Venezuela's Presidential Elections 2024


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello, today Venezuela's elections are being held. As always, every time there are presidential elections in Venezuela. The MSM will be reporting drama, this is not different today. Here are the main candidates running today:

Nicolás Maduro: Current president of the country and leader of the PSUV, which is the official ruling political Party.

Edmundo Gonzalez (AKA Venezuelan's Biden ;-)): Is the representant of the unitary opposition platform. The political party he is under is the MUD.

Luis Martinez: Representing one of the older political parties, which is AD.

Antonio Ecarri Angola: from the political party Pencil Alliance

Benjamín Rausseo: Former television comedian (AKA Venezuelan's Zelenskyy), represented by his own political party, National Democratic Confederation.

There are other candidates that honestly not even their political parties knows who they are so are, so they not worthy mentioning here.
On 16 May 2023, the Unitary Platform (opposition) announced the holding of a primary process to elect a single candidate for the presidential elections, the 2023 Unitary Platform presidential primaries. On 24 July 2023, the application period ended, in which 14 candidates registered.

This first process was really unorganized and kinda chaotic to say the least, specially for the Venezuelans living outside the country. After the primary election was held on 22 October 2023, a first bulletin was released with only 26% counted and the winner was María Corina Machado, sweeping more than 90% of the vote. Again, there were many alerts and weird events denounced on this day, so I wouldn't trust those results, specially after knowing Maria Corina's past. On 23 October, the second electoral bulletin of the National Primary Commission was delivered, where it was announced that with 92.65% counted, Corina Machado maintained more than 90% of the votes and was determined to be the candidate for the Unitary Platform for the 2024 Venezuelan presidential elections.

After being elected on the opposition elections; Venezuela's prosecutors warned:

Venezuela’s top prosecutor on Wednesday ordered the arrest of a dozen opposition members, including former National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó and three campaign staffers of presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado.

Attorney General Tarek William Saab accused them of conspiring against the referendum the government held Sunday to claim sovereignty over a large swath of neighboring Guyana that Venezuela has long argued was stolen when the border was drawn more than a century ago.
Maria Corina Machado AKA Venezuela's Hillary Clinton ;-)

Maria Corina was found guilty by the supreme court on interfering and acting on illegal acts along with Juan Guaidó, which ended up for her unable to participate on the elections. On 22 March 2024, Maria Corina Machado announced that historian and professor Corina Yoris was selected as the presidential candidate of the Venezuelan opposition due to Machado's disqualification. The majority of people didn't know who that person was, but by sharing the same name, it would make it easier for voters to select a ''Corina'' to run as a candidate still.

The window to register some of the candidates was ending and for some reason opposition leaders including Maria Corina were saying that the website to submit the candidate wasn't working or was giving them some error, apparently they denounced this many times without receiving any assistance, according to them. But also having in mind that proof of this failing in reality was not presented or really shown.

At the last minute, Yoris was unable to officially register as a candidate in the presidential election, with Unitary Platform representatives saying that the electoral commission had blocked her registration but at the last minute the governor and former presidential candidate Manuel Rosales was able to register all of a sudden, and this generated discomfort inside the unitary opposition political party. Following outcry from countries including the US, Brazil, Colombia, and Guatemala, the Unitary Platform registered former diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia as its temporary candidate pending the selection of another one.
Again, another candidate who the majority of the people didn't know who he was, apparently to show a ''fresh'' face to run as candidate. This candidate is so unknown to anybody that Maria Corina was the one acting on the majority of his ''rallies' and the face behind him as a support. Same case as Obama with Biden in the US scenery.
On 19 April 2024, the Unitary Platform voted, alongside the cooperation of aspiring candidate Governor Manuel Rosales, to have González Urrutia be the only candidate that represents the Venezuelan opposition. Rosales accepted this result, leaving González Urrutia to be the official opposition candidate for the July election.

So that was a little summary of what precedes to this election being held today, and of course there were more denounces and drama from the oppositions part until this day.


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About Nicolás Maduro, the current president of the country: He was born 23 November 1962. He began his working life as a bus driver, then he became a trade union leader before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000. He was appointed to a number of positions under President Hugo Chávez, serving as President of the National Assembly from 2005 to 2006, as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2006 to 2013 and as the vice president from 2012 to 2013 under Chávez.

Furthermore, he was one of the people who Chavez trusted the most, right before he passed away he was officially named by Chavez as his successor right before Chavez went to have a surgery for cancer in Cuba. After Chávez's death was announced on 5 March 2013, Maduro assumed the presidency. A special presidential election was held in 2013, where Maduro was declared the winner with 50.62% of the vote as the United Socialist Party of Venezuela candidate and Enrique Capriles Radonsky as the opposition candidate. He has ruled Venezuela by decree since 2015 and is seeking to be reelected as the only official candidate of the government.
A little timeline of the process today, gathered from both an opposition web affiliated news and the government's own news channel:

8:05 a.m.
“This is how the democratic game is, the one who wins is recognized. We ask the opposition sectors to put on the suit of democracy": Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) on the presidential elections.

02:16 PM.
Minister Padrino López (defense minister) stated from the command post of the FANB (Venezuela's Army) that there is a permanent and real time monitoring of the entire national situation in the framework of the presidential elections. “We see a lot of citizen participation”.

03:10 p.m.
In reference to results of exit polls, opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia denounced through his social networks that “false data that are in violation of the law” are circulating.

“We are respectful of the norm, and we await the results with great tranquility. We trust that everyone will do the same. We invite citizens to continue participating!”, he mentioned.
So far most of the polls are mentioning Edmundo Gonzalez as the winner with average among all of them of 45% over Maduro 39%. Now these Polls companies are private so I don’t trust their results, they also have done that multiple times in the past, but what I’m noticing is that many media outlets are ignoring these elections or not reporting much of it, except for the big propaganda media such as CNN, NY Times and the equivalent in Venezuela.
Other media such as RT and AI Jazeera are barely saying something. It’s kinda hard to get accurate information of the process, and of course the opposition media, accounts and websites are always denouncing that the army is not letting the people vote peacefully in some towns, or that some machines are not working properly or making extra votes in favor of Maduro etc etc. the same prerogative they use on all presidential elections in the past.
As for now, nothing it’s official yet but some post on X are mentioning that people who are pro Maduro are celebrating right now and most people from the opposition side are in their homes.

So it seems that indeed Maduro won again! Or at least that’s the sentiment. But it’s hard to tell because few accounts are reporting about it.

On the other hand, this account it’s saying that Maduro called armed groups to takes the streets of Caracas, we don’t know exactly who these groups are but also the army it’s not doing so much either. And obviously there is no official media or channel showing Maduro saying that either…

I am resident in a country with a large illegal and legal Venezuelan migrant population. Still waiting on official word as of this hour UTC -4.

This just in FWIW:

Rough translation:

Maduro regime denounces an "operation of intervention" by Latin American countries against elections
By Camilo Suazo
Sunday July 28, 2024 | 23:27

We are gathering more background on this news, stay tuned for updates.

The regime of Nicolás Maduro denounced this Sunday an “intervention operation” against the presidential vote by a group of nine Latin American countries “and foreign powers.”

“Venezuela denounces and alerts the world about an intervention operation against the electoral process, our right to free self-determination and the sovereignty of our Homeland, by a group of governments and foreign powers,” wrote the Minister of Foreign Affairs from Venezuela, Yvan Gil.

“This group, a version of the infamous, deceased and defeated Lima Group, among which are government officials from Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and the Dominican Republic along with a group of hitmen politicians from far-right groups specialized in destabilizing governments in Latin America,” the statement said.

Among them, he adds, are "Iván Duque, Mauricio Macri, Andrés Pastrana, Oscar Arias, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott", who - according to the Venezuelan government - "intend to distort what has been expressed today in peace and with civic spirit in our country, which is nothing other than the exercise of the people's right to choose.”“The right to vote is exercised in Venezuela with absolute freedom and legality under the aegis of our laws and the control of one of the five Public Powers of the State, the National Electoral Council. And it is done through a transparent, secure and inviolable system, recognized as one of the best in the world, which fully guarantees the principle of one elector, one vote,” the letter reads.

“The same people who recognized a puppet in 2019 intend to impose it today in 2024,” he points out.
“This miserable and desperate operation is destined to fail because Venezuela is a free and sovereign country and will never accept impositions or blackmail, much less from foreign bodies without morality and legality to attack,” he emphasizes.
Maduro is officially declared as the winner of the elections, and gets officially reelected, here are the results:

With the total of 80% of all electoral center results gathered, the results of the first bulletin:

Nicolas Maduro: 51%
Edmundo González: 44.5%

The overall register voters who participated on the elections: 59%

The CNE which is the electoral national center, also denounced on a terrorist attack which leads for them to stop receiving the results electronically for a period of time, which ended in the press conference to be held after midnight.
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Venezuela Foreign Minister Yvan Gil has condemned what he says in a foreign effort to intervene in the country’s election.

In a statement posted to X, he says the right to self-determination and the sovereignty of Venezuela’s homeland is threatened by a group of foreign governments and powers.

“This group is a version of the infamous, defunct and defeated Lima group,” which includes Latin American countries like Ecuador, Guatemala and Panama, he said.

Also a clown spoke (Milei):


Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for it to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death.

Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will.

Freedom Advances in Latin America.”

Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will

Milei calls for Venezuela to cede control of the country to the U.S. Southern Command as he did in Argentina.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric Font also on the side of the Empire
The Maduro regime must understand that the results it publishes are hard to believe. The international community and above all the Venezuelan people, including the millions of Venezuelans in exile, demand full transparency of the results and the process, and that international observers not committed to the government should account for the veracity of the results.

From Chile we will not recognize any result that is not verifiable.

Blinken immediately started whining as their favored candidate lost in Venezuela

I don’t really know what his deal is! Either plain ignorance or he is just a deep state ally!

I suggest you watch this analysis. When the Cass mentioned that Maduro still had a lot of support, I asked myself, support from whom exactly? it has to be a support beyond the ordinary population.

Transnational oil companies are betting on Maduro's victory to guarantee the continuity of oil extraction in the country.

In this video (Spanish) it is analyzed with facts that there is a business sector not only in Venezuela, but also worldwide and of right-wing political parties, which is convenient for Maduro to continue being president due to the commercial contracts they hold especially at the oil level. It is mentioned that they recognize that if there is a change of government, the opposition will only make things worse and that therefore, it will affect them.

Milei is a clear example today but it is enough to be aware of the past history of what happens when a group of people rules with the aim of giving continuity to the US agenda and a president should not be chosen based on a visceral decision.

With Maduro, a "stability" is maintained that is convenient for both internal and external political sectors and a sector of the population that enjoys commercial benefits from the government and, among many other things, even when they do not feel any kind of "sympathy" towards Maduro.

They are like sharks and parasitic fish.

On the other hand, part of the trigger of the "confusion" of now, is because the government plays a lot with emotional manipulation, it likes to provoke the anger of the opposition population sector by giving results long before the results are announced and that is the only thing that is commented on in this regard "they already knew, I made their trap because they were inviting people to celebrate hours before the results". To show themselves cynical, victorious before their time and now again the confrontational chaos between people... the endless cycle of hatred fueled mainly by them. They love to give rein to narcissism and maintain that social conflict and then make calls for "peace". Maduro is not a very good communicator and unfortunately whoever controls his public agenda is a complete narcissist, someone who feeds that division, cannot generate a result that leads to a "peace" or much less emotional stability in people, it is to keep them in a continuous stress as if it were not enough already with all the lies that they swallow from right-wing politicians.

In fact, even CNN has been talking for a long time that Maduro would win the elections, without fraud.
Alma.Innovadora, what are you saying? That Maduro was re-elected because the US wanted him to?

If yes, you need to get on X or western press sites and read what US representatives and other western leaders are saying about his election.

And what if he drills the country's oil and has contracts with other nations for its distribution? Isn't that what governments do with their national resources? If they are lucky and nobody else got hold of their resources already and sell it as if it belongs to them, giving nothing back to the native population.

Again, I am not sure I understood your point, so my apologies if I am off here.
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