Unusual behaviour in animals, and our pets

I had an odd incident the other day with one of my cats. I had just started to recite Psalm 23 when William who was near me started to hiss towards the hallway. He almost never hisses so I wondered what he was hissing at. I looked and couldn't see anything. Big Fat Henry was outside and Cheeky Cat (a neighbour's cat who lets himself in, helps himself to food and sometimes takes himself off to bed) had already been in and had left. The only reasonable explanation I can see is that William was sensing something that I couldn't, presumably a STS nasty. Interestingly, I recently re-listened to a podcast with Jerry Marzinsky who was a psychotherapist in US prisons and institutions who spent years trying to help schizophrenics. He reluctantly came to realise over years that the voices that plagued his patients were real entities. He admirably tried to help his patients although this got him in hot water with his bosses on more than one occasion. One of the resources he found that helped his patients was reading the Bible and especially recitation of Psalm 23!
Cloud of fish under the bridge of A Cigarrosa in Petin

29th January 2022
A shoal of fish under the bridge of A Cigarrosa in Petín disconcerts the population.

Something very strange is happening under the bridge of A Cigarrosa in Petín. The arrival of a black cloud to the river Sil, as it passes through the municipality, has all the neighbours very astonished. A multitude of fish have taken up residence and are roaming freely in the waters under the bridge.

It is about eight days since the first sighting of the school of fish under the bridge. Maria del Carmen, one of the neighbours who lives right next to the river, says that she has lived there for more than 45 years on the banks of the Sil where the school of fish has settled and says she has never seen anything like it before.

Maria del Carmen is astonished: "They've been there for more than eight days, I've lived here for 45 years and I've never seen anything like it. They move, they jump, and they never leave here, it's a very strange thing. They are only on this side, they say they come to eat, but that's a lie, we throw bread at them and they don't eat".

The fish have remained in the area for days without moving to another part of the river. The neighbour pointed out that there are many hypotheses among the neighbours about the arrival of these animals to the concello, some people believe that they have come there to get food.

According to an experienced fisherman from the area consulted by Somos Comarca: "It is a Boga/Boops boops, a very abundant species in the marshes and reservoirs of Galicia. Don't mind me, I may be wrong, but in that stretch of the Sil between San Martiño and Santiago, the trout have hardly any river to spawn in and their food source (grazing fish) is in the reservoir. Once the spawning - spawning of the female fish - is over, the trout go in search of food and this is the way the fish protect themselves from attack, I think they form these shoals - a large concentration of fish, generally of the same species, which move together - for protection".

The trout is not the only living creature that wants to eat these fish, a neighbour tells us that she saw an otter on top of one of the rocks where the school of fish is, and when we photographed them we could see a large number of birds going up and down where the shoal of fish was.
Un banco de peces debajo del puente de A Cigarrosa en Petín desconcierta a la población

According to the latest news TV, this shoal of fishes is still under this bridge.

And if they really are Boops boops, they frequent the sea more than rivers.

News in Serbian papers writing about unusual sight of Horned viper snake in the snow in village of Miščevići, located above 1000m, belonging to Special National Rezerve Uvac, Serbia.
The guard of the Protected Area, Milivoje Remović have spotted huge Horned viper snake squirming on the snow.
"It was about seven degrees that day, I clearly saw a snake in the snow, although I often saw snakes around here , this is the largest specimen I have ever came across. This is a completely unusual occurrence because snakes do not appear until the end of April, and sometimes even longer if the temperatures are lower" said Milivoje.

We will have to get used to the fect that changes are getting closer and anything can happened ;-)

Hi Opossum,
Of course, that is possible, although less probable, because the snake was actively moving. Snakes are sensitive to vibrations and tectonic shifts or any other activity that people can not sense, so could also be a sign of some kind of coming event.
Second cat spotted in less than a week apart in Solano County and Alameda County Ca.

A bat falcon has been spotted for the first time in the U.S., the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said.

The bird was observed in December at the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in South Texas. The Fish and Wildlife Service shared photos of it on its Facebook page just this week.

“Everyone that can catch a glimpse is looking at this bat falcon right now,” the agency said in its post Tuesday. “This is the first recorded time that a bat falcon has ever been seen in the U.S.!”

The bird, which usually weighs 4.8 to 8.5 ounces, typically breeds in Mexico, as well as Central and South America, according to the refuge.

The one observed there is thought to be a juvenile because of its “buff-(cinnamon) throat and (chest) bars,” the refuge said in its own Facebook post from December.

“Judging by the thickness of the tarsus and beak,” it appears to be a male, the refuge added.

I already wrote earlier that my wife's relatives live in Stakhanov. All this time, since 2015, nothing terrible has happened to them directly, as they say, God has mercy. Today, in the morning, something flew into the yard. I must say right away that, again, nothing terrible happened, no one was injured. The window was broken, the house was cut with fragments, a piece of fence was knocked down, the shed was slightly damaged. The caliber of the incoming ammunition was small, the type was fragmentation, so the explosion itself was not very strong, but there were a lot of fragments. So, it seems that the front is moving away from them, yesterday they said that they took Popasnaya (it's quite close to them), but it's still not completely safe yet.
This is a message from a branch about a military special operation. Here I would like to continue about this episode. On the eve of the arrival of the projectile, in the evening, Kesha's parrot was very excited, yelling and rushing around the cage. They say that such behavior has never been noticed for him at all. During the explosion, one piece of shrapnel punched a hole in the wall near the cage. The parrot, fortunately, was not injured and now in the evening, in my opinion, is already feeling quite well, whistling as usual. I wonder if Kesha could sense the approach of this nightmare? Today, by the way, the hostess noticed that ants began to appear, which had not been around for about 2 days. Do they feel it too? And finally about the neighbor's dog. At the time of the explosion, she was right behind the fence. The fence is a solid corrugated metal sheet. This most likely saved the dog, the fence took the main wave and part of the fragments. As a result, the dog did not receive any visible damage, only something similar to a contusion and is very scared. He sees, hears, but he can hardly walk - he can barely stand on his paws. Paws are shaking, but I hope to get better over time.

Это сообщение из ветки про военную спецоперацию. Здесь мне хотелось бы продолжить по поводу этого эпизода. Накануне прилета снаряда, вечером попугай Кеша был очень взволнован, орал и метался по клетке. Говорят, что такого поведения за ним вообще никогда не замечали. Во время взрыва один осколок пробил дыру в стене неподалеку от клетки. Попугай, к счастью не пострадал и сейчас к вечеру, на взгляд, уже вполне благополучно себя чувствует, посвистывает как обычно. Интересно, мог ли Кеша чувствовать приближение этого кошмара? Сегодня, кстати, хозяйка заметила, что стали появляться муравьи, которых не было примерно 2 дня. Они тоже чувствуют? Ну и напоследок про соседскую собаку. В момент взрыва она была прямо за забором. Забор- сплошной гофрированный металлический лист. Это скорее всего собаку и спасло, основную волну и часть осколков взял забор. Собака в итоге видимых повреждений не получила, только что то похожее на контузию и очень сильно напугана. Видит, слышит, а вот ходить почти не может- еле стоит на лапах. Лапки дрожат, но со временем надеюсь, поправиться.

April the 19th, 2022 - Medjimurje bees, as well as those living in Podravina and Slavonski Gorje, have been dying en masse and causing great concern as to the reason why.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, millions of dead Medjimurje bees, as well as bees from Podravina and Slavonski Gorje, are a massive cause for worry. For some reason, ten entire bee hives are full of dead inhabitants in the apiary near Prelog alone, where 700,000 bees flew away, presumed dead.

Bees dying in their millions across the Republic of Croatia
are making many suspicious, as some farmers are either behind the times and treat their future crops with insecticide without realising the damage they're causing, or simply don't care that they're harming bees at all. Insecticides kill bees in great numbers and there are some farmers who have evidently been living under rocks and who are unaware that if there are no bees, there are no crops to be sold or a living to be made either.

''Bees don't die at home, they go away to die. A bee won't die at home if it can go somewhere else,'' one worried Croatian beekeeper told Dnevnik Nova TV.

Two years ago, 57 million bees were killed, and the culprit was never identified. Although an investigation by the State Inspectorate is currently underway, the exact cause of this is unknown. Nobody knows what went on exactly, and they won't until the situation is properly determined,'' said Nervin Grabant, a concerned beekeeper from Prelog.

"We've seen great damage from the death of Medjimurje bees, which still remained on the agricultural land," said Zdenko Radikovic from Sveti Kriz. “Some farmers are spraying the fields in broad daylight. They should be sprayed two weeks before flowering, but they're late and they just spray them when part of the rapeseed starts to bloom, which is when the bees are present and doing their jobs,'' he added.

Beekeepers have avoided public appearances in order not to lose any customers, but now, with the deaths of millions of Medjimurje bees, they unfortunately have nothing to lose now, as even having honey to sell in the first place is being called into question.
Stupid and selfish farmers bahaviour. Unfortunately, nothing new here.
It's understandable that everyone is having a hard time due to climate and everything but nowone thinks of others and it's so sad..
One of the beekeeper with great loss is my neighbour.
There was an unpleasant and inexplicable incident with the cat. A wonderful Maine Coon Basia has been living with us for 7 years. The cat is quite smart, affectionate, not capricious. During all this time, there were several cases suggesting that he understood the words, but they were all "on the verge". What happened today (and is still happening) shocked me. I will describe the situation. My wife, my cat and I are in the kitchen. I'm sitting at the table, reading, my wife is washing dishes and talking on the phone at the same time, the cat is lying on the floor in a completely relaxed state. The wife in the course of the conversation says the phrase: "then there will be soup with a cat." In Russian, this saying means that you need to do something now without looking at the consequences, and deal with the consequences as they occur. I decided to make a joke and said to the Bass: "do you hear what they are talking about? Soup with a cat!" The cat immediately jumped up and rushed out of the kitchen into the room and hid under the sofa. He behaves this way when, in his opinion, something threatens him or when he is scolded. There was nothing like that in this situation. I said my words in a joking tone and, honestly, I can't understand what the cat could react to in such a way, except that he literally understood the meaning of what was said. My wife and I noticed this unusual reaction, discussed it a bit and she followed the cat into the room. He was sitting under the sofa and immediately wouldn't let her near him, crawled away, sat there for more than an hour before he got out. And even now, when he came out of hiding, he's kind of wary, although we talked and tried to explain everything to him.What's it? 3D?

Произошел неприятный и необъяснимый инцидент с котом. С нами уже 7 лет живет замечательный мейн-кун Бася. Котик вполне сообразительный, ласковый, не капризный. За все это время было несколько случаев, позволяющих предположить, что он понимает слова, но все они были "на грани". То что произошло сегодня (и до сих пор еще происходит) меня шокировало. Опишу ситуацию. Мы с женой и котом находимся на кухне. Я сижу за столом, читаю, жена моет посуду и одновременно говорит по телефону, кот лежит на полу в совершенно расслабленном состоянии. Жена в процессе разговора говорит фразу: "потом будет суп с котом". В русском языке эта поговорка обозначает, что надо делать что то сейчас не глядя на последствия, а с последствиями разбираться по мере их наступления. Я решил пошутить и сказал Басе: "ты слышишь о чем они говорят? Суп с котом!" Кот тут же подскочил и умчался из кухни в комнату и спрятался под диван. Он так себя ведет, когда ему, по его мнению, что то угрожает или когда его ругают. В данной ситуации ничего подобного не было. Свои слова я сказал шутливым тоном и, чесное слово не могу понять на что мог так среагировать кот кроме того, что он буквально понял смысл сказанного. Мы с женой заметили эту необычную реакцию, немного обсудили и она пошла за котом в комнату. Он сидел под диваном и сразу не подпускал ее к себе, отползал подальше, просидел там больше часа прежде чем вылез. И даже сейчас, когда вылез из укрытия, он какой-то настороженный, хотя мы сним поговорили и постарались все ему объяснить.Что это? 3Д?
There was an unpleasant and inexplicable incident with the cat. A wonderful Maine Coon Basia has been living with us for 7 years. The cat is quite smart, affectionate, not capricious. During all this time, there were several cases suggesting that he understood the words, but they were all "on the verge".
My comments are my personal observations and opinion only.
I do not hold any certification nor claim to have expertise in any capacity.

We also have a very intelligent, and, from his behaviour and actions, a higher level of consciousness cat living with us.
I concur with your observation that some of these creatures we share our lives with, definitely understand what is being said to them.
Our boy cat is highly interactive, understands many words and phrases and is very intelligent.
He also has Maine Coon heritage, as well as being polydactyl ,he has extra toes on his feet, opposable thumbs!

What happened today (and is still happening) shocked me. I will describe the situation. My wife, my cat and I are in the kitchen. I'm sitting at the table, reading, my wife is washing dishes and talking on the phone at the same time, the cat is lying on the floor in a completely relaxed state. The wife in the course of the conversation says the phrase: "then there will be soup with a cat." In Russian, this saying means that you need to do something now without looking at the consequences, and deal with the consequences as they occur.
During this part, when your wife says the phrase, he was still calmly lying on the floor, right? The conversation was on the phone between two humans,so, none of his concern.

I decided to make a joke and said to the Bass: "do you hear what they are talking about? Soup with a cat!" The cat immediately jumped up and rushed out of the kitchen into the room and hid under the sofa. He behaves this way when, in his opinion, something threatens him or when he is scolded.
Wow, when you spoke directly to him, do you by chance remember if you held an “image in you mind”, a thought picture of a cat in distress, in a pot?
Or, some other thought image depicting what “soup with a cat” would look like to you?

I ask this, because on occasion I have had extremely excellent results in communicating with our cats, as well as several dogs and a few horses.
I have sent images while saying the words, as well as just sent images alone, and the responses seemed to be received equally.
The highlight of my experiences has been receiving an image, a thought form, from them, to me, on several occasions.

There was nothing like that in this situation. I said my words in a joking tone and, honestly, I can't understand what the cat could react to in such a way, except that he literally understood the meaning of what was said.
It sure looks like he heard you, loud and clear.
Also, when you used the words “literally understood” well, now you know, these cohabiting, amazing creatures don’t “get” our jokes!
I’ve done a bit of reading, experimenting and researching into human/animal communications, and although there’s lots of woo-woo out there, there are some serious and scientific animal communicators, and they describe that this is exactly how 2nd Density creatures see and hear what we say to them, in concrete, literal terms, like young children.
They don’t tend to have abstract thinking abilities.
He believes you, he loves and trusts you. He depends on you for comfort and survival.
Of course he’s gonna run and hide!
My wife and I noticed this unusual reaction, discussed it a bit and she followed the cat into the room. He was sitting under the soofa and immediately wouldn't let her near him, crawled away, sat there for more than an hour before he got out. And even now, when he came out of hiding, he's kind of wary, although we talked and tried to explain everything to him.What's it? 3D?
I like to consider that our cat boy, Banjo, is bridging 2nd density to possibly be born into 3rd density in his next upcoming incarnation.

It’s interesting to ponder that as the wave progresses, as human consciousness moves to 4th Density, some of those beloved beings that have gained higher empathy, higher knowledge of being, from being loved by us, may graduate as well.

Hopefully he forgives you soon. It’s up to you to make amends, which you are doing.
Thankfully, dogs and cats don’t carry grudges too long, because they don’t have the same concept of time/revenge that humans have.
That is unless it’s an unforgivable act against their life, or territory.
Then, I think they remember an enemy forever.
I have sent images while saying the words, as well as just sent images alone, and the responses seemed to be received equally.
The highlight of my experiences has been receiving an image, a thought form, from them, to me, on several occasions.

I'll cautiously confirm this, with some caveats, from experience. I haven't paid much attention to animal communicators per se, have mainly come to similar conclusions from the background of training and behavioural psychology. Part of training a complex task is to break the task up into steps and have a firm idea of what the finished behaviour will look like at each step to help keep the training as clear as possible for the animal. So I often had images in mind and feel that that helped, but can't say that I actively sent an image and acknowledge that there are variations that could impact on an animals ability to recieve even if I did. I can say that there are times when the animal just seemed to 'get it' in a flash. Sometimes I can pull together a theory of why that happened using the available science and things I've learned from more experienced trainers, sometimes not. There are also times where I've seen a conflict from the animals point of view that seemed to come in a flash also - made up of images and feelings.

First thing that I've noticed about these flashes is that the animals eyes change just as they get it. But I've also noticed that similar eye changes happen when the animal hasn't gotten it but they are about to try something different to solve the problem. One example I've seen on that to show it is in the movie Avatar when Jake hooks up with the direhorse, even though it is somewhat exaggerated.

One surprising instance was not a training example. I'd walked down a long rural driveway to check the mailbox and found a horse loose on the road. I walked back up to the shed to get a rope and halter to get her off the road until the owner could be found. I'd taken a long lead roap that I could get around her neck incase she was head shy - she was fine and calm being patted and handled while I didn't have any equipment, but some animals can have reactions to equipment. She was fine with me putting the halter and rope on her, but there was going to be a problem getting her in the gate because there was only one gate and it had a cattle grid across it.

Since I had a long lead I walked across to the other side of the grid while picturing in my minds eye what types of things I could remember around the farm that might be used to make a grid crossing safe for her. I didn't have any pressure on the lead rope because I didn't want to encourage her to try to walk across and risk getting a leg stuck in the grid. I finally decided that I'd just tie her to the fence, go back and get some tools to cut and repair the fence and bring her in that way. Just as I'd come to that idea - she jumped the grid from a standing start and cleared it safely!

As it turns out, she was a particularly calm and biddable horse and I've known plenty of horses that most probably wouldn't have done that. So there is the possibility that she wasn't picking up on any of the visuals I was processing at all.

Another thing that can have an impact is my own internal state. I've learned enough to know that there can be problems if I'm not feeling calm and clear.
My comments are my personal observations and opinion only.
I do not hold any certification nor claim to have expertise in any capacity.
Thank you so much for your reaction

During this part, when your wife says the phrase, he was still calmly lying on the floor, right? The conversation was on the phone between two humans,so, none of his concern.
Yes, that's right

Wow, when you spoke directly to him, do you by chance remember if you held an “image in you mind”, a thought picture of a cat in distress, in a pot?
Or, some other thought image depicting what “soup with a cat” would look like to you?

I ask this, because on occasion I have had extremely excellent results in communicating with our cats, as well as several dogs and a few horses.
I have sent images while saying the words, as well as just sent images alone, and the responses seemed to be received equally.
The highlight of my experiences has been receiving an image, a thought form, from them, to me, on several occasions.
Unfortunately, I cannot give myself an accurate account of this. The only thing I can say, I said, as we would call it "from the heart."
Your experience of exchanging thought forms is very interesting. I have never consciously tried to do this. Now I will definitely try

It sure looks like he heard you, loud and clear.
Also, when you used the words “literally understood” well, now you know, these cohabiting, amazing creatures don’t “get” our jokes!
I’ve done a bit of reading, experimenting and researching into human/animal communications, and although there’s lots of woo-woo out there, there are some serious and scientific animal communicators, and they describe that this is exactly how 2nd Density creatures see and hear what we say to them, in concrete, literal terms, like young children.
They don’t tend to have abstract thinking abilities.
He believes you, he loves and trusts you. He depends on you for comfort and survival.
Of course he’s gonna run and hide!
I have only personal observations on this topic. I didn't have ability to read anything and explore it in any other way. However, I find a definition with you that I completely agree with. "Like little children" - this has come to my mind more than once. Indeed, many animal reactions are very similar to the reactions of young children.

I like to consider that our cat boy, Banjo, is bridging 2nd density to possibly be born into 3rd density in his next upcoming incarnation.

It’s interesting to ponder that as the wave progresses, as human consciousness moves to 4th Density, some of those beloved beings that have gained higher empathy, higher knowledge of being, from being loved by us, may graduate as well.

Hopefully he forgives you soon. It’s up to you to make amends, which you are doing.
Thankfully, dogs and cats don’t carry grudges too long, because they don’t have the same concept of time/revenge that humans have.
That is unless it’s an unforgivable act against their life, or territory.
Then, I think they remember an enemy forever.
Yes, I like to think so too, but I am less optimistic. You wrote: may graduate as well. I think in this case: if not me, then at least him.
In the end, everything ends well. A couple of hours later Basia complacently took one of his favorite places on my slippers

Большое спасибо за вашу реакцию
Да, именно так
К сожалению, не могу себе дать точного отчета в этом. Единственное что я могу сказать, я говорил, как бы у нас это назвали "от души". Ваш опыт обмена мыслеформами очень интересен. Я никогда не пробовал сознательно так делать. Теперь обязательно попробую
Я имею только личные наблюдения на эту тему. Ничего читать и как-нибудь по другому исследовать мне не приходилось. Однако у вас я встречаю определение, с которым целиком согласен. "Как маленькие дети"- такое мне самому приходило на ум неоднократно. Действительно многие реакции животных очень похожи на реакции маленьких детей.
Да, мне тоже нравится так думать, но у меня меньше оптимизма. Вы пишете: may graduate as well. Я думаю в таком случае: если не я , то хотя бы он. В конце концов все закончилось благополучно. Через пару часов Бася благодушно занял одно из своих любимых мест на моих тапочках
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