing was for the intelligence services to come right out and DIRECTLY, in PUBLIC, frontally attack a president-elect before his inauguration with that dodgy dossier about the Russian hotel. I mean, those things are like evidence of something very deep and very ugly that is now emerging into plain view: the evil that has stayed in the shadows doesn’t fear exposure anymore. THAT gave me chills! It's like there is open warfare in the halls of the psychopaths and they don’t care who sees it or knows it because they are convinced that the programming of the public is complete.

A: Yes. Implications are serious and dramatic beyond what is immediately apparent. From our perspective, the import is indeed chilling. Watch how it all plays out. The irresistible force has met the immovable object. Who is more clever?

From how it appears so far, Trump lost a battle of intelligence to the deep state and it will be very difficult to recover from it now that he has his hands dirty.

Russia closed communication channels with the Pentagon. This was a decision of prime importance to tilt the whole ship. Power parties have increased difficulties standing and are beginning to skid on the deck, finding themselves on an increasingly uncontrollable path of their own. I think Putin and Co. are well secured in the bridge, at the wheel. Feels like a big turning point ahead.

An important event was triggered couple weeks ago with the news about the US special forces spotted sneaking around in Syria on secret operations:
Looking at it then I got the image of this big sharpened paleolithic stone flying in the air, thrown onto Syrian territory as an attack:
My immediate response to the attack is disappointment that Trump has caved into the pressure. It's made me think about threats that have likely been made against his family. For the rest of their lives, that threat will always be there. From the beginning I've thought and still think, the corruption and control is so deep and wide spread, if he's able to do anything at all it will be surprising. Maybe the people will be granted a few crumbs here and there but not much.

Another point that stands out for me, was the warning given beforehand to the Russians and so the Syrians, the one bright spot here. That is very different strategy as far as I know( and I know nothing about strategy :)). It shows a gesture of cooperation with Russia and a chance to mitigate destruction and lose of life for Syria. In this regard, it does look like a "symbolic" attack. For Trump to make progress he'll need a very strong group of people working on his side behind the scenes, the White Hats of Steve Pieczenic? Silly, to think one man has the strength to pull "it" off on his own.

Laura posted while I was writing:

Laura said:
I think at this point we all ought to be as pessimistic as possible without turning into Chicken Little. The reason I say that is that then we won't be let down with disappointment which can have a negative effect on the health.

As to what the Cs said in last session:

A: Yes. Implications are serious and dramatic beyond what is immediately apparent. From our perspective, the import is indeed chilling. Watch how it all plays out. The irresistible force has met the immovable object. Who is more clever?

What if they were talking about the Deep State vs. Putin, ultimately, and NOT the Deep State vs Trump?

Also, ya'll remember the "April Drop Dead Date" thing?

Yes, thanks for this added food for thought. The deep state vs Putin is likely the real issue here. And not to be pulled into the whole drama, with wishful thinking and so on but remain realistic and balanced for health's sake. Also, consider what more can be done in terms of preparation for unexpected events.
Laura said:
I think at this point we all ought to be as pessimistic as possible without turning into Chicken Little. The reason I say that is that then we won't be let down with disappointment which can have a negative effect on the health.

As to what the Cs said in last session:

A: Yes. Implications are serious and dramatic beyond what is immediately apparent. From our perspective, the import is indeed chilling. Watch how it all plays out. The irresistible force has met the immovable object. Who is more clever?

What if they were talking about the Deep State vs. Putin, ultimately, and NOT the Deep State vs Trump?

Also, ya'll remember the "April Drop Dead Date" thing?
This makes a lot of sense. It didn't seem that Trump, whatever his goals are, is either an irresistible force or an immovable object. But Putin, yes.
[quote author= Laura]What if they were talking about the Deep State vs. Putin, ultimately, and NOT the Deep State vs Trump? [/quote]

Yes, thinking about it. The only one that seems capable of weakening the Deep State is Putin. Remember he has been doing ever since he took the role as Russian president. His counteractions exposed them in so many ways already. The Russian intervention in Syria, RT news exposing the Empire on a daily basis, the way in which Putin tells the truth like it is. He is a revolution on his own.

If there is one immovable object they can't bend to their will. It's Vladimir Putin, he is the only one capable of standing firm against the new world order.

I think that Trump just proven himself today how powerless he is against the Deep State. Trump perhaps is just a sideshow. But who says he will play along all the way, especially when they heat up the battle against Putin? With a possible WW3 on the horizon! :scared:

Perhaps Putin through his countermoves against the Empire will give Trump a window of opportunity to turn against his masters. But for the time being, it's indeed best to be realistically pessimistic because false hope tears a person down.

It feels like there are a lot of chess pieces on the move at this time. This may be it, the final showdown in Syria.
Skyfarmr said:
Israel seems to be slithering under the radar during all this. Stirring the pot and watching it boil?
Following the reports of the alleged attack on Tuesday, Netanyahu said that “there’s no, none, no excuse whatsoever for the deliberate attacks on civilians and on children, especially, with cruel and outlawed chemical weapons.”[we're to believe Bibi cares about Syrian civilians and children? Ha!]
Earlier on Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman told the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that he was sure Syrian government forces were behind the “chemical weapons attack” in Idlib.
Israel's "Stirring the pot and watching it boil" for sure, but hyper-hypocritically condemning Syria for "deliberate attacks on civilians and children"--as Israel routinely does to Palestinians--is a serious case of "the pot calling the kettle black" as well. There's probably a lot of projection going on here, or just plain blame-shifting, since it's not hard to imagine Mossad orchestrating the latest chemical attacks.

And again! As with the media never fostering a dialogue for the Palestinians to explain why they're so damn angry at Israel, there's no media discussion of why on earth would Assad kill a bunch innocent children with chemical weapons, especially at this particular time. I guess that's because the answer is always the same and "everyone already knows it"--they're heartless fanatics without a conscience who can't be reasoned with. Yeah, like I said, there's A LOT of projection going on here.
Gawan said:
It reminds me a bit about the situation of Eisenhower and the atom bombs and that he never really knew how many atom bombs were built or how much money was spent and that he had no control of the military, which could be the case with Trump as well that he has no real control over the military.
Aside from the farce of the elections and democracy in general, this is the greater farce of our elected government: how can a bunch of newcomers of a new administration possibly administrate agencies and personnel who are permanent fixtures while politician rotate in and out? For example, it's completely laughable that Trump's new CIA Director is going to walk in and take charge of an agency with projects and teams he doesn't even know exist, when he doesn't even know where the water cooler is!

bjorn said:
Grey side perhaps. But as the C's stated he is not a pedophile. While the Deep State and their lackey's are. That makes one hell of a difference. The only thing I can think of, Trump needs more time, he is trying to gather enough power. But it isn't enough, and why should it be surprising. He is president, but many in his hierarchy might not be even loyal to him. He is up against an international cabal, the worst enemies you can possible have on planet Earth.
Today I've actually been feeling empathy and sympathy for Trump, at least based on my impression of him at this point considering all that's been observed. I mean, can you imagine being basically a normal "average" guy (compared to the likes of a Bush or Clinton), and finding yourself in the cross-hairs of so many treacherous, conniving, ruthless, powerful creatures?! They just manipulated Trump into becoming a murderer. He went to bed the other night realizing (hopefully) he just killed 6 Syrians. No matter what the circumstances, that would be very disturbing to anyone with a scrap of conscience. I've found myself even praying for the man.

Mr. Premise said:
Laura said:
As to what the Cs said in last session:

A: Yes. Implications are serious and dramatic beyond what is immediately apparent. From our perspective, the import is indeed chilling. Watch how it all plays out. The irresistible force has met the immovable object. Who is more clever?

What if they were talking about the Deep State vs. Putin, ultimately, and NOT the Deep State vs Trump?
This makes a lot of sense. It didn't seem that Trump, whatever his goals are, is either an irresistible force or an immovable object. But Putin, yes.
And of course, that great prophet, Edgar Cayce said twice in his readings that "out of Russia will come the hope of the world."
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