Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

Merci pour le fil et l'article original.
J'étais contrariée car une personne que je connais et une personnalité que je suis sur télégram ont partagé ce lien :

Je me suis souvenue de l'article de Gaby traduit en français mais ne l'ai pas retrouvé dans la recherche sur sott.
Du coup, j'ai partagé celui que j'avais trouvé précédemment.

Thanks for the thread and the original article. I was upset because someone I know and a personality I follow on telegram shared this link. I remembered Gaby's article translated into French but couldn't find it in the search on sott. So I shared the one I found earlier.
Bonne nouvelle : Ma fille s'est présentée pour recevoir son soit disant vaccin une seule dose car elle a eu le covid en avril/mai 2021 mais ils lui ont refusé car après avoir vérifié ses anticorps, elle avait un taux de 9 donc rendez vous pris pour le 26 octobre pour nouvelle sérologie...
D'ici là j'espère que les choses auront tellement changées que les soit disant vaccins seront annuler...

Good news: My daughter went to get her so-called one dose vaccine because she had the covid in April/May 2021 but they refused her because after checking her antibodies, she had a level of 9 so an appointment was made for October 26 for a new serology...
By then I hope things will have changed so much that the so called vaccines will be cancelled...
Silvano Trotta c'est pas le gars qui a fait moult vidéos sur le fait que Trump et le général Flint allaient tout dévoiler sur la fraude électorale, que Trump avait tout sous contrôle et qu'on allait voir ce que l'on allait voir, que les mondialistes étaient cuits, archi-cuits, etc., etc... ?

Isn't Silvano Trotta the guy who made a lot of videos about how Trump and General Flint were going to expose the election fraud, that Trump had everything under control and that we were going to see what we were going to see, that the globalists were done for, etc., etc...?
I don't think so. However, he did recommend MMS years ago and said he has been taking it for 10 years or something...
I don't think so. However, he did recommend MMS years ago and said he has been taking it for 10 years or something...
Alors il suffit de l'informer à ce sujet. Je ne suis pas dans sa tête, ni n'essaie de le défendre coûte que coûte, mais il a régulièrement reconnu ses erreurs, il lit les commentaires que ses "followers" font et affine régulièrement une info qu'il a postée, il est transparent, bref, c'est une bonne âme qui a du courage (selon moi mais je ne vais pas le répéter à chaque fois ^^)

Il a posté 2 posts successifs sur Telegram aujourd'hui et j'ai trouvé que c'était court et parlant, et comme j'ai cru comprendre que @MK Scarlett aime bien venir chercher des infos ici pour ses articles (d'ailleurs, bravo pour ce que tu fais :) ), si cela peut t'être utile alors cool :-)

Voici les 2 posts, un petit texte + une image chaque fois, je collle en plus les images car elles n'apparaissent pas directement sur le forum :



So just inform him about it. I'm not in his head, nor am I trying to defend him at all costs, but he has regularly acknowledged his mistakes, he reads the comments his "followers" make and regularly refines a piece of info he posted, he's transparent, in short, he's a good soul who has courage (in my opinion but I'm not going to repeat it every time ^^)

He posted 2 successive posts on Telegram today and I thought they were short and to the point, and as I understand that @MK Scarlett likes to come here to get info for his articles (by the way, bravo for what you do :) ), if it can be useful to you then cool :-)

Here are the 2 posts, a little text + a picture each time:
Covid-19: 1,63 million de vaccins Moderna suspendus au Japon à cause d'une anomalie (Le Figaro)

La présence de contaminants a été constatée dans 39 fioles scellées de vaccins, dans huit centres de vaccination différents au Japon, y compris à Tokyo, selon la chaîne de télévision publique japonaise NHK. Ces fioles provenaient toutes d'un seul des trois lots retirés de la distribution au Japon. L'utilisation des deux autres lots a été arrêtée par mesure de précaution, a expliqué jeudi le porte-parole du gouvernement Katsunobu Kato.

Covid-19: 1.63 million Moderna vaccines suspended in Japan due to defect

Contaminants were found in 39 sealed vials of vaccine at eight different vaccination centres in Japan, including Tokyo, according to Japanese public broadcaster NHK. The vials were all from one of three batches withdrawn from distribution in Japan. The use of the other two batches has been stopped as a precautionary measure, government spokesman Katsunobu Kato said Thursday.
Covid Tarbes.jpg

Vidéo :
(EN) Tarbes: a hospital surgeon describes vaccination as "genocide", controversy and chain reactions.
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Yesterday I went to the hospital with my son (in France), I don't have a health pass. I did an antigenic test to which I added a document that is circulating among anti-vaxers and I managed to pass the control. This document states that testing oneself is not against the law by virtue of medical secrecy and can override the decrees of 1 June and 7 August 2021. I showed my negative test to the security guard who told me that he could not contest the validity of my procedure. For all French people I enclose this document
It must exist on the internet.
Document pour les Français.


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Investigative committee in Holland sets up hotline for Covid vaccine deaths three times higher than official figures at this stage

The website of the Vaccination Hotline, an initiative of the Extra-Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry 2020 (BPOC202) in Holland, is online. At this hotline, people can report side effects and deaths that occurred after vaccination with one of the Corona vaccines.

"The hotline was set up because we are deeply concerned about the registration of side effects and deaths by the Lareb, the official government body that registers side effects of medicines," says BPOC2020.

"The number of reports of vaccine deaths we have received is about three times that of the Lareb. Moreover, the Lareb has not yet provided any information on whether a causal link has been established between the reports registered with it and vaccinations," it added.

En direct de BFMTV, sacré lapsus, la vidéo ne fait que 9 secondes :

... on a beau faire du fake news ...

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