Twisting facts? Large Asteroid will Impact in the Atlantic ocean in 2014


FOTCM Member
Today saw the following two videos on one of the Russian sites

The first one talks about "Russian Military Operatives who have family in the United States have warned of an upcoming event of a large Asteroid that is being tracked by their missile defense systems. This Near Earth Object is arriving along with the Meteor Debris field expected to impact FEMA Region Three. Russia Warns that this Large Asteroid will Impact in the Atlantic Ocean. This will be a Global Incident. This event will change life on this planet as we know it."

And the other one has "Atlantic Ocean Asteroid Tsunami Simulation".

After going to Youtube to watch these videos, also saw this one, where a Fundie talks about an asteroid impact in the Atlantic that is supposedly mentioned in the Revelations and will happen in 2014.

So, on one hand we have the "conspiracy oriented folks" talking about a secret info being concealed from us by the authorities. But don't worry, because they are in control and have plans to destroy the threat. On the other, there are Fundies, who as usual talk about date specific doom predictions. Which reminded me about this comment to one of the articles posted on SOTT.

But, hey, who knows, and as Niall said in reply to this person, SOTT is the only media outlet that talks about cosmic threat AND the only one that concentrates on facts. If so, perhaps someone can check if the above report is just another disinfo, or if there is anything factual in it.
Keit said:
The first one talks about "Russian Military Operatives who have family in the United States have warned of an upcoming event of a large Asteroid that is being tracked by their missile defense systems.

Not likely - missile defense systems are not designed to track asteroids - totally different problems from an engineering standpoint.
"They" know something is close. And there not spotting some, (maybe even many), space rocks that continue to be snicking up the planet. And are only noticed in the last seconds, speaking on cosmic terms.
What i have been seeing is that there is some sort of agenda perhaps, by making these claims, and they could be sending out covert signals to those in the know.

That there not sure, so lets slap a social media, with a signal that we may, or might have a live one, with a destination, or trajectory unknown.

These two are of interest, and may have the potential to be of concern. Unless there are BS-ing us, as means of opportunity for the continued game's that they play.
We are seeing a lot material coming in. Only the C's know for sure. Remember the quote, "SOON".

Close Approach, Object Name, CA Distance* (AU), CA Distance* (LD), Estimated Diameter** H (mag) Relative Velocity

2013-Dec-28 - (2011 YD29) 0.0157 6.1 15 m -33 m 26.3 6.70;orb=1

2014-Jan-03 (2013 YL2) 0.0093 3.6 63 m-140 m 23.1 21.98;orb=1
Thanks for sharing Keit, LQB and c.a.!

LQB said:
Keit said:
The first one talks about "Russian Military Operatives who have family in the United States have warned of an upcoming event of a large Asteroid that is being tracked by their missile defense systems.

Not likely - missile defense systems are not designed to track asteroids - totally different problems from an engineering standpoint.
Maybe what that means is that the missiles will be synchronized with the fall of comets and meteorites to try to cover them, as that was said in the sessions?
12-29-13 meteor fireball western Montana! ISON DEBRIS CONTINUES TO COME IN (??????????)
Published on Dec 29, 2013


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There is a possibility that it will be veiled as a meteorit impact - a smokescreen for the next false flag event in USA to introduce martial law, to increase FED's QE etc. According to Dave Hodges they plan some tsunami-like event in the Gulf.

See the article by Dave Hodges:

Interview With Dave Hodges by x22 report:
That all strikes me as chatter that emerges after a spate of fireballs to leave viewers with an impression of, "Oh well, at least someone's on top of it..."
Keit said:
The first one talks about "Russian Military Operatives who have family in the United States have warned of an upcoming event of a large Asteroid that is being tracked by their missile defense systems. This Near Earth Object is arriving along with the Meteor Debris field expected to impact FEMA Region Three. Russia Warns that this Large Asteroid will Impact in the Atlantic Ocean. This will be a Global Incident. This event will change life on this planet as we know it."

FEMA region 3 is not that far away from FEMA region 2 (includes NYC). Focussing on region 3 seems to be more like system 2 narration based on drills, thus giving more weight to NSA's ability than to the real unpredictability or unpreparedness. C's said this stuff comes from realms where information is king. i.e it is virtually impossible to predict. Heck, we can't predict things in this realm itself.

seek10 said:
FEMA region 3 is not that far away from FEMA region 2 (includes NYC). Focussing on region 3 seems to be more like system 2 narration based on drills, thus giving more weight to NSA's ability than to the real unpredictability or unpreparedness. C's said this stuff comes from realms where information is king. i.e it is virtually impossible to predict. Heck, we can't predict things in this realm itself.

Well, this map just proves that saying that a hypothetical asteroid will impact FEMA region 3 is like saying absolutely nothing. In fact, it appears that the entire statement is illogical, but we knew this one already. ;) According to the map, there are 4 FEMA regions bordering the Atlantic, but somehow only region 3 will be affected? And that's after saying that this is going to be a global incident? Not to mention tracking the asteroid with defense systems that have no capacity of doing so? I think this scenario wouldn't be good enough even for a B rate movie! :lol:

Today I saw another video that talks about fragments of ISON comet now falling on Earth, and the author of the video brings up the recent "Chelyabinsk style event" that happened over US as an example.
There is also another video where its author is using cards of an Illuminati RPG game (!) to prove that fragments of comet ISON are going to fall on, yep, FEMA region 3.

Apparently there are many videos all over Youtube of people who are concerned about the recent increase of fireballs. And some of them are probably genuine concerns. Which is essentially a good thing, but the by product of it all, that they make erroneous or even ludicrous conclusions based on incorrect or missing data. But that's also nothing new.

The fact is, that only a few years ago, if not only one year ago, and prior to the Chelyabinsk event, none beside SOTT even talked about the threat from space. It took a lot of time and huge amount of info in order to gain an understanding of all the processes that may be involved. So we are talking about an extensive research here. A lot of good information that these people are lacking. But the same approach can be applied to other topics that are becoming "popular" these days, like psychopathy for example.

That's the unfortunate result, that a good and clear signal is being ruined by a lot of noise.
Keit said:
That's the unfortunate result, that a good and clear signal is being ruined by a lot of noise.

I think that's the point. To make people think that the government or whoever is on top of things so you can all go back to sleep, just like Kniall said.

Could the most popular of these youtube videos be logically picked apart here and then put into a SoTT article? That SoTT article then posted in comments on the video?
If the noise is ruining the signal, I say we counter the noise/increase the signal.
Looking at the map, Region 1 is listed as Boston, Mass. and where the Boston Marathon ( held on Patriots' Day) bombing incident took place and door to door searches by FEMA swat teams.

Region 11 is listed as New York, N.Y. site of 911.

Region 111 is listed as Philadephia, Pa. home to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution including the Liberty Bell. Considering how our Constitution has been decimated through Executive Order's - no doubt, that it's location is a high probability for a False Flag event.

As far as a large Asteroid impacting the Atlantic Ocean in 2014, it's predicted conjure, like stating,
"asteroids are equipped with Drone technology and zero in on their targets?"

As for the Chelyabinsk event, a rumor surfaced after the event that a Russian Nuclear Anti-Ballistic Missile Split The Chelyabinsk Meteor before impact, which left 2 masses almost equal to the original in size.


Various links and photo's in the above link.
RedFox said:
Could the most popular of these youtube videos be logically picked apart here and then put into a SoTT article? That SoTT article then posted in comments on the video?
If the noise is ruining the signal, I say we counter the noise/increase the signal.

That's a good idea! Though not sure about linking to the article in the comments section.

angelburst29 said:
As for the Chelyabinsk event, a rumor surfaced after the event that a Russian Nuclear Anti-Ballistic Missile Split The Chelyabinsk Meteor before impact, which left 2 masses almost equal to the original in size.


Various links and photo's in the above link.

There was a lot of chatter on the Russian web back then about the meteorite being shut down by the anti-missile system. Many even still think it was a UFO. It's all has to do with years long suspicion against the government (any government) and the believe that it's always hiding something from the populace. Well, they do, but in this case all this talk just played into their hands, giving an impression that PTB knew exactly what was about to happen and even took measures to prevent it. Yeah, right.
Keit said:
There was a lot of chatter on the Russian web back then about the meteorite being shut down by the anti-missile system. Many even still think it was a UFO. It's all has to do with years long suspicion against the government (any government) and the believe that it's always hiding something from the populace. Well, they do, but in this case all this talk just played into their hands, giving an impression that PTB knew exactly what was about to happen and even took measures to prevent it. Yeah, right.

This reminded me of my report of a meteor falling here in Split and oval UFO :huh: flying shortly after which i observed while smoking on balcony... Then another idea came to me mind - after reading Ra material in which those high speed UFO crafts they call weapons - maybe this was a kind of targeting practice for cometary bombardment (jet pretty lousy :-[)... And it seems to me very logical that, as C's stated if "they" have unimaginable advanced technology they could develop "space" weapon(s) to protect areas of interest - along with DUMBS... Ra also said that these are unmanned crafts who can reach "only" half of speed of light...FWIW

Yozilla said:
Keit said:
There was a lot of chatter on the Russian web back then about the meteorite being shut down by the anti-missile system. Many even still think it was a UFO. It's all has to do with years long suspicion against the government (any government) and the believe that it's always hiding something from the populace. Well, they do, but in this case all this talk just played into their hands, giving an impression that PTB knew exactly what was about to happen and even took measures to prevent it. Yeah, right.

This reminded me of my report of a meteor falling here in Split and oval UFO :huh: flying shortly after which i observed while smoking on balcony... Then another idea came to me mind - after reading Ra material in which those high speed UFO crafts they call weapons - maybe this was a kind of targeting practice for cometary bombardment (jet pretty lousy :-[)... And it seems to me very logical that, as C's stated if "they" have unimaginable advanced technology they could develop "space" weapon(s) to protect areas of interest - along with DUMBS... Ra also said that these are unmanned crafts who can reach "only" half of speed of light...FWIW


some thoughts come to mind regarding the missile interception - speed , guidance systems and electrical phenomena of meteors. This is all speculation and thinking quick internet search results are correct.

meteor speed
Meteors enter the atmosphere at speeds ranging from 11 km/sec (25,000 mph), to 72 km/sec (160,000 mph!). When the meteoroid collides with air molecules, its high level of kinetic energy rapidly ionizes and excites a long, thin column of atmospheric atoms along the meteoroid’s path, creating a flash of light visible from the ground below. This column, or meteor trail, is usually less than 1 meter in diameter, but will be tens of kilometers long.

The wide range in meteoroid speeds is caused partly by the fact that the Earth itself is traveling at about 30 km/sec (67,000 mph) as it revolves around the sun. On the evening side, or trailing edge of the Earth, meteoroids must catch up to the earth’s atmosphere to cause a meteor, and tend to be slow. On the morning side, or leading edge of the earth, meteoroids can collide head-on with the atmosphere and tend to be fast.

Regarding missile speed
The fastest "Missile" would probably be a ICBM. Take the US LGM-30 Minuteman for example. Its top speed is 15,000mph (Mach 23, Mach is times the speed of sound) The blackbird plane you refer to is the USAF SR-71. While its top speed is still classified they did release it can go mach 3.2. While this certainly won't out run an ICBM it may be able to out run some anti-air missiles shot at it. For example the US Air Intercept Missile 120 is capable of Mach 4. Which I'm willing to bet that since the operational range of a aim-120 is 60 miles, that the SR-71 can leave it in the dust.

Note that ICBM speed is vertical not horizontal with massive propulsion systems and only the payload that hits the target. ICBM launch takes so many steps in making decision to launch, stage separations, it is completely useless once meteor or asteroid is in earth's atmosphere. Other missiles like air-to-air or interception missiles doesn't have that much speed.

Once meteor is in atmosphere, it disintegrates, i.e. missile doesn't have a clue which one to hit. One can assume missile is not chasing meteor from behind, instead facing head on or from side. Next question is which guidance system it has to use and how to lock it. Can GPS system fast enough to identify the target respond and send signal to ground and ground sensors respond to fire the missile?. Looks to me this whole missile interception is too difficult and iffy unless one has unconventional propulsion technologies that can match the speed of meteors or they have star wars type laser beam technologies that beam from above.

Now electrical phenomenon. If there is potential difference between missile and meteor that allows meteor discharges ( russian meteor shows electrical phenomenon) , Can the electronics in missile work to hit ?. Even it hits does the speed sufficient to disintegrate ?. One can argue of nuclear payload, who in right mind will use nuclear payload for this type of interceptor missiles?.

well, the probe that landed on the some asteroid seems to have sent signals back to earth, one may argue electronics may work. Again that is probe and controlled landing. So many variables ( size, speed, atmosphere, million other unknowns ) in that I am not sure.

If UFO's have the ability, we have no clue but this reminds me of what C's said
Q: (L) Well, if they wanted humans to perceive the gray aliens as the good guys they would! That's what occurs to me when I think about it.
A: How much energy do you expend warning squirrels about fires?

If UFO denizens are STO, they can't interfere with our free will, If STS they don't care. If STS guys care, they won't be breeding new human proto types for all these thousands of years.
Keit said:
Well, this map just proves that saying that a hypothetical asteroid will impact FEMA region 3 is like saying absolutely nothing. In fact, it appears that the entire statement is illogical, but we knew this one already. ;) According to the map, there are 4 FEMA regions bordering the Atlantic, but somehow only region 3 will be affected? And that's after saying that this is going to be a global incident? Not to mention tracking the asteroid with defense systems that have no capacity of doing so? I think this scenario wouldn't be good enough even for a B rate movie! :lol:

Quite right. Plus, if these 'insiders' who have this 'info' would want to warn their families in the US and they could actually do what they claim - track said meteor/meteroids - than they could calculate the date of the impact and surely this would be a crucial bit of info for their 'relatives' that they wouldn't want to leave out of their 'warnings'...

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