UOs in the sun's corona

Here are two links that show the pics


I noticed in rs quotation of Cs transcript one particular interesting thing:

Q: Now, what do these Orions DO in this object? I mean, isn't it a little warm so close to the sun? I know. That's a stupid question. Space is cold.
A: Yes, and study magnetism for answers.
Q: Do Orions LIVE in this object?
A: Close.
Q: Do they use it as a transfer portal?
A: Yes.
Q: So, it is a doorway, so to speak?
A: Doorway as are many.

Now, what is so interesting in magnetism study? Perhaps, could have something with coronal mass ejection or CMEs.

As explained in wikipedia CMEs are:

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an ejection of material from the solar corona, usually observed with a white-light coronagraph.

The ejected material is a plasma consisting primarily of electrons and protons (in addition to small quantities of heavier elements such as helium, oxygen, and iron), plus the entraining coronal magnetic field.

When the ejection reaches the Earth as an ICME (Interplanetary CME), it may disrupt the Earth's magnetosphere, compressing it on the day side and extending the night-side magnetic tail. When the magnetosphere reconnects on the nightside, it creates trillions of watts of power which is directed back toward the Earth's upper atmosphere. This process can cause particularly strong aurora also known as the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis (in the Northern Hemisphere), and the Southern Lights, or aurora australis (in the Southern Hemisphere). CME events, along with solar flares, can disrupt radio transmissions, cause power outages (blackouts), and cause damage to satellites and electrical transmission lines.
[edit] Physical properties

A typical CME has a three part structure consisting of a cavity of low electron density, a dense core (the prominence, which appears as a bright region on coronagraph images) embedded in this cavity, and a bright leading edge. It should be noted, however, that many CMEs are missing one of these elements, or even all three.

Most CMEs originate from active regions (groupings of sunspots associated with frequent flares). These regions have closed magnetic field lines, where the magnetic field strength is large enough to allow the containment of the plasma; the CME must open these field lines at least partially to escape from the sun. However, CMEs can also be initiated in quiet sun regions (although in many cases the quiet region was recently active). During solar minimum, CMEs form primarily in the coronal streamer belt near the solar magnetic equator. During solar maximum, CMEs originate from active regions whose latitudinal distribution is more homogeneous.

Coronal Mass Ejections range in speed from about 20 km/s to 3,200 km/s with an average speed (based on SOHO/LASCO measurements between 1996 and 2003) of 489 km/s. The average mass based on coronagraph images is 1.6 × 1015 g. Due to the two-dimensional nature of the coronagraph measurements, these values are lower limits. The frequency of ejections depends on the phase of the solar cycle: from about one every other day near solar minimum to 5–6 per day near solar maximum. These values are also lower limits because CMEs propagating away from the Earth ("backside CMEs") can usually not be detected by coronagraphs.

Current knowledge of CME kinematics indicates that the CME starts with an initial pre-acceleration phase characterised by a slow rising motion, followed by a period of rapid acceleration away from the Sun until a constant velocity is reached. Some "balloon" CMEs (usually the very slowest ones) lack this three-stage evolution, instead accelerating slowly and continuously throughout their flight. Even for CMEs with a well-defined acceleration stage, the pre-acceleration stage is often absent (or perhaps unobservable).

Coronal Mass Ejections are often associated with other forms of solar activity, most notably:

* solar flares
* eruptive prominence and X-ray sigmoids
* coronal dimming (long-term brightness decrease on the solar surface)
* EIT and Moreton waves
* coronal waves (bright fronts propagating from the location of the eruption)
* post-eruptive arcades.

The association of a CME with some of those phenomena is common but not fully understood. For example, CMEs and flares were at first thought to be directly connected, with the flare driving the CME. However, only 60% of flares (M-class and stronger) are associated with CMEs.[1] Similarly, many CMEs are not associated with flares. It is now thought that CMEs and associated flares are caused by a common event (the CME peak acceleration and the flare peak radiation often coincide). In general, all of these events (including the CME) are thought to be the result of a large-scale restructuring of the magnetic field.
[edit] CME models

At first, it was thought that CMEs might be driven by the heat of an explosive flare. However, it soon became apparent that many CMEs were not associated with flares, and that even those that were often began before the flare. Because CMEs are initiated in the solar corona (which is dominated by magnetic energy), their energy source must be magnetic. Only flares could provide enough heat energy to drive the CME, and flares get their energy from the magnetic field anyway.

Because the energy of CMEs is so high, it is unlikely that their energy could be directly driven by emerging magnetic fields in the photosphere (although this is still a possibility). Therefore, most models of CMEs assume that the energy is stored up in the coronal magnetic field over a long period of time and then suddenly released by some instability or a loss of equilibrium in the field. There is still no consensus on which of these release mechanisms is correct, and observations are not currently able to constrain these models very well.

CMEs typically reach Earth one to five days after the eruption from the Sun. During their propagation, CMEs interact with the solar wind and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). As a consequence, slow CMEs are accelerated toward the speed of the solar wind and fast CMEs are decelerated toward the speed of the solar wind. Fast CMEs (faster than about 500 km s−1) eventually drive a shock. This happens when the speed of the CME in the frame moving with the solar wind is faster than the local fast magnetosonic speed. Such shocks have been observed directly by coronagraphs[2] in the corona and are related to type II radio bursts. They are thought to form sometimes as low as 2 Rs (solar radii). They are also closely linked with the acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles.[3]

On 25 October 2006, NASA launched the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), two near-identical spacecraft which from widely separated points in their orbits will produce the first stereoscopic images of CMEs and other solar activity measurements. The spacecraft will orbit the Sun at distances similar to that of the Earth, with one slightly ahead of Earth and the other trailing. Their separation will gradually increase so that after 4 years they will be almost diametrically opposite each other in orbit.[4]

The first detection of a CME as such was made on December 14, 1971 by R. Tousey (1973) of the Naval Research Laboratory using the 7th Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO-7).[5] The discovery image (256x256 pixels) was collected on a Secondary Electron Conduction (SEC) vidicon tube, transferred to the instrument computer after being digitized to 7 bits. Then it was compressed using a simple run-length encoding scheme and sent down to the ground at 200 bps. A full, uncompressed image would take 44 minutes to send down to the ground. The telemetry was sent to ground support equipment (GSE) which built up the image onto Polaroid print. Mr. David Roberts, an electronics technician working for NRL who had been responsible for the testing of the SEC-vidicon camera, was in charge of day to day operations. He thought that his camera had failed because certain areas of the image were much brighter than normal. But on the next image the bright area had moved away from the Sun and he immediately recognized this as being unusual and took it to his immediate superior, Dr. Guenter Brueckner [6], and then to the solar physics branch head, Dr. Tousey. Earlier observations of coronal transients or even phenomena observed visually during solar eclipses are now understood as essentially the same thing.

The largest geomagnetic perturbation, resulting presumably from a "prehistoric" CME, coincided with the first-observed solar flare, in 1859. The flare was observed visually by Richard Christopher Carrington and the geomagnetic storm was observed with the recording magnetograph at Kew Gardens. The same instrument recorded a crotchet, an instantaneous perturbation of the Earth's ionosphere by ionizing soft X-rays. This could not easily be understood at the time because it predated the discovery of X-rays (by Roentgen) and the recognition of the ionosphere (by Kennelly and Heaviside).

If you like to know more about CMEs you can wisit:




Basically, bubbles of solar material explode in the space making havoc in solar winds and our magnetosphere because of a large-scale restructuring of the sun magnetic field and more important many CMEs are not associated with flares (regular solar activity), so what are we looking at, mass scale solar activity with magnetic fluctuations. Now if we connect that what Cs said in mentioned session and if we acknowledge CMEs for that what they are; irregular and uncertain in origin - sun magnetospheric anomalies with outrageous energy burst, could it be that 4D Orion uses such anomalies for portal's powering up or on other hand could it be that CMEs are nus product of portal usage? Perhaps we could ask Cs?


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Another video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8POHkMQg0Dw

For the record, Earth vs Solar size:
What made me thinking about this objects is if they're so massive like Earth there are billions of lizzards, orions, greys in it and that is just minority of their fleet here and majority is coming with the wave. How do you fight against that? I know if you're in 4D the rules are different but I see it like this: they are 4D, have advanced technology with laser weapons, sound weapons, space ships, and they are more numerous if the mother ships are like Earth, and on the other hand there are we, on the foot, no technology, lesser in number probably and maybe with help from 4D OPD orions. This sounds bad, very bad, but there's one thought that says to me there is some hidden ace here, I remember Ra said that you fight on 4D with thoughts so maybe there is something in that?
dannybananny said:
What made me thinking about this objects is if they're so massive like Earth there are billions of lizzards, orions, greys in it and that is just minority of their fleet here and majority is coming with the wave. How do you fight against that? I know if you're in 4D the rules are different but I see it like this: they are 4D, have advanced technology with laser weapons, sound weapons, space ships, and they are more numerous if the mother ships are like Earth, and on the other hand there are we, on the foot, no technology, lesser in number probably and maybe with help from 4D OPD orions. This sounds bad, very bad, but there's one thought that says to me there is some hidden ace here, I remember Ra said that you fight on 4D with thoughts so maybe there is something in that?

Hi dannybananny,

I think you're heading the right direction by thinking there is 'some hidden ace here' - merely because looking at it from the point of view of 'how do you fight that' is missing the point entirely.

I can't presume to know how these things will develop or conclude, but it's my understanding that the 'battle' is happening right now and is ongoing. It is, in a very real way, carried out through us as 'consciousness wave reading units'. To put it more simply, it is an energetic battle of the mind and perception and has very little to do with physical domination (at its core) though physical domination may come into play.

Perhaps it would help to consider the idea of non-linear dynamics and that a relatively small number of truly colinear minds, working together, can have effects that logarithmically outweigh their efforts. In other words, we may have within us what is needed, if we can continue to clear away the dross and become aligned with our essences; who we really are. I realize that might sound 'airy-fairy', but it's the best way I can attempt to explain it - the 'hidden ace', that is. fwiw.
anart said:
dannybananny said:
What made me thinking about this objects is if they're so massive like Earth there are billions of lizzards, orions, greys in it and that is just minority of their fleet here and majority is coming with the wave. How do you fight against that? I know if you're in 4D the rules are different but I see it like this: they are 4D, have advanced technology with laser weapons, sound weapons, space ships, and they are more numerous if the mother ships are like Earth, and on the other hand there are we, on the foot, no technology, lesser in number probably and maybe with help from 4D OPD orions. This sounds bad, very bad, but there's one thought that says to me there is some hidden ace here, I remember Ra said that you fight on 4D with thoughts so maybe there is something in that?

Hi dannybananny,

I think you're heading the right direction by thinking there is 'some hidden ace here' - merely because looking at it from the point of view of 'how do you fight that' is missing the point entirely.

I can't presume to know how these things will develop or conclude, but it's my understanding that the 'battle' is happening right now and is ongoing. It is, in a very real way, carried out through us as 'consciousness wave reading units'. To put it more simply, it is an energetic battle of the mind and perception and has very little to do with physical domination (at its core) though physical domination may come into play.

Perhaps it would help to consider the idea of non-linear dynamics and that a relatively small number of truly colinear minds, working together, can have effects that logarithmically outweigh their efforts. In other words, we may have within us what is needed, if we can continue to clear away the dross and become aligned with our essences; who we really are. I realize that might sound 'airy-fairy', but it's the best way I can attempt to explain it - the 'hidden ace', that is. fwiw.

Very well stated anart, and is it not the physical and the physical domination that occupies minds for the most part within the geopolitical social fabric of our 3d dross existence. Seems this has been the way for a very long time for so very many.

Anart, I concur with Parallax's reply. Your insight is priceless. I must admit, I often feel the fear and hopelessness of the situation just as dannybanny (I love that handle btw) expressed it. Yours words soothed that fear and restored clarity of thought along with calmness. Thanks for that and for all your many contributions to the cause. ♥♥♥

p.s. I guess someone ought to fix the thread title - UFOs rather than UOs in the sun's corona. :-[

p.p.s Oops, I see the omission of the F was intentional. My bad.
Perhaps it would help to consider the idea of non-linear dynamics and that a relatively small number of truly colinear minds, working together, can have effects that logarithmically outweigh their efforts. In other words, we may have within us what is needed, if we can continue to clear away the dross and become aligned with our essences; who we really are. I realize that might sound 'airy-fairy', but it's the best way I can attempt to explain it - the 'hidden ace', that is. fwiw.

Thanks for insight, you cleared my view on that, so there is something really magnificent, powerful in human beings if they can do that! This reminded me when C's said that something like little things can do big things on the other side of planet. It seems we all have that what we need in our mind and the faith is needed. We are all airy-fairy just by talking about that topics so nothing new here.

I must admit, I often feel the fear and hopelessness of the situation just as dannybanny (I love that handle btw) expressed it.

I wasn't hopelessness just was trying to understand something by 3D thinking and this wasn't the real way of trying that and I see now that it isn't really so black like it seems, and how they want you to look at things in that way to kill your hope. ;)
Sorry to misconstrue your expressed thoughts, dannybananny. Yes, I guess hopelessness was too strong a word. I think, because of what I've learned via Cassiopaea, hope is still alive even if on life support at times. The magnitude of what we are all up against, though, if thought about too deeply and for too long, can be overwhelming. So glad that EE and the network is available to help deal with it all.
Huge cube caught by SOHO

I don't know if this has already been post, but I didn't find any reference, so I'm posting it here:

The video below shows a strange cubic structure next to the sun, caught on SOHO. I would appreciate to hear what you think about it.


Hi sophiesworld,

There was already a discussion on the subject so I merged your post. By the way, welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
Re: Huge cube caught by SOHO

sophiesworld said:
I don't know if this has already been post, but I didn't find any reference, so I'm posting it here:

The video below shows a strange cubic structure next to the sun, caught on SOHO. I would appreciate to hear what you think about it.



Interesting, at first look more like some error in the picture, nut than if you look more carefully, object even has a shadow. Thanks for posting sophiesworld, intriguing video.

Here are some old pics from soho, still puzzling my mind:


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Here are some SOHO pics from the last year.


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