Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

About Ariane Bilheran and PPonerology, I wrote this post:

Now I wonder, knowing her work on harassment, totalitarianism and psychopathology, knowing the real danger for her and her loved ones of being threatened by institutionalised psychopaths, she deliberately responded with clichés known to psychopaths such as serial killers... and not politicians.
Well, i don't know.
Some time ago, JD Michel did two or three programs in which he talked about his relationship with Ariane, and I was wondering whether it was internal attacks that made her communicate in this way, in this case anyway; but I haven't followed too much of this story of responses through the intermediary of socio-media, for the time being it's her companion who seems to be defending her rough-hewnly.

Below is a link to the latest one from Campagnol. I'd wager he comes to the forum, at least as a guest, and translates this approach with his own culture.

He's already mentioned Ponérologie in a previous capsule and here he tells us about the Templar treasure, the Narbonne Carcassone region, reine le chateau, ectc.

Translated with (free version)
Il n'a pas peur des retours de bâton l'humoriste ici, bravo à lui, pour son courage, voire son inconscience ... mais en contrepartie, avec de telles initiatives osées, vu l'ambiance actuelle en France (et partout, au sujet donc de ce que se passe au moyen-orient), d'autres auront alors plus facile d'oser à leur tour, et ainsi de suite, effet boule de neige. Et si trop de monde commence à l'ouvrir ils n'auront que plus difficile à stopper l'hémorragie de vérité qui se diffusera, donc double bravo, un sketch à faire tourner je dirais, à envoyer à ses contacts sur divers plateforme ou outils de tchat.
Question de le mettre sur la section humour de ? A voir ... :)

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