Tigerlily said:
I am supposed to start the turpentine protocol this week, and I am wondering, what did you do dietarily to prepare for taking the turpentine? I was told to revamp my entire diet, and it has bee a challenge, but I have done so. I am wondering if you got the results you go by changing your diet too, or by just starting the turpentine without diet changes.
If you did make changes, how long did you modify before starting turpentine?
Thank you! This seems like a great remedy!!!
I had already been on a low carb no sugar diet before I started the turpentine protocol, so I did not make any dietary changes beforehand. One of the reasons It took me a while to realize that I in fact had Candida (self diagnosed) was that only people on high sugar, high carb diets are supposed to get it. It has only been lately that I have read about the fact that Candida can thrive on ketones as well as carbs, This info makes sense to me with my observations and my battle trying to get rid of this. The information about Bio-films has been useful, as that may explain why this infection is so resilient and adaptable.
I just finished a 6 week long turpentine protocol, consisting of taking 1 tsp 5 days on and 2 days off. It was suggested to me by a member here in a different thread to use capsules, for me this has been the best way to take it by far! I now take 6 "00" capsules of turps for 1 dose.
I have found in my case if I had to single out 1 remedy as the best, turpentine would be it by a long shot. The talk of anti-fungal herbs, change your diet ect may work in a mild case, I really don't know, hardly did anything for me. I still have a way to go and will be using turps again. For the last 7 days I have been using candizyme and serrapetase with good results. I will stick with this until I notice it loosing effectiveness than will try something else or go back to turps, perhaps 1 dose every three days. I am finding out that switching remedy’s is an important strategy fighting candida. I switch between different brands of probiotics, use iodine, borax, baking soda, turpentine, candida cleanse's. For the last three weeks I have been consuming 60 grams of sugar a day via 2 candy bars all at once, with the thought being to weaken the ketone feeding strain? Have made progress in the last 3 weeks, could not at all be related to the intake of sugar though, Again, I'm not sure.
website where I read about candizyme and serrapetase,
I have no experience with the pharmaceutical drugs for fungal infection, I felt like I did not want to go there, though if I run out of other options I will.
As for changing your diet before trying turps, I have read about doing that as well on the net. It would be ignorant of me to suggest a course of action, but I know in my case it would have been worse than a complete waste of time, because the candida would just have had time to get a stronger foothold. If your were previously on a high carb/high surgar diet than it may be a good idea, but I see no reason to wait too long until you protectively start trying to kill off the candida unless you have other underlying health issues. If you are getting a herx reaction from just the dietary changes alone then that would tell me that the new diet is being effective in itself and one could wait until the herx reactions subside before moving on to/adding another protocol. Knowing what I know now I would have started turps in very low doses as a second step, the first being taking lots of different brands of probiotics in high doses, I made good progress doing this, 500 billion or more a day. After a couple weeks the effectiveness dropped off, then in retrospect I think that would have been a good time to try turps in small doses initially.
I think so much depends on one's individual circumstances of Candida infection to decide the best course of action. If you are considering turps then I am assuming you have a moderate or severe case, and I wish you the best of luck in your recovery.